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蔡乾亚  王曙光  赵振华  丁筠 《船舶》2023,(1):98-109
为系统性解决未来中国极地船舶建造工艺瓶颈,该文总结了“雪龙2”号建造过程中“冰、寒、科考”的一系列工艺技术难题,从总装厂建造工艺出发,梳理了破冰结构建造、御寒技术设计及极地科考设备安装调试等方面的关键点,取得了极地破冰科考船建造关键技术的突破;提出了结构建造技术优化、防寒系统设计等方面要点;初步构建起面向极地破冰科考船全寿命周期的精细化建造工艺技术体系,并就重型破冰船开展了建造技术预研攻关,提出了下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

为达到新一代极地考察船“科考为主,运输为辅”的功能定位,满足不断发展的极地海洋科考需求,“雪龙2”号研发团队结合我国多年极地现场考察经验,通过采用箱型龙骨安装水下声学设备换能器、月池系统用于密集冰区科考设备下放和回收、大空间柔性化实验室和共享显示控制系统等科考功能模块研究应用,实现我国新一代极地考察船科考平台的建造。经多次海试和极地现场航次检验,创新设计的科考功能模块已被实践证明和接受,从硬件上有效提升我国船基科考保障能力。  相似文献   

笔者根据第21次南极考察随“雪龙”号船实航状况调研情况,较深入地了解、分析了船舶现状,阐述了“雪龙”号船改造设计基本构想与局部设计要点。  相似文献   

2023年7月12日,由自然资源部组织的中国第13次北冰洋科学考察队乘坐“雪龙2”号极地科考破冰船从上海出征前往北冰洋执行科学考察任务。本次考察预计总航程约1.55万海里,计划2023年9月下旬返回上海。  相似文献   

对于首尾破冰模式的极地船舶,规范中并没有详细给出其冰带划分的方法,仅仅提到尾部破冰参考艏部破冰区域划分,但由于船体尾部线型和艏部线型差距较大,故并不能很好的适用,本论文以一艘PC4级110kt极地原油船为例,就此针对尾破冰模式进行冰区带划分。 另外冰载荷产生的弯矩剪力对船体总体强度的影响也在本文中论述。  相似文献   

经两期自主整体改造的"雪龙"船已成为一艘国际一流的、极具特色的现代化极地破冰科学考察船。文中介绍了该改造工程项目的设计理念、技术特点以及改造后的营运绩效。  相似文献   

Ship operation and ice loading in floe ice fields have received considerable interest during recent years. There have been several numerical simulators developed by different institutes which can simulate ship navigation through floe ice fields and estimate ship performance and local ice loads. However, public data obtained from full-scale measurement covering comprehensively ship performance and ice loads under various ice thicknesses, concentrations and floe sizes are rare. The 2018/19 Antarctic voyage of the Polar Supply and Research Vessel (PSRV) S.A. Agulhas II gathered considerable data of the ship in floe ice fields under various thicknesses, concentrations, and floe sizes. The aim of this paper is to carry out statistical analysis to seek suitable probability distributions which adequately fit the measured ice load and therefore suitable to be used as parent distributions for long-term estimation. For this aim, three categories of probability distributions, namely standard distributions, truncated distributions and mixture distributions are tested. It is found that truncated distributions can fit the load data better than standard distributions bounded at the threshold. In addition, mixture distributions are shown to have promising features, which fit the data well and are able to separate distribution components. Subsequentially, the well-performed distributions are used as parent distributions to make long-term load estimations. The estimation results demonstrate that long-term estimations are sensitive to the selection of parent distribution, which addresses the importance of finding correct distribution to model short-term ice loads. The data of ten selected cases will be published for the use of other researchers.  相似文献   

2004年4月19日,正值中美两国第三个双边海运协定即将正式生效和实施之际,中国远洋运输集团与西雅图港务局共同在美国西部美丽的港口城市--西雅图举行系列庆祝活动,纪念中远柳林海轮首航美国西雅图港25周年.  相似文献   

危险向"海厦"轮靠拢 起义船员一次又一次粉碎了敌特分子策划的劫船行动.气急败坏的台湾国民党当局眼见起义船开始陆续驶向大陆,便扬言要将起义船炸毁在归航途中.于是,特务组织盯上了即将回国的"海厦"轮.  相似文献   

"大洋一号"海洋科学考察船动力定位系统的设计考虑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“大洋一号”船是我国唯一的专门从事国际海底区域资源勘查研究开发的综合性远洋科学考察船。该船于2002年进行了高起点的增改装工程,其中最重要的内容之一便是增设动力定位系统。本文介绍了在增改装设计过程中对若干重大问题的考试及部分主要的实船装置。  相似文献   

8月18日.已圆满完成三次远洋运输任务的“河北创新”(HEBEI INNOVATOR)轮正在宁波北仑港繁忙地卸货。这艘由超大型油轮(VLCC)改造成的超大型矿砂船(VLOC)名副其实是一艘“创新“的船,因为这样的改造在世界上尚属首例,在世界航运界和造船界引起了很大反响。据中国船级社广州分社副总工程师张宇介绍,  相似文献   

在钎焊温度1 043~1 393 K、钎焊时间1~60 min的条件下,对Al2O3/AgCuTi/Ti-6Al-4V进行了钎焊试验,结合SEM、XRD测试结果,分析了工艺参数对接头强度的影响,并对其连接机理进行了探讨,为指导工程应用、改善接头性能提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

2003年10月12日,浙江省舟山市普陀永和海运有限公司所属的"顺达2"轮从京唐港驶往上海港,在渤海航行途中遭遇大风浪沉没(沉船位置:38°37'1N/119°29'.7E),船上共29人,4人死亡,25人失踪.  相似文献   

The deep-sea research vessel Kairei was built in 1996 to carry out general deep-sea research, and is now active throughout the world. Kairei is the mother ship for the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Kaiko, which is also equipped with deep-sea research systems. The role of the Kairei is to conduct detailed research on the tectonics of subduction zones and the sea bed in the deep ocean. A multichannel seismic reflection survey system (MCS) was developed in 1997 to investigate the focal mechanism of the huge earthquakes that occurr in subduction zones around Japan. In 1999, a new system was introduced into the MCS system. It took almost a year to improve the new towing assembly for the air gun array. Kaiko is currently the only ROV that can reach a depth of over 10 000 m. The system's ability was proved in various operating conditions, and Kaiko has continued to make new scientific discoveries. The Kairei's deep-sea observation system has become very powerful and stable. These systems will pursue the challenge to understand the unknown global deep-sea frontier. Received: February 5, 2001 / Accepted: April 26, 2001  相似文献   

2005年9月1日0048时(重庆市水上交通管理监控系统GPS回放时间),重庆市长江三峡旅游船有限公司所属“银河2号”轮上行至重庆长寿鳝鱼尾水域(长江上游航道里程592.9公里)发生触礁事故,造成船舶中后部位坐礁,机舱进水,无人员伤亡。船舶概况 1.船舶技术数据船体材料:钢质船舶种类:旅游客船  相似文献   

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