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大吉山花岗岩中宇宙尘的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大吉山花岗岩人工重砂中的宇宙尘呈黑色,具强磁性,平均粒径为0.206mm,按形态可分为球状、椭球状和不规则状,按成分可分为铁质和硅酸质两种类型。主要矿物有方铁矿、α-Fe、自然铜、钠长石和钾长石。主要组构类型有瘤状突起构造、喷气孔构造、“毛刺”构造、壳层构造、空腔构造、花边构造和脑纹状构造。通过研究得出如下结论:(1)大吉山宇宙尘是低氧逸度条件下高温淬火形成的非平衡结晶产物;(2)宇宙尘的来源与大吉山花岗岩的成因有密切联系,是花岗岩岩源层的残留物;(3)宇宙尘可以作为花岗岩成因指示物。  相似文献   

华仁民 《矿床地质》2011,30(1):163-170
针对<矿床地质>2010年第5期刊登的张旗等(2010)"花岗岩与金铜及钨锡成矿的关系"一文中关于花岗岩分类及其与成矿作用关系的若干重要问题提出质疑,认为该文按照花岗岩Sr和Yb的含量将花岗岩分为埃达克型、喜马拉雅型、浙闽型和南岭型4类的方案存在3个问题:一是埃达克岩不能作为花岗岩分类学中的一种类型;二是花岗岩的Sr、...  相似文献   

In recent years, a considerable amount of microscopic spherules have been found in concentrates recovered from some stratabound gold deposits occurring in Middle-Upper Triassic turbidite series in northwestern Sichuan. Study indicates that these spherules are cosmic dust. It is the first time that cosmic dust of extraterrestrial origin has been found in hydrothermal gold deposits in China.The spherules are steel-grey in colour and show metallic luster. Their grain size is commonly less than 100 μm. According to their composition, they belong to chromium-rich iron cosmic dust. The spherules have complex and diverse microscopic structures and textures, i.e. they show a very distinct Widmanstaten structure.The variation of cosmic dust content in gold deposits exhibits a positive correlation with the mineralization intensities and hydrothermal alteration. Such a relation indicates that the ore sub- stances may transport not only mechanically but also may chemically in hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   

Abstract In recent years, a considerable amount of microscopic spherules have been found in concentrates recovered from some stratabound gold deposits occurring in Middle-Upper Triassic turbidite series in northwestern Sichuan. Study indicates that these spherules are cosmic dust. It is the first time that cosmic dust of extraterrestrial origin has been found in hydrothermal gold deposits in China. The spherules are steel-grey in colour and show metallic luster. Their grain size is commonly less than 100 μm. According to their composition, they belong to chromium - rich iron cosmic dust. The spherules have complex and diverse microscopic structures and textures, i.e. they show a very distinct Widmanstāten structure. The variation of cosmic dust content in gold deposits exhibits a positive correlation with the mineralization intensities and hydrothermal alteration. Such a relation indicates that the ore substances may transport not only mechanically but also may chemically in hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   

运用扫描隧道显微镜观测了一颗深海铁质宇宙尘球粒的亚微米和纳米结构,并与一块宁波铁陨石的线切割碎片的表面结构进行了对比。通过会形几何学的定量研究,发现在亚微米尺度铁陨石碎片和铁质宇宙尘的表面结构存在自相似性,但铁质宇宙尘与铁陨石线切割碎片的表面分数维持征却明显不同,前者分数维D值为2.3,后者D值为2.6-2.7a。这与它们的热动力学过程的差异有关。  相似文献   

铂族元素矿床特征及成因分类探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在收集国内外铂族元素矿床地质特征的基础上,审视了国内外不同学者对铂族元素矿床的分类方案,综合矿床容矿岩石类型、共生元素组合、矿化类型和矿床类型并结合形成环境,对铂族元素矿床进行了系统的总结和分类,划分为四类十二亚类。同时重点论述了具有开发前景的典型铂族元素矿床的基本特征、成矿物质来源和形成环境及成矿的关键问题。  相似文献   

刘道荣  焦森 《物探与化探》2021,45(5):1157-1163
天然富硒土壤的形成常受控于成土母质,空间上与黑色岩系、含煤岩系、炭质泥(页)岩、泥质灰岩、火山岩等富硒岩石分布区密切相关。不同成因类型的富硒土壤开发适宜性差异较大,但目前尚无天然富硒土壤系统的成因分类方案。本文通过整理我国主要天然富硒土壤成因,按土壤硒来源的主要控制因素——成土母质,在现有分类方案基础上,将天然富硒土壤成因归纳为3个大类、10个亚类。对黑色岩系型、含煤岩系型、火山岩型、浅变质岩型等4种重要亚类的富硒土壤主要特征及开发适宜性进行概略评述,并据此提出天然富硒土壤开发适宜性评价指标。  相似文献   

The varying geochemical and petrogenetic nature of A-type granites is a controversial issue. The oxidized, magnetite-series A-type granites, defined by Anderson and Bender [Anderson, J.L., Bender, E.E., 1989. Nature and origin of Proterozoic A-type granitic magmatism in the southwestern United States of America. Lithos 23, 19–52.], are the most problematic as they do not strictly follow the original definition of A-type granites, and approach calc-alkaline and I-type granites in some aspects. The oxidized Jamon suite A-type granites of the Carajás province of the Amazonian craton are compared with the magnetite-series granites of Laurentia, and other representative A-type granites, including Finnish rapakivi and Lachlan Fold Belt A-type granites, as well as with calc-alkaline, I-type orogenic granites. The geochemistry and petrogenesis of different groups of A-types granites are discussed with an emphasis on oxidized A-type granites in order to define their geochemical signatures and to clarify the processes involved in their petrogenesis. Oxidized A-type granites are clearly distinguished from calc-alkaline Cordilleran granites not only regarding trace element composition, as previously demonstrated, but also in their major element geochemistry. Oxidized A-type granites have high whole-rock FeOt/(FeOt + MgO), TiO2/MgO, and K2O/Na2O and low Al2O3 and CaO compared to calc-alkaline granites. The contrast of Al2O3 contents in these two granite groups is remarkable. The CaO/(FeOt + MgO + TiO2) vs. CaO + Al2O3 and CaO/(FeOt + MgO + TiO2) vs. Al2O3 diagrams are proposed to distinguish A-type and calc-alkaline granites. Whole-rock FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) and the FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) vs. Al2O3 and FeOt/(FeOt + MgO) vs. Al2O3/(K2O/Na2O) diagrams are suggested for discrimination of oxidized and reduced A-type granites. Experimental data indicate that, besides pressure, the nature of A-type granites is dependent of ƒO2 conditions and the water content of magma sources. Oxidized A-type magmas are considered to be derived from melts with appreciable water contents (≥ 4 wt.%), originating from lower crustal quartz-feldspathic igneous sources under oxidizing conditions, and which had clinopyroxene as an important residual phase. Reduced A-type granites may be derived from quartz-feldspathic igneous sources with a metasedimentary component or, alternatively, from differentiated tholeiitic sources. The imprint of the different magma sources is largely responsible for the geochemical and petrological contrasts between distinct A-type granite groups. Assuming conditions near the NNO buffer as a minimum for oxidized granites, magnetite-bearing granites formed near FMQ buffer conditions are not stricto sensu oxidized granites and a correspondence between oxidized and reduced A-type granites and, respectively, magnetite-series and ilmenite-series granites is not always observed.  相似文献   

都庞岭岩体环斑花岗岩的特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
都庞岭复式岩体内包括有志留纪、晚三叠世、中侏罗世等三个时代花岗岩。通过岩石学研究发现晚三叠世三个单元的花岗岩均具斜长环斑结构,为黑云母奥长环斑花岗岩。环斑花岗岩酸碱性程度高,富钾及稀土元素,铕亏损明显,富铷贫锶,似钾质花岗岩;Nd,Sr,Pb等同位素具低级上地壳物质特征,εNd(t)值—8.2,t2DM值1660Ma,可能为中元古代沉积物及其内所夹火山物质熔融物;多数特征介于复式岩体内的志留纪花岗岩和中侏罗世花岗岩之间,但最富钾,明显不同于秦岭地区沙河湾环斑花岗岩体,部分特征相似或比较近似于华北地台沙厂环斑花岗岩和芬兰Ahvenisto地块黑云母环斑花岗岩。  相似文献   

Tin deposits in Eastern Marche (French Massif Central) and North of Viseu (Portugal) are associated with final stages of differentiation of granitoid magmatism. Fractional crystallization causes increase in Sn, W, Ta, Rb, Cs, F and Li, and decrease in Ti, La, U, Th, Ba etc. That trend is very clearly expressed by tantalum, strongly correlated with tin, and by titanium. Hence the TiO2/Ta ratio is a good indicator of granitic melt differentiation. Its value gradually ranges from 4 900 in the less differentiated granodiorite to <1 in the most differentiated granite from Marche area. That ratio could be a useful guide to suitable areas for tin exploration.  相似文献   

Eight techniques to quantify the deposition of aeolian dust on horizontal surfaces were tested in a wind tunnel. The tests included three theoretical techniques and five measurement techniques. The theoretical techniques investigated were: the gradient technique, the inferential technique without grain-shape correction, and the inferential technique corrected for grain shape. The measuring techniques included the following surrogate surfaces: a water surface, a glass surface, a metal surface, a vertical array of metal plates, and an inverted frisbee filled with glass marbles. The efficiency of the techniques was investigated for the sediment as a whole (all grain sizes together) as well as for a large number of grain sizes extending from 1 to 104 μm. The surrogate surfaces showed more or less comparable catch efficiencies, although the water surface nearly always caught the highest quantities of dust and the marble-filled frisbee and the vertical array of metal plates the lowest quantities of dust. The dust fluxes calculated by theoretical methods were markedly different from those obtained by direct measurements. The fluxes calculated by the inferential technique approximated those of the direct measurements only for grain sizes between 30 and 40 μm. For smaller and coarser grains, deviations from the measured fluxes were high. The gradient method, in its turn, provided extremely low calculated fluxes for grains in all size classes investigated. The latter technique was not considered very reliable for the dust used in the tests.  相似文献   

Loessite present in a borehole into the Smith Bank Formation (early Triassic age, Central North Sea) differentiates five coeval source terranes for aerosol dust, three long-distance sources and two local sources. All were active immediately following the end Permian mass extinction. Long-distance sources are sedimentary, basic magmatic and acid–intermediate volcanic. Although predominantly silt-sized and dominated by quartz with subordinate feldspars, muscovite and illite, evidence of basic and acid–intermediate magmatic/volcanic sources are pervasive. Baddeleyite is diagnostic of basic magmatism, an origin supported by enrichment of plagioclase relative to potassium feldspar. Deduction of acid–intermediate volcanism comes from the collective occurrence of irregular geometry quartz, volcanic shards, Ti-mineralization, euhedral biotite, sanidine, the co-occurrence of apatite and zircon, and the common occurrence of a tosuditic clay mineral. The tosuditic phase occurs as an unusual diagenetic dioctahedral chlorite/smectite formed at low temperature (<45°C), during very shallow burial by the decomposition of unstable rhyo-dacitic and andesitic grains in alkaline pore water from an adjacent lake that yielded pore fluids with a high Al : Si ratio. The Siberian Traps large igneous province is the likely source terrane for the magmatic and volcanic silt. Locally sourced clay pellets and kaolinite booklets formed from aeolian erosion of an adjacent, periodically desiccated lake-floor and a kaolinitic regolith, respectively. Inference of a prolonged harsh, arid climate leaves no evidence of any periods of sustained humidity or climatic fluctuation, such as pedogenesis. The association between the end Permian mass extinction, emplacement and aeolian erosion of the Siberian Traps large igneous province, and location of the Smith Bank Formation in a large lacustrine endorheic basin, combine to preserve a record of prolonged harsh climate in the early Triassic.  相似文献   

杨奇荻  曹亮  刘阿睢  李斌  赵凯  胡鹏  崔森  戴平云 《地质通报》2023,42(8):1334-1352
尼日利亚中生代环状杂岩中产出丰富的含锡(铌钽)等多金属的花岗岩, 其中与成矿相关且占主体的2种岩石类型是碱性花岗岩和黑云母花岗岩, 前者具有含碱性暗色矿物过碱质特征, 后者具有含黑云母过铝质特征。前人对2种共生的岩石对锡(铌钽)成矿作用可能的制约机制还未深入探讨, 综合分析前人研究资料, 为理解非造山A型花岗岩锡(铌钽)成矿作用提供新视角, 进一步明确找矿方向。2种岩石绝大多数在侏罗纪侵位, 但在同一杂岩体中, 碱性花岗岩锆石结晶普遍稍早于黑云母花岗岩, 且前者分异程度稍弱于后者。碱性花岗岩是起源于富集地幔岩浆在极端分离结晶作用下的产物, 但此过程中有部分地壳物质的混染。过铝质黑云母花岗岩并非与造山型过铝质花岗岩一样来自地壳物质的熔融, 它更可能是来自于碱性花岗岩同一母岩浆演化的另一个混染了更多地壳物质的晚期分支。与俯冲背景的成锡花岗岩一样, 尼日利亚锡多金属富集主要与弱过铝质黑云母花岗岩有关, 受岩浆后期出溶流体的显著影响。碱性花岗岩对锡(铌钽)元素的富集程度, 大致代表了未受出溶流体影响时共生黑云母花岗岩的锡(铌钽)含量。成矿物质来源为泛非基底围岩, 元素的富集成矿主要被分离结晶和流体出溶行为控制。尼日利亚不成矿环状杂岩体中, 黑云母花岗岩和碱性花岗岩的锡(铌钽)含量都偏低, 两者的Sn含量范围为4×10-6~13×10-6; 而对于成矿杂岩体, 两者锡(铌钽)含量基本高于不成矿杂岩体, 但其中与成矿密切相关的黑云母花岗岩锡(铌钽)含量反而较碱性花岗岩偏低, 其中碱性花岗岩Sn含量范围为21×10-6~205×10-6, 黑云母花岗岩Sn含量范围为10×10-6~62×10-6, 表明熔体中成矿元素含量高低及后期流体出溶是决定能否成矿的关键。因此, 高锡(铌钽)含量杂岩体中具有较低Sn含量的黑云母花岗岩是寻找锡多金属矿的第一选择。  相似文献   

内蒙古东部新胜屯地区晚侏罗世A型花岗岩特征与成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
代晓光 《江苏地质》2016,40(2):197-204
内蒙古新胜屯地区花岗岩侵入晚侏罗世玛尼吐组及白音高老组火山岩的岩性主要为中粒花岗岩、花岗斑岩及钾长花岗斑岩。在野外地质调查的基础上,通过研究晚侏罗世花岗岩的产出特征、岩石学特征及岩石地球化学特征,发现新胜屯地区花岗岩具有高硅碱富钾和贫镁低钙、TFeO/MgO比值高、碱性及准铝质—过铝质的特征;稀土元素总量高,轻稀土富集,Eu亏损显著,稀土元素配分曲线呈不对称右倾的"海鸥型"展布;微量元素Zr、Y、Ce及高场强元素Rb、Th、K、Sm、Nd含量高,而Sr、Ba、P、Ti亏损。上述岩体地球化学特征表明岩体属铝质A型花岗岩,形成于非造山期板内拉张的构造环境。  相似文献   

花岗岩残积土的分类研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴能森 《岩土力学》2006,27(12):2299-2304
从结构性角度出发,在花岗岩残积土粒度组成、微结构及物理力学指标研究基础上,分析现有分类法存在的问题和不足。根据实际工程土工实验资料,研究粒度对分类的定量影响,得到主要结论如下:花岗岩残积土是“混粒土”,土质分类应综合考虑粗、细粒组的影响;扰动对它的物理力学指标有不同程度的影响,其中孔隙比、内摩擦角、塑性指数受扰动影响较小,适宜作为土质分类研究指标,而黏聚力和压缩系数(或压缩模量)受扰动影响较大,不可作为土质分类研究指标;《土的工程分类标准》(GBJ145-90)关于粗、细粒土的分类原则,适用于花岗岩残积土;大于0.5 mm颗粒含量35 %是粒度影响指标的分界值。最后依据上述结论提出新分类法-综合分类法。新分类法将有助于花岗岩残积土工程性质的更深入研究。  相似文献   

新疆后造山碱性花岗岩的地质特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
新疆地区碱性花岗岩分布很广泛,可以划分出十条岩带,它们主要分布在古生代岛弧、弧后盆地及隆起区,与板块缝合线、深断裂密切相关,并与蛇绿岩和陆相火山岩相伴生。同位素年代测定表明,本区碱性花岗岩的形成是紧随造山运动之后发生的,属于后造山花岗岩。因此,它们形成时的构造环境、岩石化学成分、矿物组成及微量元素特征等均与非造山花岗岩(A型花岗岩)有一定的区别。在一个地区有这么多后造山碱性花岗岩分布,国内外并不多见,这是新疆地质的一个特色。  相似文献   


Stratoid granites constitute a major feature of the Precambrien basement of Madagascar. A detailed structural study was carried out NNW of Antananarivo. New zircon isotopic data on a typical alkaline granite ascertain their Panafrican age (585 Ma). The sheets of granites metric to kilometric of thickness, are interlayered with migmatitic gneisses and amphibolites. Their internal structures, determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility measurements, everywhere yield foliations gently dipping to the west, and lineations striking WSW-ENE. These structures were mostly acquired at the magmatic stage in the granites, in the country-rocks they resulted from high-temperature plastic deformation.

The very constant structural pattern, interpreted in terms of shear deformation of a section of the crust, as well as the low P (P = 4 - 5 kb) - high T (T # 750°C) conditions, suggest that the emplacement of the stratoid granites was coeval with a late-orogenic stage in the Panafrican Mozambique belt, and possibly linked to the thinning of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

Adamellites, granite porphyries, and white granites of the western dome of the Arga-Ynnykh-Khaya Massif (Yakutiya) have been studied with emphasis on the white granites. The main features of its magmatic crystallization and initial transformation have been obtained by investigating the intensity of transformations using stochastic Markov models. The most widespread transformation is albitization. Two varieties exist. First, and most common, is development of a secondary albite crystal between two primary grains of potassium feldspar. Second, secondary albite has developed between primary quartz grains. Both variants have definite probabilities of occurrence. Less commonly, but with a constant probability, a secondary quartz grain forms as an intergrowth between two grains of potassium feldspar.  相似文献   

本文以天湖东岩体为例,探讨中天山澄江期片麻状花岗岩的特征及其形成机制。岩相学、岩石化学、稀土元素、微量元素和同位素研究表明,天湖东岩体是岛弧钙碱性火山—沉积岩系经原地改造的产物,其Rb-Sr等时线年龄为707.7±4.9Ma。花岗岩形成作用的动力、热力来源可能与向塔里木大陆俯冲的天山岩石圈的拆沉有关。在造山过程晚期-期后的挤压向拉张转变过程中,拆沉导致的底侵和内侵引发了地壳岩石的脱水和熔融,所产生的熔体-流体上升并将较浅层次的变质岩改造为片麻状花岗岩。变质峰期以后形成的韧性剪切带为熔体-流体的运移提供了通道。  相似文献   

The concept of granitic melt fractionation as the main process in the concentration of rare elements in granites calls for the development of a reliable method to determine the evolutionary sequences of granite series. We propose to use for this purpose a zirconium-hafnium indicator, the Zr/Hf weight ratio in granitic rocks (Zaraisky et al., 1999, 2000). By the example of three classic regions of rare-metal deposits, eastern Transbaikalia, central Kazakhstan, and Erzgebirge (Czech Republic and Germany), it was empirically shown that the Zr/Hf ratio of granites decreases during the fractional crystallization of granite magmas in the sequence granodiorite → biotite granite → leucogranite → lithium-fluorine granite. The reason is the higher affinity of Hf compared with Zr to a granite melt. This implies that the crystallization and settling of accessory zircon will cause the progressive enrichment of Hf relative to Zr in the residual melt. As a result, the Zr/Hf ratio decreases regularly in the series of sequential phases of granite intrusion related to a single magma chamber from granodiorite to biotite granite, leucogranite, and Li-F granite (from 45-30 to 10-2). Our experimental investigations supported the preferential enrichment of haplogranite melt in Hf and zircon crystals in equilibrium with melt in Zr (T= 800°C and P = 1 kbar). The Zr/Hf indicator was tested by the example of the wellknown Kukulbei rare-metal granite complex of eastern Transbaikalia (J3), which is unique in the degree of fractionation of initial granite melt with the formation of three phases of granite emplacement and vein derivatives. An important feature of the complex is its “short” differentiation trend. It was supposed that the granite magma of the first phase is parental, and the later phases forming small intrusive bodies in large massifs of biotite granites of the first phase are sequential products of its crystallization differentiation in a magma chamber. The biotite granites of the first phase are barren. The leucocratic granites of the second phase are accompanied by tin-tungsten greisen deposits (e.g., Spokoininskoe), and the upper part of cupola-like stocks of Li-F amazonite granites of the third phase host apogranite-type tantalum deposits (Orlovka, Etyka, and Achikan). In addition to three granite phases, the Kukulbei complex includes dikes of ongonites, elvans, amazonite granites, and chamber miarolitic pegmatites. All of the granitic rocks of the complex have similar isotopic ages of 142± 0.6 Ma. The Zr/Hf ratio decreases systematically from phase 1 (40–25), to phase 2 (20–10), and phase 3 (10–2). The ongonites, elvans, and pegmatites have similar Zr/Hf ratios (15-5), falling between the ranges of leucocratic muscovite granites and Li-F granites. Compared with other granite series, the granitic rocks of the Kukulbei complex show specific petrographic and geochemical features: they are strongly enriched in Rb, Li, Cs, Be, Sn, W, Mo, Ta, Nb, Bi, and F but depleted in Mg, Ca, Fe, Ti, P, Sr, Ba, V, Co, Ni, Cr, Zr, REE, and Y. From the early to late intrusion phases, the degree of enrichment and depletion in these element groups increases regularly. This is accompanied by a significant decrease (from 40 to 2) in Zr/Hf, which can be used as a reliable indicator of genetic relations, degree of fractionation, and rare-metal potential of granites. Granites with Zr/Hf values lower than 25 are promising for prospecting for Sn, W, Mo, and Be greisen deposits, whereas the formation of Ta deposits requires Zr/Hf values lower than 10.  相似文献   

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