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For some hundred surface sediment samples from five cores taken in two cruises near the Huanghe River Estuary, total phosphorus (TP (.inorganic phosphorus (IP (and organic phosphorus (OP)were determined.On the average, 527×10-6, 455×10~6 and 72×10-6 were found for TP,IP and OP for the surface sediments taken in the two cruises. The distribution of OP and IP was controlled by the sample particle size: OP content increased with the decreasing of the sample particle size, while the maximal value of IP was found in the silt fraction due to the existence of apatite in our samples. Vertical distributions reflected well the channel change of the Huanghe River. Results from the multiple regressions between the three forms of phosphorus and the percentages of different particle size agreed well with the analytical data.  相似文献   

Based on the author’s previously obtained results on P and Si forms in southern Bohai Sea surface sediments,this study maindy foucusing on the controlling factors,existence forms,and biogeo-chemical processes of P and Si showed that the transferable forms of phosphorus in sediments were mainly controlled by the mineralization of organic matters and the reduction of high-valence iron;whereas the transferable forms of silicon were possibly controlled by the dissolution and precipitation as well as bio-chemical processes of living organisms.  相似文献   

The investigation shows that the concentrations of nutrients are high in estuarine and coastal waters and low in offshore waters. The concentration of nitrate in estuaries is controlled through a physical mixing process and is also affected by hiotic activity. The annual transport of total inorganic nitrogen and dissolved phosphate-phosphorus from the Huanghe River water to the sea is about 8.45×104 and 1.45×103 tons respectively. The distributions of inorganic nitrogen and silicate in interstitial water of surface sediments are similar to those in surface and bottom sea water. Their contents in interstitial water are227 552μmol/l (average 375) for ammonia, 0.31 -9.0μmol/l (average 1.6) for nitrite, 0 41μmol/1 (average 6.0) for nitrate, and 41 139μmol/l (average 77) for silicate. The average concentrations of phosphate in the surveyed area are 0.64μmol/l for seawater and 1.2μmol/l for interstitial water. A cycle of phosphate in the estuary is also suggested in this paper.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of phosphorus near the Huanghe River estuary   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
INTRODUCTIONPhosphorus (P)isanimportantlimitingelementinglobaloceanicproductivity (Holland ,1 978) ,soknowledgeofPisakeytobetterunderstandingofthecyclingofcarbon ,nitrogen,sulfur,andothernu trientelements.Inasimplemassbalancemodel,thelevelofdissolvedPintheoceanisafunctionoftherateofinputviarivers,andtherateofoutputviadepositioninsediments.Inthepresentstudy,thefocusisontheriverinePinputbytheHuangheRiver (YellowRiver)totheBohaiSea,andespeciallyontheamountofPsolubilizedfromsolidphasesupo…  相似文献   

The densities of 36 water samples from the Huanghe River estuary and Bohai Bay were determinedby a magnetic float densimcter under three temperatures from 15℃ to 25℃.All the measured densities ofsamples were greater than that of the values calculated from the International Equation of State of Seawater.The differences between the measured and calculated densities increased with the decrease of salinities.The dif-ferences appeared exponentially correlated with[Ca~(2+)]/s,[Mg~(2+)]/s and[SO_4~(2-)]/s,and had"s"type curverelationship with the alkalinity in all salinity range.But in the salinity ranging from 25.72 to 31.57,therelationships were all linear.The density difference can be estimated from the equation △ρ(10~3kg·m~(-3))=(-2.79+236.5([Ca~(2+)]/s)/(-9.7464×10~(-3)+[Ca~(2+)]/s).It was the high alkalinity and[Ca~(2+)]/s that resulted in the measured densi-ties of seawaters being higher than the calculated densities in the Huanghe estuary and Bohai Bay.  相似文献   

The forms of phosphorus and silicon in the natural grain sizes surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea were studied. In sediments, the organic matter bound form of phosphorus was the main form of transferable phosphorus and ranged from 0.37μmol/g to 1.57μmol/g, accountingfor 10.7% of the total phosphorus, others were the carbonate bound form, iron-manganeso oxide bound form and ion-exchange able form; the transferable form of phosphorus accounted for 19.2% of the total phosphorus. Silicon‘ s carbonate bound form was predominant over others among its transferable forms, and content ranged from 1.55μmol/g to 8.94μmol/g, accounting for 0.05% of the total silicon; the total amount of transferable silicon forms accounted for only 0.12% of the total silicon. Therefore, 19.2% of the total phosphorus and 0.12 % of the total silicon contained in the surface sediments of the southern Bohai Sea could participate in the biogeochemical cycling.  相似文献   

According to the analysis of grain size, mineral composition and inclusion in quartz grain of the suspended and bed load sampled from the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and the Huanghe (Yellow) River, the authors reveal the differentiation of loads between the two rivers. In the Huanghe River the size of suspended load is coarser than that in the Changjiang River, while the bed load is on the contrary. Through heavy mineral analysis, the biotite content of the Huanghe River loads is much higher than that of the Changjiang River, and the monomorillonite content of the former is about two times higher than the latter. All those may be attributed to the effects of different material sources and hydraulic conditions on load. The analysis of inclusion in quartz grain definitely illustrates the environmental difference of material sources between the two rivers. In the meantime, it provides a new method in seeking source of river load. Subsidized by the National Natural Science Foundation. This paper is attributed to careful guidance from Prof. Wang Ying & Prof. Shi Yunliang.  相似文献   

I.GRAINSIZEOFLOAD1.GrainSizeofLoadfromtheHuangheRiverThesuspendedloadsampledfromtheHuangheRivermainlycomprisessiltwhoseconten...  相似文献   


Primary fish survey in the Huanghe River estuary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The survey in the Huanghe River estuary indicated that the 85 fish species found there comprised three faunal elements: warm-water species (29.4%), warm-temperate species (55.3%) and cold-temperate species (15.3%). The seasonal changes of fish species, density and biomass are obvious. The total biomass is highest (7 699t) in August and lowest (489 t) in January.Setipinna taty has mean density of 9 278 indiv/km2, and is the most important species constituting 25.5% of the total weight of fish caught.Trichiurus haumela was a dominant species in the 1950s, but no one was caught in this survey. There were obvious changes of the dominant fish species during the recent three decades. The demersal fish biomass has dropped greatly to only 1/10 in over 50 years since 1930. Contribution No. 2210 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

The Huanghe (Yellow) River, with annual sediment discharge about 11 ×108tons, contributes about 17% of the fluvial sediment discharge of world's 21 major rivers to the ocean because its middle reaches flow across the great Loess Plateau of China. Sediment discharge of the Huanghe River has a widespread and profound effect on sedimentation of the sea. The remarkable shift of its outlet in 1128-1855 A.D. to the South Yellow Sea formed a large subaqueous delta and provided the substrate for an extensive submarine ridge field.The shift of its outlet in the modern delta every 10 years is the main reason why with an extremely heavy sediment input and a micro- tidal environment, the Huanghe River has not succeeded in building a birdfoot delta like the Mississippi. The Huanghe River has consistently brought heavy sediment input to sea at least since 0.7 myr.B.P. Paleochannels, paleosols, cheniers and fossils on the sea bottom indicate that the Yellow Sea was exposed during the late Quaternary glacial low-sea l  相似文献   

The sedimentary history of a Huanghe(Yellow)River delta lobe can be divided into four stages.In the first stage,the crevasse splays and short-lived distributary channel deposits in the subaerial deltaand sheet silt in the subaqueous delta were well developed.In the second stage,further differentiationof sedimentary environments occurred in the subaerial delta lobe(distributary channel,natural levee,flood plain,central lower delta plain and lateral lower delta plain)and the subaqueous delta lobe(prodelta,delta front and delta lateral).In the third stage,crevasse splay and short-lived distributarychannel deposits mostly occurred in the lower or lower-middle part of the subaerial delta lobe,andsheet silt accumulated off the river mouth.In the fourth stage,the abandoned lobe was reworked.The common vertical sequence of the modern Huanghe River delta showed alternating clayey silt andsilt layers.A complete sequence from prodelta to upper delta plain was commonly composed of twoor more delta lobes.  相似文献   

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