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It is shown in this paper that, according to the data of Russian and non-Russian specialists, three characteristic “lines” (“polychronic formation arrays”) of metallogeny absolutely correspond to the idea of the existence of three principal types of the Earth’s lithosphere. Two of these types are well known, the “classical” oceanic and continental types; the third, marginal-sea type, with the so-called modified type of mineralization, is still underestimated. In the same time, this type of the lithosphere, usually considered as intermediate or transitional, is nearly the most determinative in the Earth’s evolution both in tectonics (generation of new portions of juvenile continental crust and formation of supercontinents) and in the metallogenic aspects (diverse and high industrial potential of ore occurrences).  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - A flood monitoring and warning system provides critical information that can protect property and save lives. A basin-scale flood monitoring system requires an effective...  相似文献   

Hu  Zewen  Zhang  Xiaocai  Cui  Jingjing  Zhang  Lijie  Ahmed  Wasim 《Natural Hazards》2021,107(3):2205-2225
Natural Hazards - Meteorological disasters frequently occur in China and around the world. These natural hazards can cause huge economic losses and threaten the personal safety of citizens. The...  相似文献   

RTK-GPS data, aerial photographs and Aster images were used to quantify volume, surface elevation, terminus position and area changes of Glacier No. 4 of Sigong River over Mt. Bogda, Tianshan during the period from 1962 to 2009. Glacier surface elevation of the tongue area decreased by 15 ± 8 m (0.32 ± 0.17 m a−1) and ice volume loss reached 0.014 ± 0.008 km3 (0.013 ± 0.007 km3 w. e.). The glacier terminus retreated at a rate of 8.0 m a−1 and the area decreased by about 0.53 km2, accounting for 15.8% of the glacier area in 1962 (3.33 km2). The changes can be primarily attributed to the significant increase in temperature in this region. A comparison with glacier changes by field measurements in other regions of eastern Tianshan showed obvious spatial differences in the magnitude of the changes, owing to a combination of regional climate change and topographical factors.  相似文献   

This paper aims to evaluate the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction performance of 30 mainland provinces in China over 2005?C2009. First, the log-mean Divisia index (LMDI) technique is used to decompose the changes in CO2 emissions at the provincial level into 4 effects that are carbon intensity effect, energy mix effect, energy intensity effect and gross domestic product (GDP) effect. Next, two indicators, decoupling index and rescaled decoupling index, are implemented to evaluate the performance of 30 provinces in CO2 emission reduction from 2005 to 2009. The decomposition result shows that the GDP growth is mainly responsible for the CO2 emissions increase, while the energy intensity effect is the key factor for the decrease in CO2 emissions in each province. Moreover, according to the evaluation, the performance of each province in what concerns the CO2 emission reduction varies significantly. Most provinces in China made significant efforts in emissions reduction during 2005?C2009, while some provinces only made weak efforts or even no efforts in decoupling progress.  相似文献   

The geological structure and tectonophysics of the Gusinoozersky Basin—a tectonotype of Mesozoic depressions in the western Transbaikal region—is discussed. New maps of the fault-block structure and state of stress in the Earth’s crust of the studied territory are presented. It is established that the Gusinoozersky Basin was formed in a transtensional regime with the leading role of extension oriented in the NW-SE direction. The transtensional conditions were caused by paths of regional tension stresses oriented obliquely to the axial line of the basin, which created a relatively small right-lateral strike-slip component of separation (in comparison with normal faulting) along the NE-trending master tectonic lines. The widespread shear stress tensors of the second order with respect to extension are related to inhomogeneities in the Earth’s crust, including those that are arising during displacement of blocks along normal faults. Folding at the basin-range boundary was brought about by gravity effects of normal faulting. The faults and blocks in the Gusinoozersky Basin remained active in the Neogene and Quaternary; however, it is suggested that their reactivation was a response to tectonic processes that occurred in the adjacent Baikal Rift Zone rather than to the effect of a local mantle source.  相似文献   

To evaluate the impact of the cement’s dust emitted by the eastern Moroccan cement factory (Oujda Holcim) and deposited on the soil of the Ain Lahjar commune, 58 samples of soil were collected around the factory on a radius of 3 km approximately. The physicochemical analyses of the upper 3 cm of the soil surface samples correspond to the pH, electrical conductivity, the chlorides and the oxides of Ca, Al, Fe, K, Mn, S and Si which were analyzed by the fluorescence of X-rays. The preliminary results demonstrate that this dust are especially basic and contain a high free lime (43% CaO). The principal component analysis (applied on the 58 samples of soil) allows deducting that the free lime and the sulfur oxide are the tracer elements of this form of pollution. Furthermore, the spatial projection of the factor scores of the principal component analysis using the geographical information system permits to determine the spatial distribution of more polluted areas of soils as well as to estimate their surface (63.3% of the survey zone).  相似文献   

On June 2011, the Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology, an Institute within the China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), and the Department of Geology & Mining CNNC carried out a project Scientific Drilling.for Deep Metallogenic Research in the Xiangshan Large Uranium Ore Field. A year later on June 21, the project, representing the first scientific drilling of China's uranium, was officially launched, and successfully completed on June 17, 2013. A 2818.88 m of drilling depth has broken the previous record 1200 m of exploration depth.  相似文献   

Khlopov  M. Yu. 《Astronomy Reports》2021,65(10):962-966
Astronomy Reports - The modern Standard cosmological scenario, reflecting to large extent the development of Zeldovich’s legacy in cosmoparticle physics, involves inflation, baryosynthesis...  相似文献   

During the Final Gravettian, the Reclau Caves (northeast Iberia) were intensively occupied by hunter-gatherer communities. The study of residential level D (c. 25.4–19.7 kyr bp ) of Arbreda Cave offers a new view of subsistence strategies of communities which inhabited the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, a transition region between the steppe-tundra and the Iberian wooded steppe biomes, during Greenland Stadial 3. Presented here are the results of the zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of ungulate and carnivore remains recovered from level D. The study confirms that the faunal assemblage of this level was mainly brought there by humans. The zooarchaeological analysis indicates selective hunting based on the exploitation of familial groups of horses and deer, while other ungulate taxa appear to be infrequent. Hunter-gatherers frequented the site throughout the year, but more intensive use in spring is indicated by subadult sensu lato horses. There was extensive exploitation of ungulate carcasses: various butchery activities, marrow extraction, the use of bone as fuel and ‘less elaborate tools’ are documented. Carnivore canines were exploited to produce ornaments. The great dominance of horses reveals cold conditions and the expansion of open environments related to the chronology span of Greenland Stadial 3.  相似文献   

The combined effects of active tectonics and anthropogenic activities, primarily geothermal resources exploitation for electricity production in Cerro Prieto geothermal field, influence the ground surface deformation in Cerro Prieto basin, Baja California, Mexico. In this study, a large set of multi-sensor C-band SAR images have been employed to reconstruct the spatiotemporal evolution of aseismic ground surface deformation that has affected Cerro Prieto basin from 1993 to 2014. Conventional DInSAR together with the interferograms stacking procedure was applied. The results showed that the study area presented considerable surface deformation (mainly subsidence) during the entire time of the investigation. The main changes in rate and pattern of surface deformation have a good correlation in time and space with the changes in production in the Cerro Prieto geothermal field. Comparison of LOS displacement maps from different viewing geometries, and decomposition (where possible) of LOS displacement into vertical and horizontal (east–west) components, revealed considerable horizontal displacement which mostly reflects the ground movement at and beyond the margin of the subsidence basin toward the areas of highest subsidence rates. In addition, the validation of the DInSAR results by comparing them against measurements from leveling surveys was performed, confirming the high reliably of satellite interferometry for the ground surface deformation rate mapping in the study area.  相似文献   

The water and energy transfer of land surface is complex due to its large spatial and temporal variability. The modeling and simulation is an important means to study land water and energy transfer, but most selection and analysis of model parameters are empirical and qualitative. This paper has proposed a method of quantitatively identifying the most influential parameters of Common Land Model through Sobol?? sensitivity analysis. Considering sensible heat flux as the model output, the first order and total sensitivity indices of 25 model input parameters are estimated using an improved Sobol?? method. The simulated results are resampled using a bootstrapping method and the corresponding sensitivity indices are calculated. Confidence intervals for the bootstrapping sensitivity indices are estimated by using a percentile method. The results show that the parameters phi0 and porsl are the most important parameters, followed by ref(2,1), tran(2,1) and bsw. Five out of 25 parameters need to have an accurate evaluation, while the other parameters are fixed to a certain value. The sensitivity indices of parameters phi0 and porsl are decreasing after precipitation, while the sensitivity indices of parameters tran(2, 1) and ref(2, 1) are increasing after precipitation.  相似文献   

Dursun  Arif Emre 《Natural Hazards》2020,100(1):329-343
Natural Hazards - There is an increased risk in post-fire debris flow (DF) occurrences in the western USA with recent increase in wildfire frequencies. DFs are destructive, causing high loss to...  相似文献   

Sandstones of Punagarh basin of Trans Aravalli region, NW Indian shield were analyzed for their major and trace element contents in conjunction with petrographic modes. The Punagarh basin comprises four formations (Sojat, Bambolai, Khamal and Sowania), amongst which the Sojat Formation in uncoformable contact with overlying formations, is significantly older and enjoys separate status as rest of the formations constitute Punagarh Group. Petrographic attributes suggest that Sojat sandstones contain distinct modal abundances like high content of quartz and low content of feldspar, mica, matrix, rock fragments and cement. In general there is a decrease in the average modal abundance of quartz and mica with concomitant increase of feldspar, chert and rock fragments from base to top in Punagarh sandstones. Sojat sandstones are also geochemically distinct as they possess high SiO2/Al2O3, Th/U and Cr/Th ratios coupled with lowest Na2O/K2O ratio and Zr content, least fractionated LREE, more fractionated HREE and largest Eu* anomaly compared to Punagarh sandstones. The weathering indices suggest intense chemical weathering for Sojat sandstones and low to moderate for Punagarh sandstones. Compositionally all the sandstones of the Punagarh basin come under the category of quartzarenite. Compared to PAAS and UCC, both suite of sandstones are generally depleted in REE, HFSE (with exception of Zr, Hf and Ta), and enriched in ferromagnesian trace elements particularly Cr and Co. The chemical data indicate that the sediments were derived from the source(s) of mixed felsic - mafic composition, with the former being dominant. The source rocks were granites, TTG, basalts, and rhyolites. The Sojat sandstones owe their source form Archean crust while Punagarh sandstones got detritus from Mesoproterozic crust. Immobile element ratios and REE abundances of Sojat sandstones closely match with Paleoproterozoic metagreywackes of Ghana of African craton while Punagarh sandstones show near geochemical characteristic with Gogunda, Kumbalgarh and Vindhyan quartzites of Aravalli craton. This geochemical similarity of Sojat sandstones provides credence to the hypothesis that Trans–Aravalli region of India had been an integral part of Arabian - Nubian shield. The chemical data advocate the deposition of these sandstones in a tectonic setting comparable to modern back arc setting.  相似文献   

Chapman and Pollack (C and P)[2007, Int J Earth Sci] criticize Hamza et al. [2007, Int J Earth Sci] for using actual heat flux measurements in young oceanic crust instead of values from 1-D cooling models. The rationalization of C and P and previous authors is that hydrothermal circulation causes the discrepancy between model and measurement. However, the discrepancy between model values and measured heat flux exists over the entire ocean floor and is opposite to the perturbations that hydrothermal circulation would superimpose on a conductive system [Hofmeister and Criss (2005) Tectonophysics 409:199–203]. The error lies in force-fitting a 1-D cooling model to the 3-D oceanic crust [Hofmeister and Criss (2005) Tectonophysics 395:159–177]. Shortcomings of the 1-D model include mathematical errors, such as use of volumetric rather than linear thermal expansivity to describe contraction which, by assumption, is limited only to the Z -direction [Hofmeister and Criss (2006) Tectonophysics]. This 3× error, traceable to McKenzie and Sclater [1969, Bull Vocanol 33–1:101–118], accidentally provides good agreement of model values with globally averaged seafloor depths for young, but not old ages, and is the sole rationale for using the simplistic cooling model. There is no justification for selective substitution of erroneous 1-D model values for measurements only for the younger half of the 3-D oceanic crust, as stridently and arbitrarily promoted by C and P. Hamza et al. [2007, Int J Earth Sci], in contrast, use the scientific method, which calls for discarding models that do not well describe physical phenomena. The remainder of this report summarizes the shortcomings of cooling models, particularly the half-space cooling (HSC) model touted by C and P, and explains how hydrothermal circulation affects heat flux. We focus on the basics, as these have been misunderstood. With the key issues of C and P being erroneous, it is not necessary to address their remaining comments, many of which enumerate the vote for an imagined, gargantuan circulation of hot fluid through oceanic basins that is somehow warmed without removing heat from the rocks. The use of “consensus” to belittle valid challenge is the enemy of the scientific method.  相似文献   

The Vado Carranza dump, located in the Mexicali Valley, Baja California, northwest Mexico, was operated for more than 15 years receiving about 30 tons/day of solid wastes. The disposed wastes were periodically burned in open air. The presence of a shallow aquifer in the area makes the groundwater vulnerable to contamination processes. The purpose of this study was the evaluation of heavy metals content (Cu, Cd, Ni, Pb and Zn) in soil and groundwater in the vicinity of this dump. The results indicate high content of metals in soil, mainly at a superficial level, with the highest concentrations in the areas where burning of wastes occurred. Elevated concentrations of cadmium and copper were detected in groundwater with the highest concentrations occurring in monitoring wells located in the north side of the dump, downward of groundwater flow. Although the high content of metals in soil can be attributed to the burning of waste, other sources of pollution could be the agricultural irrigation in the vicinity of the dump. The program PHREEQC was used to model the geochemical evolution of groundwater. Results suggest that evaporation of the contaminated waters circulating below the landfill is one of the key processes that explain the increased concentration of contaminants in groundwater and its seasonal variations. As groundwater flows away from the dump, evaporation can concentrate the chemicals making the water more toxic. These results are important because they illustrate processes that are likely to occur in landfills located in other desert areas of the world.  相似文献   

GeoJournal - Slum development has become a major urban planning and management problem due to the challenges they pose to the larger urban environment. Activities of slum dwellers are...  相似文献   

Simulation results of the equilibrium state of systems water-carbonaceous chondrite material, water-primary mantle material, water-ultramafic rock material, and water-mafic rock material open with respect to carbon dioxide and methane at 25°C, 1 bar indicate that highly alkaline reduced aqueous solutions with K/Na > 1 can be formed only if water is in equilibrium with compositions close to those of continental crust and primitive mantle. Yu.V. Natochin’s hypothesis that the living cell can be formed only in an aqueous environment with K/Na > 1 leads to the conclusion that terrestrial life could arise and further evolve on the Earth during the differentiation of primary chondritic material into the Earth’s core and mantle (during the first few million years of the planet’s lifetime) in an alkaline (pH 9–10) reduced (Eh = −400–500 mV) aqueous solution at a temperature of 50–60°C, in equilibrium with an N2-bearing atmosphere, which also contained CH4 (partial pressure from 10−2 to 10−8 bar), CO2 (partial pressure from 10−5 to 10−8 bar), NH3, H2, H2S, CO, and other gases.  相似文献   

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