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The native high molecular mass form of alpha-crystallin, the most important soluble protein in the eye lens, and its low molecular mass form obtained at 37 degrees C in dilute solutions were investigated by synchrotron radiation small-angle X-ray scattering. The alpha-crystallin solutions are polydisperse and good fits to the experimental data can be obtained using distributions of spheres with radii varying between about 5 and 10 nm. In spite of the polydispersity, two different ab initio methods were used to retrieve low resolution shapes from the scattering data. These shapes correspond to the z-average structure of the oligomers. In the absence of any symmetry constraints, the scattering curves of the two forms of alpha-crystallin yield bean-like shapes. The shape corresponding to the low molecular mass form has about 20% less mass at the periphery. Imposing tetrahedral symmetry on the average structures worsens the fit to the experimental data. We emphasized the apparent contradiction between hydrodynamic and molecular properties of alpha-crystallin. An explanation was put forward based on the presence of solvent-exposed flexible C-terminal extensions. We present two bead models ('hollow globule with tentacles' and 'bean with tentacles') based on NMR and cryo-electron microscopy studies and discuss how well they correspond with our data from X-ray scattering, light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation.  相似文献   

An investigation of the small-angle X-ray scattering properties of aqueous solutions of an amylose derivative has been carried out. Experiments have been conducted in stable and fairly concentrated polymer solutions (up to 3.2%) by using a slightly substituted carboxymethylamylose having a degree of substitution of 0.08. Scattering intensities display a maximum in the low angle range which prevents extrapolation of the angular dependence to zero angle. Data obtained in the range of scattering vector 0.01<η<0.1Å?1 yield 8 Å as the radius of gyration of the chain cross-section and 140 dalton Å?1 as the mass per unit length. These results are analysed in terms of the current model of amylose solution conformation and compared with the theoretical calculations of the Debye scattering function of the isolated chain.  相似文献   

While X-ray crystallographic data on cytochrome c show the reduced and oxidized forms to have very similar structures, there is a considerable body of data, mostly from solution studies, that indicates the reduced form is more stable and that the interior of the protein is less accessible to solvent in this state. These observations have led to the hypothesis that while the time-averaged structure is preserved between the two forms, the dynamics of the two forms are different. The oxidized form has been proposed to undergo more large-amplitude, low-frequency motions than the reduced form. The crystal structure data were derived from crystals grown in high salt concentrations, but the solution studies were done at relatively low ionic strength. Small-angle X-ray scattering has been used to examine the effects of the ionic strength and oxidation state on the solution structure of cytochrome c. We find that the radius of gyration and the maximum linear dimension of oxidized cytochrome c are significantly larger than those for reduced cytochrome c, in 5 mM phosphate buffer at pH 7.3, and further that this difference is suppressed by addition of 200 mM sodium chloride. We conclude that there is a real structural difference between the two forms at low ionic strength in solution and that this difference is likely to contribute to the observed differences in accessibility and compressibility.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are a group of very surface-active, fungal proteins known to self-assemble on various hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces. The self-assembled films coat fungal structures and mediate their attachment to surfaces. Hydrophobins are also soluble in water. Here, the association of hydrophobins HFBI and HFBII from Trichoderma reesei in aqueous solution was studied using small-angle x-ray scattering. Both HFBI and HFBII exist mainly as tetramers in solution in the concentration range 0.5-10 mg/ml. The assemblies of HFBII dissociate more easily than those of HFBI, which can tolerate changes of pH from 3 to 9 and temperatures in the range 5°C-60°C. The self-association of HFBI and HFBII is mainly driven by the hydrophobic effect, and addition of salts along the Hofmeister series promotes the formation of larger assemblies, whereas ethanol breaks the tetramers into monomers. The possibility that the oligomers in solution form the building blocks of the self-assembled film at the air/water interface is discussed.  相似文献   

We have used small-angle X-ray solution scattering to obtain ab initio shape reconstructions of the complete VS ribozyme. The ribozyme occupies an electron density envelope with an irregular shape, into which helical sections have been fitted. The ribozyme is built around a core comprising a near-coaxial stack of three helices, organized by two three-way helical junctions. An additional three-way junction formed by an auxiliary helix directs the substrate stem-loop, juxtaposing the cleavage site with an internal loop to create the active complex. This is consistent with the current view of the probable mechanism of trans-esterification in which adenine and guanine nucleobases contributed by the interacting loops combine in general acid-base catalysis.  相似文献   

Tau is one of the two main proteins involved in the pathology of Alzheimer's disease via formation of beta-sheet rich intracellular aggregates named paired helical filaments (PHFs). Given that tau is a natively unfolded protein with no folded core (even upon binding to physiological partners such as microtubules), its structural analysis by high-resolution techniques has been difficult. In this study, employing solution small-angle X-ray scattering from the full length isoforms and from a variety of deletion and point mutants the conformation of tau in solution is structurally characterized. A recently developed ensemble optimization method was employed to generate pools of random models and to select ensembles of coexisting conformations, which fitted simultaneously the scattering data from the full length protein and deletion mutants. The analysis of the structural properties of these selected ensembles allowed us to extract information about residual structure in different domains of the native protein. The short deletion mutants containing the repeat domain (considered the core constituent of the PHFs) are significantly more extended than random coils, suggesting an extended conformation of the repeat domain. The longer tau constructs are comparable in size with the random coils, pointing to long-range contacts between the N- and C-termini compensating for the extension of the repeat domain. Moreover, most of the aggregation-promoting mutants did not show major differences in structure from their wild-type counterparts, indicating that their increased pathological effect is triggered only after an aggregation core has been formed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of macromolecular conformations are critical to the action of cellular networks. Solution X-ray scattering studies, in combination with macromolecular X-ray crystallography (MX) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), strive to determine complete and accurate states of macromolecules, providing novel insights describing allosteric mechanisms, supramolecular complexes, and dynamic molecular machines. This review addresses theoretical and practical concepts, concerns, and considerations for using these techniques in conjunction with computational methods to productively combine solution-scattering data with high-resolution structures. I discuss the principal means of direct identification of macromolecular flexibility from SAXS data followed by critical concerns about the methods used to calculate theoretical SAXS profiles from high-resolution structures. The SAXS profile is a direct interrogation of the thermodynamic ensemble and techniques such as, for example, minimal ensemble search (MES), enhance interpretation of SAXS experiments by describing the SAXS profiles as population-weighted thermodynamic ensembles. I discuss recent developments in computational techniques used for conformational sampling, and how these techniques provide a basis for assessing the level of the flexibility within a sample. Although these approaches sacrifice atomic detail, the knowledge gained from ensemble analysis is often appropriate for developing hypotheses and guiding biochemical experiments. Examples of the use of SAXS and combined approaches with X-ray crystallography, NMR, and computational methods to characterize dynamic assemblies are presented.  相似文献   

Novel techniques for simultaneous analysis of X-ray and neutron scattering patterns from macromolecular complexes in solution are presented. They include ab initio shape and internal structure determination of multicomponent particles and more detailed rigid body modeling of complexes using high resolution structures of subunits. The methods fit simultaneously X-ray and neutron scattering curves including contrast variation data sets from selectively deuterated complexes. Biochemically sound interconnected models without steric clashes between the components displaying a pre-defined symmetry are generated. For rigid body modeling, distance restraints between specified residues/nucleotides or their ranges are taken into account. The efficiency of the methods is demonstrated in model examples, and potential sources of ambiguity are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary With current emphasis in bioengineering on developing new and better structure-function relationships for proteins (e.g., the need for predictability of expected properties prior to cloning), practical and reliable methodology for providing characterization of appropriate features has become of increasing importance. The most potent and detailed technique, X-ray crystallography, has severe limitations: it is so demanding and time-consuming that X-ray coordinates are frequently unavailable for materials of interest; its data relate to static and essentially unhydrated structures, whereas proteins exhibit a variety of dynamic features and function in an aqueous environment; and many proteins of technological importance may never be crystallized. Small-angle X-ray scattering, however, is particularly suitable as a methodology that can provide a substantial number of significant geometric parameters consistent with crystallographic results, that can readily show tertiary structural changes occurring under varying conditions, and that can deal with solutions and gels. Results are presented here from small-angle X-ray scattering investigations of the apo and holo forms of chicken egg-white riboflavin-binding protein, chicken egg-white lysozyme, bovine milk-whey -lactalbumin and -lactoglobulin, and bovine ribonuclease. We utilize these observations to compare tertiary structures of these proteins as well as conformational changes in these structures, and to provide a basis for discussion of their physical and biological significance.Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Reference to brand or firm name does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned.  相似文献   

The pH-induced conformational transition of poly(sodium ethacrylate) PNaEA in aqueous solution, which occurs between a compact form at low charge-density and an extended coil at high charge-density, was studied by small-angle X-ray scattering and the structure at an each conformational state was analyzed and compared with the corresponding one of poly(sodium methacrylate) PNaMA. The conformational transition for PNaEA induced a remarkable change in the scattering data plotted in the form of the Kratky plot. By comparing the scattering data with theoretical scattering functions, it was clarified that the structures of the compact form and the extended coil are well mimicked by a swollen gel having a network structure and by a wormlike chain, respectively. Although such a structure of the extended coil of PNaEA is similar to the corresponding one of PNaMA, the structure of the compact form of PNaEA is different from the corresponding one of PNaMA, which is still represented by a wormlike chain in a Theta medium.  相似文献   

The small-angle X-ray scattering method has been applied to evaluate various macromolecular parameters such as the specific inner surface, the transversal lengths, the length of crystallinity, the range of amorphous zone and the percentage of porosity in pure human bone and osteomyelitis, an infection of bone tissue. The hydroxyapatite crystals of bone being uniformly dispersed throughout the hydrated collagenous matrix creating a large mineral matrix interface, we found the bone samples to behave as a densely packed two phase system. The theories of Kratky and Porod have been utilized to evaluate the macromolecular parameters. These findings may shed light on tertiary structural deformation of human bone when it is infected.  相似文献   

The phase structure of isolated bacterial lipid A, the lipid anchor of the lipopolysaccharides of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, has been investigated by neutron small-angle scattering. The shape of the scattering curves obtained at different H2O/2H2O ratios revealed a lamellar organisation of the lipid A at neutral pH both above and below its main phase temperature (approximately 40-45 degrees C). Analysis of the scattering curves and interpretation of the corresponding thickness distance distribution functions of the lamellar aggregates led to a model in which the lipid A molecules form a bilayer of about 5 nm in thickness. This value for the thickness of the bilayer, as well as the neutron-scattering density profile across the bilayer, can be explained by a molecular model which shows interdigitation of the fatty acid chains of the lipid A.  相似文献   

Many proteins are composed of several domains that pack together into a complex tertiary structure. Multidomain proteins can be challenging for protein structure modeling, particularly those for which templates can be found for individual domains but not for the entire sequence. In such cases, homology modeling can generate high quality models of the domains but not for the orientations between domains. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) reports the structural properties of entire proteins and has the potential for guiding homology modeling of multidomain proteins. In this article, we describe a novel multidomain protein assembly modeling method, SAXSDom that integrates experimental knowledge from SAXS with probabilistic Input-Output Hidden Markov model to assemble the structures of individual domains together. Four SAXS-based scoring functions were developed and tested, and the method was evaluated on multidomain proteins from two public datasets. Incorporation of SAXS information improved the accuracy of domain assembly for 40 out of 46 critical assessment of protein structure prediction multidomain protein targets and 45 out of 73 multidomain protein targets from the ab initio domain assembly dataset. The results demonstrate that SAXS data can provide useful information to improve the accuracy of domain-domain assembly. The source code and tool packages are available at https://github.com/jianlin-cheng/SAXSDom .  相似文献   

Visual arrestin is converted from a 'basal' state to an 'activated' state by interaction with the phosphorylated C-terminus of photoactivated rhodopsin (R*), but the conformational changes in arrestin that lead to activation are unknown. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) was used to investigate the solution structure of arrestin and characterize changes attendant upon activation. Wild-type arrestin forms dimers with a dissociation constant of 60 micro m. Small conformational changes, consistent with local movements of loops or the mobile N- or C-termini of arrestin, were observed in the presence of a phosphopeptide corresponding to the C-terminus of rhodopsin, and with an R175Q mutant. Because both the phosphopeptide and the R175Q mutation promote binding to unphosphorylated R*, we conclude that arrestin is activated by subtle conformational changes. Most of the arrestin will be in a dimeric state in vivo. Using the arrestin structure as a guide [Hirsch, J.A., Schubert, C., Gurevich, V.V. & Sigler, P.B. (1999) Cell 97, 257-269], we have identified a model for the arrestin dimer that is consistent with our SAXS data. In this model, dimerization is mediated by the C-terminal domain of arrestin, leaving the N-terminal domains free for interaction with phosphorylated R*.  相似文献   

The MgATP-bound conformation of the Fe protein of nitrogenase from Azotobacter vinelandii has been examined in solution by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and compared to existing crystallographically characterized Fe protein conformations. The results of the analysis of the crystal structure of an Fe protein variant with a Switch II single-amino acid deletion recently suggested that the MgATP-bound state of the Fe protein may exist in a conformation that involves a large-scale reorientation of the dimer subunits, resulting in an overall elongated structure relative to the more compact structure of the MgADP-bound state. It was hypothesized that the Fe protein variant may be a conformational mimic of the MgATP-bound state of the native Fe protein largely on the basis of the observation that the spectroscopic properties of the [4Fe-4S] cluster of the variant mimicked in part the spectroscopic signatures of the native nitrogenase Fe protein in the MgATP-bound state. In this work, SAXS studies reveal that the large-scale conformational differences between the native Fe protein and the variant observed by X-ray crystallography are also observed in solution. In addition, comparison of the SAXS curves of the Fe protein nucleotide-bound states to the nucleotide-free states indicates that the conformation of the MgATP-bound state in solution does not resemble the structure of the variant as initially proposed, but rather, at the resolution of this experiment, it resembles the structure of the nucleotide-free state. These results provide insights into the Fe protein conformations that define the role of MgATP in nitrogenase catalysis.  相似文献   

The GroES protein from Escherichia coli is a well-known member of the molecular chaperones. GroES consists of seven identical 10 kDa subunits, and forms a dome-like oligomeric structure. In order to obtain information on the structural stability and unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein, especially at protein concentrations (0.4-1.2 mM GroES monomer) that would mimic heat stress conditions in vivo, we have performed synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments. Surprisingly, in spite of the high protein concentration, reversibility in the unfolding-refolding reaction was confirmed by SAXS experiments structurally. Although the unfolding-refolding reaction showed an apparent single transition with a Cm of 1.1 M guanidium hydrochloride, a more detailed analysis of this transition demonstrated that the unfolding mechanism could be best explained by a sequential three-state model, which consists of native heptamer, dissociated monomer, and unfolded monomer. Together with our previous result that GroES unfolded completely via a partially folded monomer according to a three-state model at low protein concentration (5 microM monomer), the unfolding-refolding mechanism of GroES protein could be explained uniformly by the three-state model from low to high protein concentrations. Furthermore, to clarify an ambiguity of the native GroES structure in solution, especially mobile loop structures, we have estimated a solution structure of GroES using SAXS profiles obtained from experiments and simulation analysis. The result suggested that the native structure of GroES in solution was very similar to that seen in GroES-GroEL complex determined by crystallography.  相似文献   

The small-angle X-ray scattering was observed from beta-casein micelles in 0.2 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.7) with varying temperatures. An oblate ellipsoid of a rigid core with a thin soft layer was proposed as a probable model of the beta-casein micellar structure, according to the results of the model optimization with simple triaxial bodies. Here the axial ratio was found to decrease and the micelle to become spherical when the polymerization proceeds with temperature. The consistency of the present model was examined with the results of hydrodynamic measurements published previously.  相似文献   

Small-angle X-ray scattering data suggest that major but reversible rearrangements of mitochondrial inner membrane structure are induced by uncouplers. Low levels of 2,4-dinitrophenol (10 μM) cause a perceptible wide-angle shift of the 20 mrad X-ray scattering maximum characteristic of intact liver mitochondria. Higher dinitrophenol concentrations (> 25 μM) reduce this scattering maximum to one-third its initial intensity. In terms of mitochondrial function, the former scattering change appears to correlate with the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation while the latter occurs in the course of dinitrophenol stimulation of mitochondrial ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Src kinase plays an important role in several signaling and regulation mechanisms in vivo. Enzymatic activity is tightly regulated through the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tyrosine 527, which is placed at the C-terminal tail. Here, we have addressed domain rearrangements involved in the regulation mechanism of Src kinase in solution using small-angle X-ray scattering. In the phosphorylated wild-type form of Src kinase corresponding to the inactive state of the protein, a single conformation compatible with a closed crystallographic structure was found in solution. In the Y527F point mutant representing the active state, analysis of scattering data reveals an equilibrium between two differently populated conformations differing in the radius of gyration by 5 Å. The major species (85% of the total population) presents a closed conformation indistinguishable from the crystallographic structure of the inactive state. The minor species (15% of the total population) is an open conformation similar to the crystallographic structure in the active state. The latter structure has the SH3, SH2, and SH2-catalytic domain linker assembled as a pseudo-two-domain protein. The regulation model emerging from this study, including at least three different conformational states, allows the tight regulation of the enzyme without compromising fast response in the presence of natural targets.  相似文献   

The size and shape parameters of poly(L -tyrosine) in dimethyl formamide were investigated with fractionated samples of different molecular weight by small-angle X-ray scattering. The molecular weight, the radius of gyration of the molecule as a whole, the radius of gyration of the cross section, the mass per unit length, and the length of helix molecule were determined. The molecular conformations proposed by Applequist and Pao for poly(L -tyrosine) were compared with the experimental results obtained. It was concluded that poly(L -tyrosine) exists in a form of the right-handed α-helix in dimethyl formamide.  相似文献   

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