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南黄海盆地发育于前南华纪变质基底之上,是一个大型叠合盆地,经历了多期成盆和多期构造改造,形成了海相盆地和中新生代断陷盆地叠合改造型残留盆地。盆地演化历经南华纪—早、中三叠世海相地层发育期、晚白垩世—古近纪箕状断陷发育期和新近纪—第四纪坳陷发育期,为一典型地台—断陷—坳陷多层结构的复合型盆地。通过对地震资料解释、区域地质构造特征分析,综合烃源条件和后期保存条件,探讨了南黄海盆地油气远景。  相似文献   

阿尤恩盆地成盆受控于非洲板块和南美板块,也曾受到北美板块的强烈影响,后期又受到阿特拉斯山系等造山运动影响。阿尤恩盆地成岩、成藏过程复杂,多期次叠加。自泛非构造运动以来,阿尤恩盆地沉积连续,不同层系中均发育有机质含量高的地层,为优质烃源岩;不同层系均发育有厚度大、分布稳定的碎屑岩,孔隙度、渗透率高,亦发育有碳酸盐岩台地、生物礁等,为优质的储集层;不同层系中的页岩、盐岩等,均可成为优质的盖层。烃源岩、储集层、盖层等配置好。目前阿尤恩盆地油气资源勘探开发投入较西非其他盆地少,但只要加强生、储、盖层配置研究,有针对性地开展地质勘探,在油气资源开发中采用先进技术等,未来将具勘探潜力与经济价值。  相似文献   

依据IHS数据库2009年资料,统计了北海盆地不同构造单元和储集层系发现的油气田及大型油气田的个数和油气储量,分析了北海盆地油气分布特点.通过分析得出,北海一半以上的油气资源集中在储量>5亿桶的大油气田中,北部油气俱丰,以油为主,南部则以气为主.通过对南、北北海盆地的石油地质条件的分析,认为北海盆地发育多套含油气系统....  相似文献   

南海南部曾母、文莱—沙巴盆地油气资源丰富,已发现一大批油气田及含油气构造。曾母盆地南部与文莱—沙巴盆地油气的生成、运移和聚集与婆罗洲地块息息相关。婆罗洲地块地质特征复杂,自古新世开始,古南海逐渐消失,与婆罗洲地块发生碰撞,中新世开始隆升造山。在这种地质背景下,婆罗洲拉让河和巴兰河为曾母盆地南部与文莱—沙巴盆地的主要物源,发育三角洲相、滨浅海相、浊积扇相、浅海相砂岩储层;同时,压扭型构造发育,不仅形成断块与背斜型油气藏,同时具有良好的油气运移条件。  相似文献   

本文旨在利用已有的地质资料对南极半岛唾代盆地的油报潜力作一概括性的探讨。  相似文献   

本文分析了曾母盆地析生代地层的沉积特征,认为该盆地以南海退型碎屑沉积和台地型碳酸盐岩为主,沉积相类型丰富、生、储、盖层配置良好,是一重要的含油气盆地。  相似文献   

南海北部油气盆地的地质特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
南海北部大陆架发育的珠江口盆地、莺歌海盆地、北部湾盆地属大陆边缘的被动盆地.盆地的演化经历了断陷、拗陷和整体沉降三个发育阶段,早第三纪为断陷充填的陆相沉积;晚第三纪为拗陷的封闭海至广海的海相沉积.主要生油层为下第三系陆相地层,储集层除下第三系地层外,上第三系海相碳酸盐岩、生物礁体和生物滩以及三角洲前缘砂体.  相似文献   

墨西哥东南盆地M区块W构造是区块的重点构造,W构造白垩系碳酸盐岩储层构造裂缝的发育程度决定了整个区块的勘探潜力。对周边已钻相似构造岩心和成像测井裂缝发育特征的统计表明,中白垩统地层有效裂缝最为发育,裂缝的走向主要为NW—SE向和NE—SW向。研究分析认为,裂缝的发育规律主要受到区域应力和岩性差异的控制,在此基础上建立了“盐底辟之上挤压背斜”裂缝发育模式。最终应用地层切片和曲率属性技术,预测了W构造白垩系裂缝的平面展布:裂缝集中发育在中白垩统,裂缝走向为NW—SE向,与周边钻井统计结果一致,证实了预测的可靠性。  相似文献   

厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地南部区块沉积特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过构造演化和地层发育特征分析,将厄瓜多尔Oriente盆地南部区块Napo组划分为4个层序。根据岩心中的潮汐层理、羽状交错层理、冲洗交错层理、具有大量贝壳等特征,识别研究区具有潮坪沉积环境。针对其沉积坡度缓,碎屑岩和碳酸盐岩互层沉积的特点,建立了缓坡混积陆棚边缘的沉积相模式,认为Oriente盆地南部区块Napo组发育有海岸平原、潮坪、局限台地和混积陆棚相。相序的垂向组合和平面迁移受海平面升降的控制,指出潮坪砂岩主要出现在各层序的陆架边缘体系域,水下浅滩砂岩出现在海侵体系域。从沉积角度看,潮汐水道砂体是最好的储层砂体。  相似文献   

南黄海盆地是中-古生代海相沉积盆地与中-新生代陆相沉积盆地相叠加的大型沉积盆地,其油气调查与勘探始于20世纪60年代初,经历了陆相盆地调查与勘探、探索与研究、海相盆地勘查3个阶段。由于地震地质条件复杂、盆地演化历史复杂、地质构造复杂、勘探程度相对较低,50多年的调查与勘探未获得商业性油气发现。经过2005年以来的长期地震调查技术攻关,初步形成了以“高覆盖次数、富低频信号、强震源能量”的采集技术和“高分辨率、富低频成分、强反射能量”的处理技术相结合的盆地深部“高富强”地震探测技术,并获得深部海相层的有效地震反射。近年来的进一步调查和研究发现:(1)南黄海盆地不仅是扬子板块在海域的延伸,而且是下扬子地块的主体;(2)南黄海盆地与四川盆地在中-古生代海相盆地沉积时期具有相同的沉积建造和沉积演化历史;(3)南黄海陆相中-新生界以下残留有巨厚的中-古生代海相地层,存在可追踪对比的三套地震反射标志层组,据此建立了中-古生代海相沉积层的地震层序;(4)发育下寒武统荷塘组(或幕府山组)、上奥陶统五峰组-下志留统高家边组、上二叠统龙潭组-大隆组三套优质烃源岩,三套完整的生储盖组合,具备形成大型油气田的物质基础;(5)理论模拟和包体分析表明,海相中-古生界存在多源多期成藏特征;(6)崂山隆起是海相下古生界油气远景区,勿南沙隆起是海相上古生界的油气远景区;(7)崂山隆起高石稳定带是有利勘探区带,是寻找类似于四川盆地“威远型”和“安岳型”油气田的重要地区;(8)高石3号构造是古生界的首选钻探目标。下一步工作重点是实施以下古生界为主要目的层的参数井钻探,建立区内完整的中-古生代地层层序,获取资源评价参数,实现南黄海油气调查的战略发现和勘探认识突破。  相似文献   

Five sequences are defined in the Oligocene succession of the Danish North Sea sector. Two of the sequences, 4.1a and 4.3, have been identified onshore Denmark.Two types of prograding lowstand deposits are recognized. Sand-dominated deposits occur proximally, comprising sharp-based forced regressive deposits covered with prograding low-stand deposits. Clay-dominated prograding lowstand deposits occur distally in the sequences. The highstand deposits are proximally represented by thick prograding sandy deposits and distally by thin and condensed intervals.The main sediment input direction was from the north and the northeast. A succession oif lithofacies, from shallow marine facies dominated by sand to outer shelf facies dominated by clay, is mapped in each of the sequences. An overall southward progradation of the shoreline took place during the Oligocene, interrupted only by minor shoreline retreats.  相似文献   

The Unst Basin is situated in the northern North Sea between the East Shetland Basin and the Shetland Isles. The basin is essentially a three-armed, Permo-Triassic fault-controlled basin containing up to 3600 m of red-beds. This is overlain by a westerly thickening Jurassic and early Cretaceous sequence, the stratigraphy of which is very similar to that of the East Shetland Basin. In particular, the Brent Group (140 m), Humber Group (685 m) and Cromer Knoll Group (300 m) are well represented.As a result of Laramide uplift of the area, the thick Upper Cretaceous and Palaeocene strata of the East Shetland Basin are absent from the Unst Basin. This uplift resulted in substantial erosion within the Unst Basin providing the major source for Palaeocene sands in the Viking Graben and the Faeroes Basin. Late Palaeocene and younger Tertiary strata transgress westwards across this erosion surface.Petroleum exploration within the basin culminated in the drilling of two exploration wells. These wells encountered potential reservoir and source rocks in the Jurassic section. However, geochemical analyses indicate these source rocks are immature for hydrocarbon generation within the Unst Basin. It is concluded that the Unst Basin has a low petroleum potential.  相似文献   

为了揭示高邮凹陷南断阶许庄—竹墩地区复杂断裂系统的成因、演化与油气成藏的关系,通过对不整合面地层剥蚀量计算、构造演化剖面分析等方法,系统地总结了许庄—竹墩地区断层的发育演化规律。吴堡运动和三垛运动时期是断裂活动最强烈的时期,许庄—竹墩地区的地层受到较强的剥蚀作用。本区主要断层的发育顺序依次为真①断层、纪③断层、真②’断层和真③断层,同一断层在不同的地质时期和平面上的不同位置,发育强度有明显的差异性。断层的活动一方面形成了一系列的断块圈闭,另一方面是油气垂向运移的主要通道,因此在本区形成了一系列的断块圈闭油藏。  相似文献   

The use of lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) systems for modelling petroleum reservoir analogues has become increasingly popular over the past few years, and there has been a proliferation of articles on the subject both on techniques and applications. A review of the literature of recent years has been conducted focussing on the use of lidar data not only in petroleum geology related projects, but also looking to the wider field of lidar usage to examine what other approaches may be of use to the petroleum geologist. Benefits of digital data acquisition are considered, as well as a basic overview of data collection approaches. Use of a variety of attributes (intensity, colour, dip, azimuth, co-linearity, co-planarity among others) is discussed as an aid to both manual and automated interpretation approaches. Integration of lidar data with other data types from traditional field data (sedimentary logs for example) and other digital data types such as multispectral and hyperspectral imagery, and ground penetrating radar are discussed as a way of increasing the amount of information in the digital dataset. The application of artificial intelligence approaches such as Smart Swarms and Neural Networks are considered, as well as current developments in both hardware and software. A variety of examples are given where lidar has been used in an innovative or interesting way, showing the strength of this data acquisition approach when combined with appropriate interpretation and modelling techniques.  相似文献   

High sedimentation rates (as much as 2500 m/Ma) during Pliocene-Pleistocene, with a resultant undercompacted section as thick as 10,000 m, and lower than normal geothermal gradients are the main characteristics which have created all the means for generation and preservation of oil at deep layers in the Lower Kura Depression.Oils collected from eight different oil fields for analyses seem to have originated from a common source rock which probably is clastic, deposited in relatively subanoxic to suboxic transitional marine environment receiving low to moderate input of terrestrial organic matter.Oils from shallow (< 3000 m) and cold (< 70–80°C) reservoirs have been altered to various extent by bacterial activity.A computer-aided basin modeling study has been carried out to outline the spatial variation of the oil window and thus help in further identification of possible source rocks for the reservoired oil in the Lower Kura Depression. Results suggest that the potential hydrocarbon source horizons of the Miocene and Pliocene Red Bed Series of the so called Productive Succession are, even at depocenter areas, immature with respect to oil generation, and thus, are very unlikely to have been source rocks for the reservoired oils. However, the Oligocene-Lower Miocene Maykop rocks are marginally mature to mature depending on locality and the Eocene and older rocks are mature with respect to oil generation at all representative field locations. Oil generation commenced at the end of Pliocene and continues at present at depths between 6000 and 12,000 m.An unusually deep (> 10,000 m) oil window in the depocenter areas has been caused by the depressed isotherms due to extremely high sedimentation rates (up to 3000 m/Ma) for the last two million years. The main phase of oil generation is taking place at depths greater than what most of the wells in the study are have reached.  相似文献   

Amlia and Amukta Basins are the largest of many intra-arc basins formed in late Cenozoic time along the crest of the Aleutian Arc. Both basins are grabens filled with 2–5 km of arc-derived sediment. A complex system of normal faults deformed the basinal strata. Although initial deposits of late Micocene age may be non-marine in origin, by early Pliocene time, most of the basinfill consisted of pelagic and hemipelagic debris and terrigenous turbidite deposits derived from wavebase and subaerial erosion of the arc's crestal areas. Late Cenozoic volcanism along the arc commenced during or shortly after initial subsidence and greatly contributed to active deposition in Amlia and Amukta Basins.Two groups of normal faults occur: major boundary faults common to both basins and ‘intra-basin’ faults that arise primarily from arc-parallel extension of the arc. The most significant boundary fault, Amlia-Amukta fault, is a south-dipping growth fault striking parallel to the trend of the arc. Displacement across this fault forms a large half-graben that is separated into the two depocentres of Amlia and Amukta Basins by the formation of a late Cenozoic volcanic centre, Seguam Island. Faults of the second group reflect regional deformation of the arc and offset the basement floor as well as the overlying basinal section. Intra-basin faults in Amlia Basin are predominantly aligned normal to the trend of the arc, thereby indicating arc-parallel extension. Those in Amukta basin are aligned in multiple orientations and probably indicate a more complex mechanism of faulting. Displacement across intra-basin faults is attributed to tectonic subsidence of the massif, aided by depositional loading within the basins. In addition, most intra-basin faults are listric and are associated with high growth rates.Although, the hydrocarbon potential of Amlia and Amukta Basins is difficult to assess based on existing data, regional considerations imply that an adequate thermal history conducive to hydrocarbon generation has prevailed during the past 6-5 my. The possibility for source rocks existing in the lower sections of the basins is suggested by exposures of middle and upper Miocene carbonaceous mudstone on nearby Atka Island and the implication that euxinic conditions may have prevailed during the initial formation of the basins. Large structures have evolved to trap migrating hydrocarbons, but questions remain concerning the preservation of primary porosity in a sedimentary section rich in reactive volcaniclastic debris.  相似文献   

A large number of marine, late Bathonian-Valanginian sandstone units have been identified in the North Sea, north of the Mid North Sea High. This paper discusses their complex areal distribution and outlines sedimentological models. The sandstone formations are interpreted as shallow marine, transgressive and regressive units interbedded with beach, lagoonal and coastal plain deposits. Coarse grained scarp fed fans occur along fault-controlled rift margins.The total proven recoverable reserves in these sandstone reservoirs are 2.3 x 109 ton oil equivalent, of which approximately one third is oil. The play types are intimately linked with the Mesozoic rift system of the Viking, Witch Ground and Central Grabens. Along this rift system the sand units provide good trapping potential and they are generally interbedded with or lie immediately below the Kimmeridgian-Ryazanian source rocks, so that migration paths are relatively simple and migration efficiency is high.  相似文献   

迈陈凹陷位于北部湾盆地南部坳陷,是北部湾盆地的一个三级构造单元。从迈陈凹陷石油地质条件与各构造单元特征入手,详细讨论了迈陈凹陷断裂演化特征以及构造样式和构造带展布。在此基础上分析了迈陈凹陷油气成藏的主控因素和有利区带、层系。指出了迈陈凹陷可分为四个次级洼陷,其中东1洼流二段烃源岩发育情况最好,其斜坡带发育有大量的构造圈闭,与迈陈凹陷成藏匹配关系良好,是迈陈凹陷下一步勘探的主要方向。  相似文献   

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