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地下水流动系统在河间地块岩溶渗漏评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对清江半峡水利枢纽柳山河间地块财溶发育特征分析的基础上,采用地下水流动系统模拟了间地块不同地带流线分布,进而分析了该河间地块岩溶发育规律,评价了岩溶渗漏问题。  相似文献   

双重介质污染质运移模型研究及其在岩溶区的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用双重介质理论,在天然裂隙系统中对其裂隙域和孔隙岩块域建立了二维水流和污染质运移模型。讨论了岩块为斜方体、椭园柱体和任意不规则几何形态条件下,耦合项(Γ)的表达式及计算方法。分别对流速、弥散度、孔隙度等因素对污染质运移的控制和影响进行了定量分析。最后,模拟了济南东郊约85km~2岩溶含水层中Cl~-离子的运移情况,取得了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

系统聚类法在划分岩溶地下水化学类型中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于前人的研究及咸宁岩溶地区地下水化学类型判别,知舒卡列夫分类法存在一些不足,提出了系统聚类分析法.文中对系统聚类法的4个过程(矩阵构造、相似程度表征、消除量纲差异和样本系统聚类)进行了详细讨论,编制了相应的程序,并将其应用于咸宁岩溶地区采集的水样,取阈值3.2时可分为10类,最后对每种水化学类型与舒卡列夫分类进行了对比分析,效果较好.  相似文献   

河北模型在岩溶地区洪水预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
韩家田 《水文》2002,22(3):26-28
岩溶地区有许多不闭合流域,其洪水预报问题较为特殊。将河北模型用于河北省的岩溶地区,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

张慧  李帝铨 《工程地质学报》2007,15(S2):208-212
规划中的某水电站位于碳酸盐岩地区,库区碳酸盐岩类岩石分布面积占总面积的80%以上,岩溶发育,水文地质条件复杂,岩溶渗漏是制约电站能否兴建的关键问题。为了探测其地下水和隐伏岩溶的空间分布情况,应用EH4大地电磁测深系统进行了勘察工作,圈定了10个岩溶和3条断裂,获得了库区的地下水和岩溶的空间分布形态。基本查明了电站水库溶渗漏问题,为电站兴建提供了依据。  相似文献   

岩溶塌陷是近年来频发的主要地质灾害类型之一,其发生、发展主要受岩溶水不合理开采所致,水位是影响岩溶塌陷的重要因素.文章以临沂市城区岩溶塌陷为例,探讨在建立完善的监测网络基础上,通过水文地质模型模拟城区一带的岩溶塌陷区水位的变化趋势,预测分析可行的地下水开采方案,建立起完整的岩溶塌陷动力预警系统,为减少或避免岩溶塌陷的发生提供了科学依据,也为同类地质灾害的监测、预警、预防提供了借鉴模式.  相似文献   

地下水流是一种运动流体,空间上分布连续且能传递压力,在能量(势)差驱使下发生从水头高处向低处的运动.通常在补给(势源)区,地下水垂向上由上向下运动,而在排泄(势汇)区地下水由下向上运动,即地下水整个生命过程中总是由源到汇、向着能量减小的方向做径流运动,无论是在单个或多个透水岩层中都是如此.地下水分层勘查技术使在垂向上分...  相似文献   

在建立双重介质热-水-力耦合微分控制方程的基础上,提出了裂隙岩体热-水-力耦合的三维力学模型,对不同介质分别建立以节点位移、水压力和温度为求解量的三维有限元格式,开发了双重介质热-水-力耦合分析的的三维有限元计算程序,在有限元数值分析中不连续面应力计算采用等厚度空间8节点节理单元进行离散,而不连续面渗流和热能计算时采用平面4节点等参单元进行离散,这样保证了不同介质之间的水量、热量交换和两类模型接触处节点水头、温度和位移相等。通过高温岩体地热开发算例,揭示了在热-水-力耦合作用下不连续面处于低应力区,其张开度随运行时间的延长呈非线性增加,非稳定渗流阶段不连续面显著地控制着渗流场的整体分布,它的水头远高于拟连续岩体介质的水头,而进入稳定渗流阶段不连续面的控渗作用不明显,由于高温岩体地热开发系统中存在大规模的热量补给,不连续面对岩体温度场分布的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

数值模型在黑河干流中游水资源管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑河干流中游水资源管理为例,利用地下水数值模型研究了天然和人工活动作用下泉水、地下水向地表水排泄量的变化规律;预测分析了不同情景下的水资源开发利用状况.研究表明,地下水向河-泉的排泄量呈衰减趋势,且地下水的增采量和渠系防渗节约的水量主要来源于地下水储存量的消耗;指出在目前有限的水资源条件下,为保护生态地质环境,必须限制地下水的持续超采.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers exhibit a dual flow system characterized by interacting conduit and matrix domains. This study evaluated the coupled continuum pipe-flow framework for modeling karst groundwater flow in the Madison aquifer of western South Dakota (USA). Coupled conduit and matrix flow was simulated within a regional finite-difference model over a 10-year transient period. An existing equivalent porous medium (EPM) model was modified to include major conduit networks whose locations were constrained by dye-tracing data and environmental tracer analysis. Model calibration data included measured hydraulic heads at observation wells and estimates of discharge at four karst springs. Relative to the EPM model, the match to observation well hydraulic heads was substantially improved with the addition of conduits. The inclusion of conduit flow allowed for a simpler hydraulic conductivity distribution in the matrix continuum. Two of the high-conductivity zones in the EPM model, which were required to indirectly simulate the effects of conduits, were eliminated from the new model. This work demonstrates the utility of the coupled continuum pipe-flow method and illustrates how karst aquifer model parameterization is dependent on the physical processes that are simulated.  相似文献   

An example of identifying karst groundwater flow   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
 Hydrogeological investigations for the purpose of regulating the karst aquifer were carried out in the mountain massif of Kucaj in the Carpatho-Balkan range of eastern Serbia. Different geophysical methods were applied in order to identify the position of karstified zones with active circulation of karst underground streams. Especially good results were obtained by using the spontaneous potential method for the exploration and construction of boreholes and wells. In the valleys of Crni Timok and Radovanska reka the measurements have been carried out upstream along the whole width of the alluvium to the limestone periphery. A number of positive and negative anomalies have been recorded. In the centres of positive anomalies several boreholes were located: HG-19 (centre of anomaly +30 mV, total length of the biggest cavern is 9 m); HG-1 (+20 mV, cavern of 2 m); HG-15 (max. +114 mV, effective cavernousness is 17%). Received: 20 February 1995 · Accepted: 12 September 1997  相似文献   

岩溶管道流模型的刻画一直是岩溶区开展地下水数值模拟研究中的难点所在,基于此,文章以贵州六枝特区某项目为例进行地下水数值模拟研究,探索了在FEFLOW离散特性功能模块下岩溶管道流模型的刻画方式与方法。在详细分析研究区地质及水文地质条件的基础上,对研究区范围、边界、含水层结构等概化,建立了研究区的水文地质概念模型;以ArcGIS软件为辅助,基于有限元法的FEFLOW软件为操作平台,利用区内钻孔资料及野外测算结果,通过软件公式编辑、插值等功能分别获得各层顶底板高程属性,将数据输入FEFLOW后,对模拟区平面三角剖分进而空间离散构建了研究区的三维地质模型;并利用FEFLOW软件的离散特性功能模块,将研究区灰场南部岩溶洼地与岩脚泉间划定为特定区域,建立缓冲区并给予其高特异性,耦合哈根-泊肃叶流体流动公式,在模型中刻画了岩溶管道流模型;最后探讨了特殊地质构造与岩溶管道模型的刻画方式与方法刻画出了符合案例区的三维向斜褶皱地质模型和岩溶管道流模型。   相似文献   

本文从描述流体流动的基本方程出发,推导了地下水在岩体结构面系统中运移的有限元方程,并基于这一方程编制了地下水在岩体中流动的三维数值模拟程序。  相似文献   

受岩溶发育的影响,岩溶地区电阻率分布具有很大的不确定性。采用传统的正演方法在一定程度上不能满足岩溶探测的需要。为了更真实地反映岩溶介质的电性特点,本文提出了一种根据随机过程的谱分解理论来构造随机介质模型的方法,并以此建立了岩溶地区随机地电模型。对理论和实测地电模型的正演计算表明,随机介质能更有效模拟实际地电结构,正演结果更接近实测的异常形态。因此,岩溶地区的电阻率正演模拟计算采用随机介质模型是十分有必要的,一方面有助于对异常的认识,另一方面,随机介质模型可以更好地模拟岩溶地区的地电模型。   相似文献   

模型参数快速校准是地下水数值模型应用中非常重要和困难的工作,反演模型提高了该工作的效率。在阐述i TOUGH2反演模型流程和TOUGH2/EOS9模块原理的基础上,介绍了i TOUGH2关于敏感性分析、参数估计和不确定性分析的原理。以FEFLOW软件中含三个观测井信息的Breyell抽水试验为例,利用i TOUGH2进行了敏感性分析、参数估计和不确定性分析,发现渗透率和孔隙度为敏感参数,而且通过加权最小二乘法的目标函数和优化算法获得了参数的估计值,最后使用一次二阶矩法和蒙特卡罗法分别进行了不确定性分析。将i TOUGH2反演的参数估计值与FEFLOW反演结果对比,发现两者接近,说明i TOUGH2的反演结果是可靠的。i TOUGH2对应的功能全,包括参数反演,敏感性分析,不确定性分析,可作为地下水模型反演模型的选择之一。  相似文献   

This paper describes the role of groundwater contribution to surface flow at the Causse d’Aumelas, a karst system near Montpellier (France), which is traversed by an intermittent river, the Coulazou. A first hydrologic model integrating a digital terrain model shows the inability of a standard rainfall-runoff model to replicate recorded flood hydrographs. While the flood peaks are routed through the karstic system along the Coulazou without a phase lag, the peak magnitude is somewhat modified. These results indicate an initial karst system recharge followed by a significant contribution to surface flow. A hydrodynamic analysis of ground-water flow confirms these results: the karst system first absorbs part of the rainfall, which induces a general water table rise within the aquifer, and then contributes to surface flow in the Coulazou.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers can have a complex flow as a result of the formation of large conduits from dissolution features. As a result, a three-dimensional finite-difference groundwater flow model (equivalent porous media) may not apply as the dual porosity nature of karst features and the effects of turbulent flow cannot be directly simulated. Statistical analysis of karst hydrographs of the Trifilia aquifer in Greece showed the existence of a slightly karstified mass with high primary porosity that regulates the flow. An equivalent porous media model was developed to simulate the Trifilia karst aquifer using MODFLOW. Steady state and transient state calibration gave encouraging results for the equivalent porous media approach, which does not consider pipe flow or turbulence. Detailed hydrogeological research conducted in the area helped define the aquifer hydraulic conductivity zones and extent; and flux to/from the aquifer. Only hydraulic conductivity and specific yield were adjusted during calibration, as the flux to/from the system was considered known and applied as boundary conditions. Small mean absolute and RMS piezometric head error of the model under both steady and transient state conditions were achieved.  相似文献   

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