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光纤布里渊温度和应变分布同时传感方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
布里渊分布型光纤温度和应变同时传感的方法主要有3种:布里渊散射谱双参量同时测量的方法、双布里渊频移同时测量的方法及联合拉曼散射和布里渊散射效应法.文章对这3种方法进行了深入的研究,阐述了实现各种方法的具体方案,并对其性能及成本进行了比较,给出了一种可实现温度和应变高精度同时测量的传感方案.  相似文献   

The structural strain measurement of tension and compression in the steel beam was demonstrated with a distributed fiber-optic sensor system based on Brillouin scattering. The experiments were conducted both in the laboratory and outdoors. When it is in the outdoor environment, the temperature compensation has been taken into account for the strain measurement due to sunlight radiation. The compressive strain has been measured, without needing pretension on the fiber with a Brillouin scattering-based distributed sensor system, when the fiber is glued to the steel beam at every point. The dynamic range in the strain measurement has been increased, due to the elimination of the pretension requirement. The spatial resolution of the strain measurement is 0.5 m. The strain measurement accuracy is ±10 με(μm/m) in the laboratory environment with nonuniform-distributed strain. With uniform strain distribution, the strain accuracy for this system can be. ~±5 με. These results were achieved with the introductions of a computer-controlled polarization controller, a fast digitizer-signal averager, a pulse duration control, and the electrical optical modulator bias setting in the software  相似文献   

We study the Brillouin scattering behavior in several single-mode fibers with different waveguide characteristics in terms of their longitudinal mode structures in the gain spectrum, linewidth narrowing, and stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) threshold levels. Evolution from spontaneous to SBS is investigated by monitoring the Brillouin line-shape and the behavior of the longitudinal acoustooptic resonance modes that exist in the core. We compare our results with the current theory of Brillouin scattering generated from noise in the undepleted pump approximation. We also present experimentally Brillouin gain spectra in the highly depleted pump regime, where there is no analytical solution, by showing the evolution of the gain spectrum as a function of the injected laser intensity.  相似文献   

The equations describing the stimulated Brillouin scattering process in optical fibers with distributed gain, including an equation for the second-order Stokes wave, are numerically solved. An analytical solution for the case of no net gain or loss is also presented. We note that the presence of distributed gain along the fiber leads to a nonmonotonous evolution of the signal power and to ready generation of multiple Stokes orders. The effect of broadening the signal spectrum, as well as the influence of a copropagating or counterpropagating signal are also examined  相似文献   

光信息存储作为全光交换和路由的关键技术,在未来的全光网络中有着重要意义.介绍了一些最新的利用光纤中的受激布里渊散射(SBS)效应实现光存储的实验方法和研究成果,综述了国内外在利用SBS产生可调控光纤慢光方面的研究进展.  相似文献   

为了进一步提高油气管道的监测,提出了一种基于分布式光纤布里渊(Brillouin)散射的油气管道的应力监测方法,并对模拟性油气管道进行了实验研究。通过分析应变与布里渊频移之间的关系,研究了管道的形变,并且对如何布置光纤进行了研究。实验结果表明,布里渊散射光纤传感技术能够准确监测并识别管道的应力变化。在长为200m光纤中,应变分辨率达2με,空间定位分辨率达到0.5m。  相似文献   

We report on a novel experimental setup for distributed measurement of temperature, based on spontaneous Brillouin scattering in optical fiber. We have developed a mode-locked Brillouin fiber ring laser in order to generate the dual frequency source required for a heterodyne detection of the backscattered signal. This relatively simple system enables temperature measurements over 20 km with a spatial resolution of 7 m.  相似文献   

喇曼散射分布式光纤测温系统实时性的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对双路喇曼散射分布式光纤测温系统测温周期过长的缺点,在保证系统空间分辨率的前提下,提出了硬件数字累加平均技术与小波去噪相结合的信号处理方法.重点讨论了小波去噪中小波基函数的选择、小波分解层数的确定以及阈值量化处理方式的确定三项关键技术.最终采用此种信号处理方法提高了系统信噪比,并将系统测温周期降低至4s.对比实验结果表明:与硬件数字累加平均相比,小波去噪无论是在改善信噪比还是在减少测温时间方面都具有显著的优势.  相似文献   

A technique to measure distributed strain in optical fibers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The technique is based on Brillouin optical-fiber time-domain analysis (BOTDA), which uses Brillouin interaction between counterpropagating pump and probe light waves. Experimental results for fibers wound on drums at various tensions are presented. A strain measurement accuracy of better than 2×10-5 and a spatial resolution of 100 m are achieved  相似文献   

Long-length fiber-optic remote Raman sensors are used for distributed temperature measurements. Toward this aim, we apply optical-fiber frequency-domain reflectometry. The Raman intensity generated in single- and multimode optical fibers is theoretically investigated for sinusoidally intensity-modulated probe light. Thus, a proper sensor element and wavelength for fiber-optic Raman sensing is determined. Further, the temperature error for long sensor fibers is theoretically analyzed  相似文献   

Strain distributions along optical fibers in a 1.3-km-long cable before and after installation are measured using Brillouin optical-fiber time domain analysis. The residual strains in the installed optical fibers were found to vary from zero to 0.07%, depending on the conduit configuration and installation procedure. Strain distribution measurements were carried out on a 24-fiber slotted-core type single-mode optical fiber cable for 1.55-μm-wavelength transmission, whose length, outer diameter, and weight were 1.3 km, 14 mm, and 0.18 kg/m, respectively. No clear relation between strain distributions and the fiber configuration in the test cable are found  相似文献   

Optical fiber sensors based on stimulated Brillouin scattering have now clearly demonstrated their excellent capability for long-range distributed strain and temperature measurements. The fiber is used as sensing element, and a value for temperature and/or strain can be obtained from any point along the fiber. After explaining the principle and presenting the standard implementation, the latest developments in this class of sensors will be introduced, such as the possibility to measure with a spatial resolution of 10 cm and below while preserving the full accuracy on the determination of temperature and strain.  相似文献   

BOTDR的已敷设传感光纤温度和应变区分测量方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决已敷设传感光纤中布里渊谱峰功率初值难以获取,基于频移和功率双参量的温度和应变区分测量误差大等问题,提出了解决方法。通过标定实验确定布里渊频移和相对谱峰功率的温度和应变系数、频移初始值;根据布里渊散射功率特性方程,通过试探法,利用已敷设光路中温度和应变已知的参考光纤确定方程系数,建立了谱峰功率初始值;利用归一化方法克服了传感系统中乘性噪声导致的测量误差;利用谱宽变化消除了温度和应变突变点处的谱峰功率异常峰值;最后,根据光纤复合海底电缆的现场情况建立了模拟光路,并进行了温度和应变测量实验。结果表明,在5.6 km处可实现4.3℃和110 的测量精度,可实现已敷设传感光纤整条光路上的温度和应变区分测量,为工程应用提供了理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

为了确定多模光纤布里渊频移的取值范围,进而评价多模光纤布里渊分布式传感系统的性能,从多模光纤的结构出发,根据射线光学理论分析了多模光纤中的布里渊散射过程,提出了确定布里渊散射角取值范围的方法,得到了阶跃型和渐变型多模光纤布里渊散射角的取值范围为两倍的全反射临界角到π,进而得到布里渊频移的变化范围为10.978~11.083 GHz,该结论为多模光纤布里渊分布式传感系统的设计和优化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is an impairment seen in narrowband transmission over optical telecommunications fiber at high laser power. Accurate modeling is necessary to predict the strength of this phenomenon. One method of SBS control is the optimal design of the fiber radial index of refraction profile. Previous work has been limited to modeling optical fibers with one or more radial step changes in index. Here, the author derives and solves a general set of differential equations that allow the numerical solution of SBS spectral gain for an arbitrary radial index profile. Simulated and measured spectra are compared for several fibers with GeO/sub 2/-doped cores. It is found that radial material displacement plays a significant role in the SBS interaction in fibers with a complex radial index profile.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) occurring in the core of an optical fibre may be used in the construction of a distributed temperature sensor. Initial experiments with a length of fibre have shown that the sensitivity of the Stokes frequency to temperature is approximately 5.5 MHz/ degrees C and that different Stokes frequencies may be observed according to the temperature distribution along the fibre.<>  相似文献   

分布式布里渊光纤应变传感信号的增敏检测方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
基于外差相干检测原理,摒弃了传统扫频构建布里渊散射频谱的方法,以布里渊散射光功率为应变监测参量,利用具有增敏作用的高频脉冲检波管对布里渊散射拍频信号进行包络检波,直接将拍频信号转换成布里渊散射功率信号,并对携带应变信息的布里渊散射功率信号进行应变增敏检测,利用高频脉冲检波管增益响应曲线对功率信号的调制提高散射功率应变敏感系数。经测试,增敏后布里渊散射光功率应变敏感系数为0.024%/με,与传统直接检测法得到的应变敏感系数-7.7×10-4%/με相比,敏感系数提高30倍,有效提高了系统信噪比;对增敏后的布里渊功率信号进行解调,在24.7km的光纤长度上,实现65με的应变测量标准差,测量时间由传统扫频方法的超过30s降为仅1s。本文系统可有效满足快速精确检测应变的监测需求,且不需要扫频模块等复杂器件,结构简单,稳定性高,对实际应用具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A distributed temperature sensor based on liquid-core optical fibers   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The principles of operation, the design, and performance of a fiber-optic temperature-distribution sensor are discussed. The sensor uses optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) to detect temperature-induced changes of backscatter power at many separate locations in the fiber. In liquid-core fibers, a sensitivity of2.3 times 10^{-2}dB/°C (0.54 percent° C-1) was observed. A measurement accuracy of 1°C with a spatial resoltuion of 1 m is attainable over a fiber length of 100 m.  相似文献   

光纤光栅用于传感领域存在应变和温度的交叉敏感问题。从温度与应变的分离方法方面主要分双波长矩阵法和双参量矩阵法两类,综述了用于温度和应变同时测量的光纤光栅传感器的最新研究成果,对一些基于其他理论的新方法也做了简要的介绍。概括了各方法的基本原理,并对这些方案的优点和不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

Interferometric sensors using optical fibers as a transduction medium have been shown to be sensitive to a variety of physical measurands. A result of this is that the resolution of a system designed to sense strain, for example, may be compromised by fluctuations in the temperature of the environment. The possibility of simultaneously determining the strain and temperature applied to the same piece of highly birefringent fiber is discussed. Second-order effects are shown to be important for long sensing lengths or in the presence of high strains or temperature changes. The results of experiments carried out to verify the theoretical predictions are also described  相似文献   

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