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茶多酚具有解毒、抗辐射作用,能有效地阻止放射性物质侵入骨髓,并可使锶90和钴60迅速排出体外,被健康及医学界誉为“辐射克星”。研究表明,在绿茶的加工过程中,摊放、杀青、揉捻、干燥等环节,会影响绿茶中茶多酚的含量。  相似文献   

茶多酚是茶叶中的重要有机化合物,占茶叶干物质重量的1/4左右。此物质具有良好的药用功能,可抑制多种病原体,并在心血管病的防治、消炎止泻、抗辐射等方面均有一定的作用。研究表明,茶多酚具有较强的抗氧化性,能帮助人体恢复运动能力。本文分析了茶多酚的成分构成,并在其如何恢复体育运动能力上做了较深的探讨。  相似文献   

浅谈茶多酚的保健功能   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
茶多酚是茶叶中的主要水溶性成分。近年来,它的保健功能越来越受到广大科研工作者的关注。本文对茶多酚的抑制肿瘤、降血脂、延缓衰老、抗辐射等保健功能进行了综述并指出了目前存在的问题及发展前景。  相似文献   

作为存在于茶叶中的多羟基酚类化合物,因化学结构比较独特及在抗氧化性上的卓越优势,茶多酚近年来逐渐被大众所熟知。茶多酚具有很多生物学效应,对人体健康有重要作用,尤其在人体运动功能方面具有较为明显的改善作用。本文即从茶多酚的概念入手,对茶多酚的生物学效应及其对人体运动功能的改善作用进行探讨。  相似文献   

茶多酚具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗辐射等多种生物活性,与环糊精、黑木耳多糖或壳聚糖等多种多糖作用后,功能活性增强,但相互作用的过程与机理尚不明确。因此,对茶多酚与多糖的结构及其相互作用的研究显得尤为重要。近几年,关于茶多酚与多糖之间相互作用的研究日益增多,本文介绍了茶多酚和多糖的分类及结构,概括了多糖与茶多酚之间的相互作用类型、影响因素及研究方法,针对二者之间的相互作用对茶多酚功能特性的影响进行了综述,为后续研究二者与其他活性物质相互作用以及功能特性变化等方面提供参考。  相似文献   

刘殿宇  张吉宁 《中国茶叶》2009,31(12):34-35
茶多酚是茶叶中儿茶素类、黄酮类、黄酮醇类、酚酸类和花色素类等的总称,因其化学结构中有多个活性羟基,对人体的保健极为有利,且有抑菌、杀菌、抗肿瘤、抗辐射等多种功能,作为医药和食品等的添加剂,开发和应用前景十分看好。茶多酚提取工艺之一为溶剂提取法,  相似文献   

从中低档茶中提取茶多酚,将其添加到香烟中,降低香烟燃烧时产生自由基对人体的毒害,开发新型保健型香烟投放市场,既为广大烟民提供一种相对保健的香烟产品,还可提高中低档茶产品附加值。本文论述了香烟吸食社会化流行的成因、毒害发生机理;茶多酚降低香烟中自由基的产生机理,茶多酚作为添加剂在中式香烟中的开发形式。发挥茶多酚抗氧化功能、开发出新型保健型香烟,以降低香烟对人体的危害。  相似文献   

茶多酚提取方法的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张庆云 《中国茶叶》2003,25(1):15-16
茶多酚是茶叶中具有生物活性的重要成分,它不仅是良好的天然抗氧化剂,近年发现还具有抗癌、抗衰老、抗辐射、消除人体自由基、降血糖血脂、防治心血管病、抑菌抑酶、沉淀金属等一系列特殊的药理作用。此外,随着研究的深入,茶多酚在化妆品、日用化工、轻化工等领域也开始得以应用。 茶多酚的提取工艺目前已有了相当的研究,其中溶剂浸提、金属离子沉淀是研究和报道较多的提取法,近几年来还有一些新的方法报道,如树脂吸附法、超临界萃取法、超声波浸提法、微波浸提法等。  相似文献   

茶多酚,即茶鞣质,英文tea polyphenol。茶多酚是茶叶中多酚类物质的一项总称,也是茶叶中保健功能、药理的主要成分。根据已有研究表明,茶多酚的作用很多,如常见的抗氧化、抗辐射、解毒、降血糖、降血脂等。有关茶多酚的研究成为了药学界的研究热点。本文对茶多酚药理作用作了简单的阐述,展望茶多酚的未来保健、药品的发展方向。  相似文献   

本刊讯8月19日上午,"茶多酚与中老年健康高层专家研讨会暨奇康胶囊科技成果发布会"在浙江大学召开。茶多酚研发专家齐聚一堂,深入探讨了茶多酚防治老年慢性病的机理,茶多酚与人体健康的关系。会议由浙江大学茶文化与健康研究会、红色健康行活动组委会和德圣集团共同举办。浙江大学茶学系博士生导师、浙江大学茶与健康研究会  相似文献   

茶多酚保健功能研究进展与保健食品开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一类出色的天然抗氧化剂,茶多酚的保健功能研究一直是国内外研究的热点之一。本文介绍了近年来流行病学研究和临床研究在茶多酚对癌症、心血管疾病、神经退行性疾病、皮肤疾病等多种疾病的防治功能的最新发现。同时,简单分析了我国利用茶多酚开发保健食品的现状,并从进一步发挥茶多酚保健功能的角度对茶多酚保健食品开发进行了的展望。  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma is a rare but aggressive soft-tissue sarcoma associated with translocation t(X;18). Metastasis occurs in approximately 50% of all patients, and curative outcomes are difficult to achieve in this group. Since the efficacies of current therapeutic approaches for metastatic synovial sarcoma remain limited, new therapeutic agents are urgently needed. Tilapia piscidin 4 (TP4), a marine antimicrobial peptide, is known to exhibit multiple biological functions, including anti-bacterial, wound-healing, immunomodulatory, and anticancer activities. In the present study, we assessed the anticancer activity of TP4 in human synovial sarcoma cells and determined the underlying mechanisms. We first demonstrated that TP4 can induce necrotic cell death in human synovial sarcoma AsKa-SS and SW982 cells lines. In addition, we saw that TP4 initiates reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and downregulates antioxidant proteins, such as uncoupling protein-2, superoxide dismutase (SOD)-1, and SOD-2. Moreover, TP4-induced mitochondrial hyperpolarization is followed by elevation of mitochondrial ROS. Calcium overload is also triggered by TP4, and cell death can be attenuated by a necrosis inhibitor, ROS scavenger or calcium chelator. In our experiments, TP4 displayed strong anticancer activity in human synovial sarcoma cells by disrupting oxidative status, promoting mitochondrial hyperpolarization and causing calcium overload.  相似文献   

茶多酚抗辐射制剂安全毒理学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为检测茶多酚抗辐射制剂的食用安全性,通过急性毒性试验、遗传毒性试验(Ames试验、小鼠骨髓微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验)、30d喂养试验进行毒理学研究。结果表明,雌雄两性大、小鼠经口MTD均大于20.0g/kg,Ames试验、小鼠骨髓微核试验、小鼠精子畸形试验3项遗传毒性试验结果均为阴性,显示无致突变性。30d喂养试验(5.00g/kg)未见动物出现中毒症状。试验结果显示,茶多酚抗辐射制剂急性毒性分级属无毒级、无遗传毒性,食用安全性高。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the trophic state of agricultural reservoirs within the four major watersheds and evaluate ecosystem health using a multi-metric fish modeling approach of the lentic ecosystem health assessment (LEHA) in South Korea. Fish survey for the LEHA model was sampled twice from 12 reservoirs (oligotrophic to hypereutrophic reservoirs) during 2008–2010 along with data analysis of water quality monitored by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. The fish sampling gears used in the field were fyke net, trammel net, casting net, and kick net. A regression analysis of N:P ratios showed a negative linear function with total phosphorous (TP) values but not with total nitrogen. The greater relationship to TP was due to low variability and high ambient concentrations of N relative to P. The plots of “TSI (CHL)–TSI (TP)” and “TSI (CHL)–TSI (SD)” suggest that other factors other than phosphorus limited algal biomass (CHL–TP < 0), and that non-algal particles dominated light attenuation (CHL–SD < 0). Nutrients input into the reservoirs during the Asian monsoon exceeded actual nutrient availability for phytoplankton growth. A regression model of the fish trophic components against log-transformed TP showed that the proportions of omnivore and insectivore fish had a positive linear function and negative relationship with TP, respectively. According to the multi-metric LEHA model for agricultural reservoirs, the model value averaged 26 ± 6.5, indicating a “Fair” condition. Overall, ecosystem health was directly influenced by organic matter pollution and high algal production. This new tool appeared particularly relevant to detect the contamination effects on fish communities in reservoirs. The new national biological monitoring methodology in lentic ecosystem would be used as a key tool for ecological restorations and species conservations in Korean lentic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Flavonoids in Food and Their Health Benefits   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17  
There has been increasing interest in the research of flavonoids from dietary sources, due to growing evidence of the versatile health benefits of flavonoids through epidemiological studies. As occurrence of flavonoids is directly associated with human daily dietary intake of antioxidants, it is important to evaluate flavonoid sources in food. Fruits and vegetables are the main dietary sources of flavonoids for humans, along with tea and wine. However, there is still difficulty in accurately measuring the daily intake of flavonoids because of the complexity of existence of flavonoids from various food sources, the diversity of dietary culture, and the occurrence of a large amount of flavonoids itself in nature. Nevertheless, research on the health aspects of flavonoids for humans is expanding rapidly. Many flavonoids are shown to have antioxidative activity, free-radical scavenging capacity, coronary heart disease prevention, and anticancer activity, while some flavonoids exhibit potential for anti–human immunodeficiency virus functions. As such research progresses, further achievements will undoubtedly lead to a new era of flavonoids in either foods or pharmaceutical supplements. Accordingly, an appropriate model for a precise assessment of intake of flavonoids needs to be developed.Most recent research has focused on the health aspects of flavonoids from food sources for humans. This paper reviews the current advances in flavonoids in food, with emphasis on health aspects on the basis of the published literature, which may provide some guidance for researchers in further investigations and for industries in developing practical health agents.  相似文献   

Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile is a Mediterranean-endemic angiosperm often described for its great ecological importance. Despite evidence of a millennia-old relationship between P. oceanica and humans, as well as traditional medicine applications, the potential benefits of P. oceanica for human health have been documented only recently. This review aims to compile newly acquired knowledge on P. oceanica bioactive properties that allow the scientific community to look at this plant as a promising source of natural therapeutical products for human health. Experimental investigations conducted in both in vitro cellular-based and in vivo animal models pave the way for new research projects aiming at the development of alternative and complementary therapeutic strategies based on P. oceanica against a wide range of pathological conditions.  相似文献   

大豆多肽生理活性、应用与前景分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大豆多肽作为一种生物活性肽,具有防辐射、抗疲劳、降血脂、降血压和减肥等生理功能,在食品、化工、医疗等领域有巨大的开发价值。以近年来各种实验证据为依托,简要综述了大豆多肽的生理活性,揭示其广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the biological, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and antiproliferative activities of different extracts of mungbean seeds and sprouts. All extracts from the sprouts showed higher contents of total phenolics (TP), total flavonoids (TF), and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity than from seeds. The highest DPPH and tyrosinase inhibition activities were registered in ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extract. ADH activity of methanol (MeOH), n-hexane (n-hexane) and n-butanol (n-BuOH) extracts from sprouts was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than from seeds. However, the highest ADH activity was found in water extract of seeds. According to 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol -2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) (MTT) assay, extracts from sprouts were more effective against Calu-6 (human pulmonary carcinoma) and SNU-601 (human gastric carcinoma) cells than from seeds. EtOAc extract showed the highest antiproliferative activity in both sprouts and seeds, followed by n-hexane extraction. During sprouting of mungbean, all the studied components significantly increased. In conclusion, the extracts of sprouts are more effective than from seeds and could be a potential source of antioxidants linked with health benefits.  相似文献   

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