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A background knowledge of marine dynamics helps harbour managers to control pollution and to manage dredging and traffic operations. This contribution studies the hydrodynamic conditions within Bilbao Harbour, which is enclosed by the Nervión Estuary (in the Basque Country, Spain). The results obtained from hydrographical surveys are compared with numerical simulations obtained using the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). Hydrodynamic modelling was carried out to determine the inner harbour currents for a specific period in which data were available. Then, numerical experiments were designed in order to quantify the importance of different driving mechanisms in the harbour hydrodynamics. The results show that, in addition to the strong tidal influence on water circulation, the wind forcing and freshwater discharge also have a non-negligible influence on the currents. The computational domain is complex due to the presence of harbour infrastructures (i.e. breakwaters and piers). As a result, topographic eddies are therefore observed in the results. The freshwater influence of the Nervión river can also be observed in residual currents. This paper presents an improvement to the application of numerical modelling to a complex geometry domain, contributing to our understanding of the behaviour of the marine systems in meso-tidal harbours. This can be used to deal with harbour engineering and management problems.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in Hong Kong to study the patterns of recolonization and succession of subtidal macrobenthos in defaunated sediment contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons and to determine the time required for benthic recovery from petroleum contamination. A total of 31 species was found and 83 animals/tray and 14 species/tray on an average were recorded after one month. Initial colonization was dominated by polychaetes in both abundance and species number (accounting for 69.1% and 64.5%, respectively). Abundance of macrobenthos came to a small crest (308 animals/tray) after three months, reached a sharp peak (1257 animals/tray) after six months, and then declined to a steady level. Abundance, species number and diversity in the petroleum-contaminated sediment were significantly lower than those in the control sediment in the early successional stages, indicating deleterious effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on recolonization and succession of macrobenthos. Petroleum hydrocarbons in sediment significantly altered species composition of macrobenthos in recolonization and succession. No significant differences in community parameters and species composition between the petroleum-contaminated and the control communities were found after 11 months, indicating that macrobenthic community had recovered from petroleum contamination.  相似文献   

Bacteria, as the most abundant sediment organism, play a major role in the fate of pollutants. Therefore, many pollutant-related bacteria have been studied in harbor sediments, yet the entire bacterial profiles have not been reported. The bacterial diversity and community structures from sediments in Victoria Harbor (Hong Kong), including two polluted (VH and VHW) and two adjacent (open oceanic, TLC; estuary discharge affected, PC) sites, were characterized by analyses of four 16S rDNA clone libraries. Upon comparisons of RFLP patterns from 254 clones in the libraries, 178 unique phylotypes were retrieved. LIBSHUFF and Rarefaction analyses indicated that the sediment bacterial communities at the four sites showed high 16S rDNA richness and were significantly different from each other. Phylogenetic analysis of full-length 16S rDNA revealed 19 bacterial phyla in Victoria Harbor sediments. γ- and δ-proteobacteria, holophaga/acidobacteria, and planctomycetales were recorded in all the libraries. In addition, γ- and δ-proteobacteria were dominant at all sites (33.33–11.67%). Besides these two phyla, ε-proteobacteria, firmicutes, aminobacterium, holophaga/acidobacteria and bacteroidetes were judged to be major components of a given library since they constituted 10% or more of the total OTUs of the given library. The cyanobacteria, verrucomicrobia, β-proteobacteria, aminobacterium, chlorofiexi, and candidate division OP1, OP8 were detected in minor proportions in various libraries. A portion of the clones were only distantly related to sequences in the GenBank, suggesting bacteria in Victoria Harbor sediments were unique and diversified.  相似文献   

Biomarkers of organochlorine exposure, such as the induction of cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A), can be used to assess the impact of environmental contaminants on the health of free-ranging marine mammal populations. The objective of the present study was to measure CYP1A in skin and liver biopsies obtained from live harbour seals (Phoca vitulina). Twelve harbour seal pups, aged three to five weeks, were captured from the Fraser River estuary, British Columbia, Canada, and temporarily held in captivity. Skin ( approximately 60 mg) and liver ( approximately 40 mg) biopsies, obtained while seals were under general anaesthesia, yielded sufficient tissue for the measurement of CYP1A by immunoblot analysis and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity. A short-term exposure experiment, in which harbour seals (n=3) were treated orally with beta-naphthoflavone (BNF), resulted in increased hepatic and cutaneous CYP1A protein levels, consistent with observations in other mammals. This study is the first to measure CYP1A in skin and liver biopsies from live harbour seals and to report in vivo BNF-associated CYP1A induction in a marine mammal. The results demonstrate that microsamples collected using minimally-invasive techniques can provide toxicologically-relevant information form marine mammals.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution of macrobenthic fauna, heavy metals, and other physico‐chemical and biological characteristics of the sediments were studied in three sediment layers (0–7, 8–14, 15–21 cm) at seven stations in the Ubatuba region, north coast of São Paulo State, Brazil at several temporal and spatial scales. Six stations were located in the inner bay near the riverine run‐off, and one was outside the bay, distant from the riverine influence. The samples were collected four times in 1 year, on a seasonal basis. Sediments were basis comprised predominantly of very fine sand and the vertical distribution of grain size was uniform to a depth of 21 cm in all stations. Higher values of total organic matter, organic carbon, sulphur, heavy metals and phaeopigments were recorded at the inner Ubatuba Bay stations, probably due to the riverine influence. C/N ratios indicated a mixed origin of organic matter with a major contribution of terrestrial material in the inner stations. The vertical distribution of heavy metals showed a slight decline with sediment depth in the inner stations, indicating the present contribution. Most of the macrofauna was found at the surface sediment layer. Biological data showed that in the inner stations of Ubatuba Bay, which are under the influence of urban sewage and are moderately polluted, the fauna was distributed more superficially within the substrate than in St. 7, which is located in the external portion of the bay distant from sewage inputs. The environmental quality of the sites studied varied little throughout the year, at least in relation to the variables considered here. Temporal variation in the vertical distribution of benthic fauna was not evident in the four sampling surveys analysed. Only minor changes in the vertical distribution of the total fauna were detected in the seasonal scale, with the organisms located less deep within the sediment column in summer, indicating some influence of the tourism impact and/or rainy season.  相似文献   

Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) are important regulators of a variety of processes in coastal marine sediments regarding organic matter turnover, biodegradation of pollutants, and sulfur and carbon cycles. Yet their community compositions have not been investigated in polluted harbor sediments. This study described the diversity and spatial variation of SRB communities in surface sediments in Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong. The spatial variation of SRB communities was described by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP). The results showed that the most diversified terminal restriction fragments were found at polluted sites. In addition, cluster analysis indicated that although the SRB communities were different at the two polluted sites, they were still more similar to each other than to the two more distant reference sites. Based on a dsrAB clone library constructed at a polluted site, diversified SRB were found, represented by 30 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). Upon comparisons among the SRB sequences detected from this study and those in the GenBank, five clades of SRB were found. Three clades belonged to the known families Desulfobacteraceae, Desulfobulbaceae, and Syntrophobacteriaceae. The majority of sequenced clones, which distantly related to sequences in the GenBank, constituted the remaining two unclassified groups, suggesting unique SRB members related to the polluted harbor environment. Statistical analyses indicated that estimated SRB richness correlated with environment factors such as sulfur content, acid volatile sulfate, and redox potential.  相似文献   

水体悬浮物对溶解在水中的油及乳化油有吸附作用,这种作用会叠加在颗粒物上,对水体的后向散射系数产生影响,而水体后向散射系数是水色遥感的重要参数之一,对建立遥感反演石油类污染浓度半分析模型起着关键性的作用。根据2008年5月在辽宁省盘锦市辽河油田境内双台子河和绕阳河现场测定的水样,对水体组分进行浓度分析,并分别利用分光光度计及后向散射系数测量仪测定水色三要素的吸收系数和水体后向散射系数。根据获取的数据,对石油类污染水体后向散射特性进行分析,分别建立了(1)石油类污染水体后向散射系数光谱模型;(2)石油类污染水体和非石油类污染水体后向散射系数与无机悬浮物浓度的关系模型。研究结果表明:(1)在建立的后向散射系数光谱模型中,幂函数指数平均值为0.87;(2)从相关系数分析来看,对后向散射系数起主要作用的是无机悬浮物浓度,其次是石油类物质浓度,而有机悬浮物浓度几乎没有影响;(3)对于无石油类污染水体,后向散射系数与无机悬浮物浓度为对数关系模型,而与有石油类污染水体更接近线性关系模型。  相似文献   

河控型河口盐度混合和层化是控制悬沙输移扩散的重要动力机制。以珠江磨刀门河口为研究对象,基于2017年洪季三船同步大、小潮水文泥沙观测数据,分析河控型河口水体盐度层化结构的时空变化对悬沙分布的影响机制。结果表明:受径潮动力耦合时空变化影响,河口盐度垂向分布表现出时空差异,即受径流主导的M1站(挂锭角),河口盐度在涨落潮周期内垂向混合均匀,受径潮控制的M2站(口门)在整个潮周期内盐度层化结构明显,口门外侧的M3站,潮动力作用较强,盐度垂向分布随涨落潮变化而变化;悬沙空间分布与盐度分布关系密切,盐度混合均匀利于悬沙垂向均匀分布,而盐度层化则使悬沙倾向于滞留在底层水体中,且在盐度层结界面之下出现高悬沙浓度,悬沙浓度垂向分布曲线呈L字型或抛线型,纵向上表现为高浓度悬沙团抑制在盐水楔前端,盐度层化对悬沙的捕集效应明显。通过对比水体标准化分层系数与水流垂向扩散强度系数发现,两者呈现负相关关系,即标准化分层系数愈大,垂向扩散强度愈小,表明水体层化抑制悬沙垂向扩散强度,而且水体层化程度越高,悬沙垂向扩散抑制程度越大,进而促进了河口水体盐度层化对悬沙捕集作用。本研究有助于揭示河口细颗粒泥沙运动机制及河口拦门沙演变机制,并为磨刀门河口拦门沙治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本研究测定了粤港澳大湾区典型海域—大亚湾沉积物中主要重金属元素的含量水平与污染状况。利用我国海洋沉积物质量标准和模糊综合评价法,系统探讨了大亚湾海洋沉积物质量的历史演变过程,为我国大湾区可持续发展提供了科学理论支持。结果表明,大亚湾海域的重金属污染状况在过去近百年经历了3个主要变化阶段:(1)20世纪80年代之前,大部分重金属含量较低,沉积物质量处于一类等级,与重金属污染相关的生态风险较小,对沉积物生态风险贡献最高的元素为Cr,最低的为Cd;(2)1980?2000年间,大亚湾沉积物中的重金属含量明显高于背景值,表明该阶段出现了较为严重的重金属污染,使近岸海域的沉积物质量等级处于二类与三类,但大亚湾外部海域沉积物受污染影响较小,仍处于一类等级,在此期间,Cu取代Cr成为最主要的污染元素;(3)2000年以后,沉积物重金属的污染水平显著降低,生态风险迅速下降,沉积物质量等级恢复到了一类水平,Cr是这一阶段最主要的污染元素。  相似文献   

Waste disposal in the apex of the New York Bight has resulted in the contamination of sediments by toxic chemicals and some alteration to the community composition of the benthic macrofauna. The significance of these alterations to other communities in the area, e.g. its fishery resources, has not been clearly demonstrated. This paper presents data on an extensive survey of the macrofauna biomass, that many fish and lobster feed on, in the waste disposal impacted areas of the apex, using samples from both 1973 and 1980–1982. Variable mean production to biomass (P:B) ratios were used to estimate secondary production from the biomass of each major taxon. The macrofaunal biomass (wet wt.) of most of the apex area impacted by waste disposal was relatively high, with a mean biomass of 127 g m?2 for 1973 and 344 g m?2 for 1980–1982. Estimated secondary production was also high, being 201 Kcal m?2 year?1 in 1973 and 383 Kcal m?2 year?1 in 1980–1982. These values suggest there has been no inhibition of at least biomass, as the values were similar to or greater than values found in other areas of the Bight with similar bathymetric characteristics.  相似文献   

热液区沉积物接受了大量热液物质的输入,其矿物组成及地球化学空间分布特征是多金属硫化物勘探的有效指标。由于重力作用,洋中脊区域沉积物主要分布于低洼和平坦地形区。为了探索地形因素对热液区沉积物分布的影响规律,本文通过ArcGIS提出了一种基于地形数据的海底热液区沉积物分布趋势预测方法,并对西南印度洋中脊龙角区地形数据进行了分析,包括沉积物重力搬运方向提取、沉积物汇集量估算、海底沟谷提取和沉积物源区划分。通过与研究区底质解译结果进行对比验证发现,预测结果与研究区内沉积物的实际分布范围较为吻合,表明本方法在一定程度上可以有效地指示地形影响下海底热液区沉积物的分布情况。本方法对海底硫化物矿产勘探工作具有一定指导意义,可为海底沉积物取样站位设置与海底硫化物成矿远景区圈定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

热液区沉积物接受了大量热液物质的输入,其矿物组成及地球化学空间分布特征是多金属硫化物勘探的有效指标。由于重力作用,洋中脊区域沉积物主要分布于低洼和平坦地形区。为了探索地形因素对热液区沉积物分布的影响规律,本文通过ArcGIS提出了一种基于地形数据的海底热液区沉积物分布趋势预测方法,并对西南印度洋中脊龙角区地形数据进行了分析,包括沉积物重力搬运方向提取、沉积物汇集量估算、海底沟谷提取和沉积物源区划分。通过与研究区底质解译结果进行对比验证发现,预测结果与研究区内沉积物的实际分布范围较为吻合,表明本方法在一定程度上可以有效地指示地形影响下海底热液区沉积物的分布情况。本方法对海底硫化物矿产勘探工作具有一定指导意义,可为海底沉积物取样站位设置与海底硫化物成矿远景区圈定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Shorebirds, as migratory aquatic birds and top predators in intertidal ecosystems, can be affected by global environmental changes and escalations in local impacts on coastal lagoons and estuarine trophic networks. Many shorebirds winter in North African Atlantic coastal sites, most likely because these locations provide constant and reliable food supplies with less energy costs in comparison with the wintering sites of northern Europe. Although more information is available for other important southern coastal sites (e.g. Saharan Atlantic coastal desert and Guinean mangroves coast), very little information is available for the North African Atlantic coast. Here, we focus on the impact of shorebird predation on benthic macroinvertebrates in a major wintering site in this area—Sidi Moussa coastal lagoon, Morocco—using an exclosure experiment. For most of the macroinvertebrate species there was no significant effect of the exclusion of shorebird predation. Overall, our results do not show evidence that predation by shorebirds influenced the overall standing biomass of the benthic community. This may indicate that the benthic productivity is high enough to provide constant and reliable food supplies for non-breeding shorebirds.  相似文献   

AstudyofanewretrievalalgorithmformeasurementofoceanicwindvectorsfieldusingsatellitemicrowavescatterometerLinMingsen,SunYing,Z...  相似文献   

In this article, impact pressure in the case of shallow water sloshing is investigated experimentally and numerically for forced rolling motion. The maximum values of impact pressures have been found for a frequency lower than the first sloshing frequency. Experimental results are compared with numerical ones obtained using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The influence of viscosity and of density re-initialization on the SPH results are discussed. A new method for calculating the pressure on walls with SPH is presented.  相似文献   

长江口水域悬沙含量时空变化卫星遥感定量研究方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李婧  高抒  汪亚平 《海洋学报》2009,31(4):167-175
悬沙含量是反映细颗粒物质在水层中的输运和再悬浮过程的重要指标,对沉积环境和沉积过程的研究有着非常重要的作用,是联系动力作用和地貌演变的纽带[1].细颗粒物质是营养盐、有机物和重金属输送的载体,因此研究细颗粒物质的运移对河口和海洋环境及生态的影响有着重要的意义[2].由于河口地区同时受到河流径流和潮流的影响,径流的水沙输运、潮流和波浪等的动力都对悬浮泥沙含量有影响.河口地区悬沙含量既可以指示沉积物来源、输运量的变化,又可以显示沉积动力作用的变化,这两种影响因素的时间尺度不同,但它们会共同影响悬沙含量的大小和分布.在我国长江等大河每年的水沙输运量十分巨大.  相似文献   

Incorporation of 14C-depleted (old) dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on/into particulate organic carbon (POC) has been suggested as a possible mechanism to explain the low Δ14C-POC values observed in the deep ocean [Druffel, E.R.M., Williams, P.M., 1990. Identification of a deep marine source of particulate organic carbon using bomb 14C. Nature, 347, 172–174.]. A shipboard incubation experiment was performed in the Sargasso Sea to test this hypothesis. Finely ground dried plankton was incubated in seawater samples from the deep Sargasso Sea, both with and without a biological poison (HgCl2). Changes in parameters such as biochemical composition and carbon isotopic signatures of bulk POC and its organic compound classes were examined to study the roles of sorptive processes and biotic activity on POC character. Following a 13-day incubation, the relative abundance of the acid-insoluble organic fraction increased. Abundances of extractable lipids and total hydrolyzable amino acids decreased for both treatments, but by a greater extent in the non-poisoned treatment. The Δ14C values of POC recovered from the non-poisoned treatment were significantly lower than the value of the unaltered plankton material used for the incubation, indicating incorporation of 14C-depleted carbon, most likely DOC. The old carbon was present only in the lipid and acid-insoluble fractions. These results are consistent with previous findings of old carbon dominating the same organic fractions of sinking POC from the deep Northeast Pacific [Hwang, J., Druffel, E.R.M., 2003. Lipid-like material as the source of the uncharacterized organic carbon in the ocean? Science, 299, 881–884.]. However, the Δ14C values of POC recovered from the poisoned treatment did not change as much as those from the non-poisoned treatment suggesting that biological processes were involved in the incorporation of DOC on/into POC.  相似文献   

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