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The composition and distribution of the main planktonic halophilic microorganisms were studied in 12 ponds of different salinity levels, ranging from 38 to 328, in the saltern of Sousse, Tunisia, in relation to environmental factors. Nutrient concentrations increased with decreasing salinity in the ponds. Phytoplankton, ciliate and zooplankton communities were very diverse and varied spatially in relation to salinity in the ponds and to nutrient availability. Phytoplankton were dominated by diatoms, followed by dinoflagellates, in primary ponds where salinities were <100, and by the Chlorophyceae and Cyanophyceae in ponds with higher salinity. Zooplankton were dominated by copepods in the ponds of lowest salinity and by the brine shrimp Artemia salina in the most saline ponds. Within the planktonic community as a whole, diatoms, Spirotrichaea and copepods (68.9%, 89.9% and 71.05%, respectively) dominated in the lower-salinity ponds whereas Chlorophyceae, heterotrichs and Artemia salina (49.19%, 50.4% and 90%, respectively) dominated in the ponds of higher salinity. Despite the considerable constraint imposed by salinity, other environmental factors such as temperature also play a role in regulating the planktonic communities.  相似文献   

The distribution of protein and carbohydrate concentrations of the particulate matter (size fraction: 0.45–160 μm) was studied, from 22 January 2003 to 02 December 2003, in three ponds of increasing salinity in the Sfax solar saltern (Tunisia). The coupling of N/P: DIN (DIN = NO2 + NO3 + NH4+) to DIP (DIP = PO43−) with P/C: protein/carbohydrates ratios along salinity gradient allowed the discrimination of three types of ecosystems. Pond A1 (mean salinity: 45.0 ± 5.4) having marine characteristics showed enhanced P/C ratios during a diatom bloom. N/P and P/C ratios were closely coupled throughout the sampling period, suggesting that the nutritional status is important in determining the seasonal change in the phytoplankton community in pond A1. In pond A16 (mean salinity: 78.7 ± 8.8), despite the high nitrate load, P/C ratios were overall lower than in pond A1. This may be explained by the fact that dinoflagellates, which were the most abundant phytoplankton in pond A16 might be strict heterotrophs and/or mixotrophs, and so they may have not contributed strongly to anabolic processes. Also, N/P and P/C ratios were uncoupled, suggesting that cells in pond A16 were stressed due to the increased salinity caused by water evaporation, and so cells synthesized reserve products such as carbohydrates. In pond M2 (mean salinity: 189.0 ± 13.8), P/C levels were higher than those recorded in either pond A1 or A16. N/P and P/C were more coupled than in pond A16. Species in the hypersaline pond seemed paradoxally less stressed than in pond A16, suggesting that salt-tolerant extremophile species overcome hypersaline constraints and react metabolically by synthesizing carbohydrates and proteins.  相似文献   

海滨日晒盐田具有稳定且独特的生态系统。淡化浓海水排入盐田制盐,对盐田生态系统的稳定及盐田的可持续发展具有一定的影响。本研究分析天津汉沽淡化浓海水日晒盐田不同季节不同盐度盐池原核微生物多样性现状及群落结构变化,以期为评估淡化浓海水对盐田原核微生物群落影响提供理论依据。采用温度梯度凝胶电泳和序列测定等方法,分析不同月份不同盐度盐池中细菌和古菌的多样性与群落结构变化。分别采用香农-威纳指数、加权丰富度指数和均匀度指数分析盐田微生物群落多样性、丰富度和均匀度。结果表明,淡化浓海水和溴后水中均未检测出细菌和古菌。不同月份不同盐度盐池样本中细菌多样性变化不大,优势菌主要为γ-变形菌门(γ-Proteobacteria)中的Spiribacter salinus和Pseudoalteromonassp.;古菌仅出现在盐度最高的Ⅶ号盐池中,优势古菌为广古菌门(Euryarchaeota)的Halogeometricum sp.。天津汉沽淡化浓海水日晒盐田中细菌的多样性和丰富度较低,春夏两季细菌群落结构较为稳定,秋冬季节细菌群落结构变化明显。盐度不同的盐池中细菌群落结构变化较大,随着盐度逐渐升高, Spiribacter salinus逐渐取代Pseudoalteromonas sp.成为占主要地位的优势菌种。  相似文献   

九龙江口-厦门港河口盐度锋面的特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文着重研究九龙江口-厦门港冬季小潮实测的各潮时盐度锋面,发现其具有锋面宽度窄、盐度梯度很大,平面上等盐线大致成西北-东南走向、横断面上则较多呈向南向下倾斜的特征,其锋面盐度在15~27之间,锋面宽度约在2.6~4.3km之间,盐度梯度在2.1~2.6km^-1之间;但盐度锋面区的位置、宽度和盐度梯度随潮位、水深的变化而变化。落急时各盐度锋面都在象鼻嘴与屿仔尾连线以西,并随水深的增加不断向西推移,  相似文献   


Plankton includes the primary producers and consumers that are critical for healthy ecosystem function in the marine realm. My objective was to identify the major contributions of the Leigh Marine Laboratory to our broader understanding of planktonic assemblages. Significant contributions were made prior to 1990 on the ecology of larval fishes. From the 1990s the focus changed to the sensory biology of larval invertebrates and fishes, with a strong emphasis given to the role of reef sound in attracting potential settlers. Both early and post 1980s research has been highly influential in a paradigm shift away from passively drifting larvae that have little control over their fate. Important contributions have also been made on the dynamics of nutrient–phytoplankton interactions, larval development and aquaculture. Opportunities abound for future research on the dynamics of planktonic assemblages in shelf waters and in changing seas.  相似文献   

通过分析2012年4月在南海南部获取的浮游生物拖网样品,对水体中浮游有孔虫的区域分布特征及其影响因素进行了初步探讨。南海南部上层水体中共鉴定出现代浮游有孔虫19种,其中优势种为Globigerinoides sacculifer、Globigerinoides ruber、Globigerinella calida、Globigerinella siphonifera、Globorotalia menardii、Orbulina universa、Neogloboquadrina dutertrei。浮游有孔虫种属组成整体上呈现为热带-亚热带群落特征,浮游有孔虫生物丰度与西太平洋北赤道流区域的生物丰度相当。南海南部春季上层水体中浮游有孔虫整体表现为西高东低的区域分布特征,在垂直分布上浮游有孔虫集中分布在上部0~50m水层中,50m以深水体中浮游有孔虫生物丰度迅速降低。认为浮游有孔虫的分布受到温度、水体层化、初级生产力等多方面环境因子的综合作用。个别深水种(如Globorotalia menardii)出现了主要分布在0~50 m水深的特殊现象。  相似文献   

吕红红  向荣 《海洋学报》2016,38(2):93-103
现代活体浮游有孔虫的生态研究是其古环境重建应用的重要基础。根据黄、东海陆架2011年秋季采集的20个垂直浮游拖网样品,分析了该海域浮游有孔虫的秋季生态分布特征。结果表明,黄海秋季基本上没有浮游有孔虫的出现。东海共发现13种活体浮游有孔虫,主要优势属种依次为Globigerinoides sacculifer、Pulleniatina obliquiloculata、Globigerina bulloides、Neogloboquadrina dutertrei和Globigerinoides ruber。浮游有孔虫丰度整体上呈现东南高,西北低的分布格局,这种分布格局反映了浮游有孔虫在黄、东海陆架区的分布主要受外海水影响强弱控制。浮游有孔虫主要属种在东海陆架呈现明显的区域分布差异:暖水种G. sacculifer是秋季陆架海区的主要优势种,其分布格局与总丰度基本一致,相对含量从南至北、从东至西逐渐降低,主要受区域表层海水温度变化的控制。G. bulloides与G. sacculifer呈相反的含量分布变化,其高含量主要出现在东海中陆架,从北往南逐渐降低,此外,在闽浙沿岸也有较高含量,表明了温度和生产力是影响G. bulloides在黄、东海陆架分布的主要因素。秋季P. obliquiloculata和N. dutertrei的高含量主要出现在东海南部中陆架区和济州岛西南黄海暖流影响区,可能受暖水与生产力的共同制约。  相似文献   

张翠霞  张武昌  赵楠  肖天 《海洋学报》2011,33(1):127-137
于2006年11月19日至12月23日(秋季)和2007年2月22日至3月11日(冬季)在东海陆架区(25°-33°N,12°-127°30'E)的6个断面(E1-E6)调查分析了浮游生活的寡毛目纤毛虫的生态分布特点.结果表明:秋季纤毛虫丰度为0~1 795个/dm<'3>,生物量(C)为0~2.36 μg/dm<'3...  相似文献   

缢蛏对对虾池浮游生物群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年5~9月在山东省海阳黄海水产集团公司养虾场,结合缢蛏和中国对虾混养实验,探讨了缢蛏对浮游生物群落结构的影响。结果表明:缢蛏主要滤食2~5μm的无鞭毛藻类,从而使隐藻等鞭毛藻类成为浮游植物优势类群;缢蛏滤食原生动物、轮虫等小型浮游动物和大型浮游动物的幼体,并且通过食物竞争来影响大型浮游动物,使浮游动物群落以捕食性和繁殖力强的剑水蚤及其无节幼体为主要成分。  相似文献   

The macrobenthos is important in benthic remineralization processes; it represents a trophic link and is also often used as a bio-indicator in monitoring programs. Variations of the environmental parameters strongly influence the structure of the macrobenthic communities in the marshes and since macrobenthos is the most important food item for marsh-visiting fish species in the Schelde, the variation in food resources can have a strong effect on the higher trophic level. The present study deals with the variation in macrobenthic communities in different habitats of intertidal marshes along the salinity gradient and the differences between the marsh creeks and the intertidal part of the estuary. The study measured density and species richness together with the biomass, and sampled a large intertidal channel and a smaller creek within five marshes along the salinity gradient of the Schelde estuary every six weeks between May and October in 2000.  相似文献   

Octopus (Octopus vulgaris, Mollusca, Cephalopoda) is an important and valuable fishery resource on the eastern and southern coasts of Tunisia, but its landings are highly variable. This paper explores the effect of environment on octopus catch per unit effort (CPUE) during a 12‐year period, through correlation analyses and the incorporation into surplus production models of sea surface temperature (SST) and rainfall data collected during cold (January–May) and hot (August–October) seasons. CLIMPROD software was used to select the appropriate model and fit it to the fishery and environment data. In both seasons, SST significantly contributed to CPUE variability; fishery production was influenced positively by cold season SST but negatively by hot season SST. Due to a poor fit with cold season data, the impact of rainfall was analysed only for the hot season, during which it has a positive effect on production. Results are discussed in view of the life‐cycle of octopus and the dynamics of the Tunisian fishery. This first study of octopus variability in Tunisia highlights the necessity to incorporate environmental influence into stock assessment and management advice.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the temporal dynamics of rhizome epiphytes and sessile animals living on the rhizomes of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the east of Tunisia. Surveys were conducted in October 2009, and in January, April and August 2010 on a fringing reef located in Chebba. Rhizomes were sampled by SCUBA diving at three stations. Samples were examined with a microscope to estimate the cover of macroinvertebrate and macroalgal organisms on the top 10 cm of each rhizome. Results revealed a high diversity of epiphytes on P. oceanica rhizomes with a dominance of red and brown algae, ascidians, and bryozoans. Distinct temporal changes were observed in Oued Lafrann, with a high January cover (winter period) for all groups. These winter increases can be attributed to: (i) the low phenological parameters of P. oceanica in winter that reduce the effects of shading, (ii) life cycles of the epiphytes and invertebrates, (iii) water motion and (iv) grazing.  相似文献   

The microscale (1 and 4 cm sampling resolution) distributions of chemical (O2, NH3, NO3, NO2, PO43−) and biological (Chl a, phytoplankton, bacterioplankton, viruses) parameters were measured in the 16 cm of water immediately overlaying the sediment-water interface (SWI) within a temperate mangrove estuary in South Australia during December 2003 and March 2004. Shear velocities (u*) during the time of sampling were very low (<0.1 cm s−1), and we consequently predict that resuspension of organisms and materials was negligible. In December 2003, profiles were often characterised by strong gradients in nutrients and organisms, with the highest concentrations often observed within 0.5 cm of the SWI. Microscale patterns in O2, NH3, NO3 and NO2 indicated that a variety of anaerobic and aerobic transformation processes probably occurred at the SWI and within profiles. Strong gradients in PO43− were indicative of nutrient flux across the SWI as a consequence of degradation processes in the sediments. Pico- and nanophytoplankton concentrations were strongly correlated (p < 0.01) to PO43−, and exhibited 12- and 68-fold changes in abundance, respectively, with highest concentrations observed nearest to the SWI. Several bacterial subpopulations were discriminated using flow cytometry and significant shifts in the ‘cytometric structure’ of the bacterial community were observed within microscale profiles. Two populations of viruses were correlated to the phytoplankton and low DNA (LDNA) bacteria, and each exhibited elevated concentrations within 0.5 cm of the SWI. In March 2004, microscale distributions of O2 and nutrients were more homogenous than in December 2003, and dissimilar microbial community structure and patterns were observed above the SWI. The patterns observed here support the prediction that benthic processes can strongly influence the ecology of planktonic communities in the overlaying water, and provide further evidence for the existence of microscale variability amongst communities of aquatic microorganisms.  相似文献   

The importance of macrophytes as food sources for estuarine nekton is unclear. Previous carbon isotope investigations in the macrophyte-dominated, freshwater-deprived Kariega Estuary showed that the bivalveSolen cylindraceusdid not utilize the dominant estuarine macrophytes found within the estuary as a primary food source. This finding prompted questions as to what the nekton of this estuary utilize as primary energy sources. δ13C analyses of the principal autochthonous and allochthonous primary carbon sources, as well as the dominant invertebrate and fish species, indicate that there are two main carbon pathways within the Kariega Estuary. The littoral community, which incorporates the majority of crustaceans, gobies, mullet and a sparid, utilizes δ13C enriched primary food sources namelySpartina maritima,Zosteracapensis and epiphytes. The channel fauna, which includes the zooplankton, zooplanktivorous and piscivorous fish, utilizes a primary food source depleted in δ13C, which is most likely a mixture of phytoplankton, terrestrial plant debris and C4macrophyte detritus. The C3saltmarsh macrophytesSarcocornia perennisandChenolea diffusa, as well as benthic microalgae, appear to be less important as primary food sources to the nekton of the Kariega Estuary.  相似文献   

Understanding trace metal behaviour in estuarine environments requires sampling strategies and analytical methods adapted to strong physical and geochemical gradients. In this study, we present a specific sampling strategy covering a wide range of hydrological conditions during nine cruises in 2003–2007 to characterise the behaviour of three dissolved metals (uranium, vanadium and molybdenum) in surface and bottom water along the salinity gradient of the highly turbid macrotidal Gironde Estuary using a solid–liquid extraction. Uranium behaved conservatively whatever the water discharges observed. The slight dissolved U depletion compared to the theoretical dilution line between the fluvial and marine end-members occasionally observed in the low salinity range (0–3) was attributed to the mixing of different water bodies of the Gironde tributaries. In contrast, dissolved V behaviour was largely influenced by the hydrological conditions, showing increasingly pronounced addition with decreasing freshwater discharges, (i.e. increasing residence times of water and particles in the estuary). This addition of dissolved V in the low- to mid-salinity range was attributed to desorption processes observed in the Maximum Turbidity Zone (MTZ). The distribution of dissolved Mo concentrations along the salinity gradient was highly variable. Apparent conservative, and non-conservative behaviours were observed and were related to the concomitance of desorption from SPM, inputs from sediments for additive distribution and biological uptake and removal into sediments for subtractive distribution. Based on the whole database (2003–2007), annual net fluxes to the coastal ocean were estimated for dissolved U (15.5–16.6 t yr−1) and V (31.3–36.7 t yr−1).  相似文献   

We collected fishes and environmental variables in three zones (upper, middle and lower) of a small open tropical estuary during flood tide. The aim was to test for differences in fish assemblages along a gradient from freshwater to marine waters and to detect any seasonal variation in fishes and environmental variables across these zones. A total of 111 species (18 in the upper, 50 in the middle and 66 in the lower estuary) were recorded, forming three distinct fish assemblages, with the family Eleotridae dominating in the upper, Gerreidae in the middle, and Sciaenidae in the lower estuary. Only two species (Geophagus brasiliensis in the upper and the middle zones, and Eucinostomus argenteus in the middle and the lower zones) composed more than 1% of the total number of individuals in more than a single zone. Short‐term (tidal) changes in salinity in the middle estuary were associated with different assemblages in the three estuarine zones, even in winter, when the differences in salinity are lowest between the middle and the lower zones. Seasonal variation in salinity was irrelevant, except in a protected sidewater lagoon in the middle estuary. Low salinity seasonal change may be related to the lack of seasonal variation in the structure of fish assemblages in all estuarine zones.  相似文献   

The changes in the plankton biomass structure in relation to nutrient inputs were studied in the Gulf of Venice (Northern Adriatic Sea), an area characterized by a very marked trophic state variability. The investigation was carried out at two stations, in March, May and July 2005 and 2006, considering the whole water column. The size structure (from picoplankton to mesozooplankton) of both autotrophs and heterotrophs was analysed. Signals of diluted waters and nutrient inputs were more marked in 2005 than in 2006. In 2005, the total plankton biomass was almost double (87 ± 37 μg·C·l?1) that in 2006 (44 ± 26 μg·C·l?1). The variations were determined mainly by phytoplankton, with a 70% decrease, and a shift from a community dominated by microphytoplankton (49 ± 12%) in 2005 to one dominated by bacteria (43 ± 11%) in 2006 was observed. The relationship between the heterotrophic (H) and autotrophic (A) biomass indicated a rapid decline of the H/A ratio with increasing phytoplankton biomass. This study, although temporally limited, is consistent with the results reported for other marine environments and it seems to confirm the importance of nutrient inputs in structuring the biomass of plankton community.  相似文献   

Abundance, population structure and production of the macro-invertebrates belonging to the functional feeding group of the shredders were studied in the Ichkeul wetland, northern Tunisia, from July 1993 to April 1994. Mean above-ground macrophyte biomass was at a maximum in September followed by a complete breakdown of the Potamogeton pectinatus L. meadow from October onward due to high salinity following an exceptionally dry winter. Only the meadow of Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande at Tinja remained in place. Abundance of Gammarus aequicauda (Martynov 1931), Idotea chelipes (Pallas 1766) and Sphaeroma hookeri Leach 1814 was significantly related to the R. cirrhosa biomass. Gammarus aequicauda presented two recruitment periods in spring and autumn, and S. hookeri a third one in winter. The population of I. chelipes was renewed during winter by continued reproduction without any spring generation. Recruitment of all three species was not very successful during the study period. Life span of all three species was between 12 and 15 months. Despite their relatively low biomass and production rate, the shredders have a key function in processing macrophyte matter to different trophic levels through fragmentation and accelerating the decomposition of macrophyte biomass accumulated at the end of the growth season in the Ichkeul lagoon.  相似文献   

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