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In our work the new proteins likely belonged to the microenvironment of pigmented epithelium cells and retinal neurons in mammalian eye were studied. We attempted to understand the role of these proteins in the maintenance of normal morphological and functional state of these eye tissues. Earlier for the first time we identified the adhesion molecules with physico-chemical and biological properties much different from other known cell adhesion molecules of bovine eye. Probably, they represent one family of low molecular weigh, highly glicosylated proteins, that express biological activity in extremely low doses--10(-10) mg/ml. The homogeneity of studying proteins is confirmed by HPLC and SDS-electrophoresis in PAAG. It is shown also that these proteins are N-glycosylated, because they contain mannose and N-acetilglucosamine residues. They demonstrate as well a high calcium-binding activity, with Kd corresponded to 10(-4)-10(-6) mg/ml. For a study of the biological effect of these glycoproteins in extremely low doses, a new experimental model was proposed and developed. It was the cultivation in vitro of the posterior part of the eye obtained from the newt Pleurodeles waltl. In short-time culture system it was demonstrated that the studied glycoproteins could stabilize pigment epithelium cell differentiation and cellular interactions in the neural retina in vitro. In addition, glycoproteins, obtained from the pigmented epithelium of bovine eye could decrease the rate of bipolar cell apoptosis in the neural retina. Therefore, the novel adhesion glycoproteins, expressing their biological activity in extremely low doses, pretend to be the regulatory molecules with vivid gomeostatic effects necessary for the delicate adjustment of cell behavior action and function in sensory tissues.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase (MPO) is an enzyme which usually detected in leukocytes of peripheral blood. Its principal function is to produce bactericidal hypochlorite-ions in reaction of hydrogen peroxide with chlor ions. The present work deals with testing myeloperoxidase activity in different eye tissues. Evolution of MPO activity has been tested by means of dianisidine reaction and immunochemical identification in extracts. High activity of MPO was found for retina and lens of healthy men and elderly people with lens opalescence. It should be noted that cellular body, cornea, aqueous humor, vitreous humor do not manifest any noticeable activity. Iris has low activity.  相似文献   

Finding of endocannabinoids in human eye tissues: implications for glaucoma   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Cannabinoid CB(1) receptors are involved in ocular physiology and may regulate intraocular pressure (IOP). However, endocannabinoid levels in human ocular tissues of cornea, iris, ciliary body, retina, and choroid from normal and glaucomatous donors have not been investigated. Anandamide (N-arachidonoylethanolamine; AEA), 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), and the anandamide congener, palmitoylethanolamide (PEA), were detected in all the human tissues examined. In eyes from patients with glaucoma, significantly decreased 2-AG and PEA levels were detected in the ciliary body, an important tissue in the regulation of IOP. The findings suggest that these endogenous compounds may have a role in this disease, particularly with respect to regulation of IOP.  相似文献   

Activity of phosphodiesterases disintegrating cAMP and cGMP in the cornea, sclera and ciliary body was investigated in health and in different stages of experimental herpetic keratitis. The problems concerning the role of the cyclase system in the pathogenesis of herpetic keratitis and the possibility of applying some of the drugs to the disease treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Three series of investigations were carried out in experiments on rabbits with administration under the conjunctiva or by means of electrophoresis of lymphotrophic preparations of different mechanisms of actions with the use of a morphological marker: Gerot's mass and Indian ink jelly with subsequent histological study of the eyeball. Dalargin dilated structured liquorolymphatic drainage ducts of the eye. Terrylythin produced a selective effect on the pigment epithelium of the retina, and mannitol provided penetration of the marker into the retina neurons. Thus, it has been shown that it is possible to control selectively the humoral transport of some tissues of the eye by means of lymphotrophic agents.  相似文献   

The expression of β-III tubulin, a marker protein of early neuronal cells, was studied by molecular genetic and immunochemical techniques. The study was performed with the eyes of human fetuses on weeks 8.5 to 27–28 of intrauterine development. Expression of β-III tubulin was detected immunochemically in the retina and lens fibers of fetuses at stages of 8.5 to 22–23 weeks. By means of PCR, a strong expression of the β-III tubulin gene was revealed in the retina of 9.5-week fetuses. Its level remained high until week 18, became slightly lower by week 24, and decreased to zero by week 27–28. The expression of this gene was also revealed in the lens of 9.5-week fetuses. Its level at stages of 15 to 24 weeks was very low, and no expression could be detected in 27-to 28-week fetuses. The results of PCR analysis were consistent with immunochemical data.  相似文献   

Antigen retrieval (AR) methods can unmask tissue antigens that have been altered by fixation, processing, storage, or resin interactions. This is particularly important in the study of archival tissues, because primary fixatives and storage times may vary among specimens. We performed an electron microscopic study of basement membrane components of the aqueous humor drainage pathways from archival eye tissue. AR (heated citrate buffer, pH 6.0, LR White resin) increased the amount of label of collagen IV and fibronectin in tissue fixed in four different fixatives, including those containing glutaraldehyde. Labeling density was approximately doubled after AR for most fixatives, with the largest increase for tissues fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde/2% glutaraldehyde. Duration of storage time for archival tissues did not affect AR results. AR did not change the components of the extracellular matrix labeled; no "new" components were labeled after AR. We conclude that AR in citrate buffer can be used on selected extracellular matrix antigens to enhance label that would otherwise be lost due to fixation and storage.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of the early transformations of differentiated cells of the pigment epithelium, ciliary fold epithelium, and Muller glia in the eye of lower vertebrates and mammals during retina regeneration and cultivation was performed for the first time. Dedifferentiation and proliferation of cells and formation of progenitor multipotent cells, which are a source of retina regeneration in adult newts, were characterized using cell, molecular, and genetic markers. Neurospheres were formed during cultivation of the differentiated cells, in which progenitor multipotent cells were found that transformed into neurons of retina and brain and into glial cells. Comparative analysis of changes in the pigment epithelium cells during retina regeneration and during cultivation of differentiated cells of the pigment and ciliary epithelia and Muller glia suggests similar cell transformations at the early stages of transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

In multicellular organisms, apoptotic cells induce compensatory proliferation of neighboring cells to maintain tissue homeostasis. In the Drosophila wing imaginal disc, dying cells trigger compensatory proliferation through secretion of the mitogens Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Wingless (Wg). This process is under control of the initiator caspase Dronc, but not effector caspases. Here we show that a second mechanism of apoptosis-induced compensatory proliferation exists. This mechanism is dependent on effector caspases which trigger the activation of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling for compensatory proliferation. Furthermore, whereas Dpp and Wg signaling is preferentially employed in apoptotic proliferating tissues, Hh signaling is activated in differentiating eye tissues. Interestingly, effector caspases in photoreceptor neurons stimulate Hh signaling which triggers cell-cycle reentry of cells that had previously exited the cell cycle. In summary, dependent on the developmental potential of the affected tissue, different caspases trigger distinct forms of compensatory proliferation in an apparent nonapoptotic function.  相似文献   

Two groups of proteins were isolated from the retina and pigment epithelium of eight-day-old chick embryos. Experiments with suspension cultures of retinal cells demonstrated that only the retinal extracts and the fraction of its acidic proteins can stimulate cell aggregation in vitro. Analysis by the method of high-performance liquid chromatography showed that fractions of acidic and basic retinal proteins, which markedly differ in their electric charge and biological activity, have similar composition. To study the effect of these proteins on the morphological and functional state of pigment epitheliumin vitro, a new experimental model is proposed, with the posterior segment of the newt (Pleurodeles waltl) eye used as a test tissue. The fraction of basic proteins isolated from the chick embryonic pigment epithelium stabilized cell differentiation in the newt pigment epithelium. The analyzed proteins proved to be biologically active at extremely low doses, corresponding to 10−12 M solutions.  相似文献   

Mitashov VI 《Ontogenez》2007,38(4):244-253
Comparative analysis of the early transformations of differentiated cells of the pigment epithelium, ciliary fold epithelium, and Muller glia in the eye of lower vertebrates and mammals during retina regeneration and cultivation was performed for the first time. Dedifferentiation and proliferation of cells and formation of progenitor multipotent cells, which are a source of retina regeneration in adult newts, were characterized using cell, molecular, and genetic markers. Neurospheres were formed during cultivation of the differentiated cells, in which progenitor multipotent cells were found that transformed into neurons of retina and brain and into glial cells. Comparative analysis of changes in the pigment epithelium cells during retina regeneration and during cultivation of differentiated cells of the pigment and ciliary epithelia and Muller glia suggests similar cell transformations at the early stages of transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

It is shown in experiments is vivo that development of experimental metabolic alkalosis in rats is followed by changes in redox processes in the eye retina and tunic. For the first two months of the experiment the number of sulphydryl group decreases, while that of disulphide ones of water-soluble proteins and low-molecular compounds increases. The amount of oxidized metabolites of glycolysis and of a cycle of tricarboxylic acids (pyruvate, oxaloacetate, alpha-ketoglutarate) increases relative to the reduced ones (lactate, isocitrate, malate), as well as activities of hexokinase, pyruvate kinase, NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase, while activities of fructose diphosphatase, glucoso-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase fall. The content of malonic dialdehyde increases. 90 days later disorders of certain compensatory mechanisms of the metabolic system of alkalosis regulation probably occurred in the eye retina and tunic tissues: hexokinase and pyruvate kinase activity fell to the control values, while that of NAD-dependent malate dehydrogenase--below the control level; the content of lactate increased. Activity of glutathione-dependent enzymes remained low and the amount of malonic dialdehyde grew much more than in the previous terms.  相似文献   

V S Faustov 《Ontogenez》1976,7(4):408-412
The ATP content in the rabbit eye tissues increases from birth till the time of sight appearance (12-15th day after birth). The ADP and AMP content did not increase during the period of sight appearance. After this period, the ATP content decreased down to the level of newborn tissues. The ADP and AMP content increased in the eye tissues of 2 months old and adult rabbits.  相似文献   

Multiple physiological fluid movements areinvolved in vision. Here we define the cellular and subcellular sitesof aquaporin (AQP) water transport proteins in human and rat eyes byimmunoblotting, high-resolution immunocytochemistry, and immunoelectronmicroscopy. AQP3 is abundant in bulbar conjunctival epithelium andglands but is only weakly present in corneal epithelium. In contrast, AQP5 is prominent in corneal epithelium and apical membranes of lacrimal acini. AQP1 is heavily expressed in scleral fibroblasts, corneal endothelium and keratocytes, and endothelium covering thetrabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal. Although AQP1 is plentiful inciliary nonpigmented epithelium, it is not present in ciliary pigmentedepithelium. Posterior and anterior epithelium of the iris and anteriorlens epithelium also contain significant amounts of AQP1, but AQP0(major intrinsic protein of the lens) is expressed in lens fiber cells.Retinal Müller cells and astrocytes exhibit notableconcentrations of AQP4, whereas neurons and retinal pigment epitheliumdo not display aquaporin immunolabeling. These studies demonstrateselective expression of AQP1, AQP3, AQP4, and AQP5 in distinct ocularepithelia, predicting specific roles for each in the complex networkthrough which water movements occur in the eye.


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