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甾体化合物RSA的11β-羟基化反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
原生质体在甾体中的应用起始于Dlugonski在 1984年采用Cunninghamellaelegans转化可的松龙 ( 17α ,2 1 二羟基孕甾 4 烯 3 ,2 0 二酮 )和Hyphodermaroseum转化 6α 氟 可的松龙 16,17 醋酸酯 ( 6α Flu 17α ,2 1 二羟基孕甾 4 烯 3 ,2 0 二酮 16,17 醋酸酯 ) ,发现原生质体具有甾体转化能力[1 ,2 ] 。Sedlaczek进一步采用等重的原生质体和菌丝体进行比较 ,原生质体的羟基化能力较后者提高了 3倍 ,表现出很高的转化能力[3] ,从而引起人们的关注。随后展开了有关原生质…  相似文献   

甾体C7-羟基化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物羟基化被用作研究甾体代谢机制和制备羟基甾体的工具,许多真菌微生物菌具有甾体C7-羟基化能力,而C7-羟基甾体具有许多重要的生物活性。在分子水平上,人们已经发现了7α-羟基化酶及其基因。就以上几个方面做一简单综述,并对此领域的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

甾体化合物又称类固醇,是重要的药物活性成分和药物合成中间体,因其具有环戊烷多氢菲的基本骨架,反应类型丰富,其中羟基化反应因产品具有广阔的市场应用前景而受到广泛关注。羟基化反应有化学法和生物法两种,生物法具有区域和立体专一性、对映体专一性等特点而成为目前主要的生产方法。首先从反应原理、类型及机制3个方面介绍了甾体微生物羟基化过程;其次,基于文献及自身研究工作,从甾体羟基化反应的发酵条件、底物溶解性、跨膜运输及反应器内流体力学特性4个角度对羟基化过程的影响进行了综述;最后,基于甾体羟基化反应特性及当前研究进展,对该反应过程后续研究提出展望,旨在为后期甾体羟基化反应的相关研究提供一定参考依据。  相似文献   

底物的分散和溶解对甾体微生物酶反应的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
甾体的溶解是微生物转化反应的控制步骤。表面活性剂对憎水性物质的增溶作用是具有憎水内核胶团形成的直接结果。随表面活性剂溶液浓度的增加,胶团数目增加,甾体水溶性增强。复配型分散剂PSE-MGE应用于甾体转化体系,相对于单组分分散剂PSE而言,实现同一程度甾体水溶性增强所需的表面活性剂用量减少,对菌体生长的负面影响较小,有利于转化。超声与分散剂配合使用的效果优于分解剂单独使用的效果,且使用较强的超声声强(12.4W/cm^2)和较短的超声时间(5min)时效果最佳。  相似文献   

磁化水处理菌种在甾体微生物转化过程中的效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
考察了磁化水处理菌种在甾体微生物羟化转化反应中的效应。磁化处理条件为:磁场强度0.24~0.25T、静置式磁化、作用时间30min。研究表明经磁化水处理的绿僵菌菌种,完成11a羟化转化甾体底物16a,17a-环氧黄体酮的能力有明显改善,其效应与添加适量生长调节剂时相当,两者配合使用、提前投入底物时效果加强。这有利于发酵周期的缩短。磁化处理后菌种的优良特性可在传代中保持至第3代。  相似文献   

考察了磁化水处理菌种在甾体微生物羟化转化反应中的效应。磁化处理条件为:磁场强度0.24~0.25T、静置式磁化、作用时间30min。研究表明经磁化水处理的绿僵菌菌种,完成11a羟化转化甾体底物16a,17a-环氧黄体酮的能力有明显改善,其效应与添加适量生长调节剂时相当,两者配合使用、提前投入底物时效果加强。这有利于发酵周期的缩短。磁化处理后菌种的优良特性可在传代中保持至第3代。  相似文献   

葡枝根霉NG0305酶催化甾体C11α-羟基化的研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
应用本实验室保藏的葡枝根霉Rhizopus stolonifer NG0305对甾体化合物烯睾丙内酯(3-oxo-4,6-diene-Pregna-17-aloha-hydroxy-21-carboxylic acid gama-lactone)进行酶催化C11α-羟基化反应的研究。研究结果表明,菌体培养的碳源供应对菌体所产羟化酶的活力有重要影响。采用葡萄糖和淀粉组合碳源,并加入适量的黑曲霉糖化酶的方式,解决了葡萄糖抑制的问题,并缩短了菌体培养反应时间,得到高羟化转化率。酶转化反应88h后,提取吸附在菌丝球内的产物,应用液相色谱测定,结果表明C11α-羟基化转化率达到了53.0%。  相似文献   

甾体的溶解是微生物转化反应的控制步骤。表面活性剂对憎水性物质的增溶作用是具有憎水内核胶团形成的直接结果。随表面活性剂溶液浓度的增加 ,胶团数目增加 ,甾体水溶性增强。复配型分散剂PSE MGE应用于甾体转化体系 ,相对于单组分分散剂PSE而言 ,实现同一程度甾体水溶性增强所需的表面活性剂用量减少 ,对菌体生长的负面影响较小 ,有利于转化。超声与分散剂配合使用的效果优于分散剂单独使用的效果 ,且使用较强的超声声强 (1 2 4W/cm2 )和较短的超声时间 (5min)时效果最佳。  相似文献   

甾体微生物转化在制药工业中的应用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对几种重要的甾体微生物转化反应如甾体边链降解、甾体羟基化反应的机理及其发展与应用作了概述;同时也介绍了固定化微生物细胞、非水溶液中酶催化反应及混合发酵等微生物转化技术在制药工业中的应用。  相似文献   

Two-step microbial transformation of 16α-hydroxycortexolone to its 1-dehydro-11α-hydroxy derivative, without isolating an intermediate, was achieved with an overall yield of 72% of product at a steroid substrate concentration of 3 mg/ml. The process included formation of the cycloborate complex of the substrate, hydroxylation of the borate complex with a suspension of Aspergillus ochraceus mycelium in phosphate buffer, and dehydrogenation of the 11α-hydroxylated intermediate with acetone-dried Arthrobacter simplex cells. The desired product was then obtained by breaking the resultant borate complex through acidification.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the fatty acid (1,4)-desaturase of Calendula officinalis produces calendic acid from linoleic acid has been probed through the use of kinetic isotope effect (KIE) measurements. This was accomplished by incubating appropriate mixtures of linoleate and regiospecifically dideuterated isotopomers with a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing a functional (1,4)-desaturase. GC-MS analysis of methyl calendate obtained in these experiments showed that the oxidation of linoleate occurs in two discrete steps since the cleavage of the C11-H bond is very sensitive to isotopic substitution (kH/kD = 5.7 +/- 1.0) while no isotope effect (kH/kD = 1.0 +/- 0.1) was observed for the C8-H bond breaking step. These data indicate that calendic acid is produced via initial H-atom abstraction at C11 of a linoleoyl substrate and supports the hypothesis that this transformation represents a regiochemical variation of the more common C12-initiated Delta12 desaturation process.  相似文献   

Regulation of two microbiological processes--1-dehydrogenation and 20 beta-reduction of ketosteroids--was studied using several exogeneous quinones which (a) stimulated 1-dehydrogenation and (b) inhibited the accompanying reaction, the reduction of 20-ketogroup of the steroid molecule. The least active compounds were benzoquinones. The best regulators are 1,4-naphthoquinone, 1,2-naphthoquinone, and 7-methoxy-1,2-naphthoquinone. Possible mechanism of the action of naphthoquinones on Mycobacterium globiforme is discussed.  相似文献   

1. The stereospecific hydroxylation of progesterone exclusively to its 11 alpha-hydroxy derivative by Aspergillus ochraceus TS is reported. 2. There is no secondary metabolite (6beta, 11 alpha-dihydroxyprogesterone) formed even when the transformation was attempted with different concentrations of the substrate (200 microgram/ml-200 mg/ml) for prolonged with Zn2+ at a concentration of 50 microgram/ml identical results were obtained. 3. Similar results were also obtained at different pH values of the culture medium.  相似文献   

The 11alpha-hydroxylation of progesterone by free cells of Aspergillus ochraceus has been examined in a reactor with an aqueous and a natural oil phase. As the proportion of oil is increased, the point of inversion from a continuous aqueous phase is affected by the cell concentration, as is the optimum ratio of the phases for conversion. High oil ratios are not productive because of poor mass transfer to the concentrated cells in the aqueous phase. The cells are stable in the presence of oleic acid for at least 24 h.  相似文献   

研究了搅拌转速、PH控制以及插瓶发酵过程中不同时间硫酸铵的补加对β-1,4聚糖酶形成的影响,优化得到A-30的β01,4-聚糖酶分批发酵操作条件和初步优化了(NH4)2SO4流加发酵条件。研究结果显示麸皮表面有大量A-30菌体细胞的吸附,搅拌转速对菌体吸附和β-1,4-聚糖酶的形成有明显影响;发酵过程中PH下降有利于β-1,4-聚糖酶形成。采用了实期以5ml/h的速率恒速流加,后期测定(NH4)2  相似文献   

The effect of a diet containing triglycerides of different fatty acid composition on hepatic 7alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol was studied. 7alpha-Hydroxylation of exogenous as well as endogenous cholesterol was significantly lower in the liver of rats fed trilinolein and triolein than in those fed tripalmitin and trierucin. The concentration of cytochrome P-450 in liver microsomes was significantly lower in the rats fed tripalmitin and trierucin than in those fed triolein and trilinolein. The inhibitory effect of triolein and trilinolein on 7alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol and the stimulatory effect of these triglycerides on the concentration of cytochrome P-450 was not due to the small amounts of peroxides present in the unsaturated triglycerides. Thus addition of the antioxidant butylated hydroxyanisol did not change the general pattern with respect to 7alpha-hydroxylation and concentration of cytochrome P-450. However, a diet consisting of peroxidized linoleic acid further decreased 7alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol. The difference between the effect obtained with triolein and trilinolein on the one hand and trierucin and tripalmitin on the other was observed also in experiments with lower concentrations of fat in the diet and in experiments with different lighting conditions and feeding patterns. The inverse relation between cytochrome P-450 and 7alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol, as well as results obtained with substrates for mixed-function oxidation other than cholesterol suggest that most of the changes observed due to the different diets are specific for 7alpha-hydroxylation of cholesterol. The level of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase activity was found to be better related to the degree of absorption of fat than to total amount of absorbed fat or degree of unsaturation of the fat. The results are discussed in relation to previous knowledge concerning mechanisms regulating biosynthesis of bile acid.  相似文献   

The effects of leaving the ovarian cortex open after wedge resection were studied in a rabbit model. Twelve animals were operated: in one ovary the ovarian cortex was reattached with microsurgical sutures and in the contralateral it was left to heal by secondary intention. No significant differences were observed in adhesion formation and tissue reactivity between the two techniques. These data support the hypothesis that reattachment of the ovarian cortex is not necessary after conservative ovarian surgery and these findings could be useful in the laparoscopic treatment of benign ovarian pathology.  相似文献   

R B Gabbard  A Segaloff 《Steroids》1983,41(6):791-805
Thirty compounds were evaluated in the rat for uterotropic effects, inhibition of gonadotropin release, and competitive displacement of (3H) estradiol-17 beta from uterine cytosolic preparations. 7 alpha-Methylestradiol-17 beta was 150% as active as estradiol-17 beta as an uterotropic agent. Estradiol-17 beta was the most active inhibitor of gonadotropin release. 11 beta-Methylestradiol-17 beta had 124% of the activity of estradiol-17 beta in displacing (3H) estradiol-17 beta from the "estrogen receptor." The 9 alpha-methyl group considerably decreased the potency of estrogens in any of the three assays. The 14-dehydro modification was advantageous only in the estradiol-17 beta 3-methyl ether series. Uterotropic activities and inhibition of gonadotropin release did not parallel. The best compound for inhibiting gonadotropin release, as compared to uterotropic activity, was estrone. The "estrogen receptor" assay data correlated fairly well with uterotropic assay data, but only for compounds having free 3-hydroxyl groups; even so, some exceptions were noted.  相似文献   

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