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To the traditional elements of structure, expanded views of organization add means of coordination, location of decision‐making, and requirements for positions. This paper describes these expanded views of organization, illustrates significant diversity in organization structure with data from eight industrial projects, and develops a method for practical application of expanded views in the systematic design of project organization structures. The conclusions highlight the benefits of designing an organization rather than letting it evolve.  相似文献   

Psychological capital (PsyCap) has gained prominence as an important construct in leadership research. Comprising four factors (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resiliency), PsyCap is considered to be a vital factor for authentic leadership development and influence. The current study reports the results of a questionnaire survey that was conducted in the construction industry of Singapore. The survey explored the correlations of PsyCap with authenticity, leadership, and leadership outcomes. The results show that PsyCap significantly correlates with authenticity and transformational leadership. It was also found that transformational leadership plays a mediating role for PsyCap to predict leadership outcomes (effectiveness, extra effort, and satisfaction). The discussion in the paper also considers the implications of PsyCap for leadership development and effectiveness in general and in the context of the construction industry.  相似文献   

High-performance teams achieve outcomes that exceed the expectations of the project and often demonstrate unique or innovative approaches within a final solution. The foundation of this high performance is the ability to focus on the success of the team over individual objectives. However, the recognition of this emphasis is based on the establishment of professional trust and strong communications between the team members. The social network model of construction introduced a dual-focused approach to enhancing these elements and creating high-performance project teams. The approach emphasizes balancing both a traditional project management emphasis on efficiency of communications with a focus on the social factors that move the project team from efficient to effective. In this paper, the model is extended to present the results of four studies of organizations that are full-service engineering companies that also provide construction oversight services. The paper presents the results of these studies in terms of the social network model and the achievement of high performance in the project teams. Analytical and graphical results are presented based on social network analysis techniques to provide a multiperspective analysis of the project teams.  相似文献   

In recent years, general contractors in the construction industry have gradually begun to implement a system called enterprise resource planning (ERP). During the ERP implementation process, contractors performed required analyses on daily operation functions demanded by the enterprise. The analyses focused on function mapping to ensure that ERP satisfies all the requirements, including the functions of existing information systems, and meets future requirements. The process of function mapping in the construction industry typically involves a series of lengthy and time-consuming meetings, and face-to-face discussions; systematic analysis procedure was lacking. This research will propose a novel function mapping approach, the Architecture of Integrated Information Systems (ARIS)-house-based (AHB) method, to enhance the effectiveness of meetings and improve the efficiency of discussions. In addition, AHB method will use the structure of ARIS-house diagram to guide the function mapping process, streamline existing information systems, meet future requirements, and successfully implement ERP. Finally, this research will use a case study to verify the effectiveness of the AHB method for contractor to implement ERP.  相似文献   

The changes in the engineering-construction industry of the 21st century require organizations to take a more active role in developing knowledge management and learning organization initiatives. The need to both retain knowledge within the organization and focus on continuous human resource development throughout all levels of the organization is becoming a primary challenge throughout the industry. This paper addresses this challenge by focusing on the question of the link between knowledge management and learning organizations, and how to transform an organization from a focus on knowledge management to a focus on developing a learning culture. Based on a series of studies by the writers into the characteristics of both knowledge management and learning organizations, this paper outlines models of each of these concepts and introduces a bridge that details the level of knowledge management implementation that must be in place prior to an organization having the capacity to move to a learning focus. Additionally, the case studies conducted during the current study provide a basis for presenting potentially unsuccessful paths that may be selected by organizations during the implementation of a knowledge management to learning organization transition.  相似文献   

Academic research in applied disciplines such as construction engineering and management (CEM) has the dual mission of simultaneously contributing to the solution of practical problems and creating theoretical and conceptual knowledge. To do so, appropriate research approaches are needed. However, extant literature in the field has paid little attention to this issue and research methods used have been almost entirely either quantitative surveys or case studies. In this paper, action research (AR) is proposed as an answer to this knowledge gap. AR aims at building and testing theory within the context of solving an immediate practical problem in a real setting. The paper describes the underlying philosophy and application procedure of AR and highlights its strengths and weaknesses. Then, the applicability of the method to CEM is illustrated through a case study of improving access to information to support planning and decision making in a construction owner organization through designing and implementing a data warehouse. The findings indicate that AR is a reliable, structured, and rigorous research approach that is very useful for conducting applied research in construction and enabling academia to influence and improve construction industry practices. It can also effectively help to improve collaboration between academic researchers and industry practitioners in research and development projects.  相似文献   

The use of information and communication technology (ICT) has been commonplace in the construction industry, with the increased functionalities of intranets and extranets in a web-based environment. Yet, human and organizational hindrances bring about consequences which affect the effectiveness of these online collaboration tools. Through a cross-sectional study of six construction-related organizations via interviews with ICT developers and users, these hindrances and consequences are highlighted against contextual backgrounds which depict a wide spectrum of ICT use in the construction industry. The results underpin a questionnaire survey which identified the most frequently encountered hindrances, such as self-discipline, technical support, and system capacity, both for internal and external information exchanges. These hindrances, together with undesirable behaviors such as the tendency to forward information to irrelevant parties and ignore information, would result in double handling and missing of time targets. Results also show that public organizations seem to be less prone to the discipline problems. While ICT advances, it is imperative that users make the best use of it by understanding and avoiding the pitfalls.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) was originated in the manufacturing industry. It provides a general working environment for an enterprise to integrate its major business management functions with one single common database so that information can be shared and efficient communications can be achieved between management functions. This paper first briefs the ERP technology, its origin, and its current development in general. Based on the needs of running a construction enterprise, ERP shows its potential for the construction industry. However, the unique nature of the industry prevents a direct implementation of existing ERP systems, which are primarily developed for the manufacturing industry. This paper underlines the importance of the establishment of the basic theory for developing construction enterprise resource planning systems (CERP). A CERP must address the nature of the general industry practice. Fundamental features are identified and discussed in the paper. A three-tiered client/server architecture is proposed, with discussions on the functions and major components of each tier. Needed research issues are discussed, including CERP architectures, project management functions, advanced planning techniques, standardization of management functions, and modeling human intelligence. Construction management examples are incorporated into the discussions.  相似文献   

Researchers find that the successful implementation of information systems that span organizational boundaries enhances competitive advantage. However, the process by which networks of design and construction firms implement boundary-spanning technological changes remains poorly understood. In this paper I explore the implementation of three-dimensional computer-aided design tools in 26 design and construction organizations. I analyze empirical data collected over a 7-month period to induce a set of antecedent constructs that enable the evolution from “printed sets of plans” to “virtual model” boundary objects. The findings highlight the importance of addressing regulative, technological, work, and organizational issues at the interfaces between design and construction firms when implementing boundary-spanning technological changes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of text analysis techniques to measure relevance between objects in product models. This relevance measure is used to support design reuse from an archive of product models from previous projects. We consider several techniques from the field of information retrieval for comparing documents. Next, we explore whether we can improve the performance of the relevance measure by considering contextual building model elements. The paper concludes with an evaluation and discussion of the techniques considered. We conclude that relatively good retrieval results can be achieved with short texts and sparse building models such as those that occur in current industry practice.  相似文献   

Managing the increased complexity, emerging uncertainties, and diversity of cultures on global projects is creating significant challenges for architecture, engineering, and construction firms. In global projects, differences in “institutions”—including language, beliefs, values, group norms, work practices, professional roles, industry organizations, and legal frameworks—among team members from different national backgrounds can lead to misunderstanding and conflicts that cause delays, increase costs, and reduce quality. Previous research has examined risk factors associated with international project execution. However, little research to date has explored whether reconfiguring project networks might mitigate such risks. Project organizational simulation tools have been combined with “robust design” experimental techniques to design robust project networks that can perform reliably in uncertain conditions. This paper extends project network design research to examine whether robust designs for given project networks differ between “domestic” and “global” projects, given differing organizational uncertainties. The results demonstrate that robust project network designs may differ for global project networks. This finding has significant implications for the design of project networks in an industry where firm participation in global project networks is increasing, both domestically and abroad.  相似文献   

Since information and communication technology (ICT) was introduced into the construction industry over a decade ago, the once fledging technologies have now been well developed. ICT has been commonly adopted, particularly in places where speedy construction is the norm, e.g., in Hong Kong. At the time when ICT is seemingly well developed, this paper aims at identifying the difficulties and hindrances facing the end users of such information exchange systems during design and construction and the consequential effects on project performance. Through literature review, a series of structured interviews, and a questionnaire survey, it is found that industry users welcomed the advancement of ICT, but that the necessary technical and psychological supports from their organizations were insufficiently provided. In addition, significant differences on the hindrances and their consequential effects have been identified between end users in the private sector and those in the public sector. The study findings have also highlighted factors impeding the smooth implementation of ICT systems at the end-user level, which would help organizations to formulate effective strategies to cope with ever-evolving communication technologies and changes in working style.  相似文献   

A review of literature on organizational learning suggested that organizations mainly exhibit three types of learning styles: single-loop learning (SLL), double-loop learning (DLL), and deutero learning (DeuL). SLL refers to the detection and correction of errors without adjusting one’s underpinning assumptions about performance requirements. DLL refers to improvement actions which are undertaken in response to the change of one’s underpinning assumptions. DeuL refers to the establishment of a system which propels continuous learning. It has been advocated that effectuating these learning styles are critical for attaining continuous project performance improvement. This paper reports a study that aimed to examine the relationship between organizational learning styles and performance improvement in construction projects. A conceptual model for the same was first developed. Data about the contracting organizations’ practice of learning styles and project performance were collected through a questionnaire survey. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the significance of the relationship between organizational learning styles and project performance improvement. It was found that the attainment of project performance improvement was positively related to the practice of DLL. Further, DeuL was found essential for facilitating the practice of SLL and DLL.  相似文献   

Strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) analysis has been in use since the 1960s as a tool to assist strategic planning in various types of enterprises including those in the construction industry. While still widely used, the approach has called for improvements to make it more helpful in strategic management. The project described in this paper aimed to study whether the process to convert a SWOT analysis into a strategic plan could be assisted with some simple rationally quantitative model, as an augmented SWOT analysis. By using the mathematical approaches including the quantifying techniques, the “maximum subarray” method, and fuzzy mathematics, one or more heuristic rules (HRs) are derived from a SWOT analysis. These HRs bring into focus the most influential factors concerning a strategic planning situation, and thus inform strategic analysts where particular consideration should be given. A case study conducted in collaboration with a Chinese international construction company showed that the new SWOT approach is more helpful to strategic planners. The paper provides an augmented SWOT analysis approach for strategists to conduct strategic planning in the construction industry. It also contributes fresh insights into strategic planning by introducing rationally analytic processes to improve the SWOT analysis.  相似文献   

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems offer many benefits to the engineering–construction industry. Many construction firms recognize the benefits of ERP system implementation; however, they still hesitate to adopt these systems due to high cost, uncertainties, and risks. This study identifies and analyzes critical factors that need to be considered to ensure successful ERP system implementation in the construction industry. First, this paper identifies the factors associated with the success and failure of ERP systems, and provides indicators to evaluate the success of such systems. Then, the paper develops an information system success model to analyze the relationships between factors and success indicators. Finally, the paper provides recommendations for successful ERP systems based on the analysis. The derived success factors should help senior managers in construction firms make better decisions and improve their business value by implementing the most effective EPR systems.  相似文献   

The construction of an outpost on the Moon in which humans can live and work for periods exceeding six months will require special countermeasures to adapt to the hostile environment present at the lunar surface. Various inherent dangers such as meteoroids, galactic cosmic radiation, solar proton events, and large thermal extremes will drive the design configuration of the outpost. Other considerations such as lunar soil mechanics, equipment performance, mass delivery, risk, reliability, and tele‐operability act strongly as constraints that shape and control the design alternatives. Analysis of these fundamental relationships have resulted in lunar civil engineering guidelines, which are unique to this domain, and these in turn have pointed to research areas needing further attention. A preliminary design is presented for a lunar outpost shelter. Additionally, the design methodology is explored, and early enabling technologies are identified to facilitate an understanding of lunar shelter designs from an integrated system standpoint.  相似文献   

Facility managers face the challenges of managing many different types of small, geographically dispersed construction projects. Depending on the complexity and distribution of projects, the time required to prepare for production consumes a large percentage of the total time required to complete the job. Increasing crews’ productive hours is a key objective when planning multiproject schedules. Existing methods, however, lack the effective means to explicitly model, analyze, and optimize resource utilization for these multiple concurrent projects. As a result, few facility managers fully exploit the potential to better manage their often limited budget and resources. This paper presents an explicit model of the mobilization requirements of multiple crews performing a variety of different activities over a geographic space. The model allows the facility manager to explicitly investigate the impact of crew composition, crew specialization, and depot locations. Using work rule decisions regarding alternative crew allocations, facility managers may dynamically allocate resources to optimize resources and to complete projects in a minimum amount of time. To verify and validate this new model, a computerized system, called FIRS (Facility/Infrastructure Resource Scheduler), was created to analyze the multiproject resource plans with data from two military organizations and a university campus. FIRS utilizes a new genetic algorithm that was developed specifically to work with multiproject scheduling. Using FIRS, facility managers can develop and test alternative crew allocations based on the qualifications of the crews available and the type of operation being performed.  相似文献   

With the advancement of the semantic web, the construction industry is at a stage where intelligent knowledge management systems can be used. Such systems support more effective collaboration, where virtual teams of skilled users, not software, exchange ideas, decisions, and best practice. To achieve that, there is a need to create consistent semantic representation of construction knowledge. Existing representations, in the form of classification systems and product data models, lack effective modeling of concept semantics—a fundamental requirement for human-based exchange of knowledge. Toward this objective, this paper presents a domain taxonomy that was developed as part of the e-COGNOS project. The taxonomy was developed as a first step in the establishment of domain ontology for construction. The taxonomy was developed to be process-centered and to allow for utilization of already existing classification systems (BS6100, Master Format, and UniClass, for example). The taxonomy uses seven major domains to classify construction concepts: Process, Product, Project, Actor, Resource, Technical Topics, and Systems. The taxonomy was developed and validated through extensive interaction with domain experts. The taxonomy was used to develop a prototype ontology for the construction domain including semantic relationships and axioms. The ontology was used to support several applications in semantic knowledge management as part of the e-COGNOS portal, including semantic indexing and retrieval of information and ontology-based collaborative project development.  相似文献   

Due to the recent trend of utilizing joint ventures (JVs) in construction, construction firms are faced with the challenges in managing construction JVs. Among those challenges, the choice of organizational governance structure has a profound impact on JV performance, but receives little attention. The objective of this study is to investigate the choice of organizational design in construction of JVs and the underlying rationales of the choice. Through the theoretical lens that integrates both cost and resource perspectives, we develop a model that focuses on four major factors for determining governance structure choices, namely, corporate cultural difference, trust, needs for procurement autonomy, and motivation for learning. A case study of eight JVs in the Taiwan High Speed Rail project was conducted to empirically evaluate the proposed model. It is shown that the eight cases studied jointly replicate the linkage between the hypothesized determinants and the governance structure choices and reasonably support the proposed model.  相似文献   

Implementing risk management in construction projects and organizations may bring a number of benefits and therefore it is necessary to have risk management as an integral part of a construction organization’s management practice. The aim of this paper is to develop a risk management maturity assessment model for construction organizations. The paper describes the development process of a Web-based RM3 (risk management maturity model), including its contents, its validation and testing, as well as its applications. The RM3 developed has five attributes namely, management, risk culture, ability to identify risk, ability to analyze risk, and application of standardized risk management process/system. These attributes are measured against four levels: initial, repeated, managed, and optimized. It is found that the proposed RM3 was suitable and useful. Using the RM3, it is found that the Australian construction industry’s overall risk management maturity level was relatively low (where 32% rated at Level 2 and 52% rated at Level 3). Furthermore, it is found that the weakest attribute was “analyzing risks” followed by “application of standardized risk management process.” It is therefore necessary to provide more training on qualitative and quantitative risk analysis to construction personnel and to develop and apply standardized enterprise risk management. It is concluded that the proposed RM3 is suitable for construction organizations to assess their risk management maturity levels and find ways for improvement.  相似文献   

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