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The micro-impulse generated by ablating an aluminum target in double-pulse laser bursts with different interpulse delays was investigated using a torsion pendulum. The plasma plume was simultaneously visualized using high-speed photography to analyze the coupling mechanism of the ablation impulse. The experiment was carried out using a pulsed laser with a pulse width of 8 ns and a wavelength of 1064 nm. The experimental results show that an impulse with an interpulse delay of 60 ns is roughly 60% higher than that with no delay between the two pulses, when the energy of both laser pulses is 50 mJ. Therefore, double-pulse schemes could enhance the ablation impulse under certain conditions. This is because the ablation of the first laser pulse changes the optical properties of the aluminum target surface, increasing the absorptivity. However, the ablation impulse is reduced with a time delay of 20 ns when the energy of both laser pulses is 100 mJ or 150 mJ. It can be concluded that the plasma produced by ablating the aluminum with the first pulse shields the second laser pulse. To summarize, the experimental results show that different delay times in a double-pulse scheme have a significant effect on the ablation impulse. The study provides a reference for the optimization of the parameters when laser ablation propulsion with a double-pulse scheme is applied in the fields of space debris removal, laser ablation thrusters, and so on.  相似文献   

In order to achieve a better understanding of plume characteristics of LIPS-300 ion thruster, the beam current density, ion energy and electron number density of LIPS-300 ion thruster plume are studied with an Advanced Plasma Diagnostics System(APDS) which allows for simultaneous in situ measurements of various properties characterizing ion thruster, such as plasma density, plasma potential, plasma temperature and ion beam current densities, ion energy distribution and so on. The results show that the beam current density distribution has a double‘wing' shape. The high energy ions were found in small scan angle, while low energy ions were found in greater scan angle. Electron number density has a similar shape with the beam current density distribution.  相似文献   

The spectral characteristic of laser-induced plasma in soil was studied in this work, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy was used to analyze the spectral characteristic of plasma under the condition of different time delays and irradiances. Moreover, the time evolution characteristics of plasma temperature and electron density were discussed. Within the time delay range of 0-5 μs,the spectral intensity of the characteristic lines of Si I: 288.158 nm, Ti I: 336.126 nm, Al I:394.400 nm and Fe I: 438.354 nm of the four main elements in two kinds of national standard soil decayed exponentially with time. The average lifetime of the spectral lines was nearly 1.56 μs. Under the condition of different time delays, the spectral intensity of Pb I: 405.78 nm in soil increased linearly with laser energy. However, the slope between the spectral intensity and laser energy decreased exponentially with the increase in time delay, from 4.91 to 0.99 during 0-5 μs. The plasma temperature was calculated by the Boltzmann plot method and the electron density was obtained by inversion of the full width at half maximum of the spectrum. The plasma temperature decreased from 8900 K to 7800 K and the electron density decreased from 1.5 × 10~(17) cm~(-3) to 7.8 × 10~(16) cm~(-3) in the range of 0-5 μs.  相似文献   

Intensive electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) can be generated when a high-power laser strikes a target. The transient electromagnetic field can have an intensity of up to several hundred kV m -1 with a broad frequency of up to several gigahertz, which may affect diagnostics and interfere with, or even damage, electronic equipment. In this paper, the process in which hot electrons produced by the laser-target interaction radiate EMPs is studied and simulated. The physical process is divided into three stages which are: the production of hot electrons; the escape of hot electrons; and the generation of EMPs. Instead of using a general finite difference time domain (FDTD) method to solve the Maxwell equations, a particle-in-cell method together with a time- biased FDTD method is applied in EMP simulation to restrain high-frequency noise. The results show that EMPs are stronger with higher laser intensity and larger target size.  相似文献   

This work reports spectroscopic studies of uranium containing plasma generated in air and argon environments. The 532 nm Q-switched Nd:YAG laser generates the optical breakdown plasma, which was recorded by a spectrometer and an intensified charge coupled device having a resolution of 25 pm. Neutral and ionized uranium lines in the wavelength range of 385.8–391.9 nm indicate significant width and shift variations during the first few microseconds. Electron temperature and density of the plasma are determined using the Boltzmann plot and the Saha–Boltzmann equation at various time delay. The study reveals the power law decay pattern of electron temperature and density, which changes to exponential decay pattern if large gate- width is used to acquire the signal, due to an averaging effect.  相似文献   

In order to further improve the propulsion performance of pulsed plasma thrusters for space micro propulsion, a novel laser ablation pulsed plasma thruster is proposed, which separated the laser ablation and electromagnetic acceleration. Optical emission spectroscopy is utilized to investigate the plasma characteristics in the thruster. The spectral lines at different times,positions and discharge intensities are experimentally recorded, and the plasma characteristics in the discharge channel are concluded through analyzing the variation of spectral lines. With the discharge energy of 24 J, laser energy of 0.6 J and the use of aluminum propellant, the specific impulse and thrust efficiency reach 6808 s and 70.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

Spectra correction is essential for the quantification of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) due to the uncertainties in plasma morphology. In this work, we determined the plasma morphology using a charge-coupled device camera and introduced the spectral correction method based on plasma images to a combustion environment. The plasma length, width, volume, and location were extracted from the plasma images. Using a back-scattering setup, the contribution of plasma location fluctuation to the total spectral fluctuation was mitigated. The integral intensity of the plasma image was used as a proxy of the total number density to correct the spectra. Linear relationships were established between the integral intensities of the plasma images and the spectral intensities, under different laser energy levels and gas temperatures. The image-based correction method could significantly reduce the fluctuation of raw spectral intensities when the laser energy was below 240 mJ. Compared with the correction method based on total spectral areas, the proposed method offered significant improvements in the low energy region, which promises to reduce the signal fluctuations in combustion environments while preserving the spatial resolution and mitigating the flow disturbance.  相似文献   

Saindha salt is considered to be more advantageous than the other edible salts for the patients suffering from diabetes,blood pressure and kidney diseases.To explore the constituent elements of this salt,laser induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) has been exploited for its qualitative and quantitative analysis.The third harmonic(355 nm) of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser has been used to produce the saindha salt plasma and the time integrated optical emission spectra were registered using a set of six miniature spectrometers covering the spectral range of 230-805 nm.The spectroscopic analysis of the emission spectra predominately revealed numerous neutral or singly ionized emission lines of Ca,Mg,Na,K,Fe,Sr,Si,Li and Al.The laser produced plasma was characterized by calculating the electron temperature from the Boltzmann plots and the electron number density from the Stark broadened line profile as a function of laser irradiance and distance from the target sample.The relative concentration of the constituent elements was extracted by the integrated line intensities of the strongest spectral line of each element using the self-calibration-LIBS(SC-LIBS) and one-line calibration free-LIBS(OLCF-LIBS) methods.For cross-validation,the LIBS results have been compared with that obtained from the inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy(ICP-MS) showing good agreement.  相似文献   

The plasma shielding effect is one of the major weaknesses of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS) as it causes non-linearity in signal strength. Although LIBS is typically carried out in constant laser energy, this non-linearity causes a reduction in sensitivity. In this work, we systematically examine laser-induced plasma, formed by two different excitation source modes, i.e. single pulse(SP)-excitation and single-beam-splitting double-pulse(SBSDP)-excitation over Zr-2.5% Nb alloy. The two most important plasma parameters influencing the emission line intensity, plasma temperature(T_e) and electron density(N_e) were studied and compared for both modes of laser excitation. Comparison of the results conclusively demonstrates that due to the splitting of the laser energy in the SBS-DP mode, the plasma shielding effect is significantly reduced. The reduced plasma shielding translates to an increased laser–sample coupling under SBS-DP mode. Temporal imaging of the total intensity of the laserinduced plasma in both excitation modes was also studied. The study shows how the plasma shielding effect can be reduced to improve the analytical quality of the LIBS methodology.  相似文献   

用于激光等离子体诊断的滤波-差分硬X光谱仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了利用滤片和Si导体探测器差分阵列组合的硬X光谱仪的工作原理、结构性能和测谱特点。给出ICF实验考核结果。  相似文献   

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the leading date producing countries. Un?fortunately, this important fruit crop is under great threat from the red palm weevil (RPW) (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus), which is a highly invasive pest. Several techniques, including vi?sual inspection, acoustic sensors, sniffer dogs, and pheromone traps have been tried to detect the early stages of a RPW infestation; however, each method has suffered certain logistical and im-plementation issues. We have applied laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) for the early detection of RPW infestation. Through the analysis of the observed LIBS spectra of different infested and healthy samples, we have found presence of Ca, Mg, Na, C, K elements and OH, CN molecules. The spectra also reveal that with the population growth of the pest, the intensity of Mg and Ca atomic lines in LIBS spectra increases rapidly. Similar behavior is observed in the molecular lines of LIBS spectra. The obtained results indicate that the LIBS technique can be used for the early detection of RPW infestation without damaging the date palms.  相似文献   

An atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) in Ar with various grounded electrode arrangements is employed to investigate the effects of electrode arrangement on the characteristics of the APPJ.Electrical and optical methods are used to characterize the plasma properties.The discharge modes of the APPJ with respect to applied voltage are studied for grounded electrodepositions of 10 mm,40 mm and 80 mm,respectively,and the main discharge and plasma parameters are investigated.It is shown that an increase in the distance between the grounded electrode and high-voltage electrode results in a change in the discharge modes and discharge parameters.The discharges transit from having two discharge modes,dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) and jet,to having three,corona,DBD and jet,with increase in the distance from the grounded to the high-voltage electrodes.The maximum length of the APPJ reaches 3.8 cm at an applied voltage of 8 kV.The discharge power and transferred charges and spectral line intensities for species in the APPJ are influenced by the positions of the grounded electrode,while there is no obvious difference in the values of the electron excited temperature (EET) for the three grounded electrode positions.  相似文献   

We study the effect of nonlinearly chirped super-Gaussian (SG) laser pulse on wakefield generation in an inhomogeneous plasma. The different types of nonlinearly chirped pulse are employed, and different kinds of inhomogeneous plasma density are used. The maximum wakefield amplitude as the function of nonlinearly chirped laser pulse and inhomogeneous plasma density in parameter space are obtained. Moreover, the dependence of the maximum wakefield amplitude on the SG laser pulse index is discussed. This shows that a larger wakefield can be obtained when the chirped pulse and inhomogeneous density are in the critical regions. Wakefield generation can be controlled by adjusting the chirped SG pulse and inhomogeneous plasma density parameters. That is, we provide an efficient way for the controlled generation of the wakefield.  相似文献   

Pulsed plasma thrusters(PPTs) are an attractive form of micro-thrusters due to advantages such as their compactness and lightweight design compared to other electric propulsion systems.Experimental investigations on their plasma properties are beneficial in clarifying the complex process of plasma evolution during the micro-second pulse discharge of a PPT. In this work, the multi-dimensional evolutions of the light intensity of the PPT plasma with wavelength, time, and position were identified. The plasma pressure was obtained using an iterative process with composition calculations. The results show that significant ion recombination occurred in the discharge channel since the line intensities of CII, CIII, CIV, and FII decreased and those of CI and FI increased as the plasma moved downstream. At the center of the discharge channel, the electron temperature and electron density were in the order of 10 000 K and 10~(17) cm~(-3),respectively. These had maximum values of 13 750 K and 2.3?×?10~(17) cm~(-3) and the maximum temperature occurred during the first half-cycle while the maximum number density was measured during the second half-cycle. The estimated plasma pressure was in the order of 10~5 Pa and exhibited a maximum value of 2.69?×?10~5 Pa.  相似文献   

An experimental setup of laser-induced graphite plasma was built and the spectral characteristics and properties of graphite plasma were studied. From the temporal behavior of graphite plasma, the duration of CN partials(B~2∑~+→X~2∑~+) emission was two times longer than that of atomic carbon, and all intensities reached the maximum during the early stage from0.2 μs to 0.8 μs. The electron temperature decreased from 11807 K to 8755 K, the vibration temperature decreased from 8973 K to 6472 K, and the rotational temperature decreased from7288 K to 4491 K with the delay time, respectively. The effect of the laser energy was also studied, and it was found that the thresholds and spectral characteristics of CN molecular and C atomic spectroscopy presented great differences. At lower laser energies, the electron excited temperature, the electron density, the vibrational temperature and rotational temperature of CN partials increased rapidly. At higher laser energies, the increasing of electron excited temperature and electron density slow down, and the vibrational temperature and rotational temperature even trend to saturation due to plasma shielding and dissociation of CN molecules. The relationship among the three kinds of temperatures was T_(elec)T_(vib)T_(rot) at the same time. The electron density of the graphite plasma was in the order of 10~(17)cm~(-3) and 10~(18)cm~(-3).  相似文献   

选用K9光学玻璃作为靶材料,在不同环境气压条件下利用高功率XeCl准分子激光进行了打靶实验,测量得到了不同气压条件下靶面的反射光波形,分析反射光波形表明,气压对K9玻璃靶前等离子体的形成和发展有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

The laser speckle interferometry approach provides the possibility of an in situ optical noncontacted measurement for the surface morphology of plasma facing components(PFCs), and the reconstruction image of the PFC surface morphology is computed by a numerical model based on a phase unwrapping algorithm. A remote speckle interferometry measurement at a distance of three meters for real divertor tiles retired from EAST was carried out in the laboratory to simulate a real detection condition on EAST. The preliminary surface morphology of the divertor tiles was well reproduced by the reconstructed geometric image. The feasibility and reliability of this approach for the real-time measurement of PFCs have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Hollow cathodes serve as electron sources in Hall thrusters,ion thrusters and other electric propulsion systems.One of the vital problems in their application is the cathode erosion.However,the basic erosion mechanism and the source of high-energy ions cause of erosion are not fully understood.In this paper,both potential measurements and simulation analyses were performed to explain the formation of high-energy ions.A high-speed camera,a single Langmuir probe and a floating emissive probe were used to determine the steady and oscillatory plasma properties in the near-field plume of a hollow cathode.The temporal structure,electron temperature,electron density,and both static and oscillation of plasma potentials of the plume have been obtained by the diagnostics mentioned above.The experimental results show that there exists a potential hill (about 30 V) and also severe potential oscillations in the near-plume region.Moreover,a simple 2D particle-in-cell model was used to analyze the energy transition between the potential hill and/or its oscillations and the ions.The simulation results show that the energy of ions gained from the static potential background is about 20 eV,but it could reach to 60 eV when the plasma oscillates.  相似文献   

Silver(Ag)plasma has been generated by employing Nd∶YAG laser(532 nm,6 ns)laser irradiation.The energy and flux of ions have been evaluated by using Faraday cup(FC)using time of flight(TOF)measurements.The dual peak signals of fast and slow Ag plasma ions have been identified.Both energy and flux of fast and slow ions tend to increase with increasing irradiance from 7 GW cm-2 to 17.9 GW cm-2 at all distances of FC from the target surface.Similarly a decreasing trend of energies and flux of ions has been observed with increasing distance of FC from the target.The maximum value of flux of the fast component is 21.2×1010cm-2,whereas for slow ions the maximum energy and flux values are 8.8 keV,8.2×1012 cm-2 respectively.For the analysis of plume expansion dynamics,the angular distribution of ion flux measurement has also been performed.The overall analysis of both spatial and angular distributions of Ag ions revealed that the maximum flux of Ag plasma ions has been observed at an optimal angle of~15°.In order to confirm the ion acceleration by ambipolar field,the self-generated electric field(SGEF)measurements have also been performed by electric probe;these SGEF measurements tend to increase by increasing laser irradiance.The maximum value of 232 V m-1 has been obtained at a maximum laser irradiance of 17.9 GW cm-2.  相似文献   

To investigate the interaction of dusty plasma with magnetized plasmas at divertor plasma simulator, radial profiles of plasma density(ne) and electron temperature were measured in terms of plasma discharge currents and magnetic flux intensity by using a fast scanning probes system with triple tips. Dusty plasma with dusts(a generation rate of 3 μg s~(-1) and a size of 1–10 μm)was produced via interactions between a high-power laser beam and a full tungsten target. As ne increases, the scale of the effects of dusty plasma injection on magnetized plasmas was decreased. Also, the duration of transient fluctuation was reduced. For numerical estimation of plasma density perturbation due to dusty plasma injection, the result was ~10% at a core region of the magnetized plasma with n_e of(2–5)×10~(11) cm~(-3) at steady state condition.  相似文献   

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