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以唐山地震为例,研究分析了孕震过程中地电阻率各向异性度S的变化及其特征,同时用“流体-地电”的观战对S的变化进行了物理解释。结果表明,地电阻率各赂异性度有可能成为一种新的地震地电前兆因子。  相似文献   

在对山东菏泽和郯城两台站提供的地震地电阻率观测资料进行必要处理的基础上,研究了地震地电阻率各向异性的前兆异常特征,得出两台站周围300 km内的5级以上地震发生前均存在明显的地电阻率各向异性前兆异常;并发现在中强地震发生时地电阻率各向异性值变化都基本处于高值附近的一个区间内,即地电阻率各向异性变化存在一个易发震区间;并从地震发生时地应力的角度讨论了易发震变化区间的物理机理。  相似文献   

本文在全面整理我国大陆二十余年来的地电阻率观测资料的基础上,分析了地电阻率前兆异常特征及其与地震三要素之间的关系,给出地震强度(震级)与异常时间和震中距乘积的对数呈线性关系的实用结果,研究了不同类型地震地电阻率短临前兆特征及其在地震预报中的应用,探讨了地电阻率前兆变化的机理。  相似文献   

江苏地区地电阻率各向异性度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨建军 《地震学刊》2002,22(1):12-16
应用地电阻率各向异性率S值计算公式和程序,对江苏地区4个地电台1980-1997年的地电阻率各向异性度S值进行了计算研究分析。结果表明,S值这一新的电性参数在江苏南海2次6级以上地震前存在异常变化。地电阻率各向异性度S值可以作为一种新的电性参数应用于地震综合预报研究。在讨论中对S值的定义提出改进的公式,与同仁商榷。  相似文献   

唐山地震地电阻率各向异性变化特征研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
毛桐恩  王铁城 《地震学报》1995,17(4):505-510
依据唐山大震地电总结组汇编的1976年唐山7.8级地震地电观测资料(地电阻率),定义了一个无量纲的量S来表征地电阻率的各向异性,计算了孕震过程的S值,分析研究了其变化特征.结果表明,唐山地震在孕育、发展和发生整个过程中存在地电阻率各向异性变化.其形态变化特征较为典型.S作为一新的地震前兆因子,与其它无量纲前兆因子结合使用,对地震综合分析预报研究具有应用价值.文中对孕震过程中S的变化特征给予了物理解释.   相似文献   

台安地电阻率中等地震前兆异常判定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用“地震预报实用化攻关软件”研究总结1994年9月 ̄1995年4月辽宁省境内发生的三次中等地震前如安站地电阻率观测资料,揭示了短期前兆异常特征。通过用月距平方法,滑动富氏分析方法和灰色拓扑预测方法进行数据处理,进一步对前兆异常加以验证,并简要地分析了异常生产的原因。  相似文献   

王志贤  彭远黔 《中国地震》1997,13(2):189-196
通过研究唐山7.8级地震ρs震时突变现象。发现ρs震时突变具有变化幅度显著,空间分布普遍以及与震前ρs异常变化性质的相反的似弹性回跳现象等。研究了与ρs震时突变有关的震前ρs的前兆标志及其特征,用从复杂的ρs异常变化中识别和判定与地震有直接关系的地震前兆,对提高地电方法地震水平具有重要的实际意义和应用前景。  相似文献   

地电阻率短临前兆异常的判定方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王志贤  彭远黔 《地震》1994,(1):88-96
本文用一阶差分和相干加权计算等方法对地电阻率观测资料进行处理,其结果较好地突出了短临前兆异常。进而研究了地电阻率短临前兆变化特征及其短临预报指标;采用归一化方法将电阻率各异常参量转换为地震前兆信息量,为多种前兆方法进行综合跟踪预报提供了必要的基础资料。  相似文献   

吉林省地电阻率震兆异常分析研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用吉林省内榆树、 四平两个地电阻率台站观测资料, 采用形态法、 归一化变化速率法和各向异性度法, 分析研究了1999年汪清MS7.0深震以及2006年乾安—前郭MS5.0浅源地震前的地电阻率异常变化. 结果表明, 震前地电阻率出现长趋势下降变化或短临异常变化, 表现为: ① 汪清MS7.0深震前, 榆树台和四平台地电阻率月均值曲线上均显示出震前持续2年尺度的中期下降异常; ② 汪清MS7.0深震以及乾安—前郭MS5.0浅源中强震前, 榆树台和四平台地电阻率变化速率均大于异常指标; ③ 乾安—前郭MS5.0地震前, 四平台地电阻率各向异性度曲线显示出明显的低值异常变化, 而榆树台各向异性度S曲线则出现破年变变化. 上述异常变化的原因可能为, 太平洋板块向NW方向挤压, 导致震源区及附近最大主压应力方位(或近于该方位)NW向的挤压作用突出, 引起介质内部导电流体快速进入或重新分布, 从而使地电阻率出现长趋势下降变化和各向异性变化.  相似文献   

青新交界8.1级地震与远场地电阻率前兆异常的分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2001年11月14日在青新交界发生8.1级地震的空间分布及地震序列进行了简述,利用远场地电阻率前兆异常信息的映震能力,对8.1级地震前后地电阻率变化特征作了初步探讨与研究,利用远场地电阻率前兆异常观测结果,为地震的前期预测预报提供了一定时的可靠判据。  相似文献   

本文根据K.Aki等的尾波理论,使用台网的三分向地震记录资料,通过数值计算,连续测定了宁夏灵武—吴忠地区三次中强震前后地壳上层介质Q_c值、振幅衰减系数α值以及尾波优势频率随推移时间衰减的指数m值等尾波物理量,并给出了相应的误差估计。结果发现,Q_c值在上述区域中强震前上升,幅度可达常年均值的30%左右,α及m值则在震前下降,或下降后又回升。这表明,经过及时、适当的处理,有可能从区域地震记录的尾波物理量的特征变化中获取强震的前兆信息。  相似文献   

绥化台地电阻率异常与震兆特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以绥化地震台地电阻率8年的地震观测资料为参考依据,研究了台站周边300km范围内的5级以上地震和200km的4级以上地震,对地电阻率资料异常形态与地震关系进行了探讨。结果显示,其异常形态表现为多年趋势下降变化异常、年变的消失、震荡异常、台阶等,其正常年变形态为正弦波形的变化,异常与地震对应关系良好。  相似文献   

金安忠 《内陆地震》1993,7(2):197-208
讨论了自1976年唐山地震后,在华东地区地电阻观测台网范围内发生6级强震前ρ_s异常的时空分布特征。对观测值ρ_s的异常变化与地震活动性、岩石体积应变以及应力降等的关系作了对比。指出它们之间在空间上存在有一致性,且在时间上有同步性。研究结果表明:中强地震前,ρ_s的异常变化与地震活动性有关。这说明在某种程度上,ρ_s异常可视为异常信息。ρ_s异常持续时间较短,幅度较小,异常数目也相对较少,空间分布呈散射状,且异常形态的叠加小于唐山大震前的ρ_s异常叠加值。表明使用ρ_s观测方法预测中强地震比预测强震要困难得多,因此目前最根本的是要提高观测台网的监测能力,增大台网的密度,并通过深入研究震源区周围异常特征、改善观测台站条件来完善地震预报研究。  相似文献   

华北东部地区地壳结构的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
综合国家地震局地球物理勘探大队在华北地区开展以人工地震测深为主的深部探测成果,认为该地区地壳结构具有如下特点; (1)纵向的分层特性。沿纵向可划分为上层地壳、中层地壳和下层地壳三部分。在很多地震剖面上,中层地壳为一低速层,出现了速度逆转现象。 (2)莫霍界面沿横向的波浪起伏性和不连续性。莫氏面多在其波浪起伏的“拐点”处被断开。在此基础上,分析了华北东部地区强震的深部构造背景,地热活动和深部物质活动  相似文献   

本文重点讨论了某些强震和中等地震前有代表性的地电阻率临震突变现象。研究了地电阻率临震异常的时空展布特征,并将这些现象与地震活动性、应变资料、地下水位及水温等资料作了对比。还讨论了地电阻率临震异常与震源机制解、发震断裂等的关系。阐明这些事实与地电阻率临震异常在时间上的同步性,在空间上的一致性,从而对地电阻率临震现象作了某些解释,认为地电阻率临震异常的原因有待进一步研究,它们可能是构造应力场迅速变化及由应力变化而引起的地下水的组分和状态变化综合影响的结果。同时指出,由于强震前地电阻率临震异常分布的不均匀性,能记录到异常的台站仅仅是一部分,这就给捕捉临震异常增加了难度,必须建立一定密度的台网进行长时间连续的观测。至于中等强度地震的临震信息,只有在某些特定的地震前,且在靠近震中的特定台站才可能记录到。  相似文献   

首先介绍了武都台的地质构造及布极概况,利用单台地电阻率观测结果,对台站附近区域的几次中强地震前异常变化特征进行了初步分析,研究其规律性,为今后地震的发生提供参考依据.  相似文献   

中强震前新沂台电阻率各向异性值(S)变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对新沂地电阻率观测资料进行处理的基础上,研究了地震地电阻率各向异性的前兆异常特征,结果表明:1.在中强震前,震区一定范围内的地电阻率各向异性值(S)会出现上升型异常变化,这种变化表现为在原有平稳变化的背景上的上升变化或者是在原有上升趋势背景上的加速上升变化、亦或是在原有下降趋势背景上的上升变化;2.台站周围400km内5级以上地震发生前均存在明显的地电阻率各向异性值(S)前兆异常。  相似文献   

80年代中期以来地震分形研究在中国兴起,并发展为一个十分活跃的科学分支。本文综述了近年中国地震分形研究的概况,及取得的重要进展,并提出了急需解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

More than 80 percent of strong earthquakes(M≥7.0)occur in active-tectonic block boundaries in mainland China, and 95 percent of strong earthquake disasters also occur in these boundaries. In recent years, all strong earthquakes(M≥7.0)happened in active-tectonic block boundaries. For instance, 8 strong earthquakes(M≥7.0)occurred on the eastern, western, southern and northern boundaries of the Bayan Har block since 1997. In order to carry out the earthquake prediction research better, especially for the long-term earthquake prediction, the active-tectonic block boundaries have gradually become the key research objects of seismo-geology, geophysics, geodesy and other disciplines. This paper reviews the research results related to seismic activities in mainland China, as well as the main existing recognitions and problems as follows: 1)Most studies on seismic activities in active-tectonic block boundaries still remain at the statistical analysis level at present. However, the analysis of their working foundations or actual working conditions can help investigate deeply the seismic activities in the active-tectonic block boundaries; 2)Seismic strain release rates are determined by tectonic movement rates in active-tectonic block boundaries. Analysis of relations between seismic strain release rates and tectonic movement rates in mainland China shows that the tectonic movement rates in active-tectonic block boundaries of the eastern region are relatively slow, and the seismic strain release rates are with the smaller values too; the tectonic movement rates in active-tectonic block boundaries of the western region reveal higher values, and their seismic strain rates are larger than that of the eastern region. Earthquake recurrence periods of all 26 active-tectonic block boundaries are presented, and the reciprocals of recurrence periods represent high and low frequency of seismic activities. The research results point out that the tectonic movement rates and the reciprocals of recurrence periods for most faults in active-tectonic block boundaries exhibit linear relations. But due to the complexities of fault systems in active tectonic block boundaries, several faults obviously deviate from the linear relationship, and the relations between average earthquake recurrence periods and tectonic movement rates show larger uncertainties. The major reason is attributed to the differences existing in the results of the current earthquake recurrence studies. Furthermore, faults in active-tectonic boundaries exhibit complexities in many aspects, including different movement rates among various segments of the same fault and a certain active-tectonic block boundary contains some parallel faults with the same earthquake magnitude level. Consequently, complexities of these fault systems need to be further explored; 3)seismic activity processes in active-tectonic block boundaries present obvious regional characteristics. Active-tectonic block boundaries of the eastern mainland China except the western edge of Ordos block possess clustering features which indicate that due to the relatively low rate of crustal deformation in these areas, a long-time span is needed for fault stress-strain accumulation to show earthquake cluster activities. In addition, active-tectonic block boundaries in specific areas with low fault stress-strain accumulation rates also show seismic clustering properties, such as the clustering characteristics of strong seismic activities in Longmenshan fault zone, where a series of strong earthquakes have occurred successively, including the 2008 M8.0 Wenchuan, the 2013 M7.0 Lushan and the 2017 M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquakes. The north central regions of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, regarded as the second-grade active-tectonic block boundaries, are the concentration areas of large-scale strike-slip faults in mainland China, and most of seismicity sequences show quasi-period features. Besides, most regions around the first-grade active-tectonic block boundary of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau display Poisson seismic processes. On one hand, it is still necessary to investigate the physical mechanisms and dynamics of regional structures, on the other hand, most of the active-tectonic block boundaries can be considered as fault systems. However, seismic activities involved in fault systems have the characteristic of in situ recurrence of strong earthquakes in main fault segments, the possibilities of cascading rupturing for adjacent fault segments, and space-time evolution characteristics of strong earthquakes in fault systems. 4)The dynamic environment of strong earthquakes in mainland China is characterized by “layering vertically and blocking horizontally”. With the progresses in the studies of geophysics, geochemistry, geodesy, seismology and geology, the physical models of different time/space scales have guiding significance for the interpretations of preparation and occurrence of continental strong earthquakes under the active-tectonic block frame. However, since the movement and deformation of the active-tectonic blocks contain not only the rigid motion and the horizontal differences of physical properties of crust-mantle medium are universal, there is still need for improving the understanding of the dynamic processes of continental strong earthquakes. So it is necessary to conduct in-depth studies on the physical mechanism of strong earthquake preparation process under the framework of active-tectonic block theory and establish various foundation models which are similar to seismic source physical models in California of the United States, and then provide technological scientific support for earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation. Through all kinds of studies of the physical mechanisms for space-time evolution of continental strong earthquakes, it can not only promote the transition of the study of seismic activities from statistics to physics, but also persistently push the development of active-tectonic block theory.  相似文献   

中国东部中强地震发生的地震地质标志初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
中国东部地区,尤其是105°~120°E,20°~35°N的中国东南部大陆地区,自有史记载以来,少有7级以上的地震发生,却有不少5~6级左右的中强地震。研究此类中强地震发生的地震地质标志很有必要。对此,经初步分析认为:1)中国东部大多数中强地震发生在早第四纪(早、中更新世)活动断裂带附近;2)中国东部大多数5~6级中强地震都与第四纪断陷盆地的发育、分布有关;3)具有明显第四纪活动的构造地貌特征的地区,如线性断层地貌或地貌面的线性分布区具备孕发中强地震的可能性;4)有历史记载以来4~5级地震活动带的空区或缺震地区,也存在发育5~6级地震的可能性  相似文献   

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