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近年来,中国石油天然气集团有限公司(以下简称中国石油)立足国内、拓展海外,树立高效勘探理念,国内外油气勘探取得13项重大突破和战略新发现,形成10个超亿吨级规模储量区。在总结“十三五”以来国内外重要勘探进展的基础上,立足当前国内外新形势、新要求,对中国石油矿权区油气资源状况、剩余油气资源发展潜力和上游业务发展面临的挑战等进行综合分析,明确了未来中国石油上游业务发展的总体思路和战略目标:坚持稳健发展方针和高质量发展目标,坚持实施资源战略,国内油气并重、常非并举,立足七大盆地,加大勘探开发力度,2019—2025年年均新增探明油气地质储量11×108t油当量以上,至2025年实现油气产量2.2×108t油当量;海外立足常规、油气并举,优化发展中亚—俄罗斯、中东、非洲、美洲、亚太五大合作区,扩大“一带一路”合作规模。提出打好国内勘探开发进攻战、做好海外优质高效发展大文章、推进科技创新、深化改革和管理创新、加强高素质勘探开发人才队伍建设5条保障措施确保战略目标实现。  相似文献   

In 2015, China's oil companies' overseas equity oil has grown steadily to approximately 150 milliontonnes. State-owned oil majors have turned from scale-oriented to profit-oriented by adjusting investment speed and optimizing portfolio to improve operating profit of overseas business. The overseas investment of private oil companies mainly focused on two fields: the first is to invest in countries along the Belt and Road(the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road), and the second is to enter the oil industry of the developed countries by MA. Limited progress has been made in the foreign cooperation of domestic upstream sector, while new changes emerged in the foreign cooperation of upstream sector. Some planned projects were postponed or delayed due to domestic or international market changes. Private oil companies, however, began to cooperate with foreign companies in the downstream sector after the former got the right to import crude oil.  相似文献   

战略重组以来,中国石化上游资源战略稳步推进,构建了由东部到西部、由石油到油气、由常规到非常规及新能源的发展格局,形成了石油稳定发展、天然气快速发展、新能源有序推进、海外油气业务持续优化、工程技术支撑能力不断提升、信息化与智能化建设快速推进的发展态势。2016年以来,油气勘探开发成效显著,塔里木盆地、四川盆地海相碳酸盐岩领域油气储量、产量实现大规模增长,东部成熟探区精细勘探开发实现效益增储建产,中西部盆地碎屑岩勘探开发实现效益建产,四川盆地深层、常压页岩气勘探开发取得新突破,海外油气勘探取得新进展。展望未来,中国石化以保障国家能源安全为己任,大力提升国内油气勘探开发力度、持续优化海外油气勘探开发结构、加快推进天然气产供储销体系建设、积极推进新能源业务发展,大力推进高质量勘探、效益开发,实现规模增储上产,确保“七年行动计划”目标顺利实现。  相似文献   

中国海洋石油工业的发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国海洋石油工业2010年目标是生产5000万~6000万t油当量 发展战略是:坚持合作,加强自营,油气并举,向气倾斜,搁置争议,共同开发,增加储量,提高产量;海外合作,利用两种资源;开拓下游,建立上下游一体化的产业结构;进行股份制改造,建立完全的现代企业制度。  相似文献   

苗小龙 《天然气工业》2016,36(2):131-136
我国目前已形成了以国营为主、民营为辅的油气行业主要格局。近年来,中国的民营油气企业一方面通过股权收购获 得国外油气资源,另一方面积极与国有企业合作,在多个技术领域都获得了长足的进步。研究分析民营油气企业的发展现状与发展 前景,将有助于推进石油等重点行业开展混合所有制经济试点。根据从事主营业务的不同,将民营油气企业划分为油气勘探开发、 技术服务与装备制造、石油炼化、石油贸易等4 类,并分别分析了其发展现状。针对民营油气企业发展存在的弱势和不足,建议相 关部门应主要从以下4 个方面给予支持:①鼓励和引导民营企业通过参股、资产收购等多种方式参与国有企业改制重组;②进一步 放宽油气勘探行业准入标准;③深化金融体制改革,拓宽民营企业融资渠道;④支持民营企业参与国家重大科技项目和技术攻关, 协助其提高企业技术水平和研发能力。结论认为:我国油气行业将呈现出以公有制为主体、多种所有制共同经营的企业结构模式, 民营油气企业发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

President of CNPC Chen Geng met visiting Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jesus Armaldo Perez at Diaoyutai State Guest House in Beijing on September 7. Chen briefed the guest about CNPC's business and overseas oil and gas operation and expressed the willingness to step up the bilateral cooperation in the oil industrial field. In return,Perez also made briefings about the present situation and development trend of the Venezuelan oil industry.  相似文献   

王越 《天然气工业》2016,36(11):102-110
2015年以来,全球大多数油气行业都陷入发展低谷,主要油气资源国家和地区投资环境风险加大,许多国家都通过调整油气产业政策来应对挑战。在低油价的形势下,我国油气企业也需要积极调整海外资产,重新评估目标国家和地区油气资源的投资环境,力求降低风险、审慎前行。为此,通过文献调研,梳理出投资环境的影响因素,确定构建投资环境评价指标体系的总体框架;围绕总体框架,按指标初选方法开展资料数据的收集、整理和分类工作,建成预选指标集;通过问卷调查和专家讨论等方式对梳理出的影响因素进行一级指标和二级指标的筛选,进而界定出主要影响因素作为油气资源国家和地区投资环境评价指标。通过对全球重点油气资源国家和地区开展评价,明确了我国油气企业海外投资目标国家和地区的基本风险状况,并进一步对重点油气资源国家和地区进行了排序。该项研究成果将有助于我国的油气企业结合国际地缘政治变化,对海外油气投资项目做出初步判断。  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has strived to operate itself successfully worldwide in the past decade to show the competitiveness of China's Stateowned industries. The Chinese oil giant has continued to boost its cooperation with its foreign counterparts in a large variety of sectors for sustainable business development both at home and overseas.  相似文献   

中国石油海外油气业务实现了跨越式发展,钻采工程技术发挥了十分重要的作用。针对中国石油海外项目油藏特点和开发环境的要求,通过基础理论研究、关键技术发展和现场实践应用,形成了具有海外项目特色的钻采工程技术体系。在中东的阿曼和伊拉克、美洲的委内瑞拉和加拿大、中亚的哈萨克斯坦、非洲的南苏丹等海外项目规模应用水平井技术;乍得H区块应用了欠平衡钻井技术;在哈萨克斯坦R油田建成亚洲陆上最大规模的气举整装油田;在苏丹六区规模化应用稠油出砂冷采技术。分析了海外项目勘探开发的形势和对钻采工程关键技术的需求,提出了今后发展的必然趋势和攻关目标,以期对海外提供发展借鉴。  相似文献   

巴西石油公司长期从事海上油气勘探开发,目前深水、超深水及盐下油气勘探开发技术居国际先进地位。为应对深水和盐下油气勘探开发的严峻挑战,公司制定实施了一系列战略性的技术研发计划,并采取广泛合作、开放创新的研发策略以确保技术获取、降低研发风险。所有项目都有具体的研发路线图,并突出时间节点、研发界面和中间成果的管理。公司不仅是项目的组织者,也是技术研发的参与者和创造者,而且要求越来越多的合作研发工作在巴西进行,以实现技术及装备的最大本土化率,进而推动巴西工程技术领域的共同进步。这些经验值得国内企业在国际合作过程中学习借鉴。  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China's largest oil and gas producer, has cumulatively made an investment of 59.6 billion yuan (US$7.39 billion) for its overseas oil and gas business in the past few years. The group has established five oil and natural gas production bases in Africa, central Asia, America, the Asian and Pacific region and the Middle East.  相似文献   

The paper analyzed the development and features of China's oil companies' overseas business in 2016.Despite the plummeting crude price and a weak global economy,these companies managed to do well in foreign countries.They steadily increased their shares of oil and gas in overseas oil and gas projects with their distinctive and unique ways:the three state-owned oil companies had focused on the countries involved in the One-BeltOne-Road Initiative,and others had been stressed more on international cooperation in a broader sense and areas.The small-and middle-scale companies had been matured and grew during the process.The central and local governments also played indispensable roles by providing need support for the cooperations.  相似文献   

道达尔是全球著名的五大跨国石油公司之一,在油气行业具有重要影响。同埃克森美孚、BP、壳牌和雪佛龙等公司相比,道达尔最突出的特点是业务几乎都在海外,特别是油气上游业务。作为本土资源贫乏的公司,选择海外发展道路是道达尔的唯一选择。近百年来的实践证明,道达尔的发展是比较成功的。其成功源自两方面因素:行之有效的发展战略及高超的风险管理能力。公司秉承冒险精神,有效调整业务结构和地区结构,注重海外油气资产获取和布局优化,打造技术专长,将深海、LNG与非常规油气作为近中期战略重心,并长期发展新能源。公司2013年营业收入总体呈稳定增长态势,近年来随着油价下行,道达尔的高风险高回报勘探战略或将面临微调。  相似文献   

Belt and Road initiative is a very important strategy for Chinese companies to cooperate with foreign ones.The Middle East is a region that contains abundant oil and gas resources. Meanwhile, many countries in the Middle East support and join in the Belt and Road initiative. Since oil and gas resources are of vital significance for Chinese industry,the cooperation in oil and gas with countries in the Middle East is an important part in 'Belt and Road' initiative. CNPC began its overseas business from the year 1993 and now it keeps cooperating with many countries in the Middle East. UAE has a large amount of oil and gas reserves and after evaluation, CNPC became the shareholder of ADNOC Onshore and gained 8% of the stocks.In order to improve the development effect, ADNOC appointed several international oil companies as asset leaders for four assets. As a reward, each asset leader can have more income and less tax. As a result, CNPC decided to compete for NEB asset leader with other international oil companies. After analyzing the current development plan, our group conducted the optimization scheme for NEB asset that can help improve the current situation and enhance oil recovery.The optimization scheme is divided into three steps. First is the establishment of effective drainage system.Second is to control water cut and GOR. Third is to enhance oil recovery factor based on first two steps. After discussion with the research group of ADNOC, they admitted that our strategy can solve the problems. Finally, CNPC obtained the asset leader, and has more impact on UAE oil and gas industry since then.  相似文献   

刁海燕  王青  汪平  赵旭 《天然气工业》2014,34(8):147-152
随着国内能源消费量的快速增长,国内油气产量已远远不能满足市场需求,而海外油气资源的利用则极大地缓解了上述供不应求的矛盾。通过国际贸易(现货和期货)进口和到境外资源国参与油气生产获得份额油已成为中国引进国际油气资源的两大途径。在综合分析相关商业数据和调研海外油气项目的基础上,得到了以下认识:1我国已在海外建立起北非、西非、中亚、南美、中东、东南亚和北美油气生产区,截至2012年底,中国公司海外权益油气储量已达25.3×108(1toe=41.868GJ);2除了到资源国自主勘探开发,近年来资产并购亦成为中国公司获得海外油气资产的重要途径,通过并购,中石化、中海油的国际业务快速增长;3每年需进口大量石油和天然气来弥补需求量缺口,一半左右的进口原油来自中东,非洲、中亚、南美地区的原油进口量最近几年快速增加,原油进口地区趋于分散;4天然气进口主要有管道气和LNG两种形式,其中前者气源目前主要来自中亚,后者主要来自亚太和中东。  相似文献   

近10年来CNPC油气勘探取得了重要进展,油气探明储量不断增长,新区带时有发现。这主要得益于技术进步、地质认识深化和持续增长的勘探投资。21世纪初,CNPC应依托科技进步,发挥CNPC优势,积极推进油气勘探业的发展;不仅要立足国内油气勘探,稳定石油储采比,加快天然气勘探;而且要积极研究国外油气资源和勘探风险,稳妥地推进国外油气勘探。  相似文献   

Since July 2014,when the international oil price slumped,the upstream sector of global oil and gas industry has experienced a tough transformation phase lasting over two years.In terms of the development trend,the global upstream sector has demonstrated six characteristics since 2017:firstly,global upstream investment will probably demonstrate the trend of "touching the ground and rising again";secondly,upstream operating costs will continually decline;thirdly,more favorable finance and taxation clauses will be offered for some resources to be developed through foreign cooperation;fourthly,global oil and gas output will probably further increase;fifthly,upstream exploration efficiency is anticipated to steadily increase;and sixthly,upstream geological understandings,theory and technology will continue to advance.In accordance with the above-mentioned development trends,Chinese oil enterprises must be prepared in four aspects for future rejuvenation.Firstly,persistent upstream investment has to be guaranteed,particularly in the exploration field;secondly,upstream operation efficiency must be promoted through the enhancement of technical research;thirdly,overseas upstream property must be purchased within the "time window";and fourthly,reforms have to be carried out to realize transformation in the petroleum industry.  相似文献   

In the field of global oil and gas engineering science and technology, innovative progress has been made in deep sea exploration, unconventional oil and gas exploration, deep exploration in mature areas, and improvements in recovery efficiency and supporting technologies. The oil and gas industry in China has entered the stage of "simultaneous development of both shallow and deep sea areas, conventional and unconventional oil and gas, and onshore and offshore exploration", withonshore deep areas,deep sea areas,and unconventional oil and gas as important exploration priorities. Oil and gas engineering science and technology in China has seen 14 breakthroughs made in key areas and 6 key tasks to be completed in the fields of "onshore deep exploration, deep sea exploration, unconventional oil and gas exploration, recovery efficiency improvement and supporting engineering technologies". These developments will effectively promote the orderly succession of oil and gas exploration and the efficient use of oil and gas resources to achieve a sustained and healthy development of the oil and gas industry in China and boost the development and utilization of overseas resources.  相似文献   

“十三五”中国海洋石油集团有限公司(简称中国海油)贯彻国家能源发展战略行动计划,立足国内、发展海外,推进非常规油气勘探开发生产一体化,积极探索勘探新领域、新层系,保持良好的勘探成效和较低的作业成本,探明地质储量及产量快速增长,开创了海洋油气勘探新局面。中国海油通过勘探理论及关键技术攻关,创新及发展了复杂的地层—岩性油气藏、高温高压油气藏、深层潜山油气藏、深水油气藏的成藏机理,攻关海上中深层地震勘探、复杂地层高效钻井、海洋勘探装备等关键技术;在渤海湾盆地潜山、琼东南盆地深水区、珠江口盆地阳江凹陷及惠州凹陷、鄂尔多斯盆地东缘等多个区域不同地质类型层段取得重大勘探突破,海外勘探权益可采储量稳步增长,初步形成了海外战略布局。“十四五”将加大风险勘探力度,持续攻关深层油气藏、深水油气藏、高温高压油气藏和岩性油气藏勘探关键技术,不断拓展勘探领域和方向,海外勘探将继续坚持“经营勘探”,突出战略核心区,力争获得更多更好的优质储量。  相似文献   

The paper reviewed the refining and marketing business of both domestic and international oil companies, and tried to figure out the gap of domestic refining enterprises in terms of the refinery scale, processing unil configuration, stream factor and competitive edge as compared to overseas refineries. The paper also concluded that the net margin of domestic refineries is about $ 1.0/bbl lower than that of the overseas refineries, and proposed some ideas to sharpen the competitive edge of Chinese refining industry.  相似文献   

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