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This paper studies the consequences of network externalities on R&D rivalry between an incumbent firm and a potential entrant. In the model, all differences between the R&D projects chosen in market equilibrium and the socially best projects are solely due to network externalities. From a welfare perspective, the incumbent chooses a too risky and the entrant a too certain R&D project. Rothschild and Stiglitz's mean preserving spread criterion is used as a measure of risk. Adoption of a new standard is more likely in equilibrium than in the social optimum.  相似文献   

We explore heterogeneities in the determinants of innovating firms' decisions to engage in R&D cooperation, differentiating between four types of cooperation partners: competitors, suppliers, customers, and universities and research institutes (institutional cooperation). We use two matched waves of the Dutch Community Innovation Survey (in 1996 and 1998) and apply system probit estimation. We find that determinants of R&D cooperation differ significantly across cooperation types. The positive impact of firm size, R&D intensity, and incoming source-specific spillovers is weaker for competitor cooperation, reflecting greater appropriability concerns. Institutional spillovers are more generic in nature and positively impact all cooperation types. The results appear robust to potential simultaneity bias.  相似文献   

We evaluate the external effects of 183 large mergers at the market level by assessing the impact on the main competitors of the merging firms. Using synthetic control groups and difference in difference estimation, we find that the return on assets of rival firms increases significantly after a merger. The size of the effect varies strongly with market characteristics and the intensity of competition.  相似文献   

This paper compares innovative efficiency as proxied by a measure of R&D efficiency, between firms with organic and mechanistic R&D organizational structures. The results of the study support the hypotheses that organic structures experience greater efficiency in basic research, process-related R&D and long-term R&D activities than do mechanistic structures.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the question of how far precept as revealed in the academic literature on staffing of industrial R&D organizations is reflected by practice in those organizations. The author has used the opportunity afforded by discussions with twenty-five middle- and higher-management staff in laboratories in four large European companies in the petrochemical, engineering and pharmaceutical industries to obtain an overview of their staffing practices.
Six aspects of staffing were enquired into: identifying and attracting persons with skills needed, selecting those satisfying organizational needs, developing the new recruit, measuring performance, appraising the individual's needs and career planning. The general impression was that the practices were remarkably similar, though some differences were observed between research- or discovery-oriented laboratories and development-oriented laboratories.
When compared with well-validated generalisations in the literature firms tend to use practices judged good in the literature though there are some significant deviations especially with respect to the value of the personal interview. In some respects firms use innovative practices not yet studied by academic researchers.  相似文献   

We examine coordinated and unilateral effects of horizontal partial cross-ownership (PCO) in a laboratory experiment. We consider homogeneous Bertrand markets where firms have symmetric, non-controlling shares of each other, and conduct the experiment with both stranger and partner matching. The partner data (repeated game) confirm the prediction that firms are more (tacitly) collusive with PCO than without. In the stranger data (one-shot game), average prices are increasing with higher degrees of PCO. This is inconsistent with rather extreme Nash predictions for this setup. We show that in a Quantal Response Equilibrium firms’ incentives to compete are reduced with passive PCO. QRE predictions explain the data from the stranger treatment well.  相似文献   

The paper is an account of the authors visit to the Peoples Republic of China in 1981. It shows how a highly centralised state deals with innovation, in this context innovation being equated with R&D. The first part of the paper deals with the way the responsibility for planning and execution of scientific and technical effort is distributed through the state and industry. The second looks at the manpower and organisational problems resulting from the economic backwardness of the country and past mistakes in trying to overcome it.  相似文献   

The author suggests that the systematic identification of a firm's technologies opens up the possibility of evaluating, protecting, optimizing, enriching and exploiting these technologies to the full. A firm's technologies fall into two parts: those embodied and exploited in current operations and those evolving from the collective competencies of its R&D staff. The author's aim is to evaluate and describe the firm's R&D competencies.
The identification of R&D competencies proceeds in three steps: tracing the background of the current and past programmes, constructing a programmes/competencies matrix, and deriving an expertise profile. The construction of the matrix is the key activity and requires much care in its execution, if competencies are to be properly defined and truly existing, and if it is to be exhaustive. The author sketches a procedure for constructing a matrix and discusses problems of implementation and draws attention to some of its limitations.
The author claims that such an inventory of expertise could improve the efficiency of the use of the R&D resource, identify a laboratory's strengths and weaknesses, direct R&D into hitherto neglected channels, assist individuals to identify and evaluate their own expertise, justify obtaining funding for building expertise in shortage areas. The method should be considered as a starting point to formulate appropriate strategies to gain access to technology.  相似文献   

Global R&D management, the management of company R&D effort distributed over different countries, a task that concerns multinational firms, has not been widely studied. The authors have therefore carried out in-depth studies of global R&D conducted by 7 European and 15 Japanese companies. Their objective was to identify 'best practice' and so construct a framework for future research.
The authors' conclusions are as follows. Globalisation, that is decentralisation of R&D, has become a necessity for multinationals as a result of the localisation of competition, of product life becoming shorter than development time, and the need to locate laboratories near sources of new technological know-how.
Because foreign acquisitions often lead to the acquisition of laboratories, questions are raised about how best to integrate them with the administrative practices of the 'home' organization, whether to reorganize them or to close them down. When it is necessary to set up a new foreign-based laboratory deciding its exact location will require the weighing of factors such as whether the activities are to be market or process oriented, where on the R to D scale the activities will be placed, and how far direction of the laboratory's programmes and work will be decentralised.
Global management also demands special attention to the building of an open communication network among the laboratories, the best form of which has yet to be determined. The main concern in human resource management will be how to select and develop an internationally oriented management corps and how to train R&D professionals to communicate across sites.
If globally dispersed R&D laboratories are to be most effectively used then a new framework for their management needs to be developed.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to identify a number of different patterns of international R&D cooperation during the initial phases of the product development process. This is a case-study of new product development based on the work of the Olivetti Multimedia Laboratory in Pisa, how it set up its own pattern of multinational collaboration in the idea generation and pre-competitive phase; how, in turn, this collaboration led to new R&D collaboration agreements to satisfy specific problem-solving requirements connected with the confirmation of a dominant design, though limited to a certain extent by previous agreements between Olivetti and other firms; the role played by marketing in the choice of alternative solutions. Finally, in the product implementation phase, the emergence of a defined technological paradigm leads to a highly competitive environment, where R&D collaboration is increasingly directed towards multifunctional requirements (R&D, manufacturing, marketing) within a strategic network of alliances that involves large sized companies, start-up firms, industrial and university research units.  相似文献   

Project Management Systems can use a variety of tools to model and visualise project status. This paper discusses the application of an integrated approach for project modeling and proposes a new graphic tool called PACT for evaluation of project status. An integrated performance monitoring system comprising many tools, including PACT, was used successfully with multiple advanced technology projects within the Indian Guided Missiles Development Programme. The approach provided a better insight into the status and problems of projects, and enabled management to initiate the most appropriate actions towards better performance.  相似文献   

Abstract . There is considerable confusion about the meaning of the term management by objectives and of the appropriateness to the R&D environment of the various procedures which many organizations have adopted under the general heading of MBO. This short paper reports on a pilot study of five organizations, carried out in order to obtain information about the use, or otherwise, of MBO.  相似文献   

Successful product innovation hinges on close R&D/marketing relationships, especially in technology-based organizations. However, there is evidence that linkage problems are common and when they are not overcome failure is the usual result.
R&D's perspective on what R&D, marketing and senior management can do to improve their relationship with marketing is presented. The recommendations are based on suggestions from R&D directors involved in new product development efforts in 83 technology-based companies. Also presented is how the need for integration has changed over time and where it is going in the future.  相似文献   

Recent work by Näslund and Sellstedt report results which apparently conflict with accepted opinion on the techniques generally adopted in R&D budgeting. The analysis here suggests that these results can be reconciled with previous analyses and that in fact the role of ‘big science’ in Swedish R&D as well as relative size of Swedish firms compared to large U. S. and U. K. firms may explain the different conventions adopted in Swedish industry.  相似文献   

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