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Hedyotis salzmannii (Rubiaceae) is distylous. Experimental pollination revealed that both morphs are self-compatible. However, the thrum morph proved to be more self-compatible. Hand cross-pollination between different plants of the same floral form produced less seed-sets per pollination than hand cross-pollination between pin and thrum or thrum and pin pollination. Two species ofHymenoptera, oneApidae and oneHalictidae, and two species ofDiptera (Syrphidae) were observed as pollinators.  相似文献   

Isolation of gametes and central cells from Oryza sativa L.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In vitro fertilization system of higher plants has been well established using maize gametes and central cells, which can produce embryos and endosperms. In the present study, procedures for isolating gametes and central cells from rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare), a model plant, are reported with the goal of establishing rice in vitro fertilization system. Egg cells and central cells were isolated by manual manipulation of enzyme-treated unpollinated ovules, and an alternative direct isolation method for egg cells that does not use enzymatic treatment was also established. Fluorescent visualization of the granular structures in the cytoplasm of isolated egg cells and the nucleoli in two polar nuclei of isolated central cells suggest that these cells are reliable gametes and central cells. For sperm cell isolation, the contents of rice pollen grains were released by osmotic pressure-induced bursting of the grains. In addition, electrofusion with isolated gametes was successfully conducted.  相似文献   

Morphological analysis and electrophoresis of seed proteins of fiveLolium species disclosed that they form two distinct groups corresponding to those recognized from compatibility data.Lolium temulentum andL. remotum of the self-pollinated group were shown to be distinct but closely related species. Morphological intergradation and high similarities between protein profiles ofL. perenne, L. multiflorum andL. rigidum (cross-pollinated species) suggest little genetic differentiation between these taxa. This implies that treatment at the infraspecific level might better accomodate the data.  相似文献   

Fourteen taxa of the Triticum-Aegilops group have been investigated for their sieve-element plastids. At maturity they contain dense and thin crystalloid inclusions and are classified into the PIIc' plastid type; onlyAe. comosa var.biaristata lacked the thin crystalloids and thus conforms to the PII c type. The proteinaceous nature of the crystalloids was demonstrated by application of proteolytic enzymes. Ultrastructural evidence suggests that both kinds of crystalloid inclusions are involved in the sealing of sieve-plate pores of injured sieve tubes. Measurements and calculations of the spacings and angles carried out on crystalloid prints permitted the construction of a two- and three-dimensional pattern forT. aestivum thin crystalloids.  相似文献   

Oat polysomes direct the synthesisin vitro of a large number of products, the majority of which are the salt-soluble globulins (1,3,10,11,21). Total RNA or poly A+ RNA isolated from these polysomes directs the synthesis of the same number and types of products; however, the amount of globulins synthesized no longer represents the major products; rather, there is a decreased level of globulins and an increased amount of the other products synthesizedin vitro (6, 18). These results imply that the translational control can dictate final product levels. Reconstruction experiments using oat poly A+ mRNA and polysomal factors that are made free of endogenous RNA by nuclease digestion demonstrate that these factors do influence the translational specificity of oat globulin mRNA relative to other mRNAs. It is suggested that translational control is partially responsible for the levels of globulin in the mature grain.  相似文献   

The embryo development conforms to the Asterad type or Megarchetype II. A single cotyledon called scutellum is derived from the entire tierl. The shoot apex, lateral in position, and the coleoptile, originate from the tierl. The remaining parts of the mature embryo are derived from the tiers situated belowl. The short suspensor takes its origin from the lowermost tierp. The endospermab initio is free nuclear in development. It becomes cellular first around the proembryo. Physiologically, the ripe endosperm represents a dead tissue.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the subfamilyRubioideae (Rubiaceae) was estimated from sequence variation in therps16 intron (cpDNA) in 143 ingroup and 5 outgroup taxa. The analysis largely confirms a recent one based onrbcL sequences, but branch support is often much stronger. Three of the traditional subfamilies are supported,Rubioideae, Cinchonoideae s. str., andIxoroideae s. l. while there is no support forAntirheoideae. TheRubioideae are the sister group of all otherRubiaceae and comprise the tribesAnthospermeae, Coccocypseleae, Cruckshanksieae, Coussareeae, Gaertnereae, Hedyotideae, Knoxieae, Morindeae, Ophiorrhizeae, Paederieae, Pauridiantheae, Perameae, Psychotrieae, Rubieae, Spermacoceae, Theligoneae, andUrophylleae. TheHamelieae andHillieae belong to theCinchonoideae. Rachicallis andSiemensia should be transferred from theHedyotideae to theCinchonoideae. ThePauridiantheae, Urophylleae, Ophiorrhizeae, andRaritebe form the basalmost subclade of theRubioideae. The second basalmost clade consists of the generaLasianthus andPerama. The third basalmost clade consists of the tribesCoussareeae, Coccocypseleae andCruckshanksieae, and the generaDeclieuxia andHindsia. The tribesKnoxieae, Anthospermeae, Argostemmateae, Paederieae, Theligoneae, Rubieae, Hedyotideae, andSpermacoceae are members of one clade. TheKnoxieae are monophyletic ifOtiophora, Otomeria, andPentas are included. The tribeAnthospermeae is supported as monophyletic, but its subtribes are not. ThePaederieae, together withTheligonum, form a paraphyletic grade basal to theRubieae. TheHedyotideae, includingSchismatoclada, form a grade at the base of theSpermacoceae. TheGaertnereae are monophyletic and distinct from thePsychotrieae. TheMorindeae are monophyletic and includeDamnacanthus andMitchella. Schradera is the sister group of theMorindeae. ThePsychotrieae are monophyletic when theGaertnereae, Lasianthus, andDeclieuxia are excluded. The recognition of a subtribeHydnophytineae leaves the rest of thePsychotrieae paraphyletic.Psychotria is paraphyletic with respect to all other genera of the tribe. Approximately 50 genera are here classified for the first time based on molecular data.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of three taxa from thePhleum alpinum group of sect.Phleum (P. alpinum subsp.rhaeticum, 2n = 14,P. commutatum, 2n = 28, and informally namedP. commutatum, 2n = 14) were investigated by Giemsa C-banding. The overall similarity of diploid genomes suggests thatP. alpinum subsp.rhaeticum andP. commutatum are closely related — their karyotypes vary only with respect to their average amounts of telomeric heterochromatin. TheP. commutatum genome contains less telomeric heterochromatin than the genome ofP. alpinum subsp.rhaeticum, but in theP. alpinum group as a whole almost fluent transition between low (1.5%) and high (25.5%) amounts of telomeric heterochromatin was observed among populations. In the karyotype of tetraploidP. commutatum, seven distinguishable chromosome types were observed. Each of them is represented at somatic metaphase by four chromosomes. C-band structure of karyotype and average amount of telomeric heterochromatin suggest that this taxon has originated from hybridization between two related diploid forms of theP. commutatum — P. alpinum complex.  相似文献   

Morphological differentiation of diploid accessions ofHordeum marinum Huds. s.l. into two varieties, var.marinum and var.fouilladei (Rouy)Nevski is associated with isoenzyme differentiation. The tetraploid form ofH. marinum s.l. exhibited fixed heterozygosity of several heterozymes with one homoeozyme shared with var.fouilladei and the second homoeozyme not found in the two diploids. It also differed from both diploids in the mobility of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. All three taxa differed in morphs of EST-A. It is concluded that the tetraploid is an allopolyploid with one genome closely related to the diploid var.fouilladei and with the second genome divergent from those of both diploids by genes for unique morphs of eight homoeozymes. On the basis of the isoenzyme data, three phylogenetic sibling species—H. marinum Huds. s.str. (2x),H. geniculatum All. s.str. (= var.fouilladei, 2x), andH. caudatum Jaaska, spec. nova (4x), are proposed within theH. marinum s.l. complex and a key is given.  相似文献   

Galium serpylloides agg. comprises a group of locally endemic, disjunct and vicarious taxa in the (sub)alpine zone of the W. Himalaya, from W to E:G. gymnopetalum, G. lahulense, G. serpylloides s. str.,G. saipalense, andG. nepalense. Four of these are new to science;G. serpylloides is newly typified. The main characters of the five species are compared and illustrated, their affinities and evolution are discussed, and a map of distribution is presented.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The distribution of CHy-banded heterochromatin was studied in the chromosomes ofAegilops longissima, Ae. speltoides, Triticum monococcum, andT. turgidum. Interphase nuclei were measured after Feulgen staining at different thresholds of optical density; the curves so obtained indicated the relationship among the species with respect to the different fractions of the genomic DNA. The karyological and cytophotometric analyses indicate differences betweenAe. speltoides andAe. longissima, the latter species being enriched in heterochromatin. Similar results were demonstrated for the genusTriticum, in whichT. turgidum showed more heterochromatin when compared withT. monococcum. The results suggest that the B genome of the cultivated wheats possesses a type of heterochromatin that resembles the type present inAe. longissima.  相似文献   

The morphology and meiotic behaviour of pollen mother cells were studied in hybrids involvingLeymus multicaulis (2n = 28) ×Psathyrostachys huashanica (2n = 14),L. multicaulis ×P. juncea (2n = 14), andL. secalinus (2n = 28) ×L. multicaulis. Chromosome pairing was almost identical in theL. multicaulis ×P. huashanica, andL. multicaulis ×P. juncea hybrids, in which it averaged 7.30 univalents + 6.69 bivalents + 0.096 trivalents and 7.48 univalents + 6.75 bivalents, respectively. The meiotic pairing in the two hybrids indicated that oneL. multicaulis genome was closely homologous with theP. huashanica andP. juncea genomes. BothP. huashanica andP. juncea are possibly donors of oneL. multicaulis genome. Chromosome pairing in theL. secalinus ×L. multicaulis hybrid averaged 4.49 univalents + 11.71 bivalents + 0.02 trivalents, indicating that the genomes ofL. multicaulis andL. secalinus are to some degree homologous. However, they are sufficiently differentiated to insure species distinctness.  相似文献   

The hairs at the apical end of the seeds ofHillia are pluriseriate, multicellular structures. The cells making up a hair are elongated exotesta cells and, consequently, also have secondary thickenings identical (H. parasitica) or similar (H. costanensis) to those found on the exotesta cells on the main body of the seeds. Hair formation already starts in bud stage: at and around the chalazal region of an ovule, integument epidermis cells are grouped together to form ± elongated packets of 4–7 cells. The cells of each packet undergo further elongation and anticlinal division so that a hair on a mature seed may be up to c. 30 mm long. Basally, the seeds have a tail- to ± wing-like appendage, made up of only two cell layers, the exotesta of the ab- and adaxial side of the seed. This basal appendage shows the same anatomical structure as the wings of various anemochorous rubiaceous seeds. Although seed hairs of this kind are unique in theRubiaceae and — from the point of development and structure — not homologous to exotesta wings, the presence of a basal wing-like appendage suggests thatHillia, previously often placed into a tribe of its own (Hillieae), can be accommodated in theCinchoneae, a tribe in which winged, anemochorous seeds predominate. The tufts of hairs of the comose seeds ofHillia look superficially similar to those of certainAsclepiadaceae andApocynaceae (like theRubiaceae belonging to the orderGentianales). Comparisons based on literature data, however, reveal that there are striking differences in the position, development and structure of the hairs (produced at the micropylar end, initiated after fertilization, hairs unicellular, etc.).  相似文献   

Analysis of morphological and phenological data for determining the genetic variation within sevenLolium species led to the recognition of two groups within this genus. One group, containing the two inbreeding speciesL. temulentum andL. persicum, was clearly distinct from all other species. Strong morphological and phenological intergradation was found between both species. The cross-breeding species,L. perenne, L. rigidum, andL. multiflorum, formed another group. Little differentiation was found between these species, though they were distinct. Two inbreeding species,L. loliaceum andL. remotum, were clearly distinct from each other and the two groups.L. loliaceum had an isolated position and was most related toL. rigidum. L. remotum had an intermediate position between the cross-breeding and inbreeding species, and was almost equally distant from all three cross-breeding species.Genetic variation inLolium spp. I.  相似文献   

Summary The allohexaploid nature of Avena sativa L. (2n=6x=42) and the availability of aneuploid lines was exploited in designing a strategy for mapping beta-tubulin sequences in the oat genome. Evidence for a minimum of eight beta-tubulin genes was obtained by Southern-blot analysis. Three betatubulin sequences were localized to chromosomes using DNA from monosomic and nullisomic lines in the variety Sun II. One sequence was localized to the chromosome missing in nullisome I. Two other sequences were mapped to satellite chromosome 2, the chromosome that is missing in nullisome VIII and to which one ribosomal RNA gene cluster had previously been mapped. Restriction fragments carrying these two beta-tubulin genomic sequences and the cluster of ribosomal RNA sequences were missing in DNA from nullisomics VIII, IX and X, suggesting that all three nullisome classes are deficient for an identical chromosomal segment that includes these three loci. This study demonstrates how molecular analyses can be used to characterize aneuploid stocks and to better define their genetic constitution.Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the University of Minnesota and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that may be suitable  相似文献   

The biosystematic relationships of the apomictic complexEragrostis curvula s. lato, is investigated by disc electrophoresis of seed extracts to obtain esterase patterns of 23 accessions representing the morphological variants of this complex: curvula, conferta, robusta, chloromelas and lehmanniana. The zymograms thus obtained were classified into four groups on the basis of the presence of certain bands taken as characteristic and constant markers. Within each group variations were found in strict accordance with the morphological and cytogenetic data available on the complex. Cluster analysis showed similarity levels between the strains studied, representing different genomic groups. The esterase pattern proved useful as an additional criterion for identifying the individual taxa making up the complex and for evaluating their reciprocal relationships.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation at 11 loci (with 37 alleles) was studied electrophoretically in seven outbreeding, closely related diploid and tetraploid taxa, seven from sect.Leptogalium and two from sect.Leiogalium. Whereas the sections are clearly distinct by several different alleles, aggregates, species and subspecies differ only in the frequency or presence/absence of common alleles. The resulting dendrogram suggests phylogenetic relationships and is supported by other multidisciplinary evidence. Tetraploids have originated independently in several groups, and there is evidence for tetrasomic inheritance and thus for autopolyploidy in spite of normal meiotic bivalent pairing and partly suspected hybrid origin. Tetraploids differ from related diploids only little in number of alleles and expected heterozygosity within populations, but clearly exhibit higher numbers of genotypes. This often corresponds to their greater morphological variability, increased adaptive flexibility, and better colonizing capacity compared to related diploids.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to produce a classification of theHordeum murinum complex. Using an experimental design to account for the environmental component of the phenotypic variation, material from sources throughout the old-world range ofH. murinum was grown in a common environment. Eight morphological characters were measured on the resulting triplets (i.e., the central and lateral florets, glumes and rachis internode). Clustering, variance and discriminants analyses of these data suggest that there are three distinct groups. This classification is then examined for consistency with hypotheses obtained from the work of other researchers and discussed in light of the known biology of the plants. An identification key to members of the complex using the triplet characters is provided.  相似文献   

Phytogeographic, ecological, morphological, anatomical, cytological, isozyme, and endonuclease restriction site evidence is presented demonstrating thatPoa labradorica is of intergeneric hybrid origin betweenDupontia fisheri subsp.psilosantha (pistillate parent) andPoa eminens (staminate parent).Poa labradorica is endemic to recently deglaciated areas of northern Quebec and Labrador which are within the overlapping range of the putative parents. Incapable of sexual reproduction,P. labradorica dominates large areas of coastal marsh through vigorous production of rhizomes. Most morphological, anatomical, cytological, isozyme, and DNA characters studied inP. labradorica showed states intermediate or additive to those of the putative parents.  相似文献   

The karyotypes of diploidP. fragilis subsp.villosus (2n = 2x = 14) and tetraploid subsp.secaliformis (2n = 4x = 28) were studied by Giemsa C- and N-banding, and AgNO3 staining and compared with the karyotype of subsp.fragilis (2x). The complements of subsp.villosus and subsp.fragilis were similar, with 8 metacentric and 6 SAT-chromosomes, one metacentric and two submetacentric pairs, with small to minute, polymorphic, heterochromatic satellites. The complement of subsp.secaliformis on the whole agreed with a doubling of the complement of diploidP. fragilis, suggesting autopolyploidy. Only the presence of 12 nucleoli in interphases identified 6 SAT-chromosome pairs. In subsp.villosus one or two extra micronucleoli indicated a chromosome pair with very low nucleolusforming activity, bringing the number of SAT-chromosome pairs to 4. This number may be a characteristc ofPsathyrostachys. Besides very small, inconsistently observed bands, the C-banding pattern consisted of 0–3 small bands per chromosome at intercalary and terminal locations, and at NORs. The level of banding pattern polymorphism was low, but enough to indicate that the taxa are outbreeders. Similarities in chromosome morphology and C-banding patterns identified homology of all chromosomes of subsp.villosus, but for 12 pairs only in subsp.secaliformis. Between plants, reliable identification of homology and homoeology (subsp.secaliformis) was possible only for the SAT-chromosomes and the shortest metacentrics. Chromocentres were very small and the amount of constitutive heterochromatin was low. N-banding stained chromosomes uniformly. The basic karyotypes of theP. fragilis taxa were similar to those ofP. juncea, P. lanuginosa, andP. stoloniformis supporting a close relationship and the presence of a common genome, N. NORs had different nucleolus-forming activities. Meiotic analysis demonstrated a high level of bivalent pairing in the three taxa. A chromosomal rearrangement was suggested in subsp.villosus. The low multivalent frequency in subsp.secaliformis indicates the presence of a pairing regulation mechanism. The majority of chiasmata were interstitial. Pollen grain size discriminated between diploid and tetraploid taxa. The existence of a diploid cytotype of subsp.secaliformis is supported by pollen measurements of herbarium material.  相似文献   

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