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The discovery that phosphorylation of selected proteins by cyclin-dependent kinases is the engine which makes the cycle run provides a new image of the control of proliferation and of its deregulation. The high conservation of this machinery in the different eukaryotic organisms emphasizes its early origin and its importance for life. It also makes the extrapolation of findings between different species feasible. The control of proliferation relies basically on accelerating and braking mechanisms which act on the engine driving the cycle. This review particularly stresses the importance of checkpoint or tumor suppressor pathways as transduction systems of negative signals which may induce a cycle braking operation. They prevent any important cycle transition, as the initiation of proliferation, that of replication, mitosis, etc., until the DNA and other cellular conditions make such a progression safe. These checkpoint pathways are able to recognize and transduce signals about the adequacy of initiating or continuing proliferation for a cell at a particular time, under a particular set of external and internal conditions. Crucial components of these pathways are proteins encoded by some of the checkpoint genes that evaluate the final balance of mitogenic and antimitogenic pathways reaching them and, if the balance is negative, they prevent temporarily cycle inititation or its progression by inhibiting the corresponding cyclin-dependent kinases. On the other hand, when the balance becomes positive, they allow the activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases. Uncontrolled cell proliferation associated with cancer always depends on the functional abrogation of at least one of the checkpoint pathways. The checkpoint or tumor suppressor protein p53 is one of the proteins in them, and mutations in the gene encoding it are present in more than half of all human tumours. The review touches new pharmacological strategies which have been opened by the discovery of portions of some of the signal transduction cascades involved in the transient brake of cell proliferation. Restoration of checkpoint pathways either prevents further proliferation of cells with damaged genome until repair is over or, alternatively, the dismantling of these checkpoints induce those cells to commit suicide (apoptosis). The fact that both restoration and dismantling of checkpoint pathways sensitive to DNA damage have not disturbing effects on any other proliferating cell with undamaged DNA makes these selective strategies promissing.  相似文献   

1. Cell proliferative activity of atypical bronchioalveolar epithelia in lung fibrosis cases treated with bleomycin (BLM) or radiation was investigated by studying the histochemistry of the argyrophil nucleolar organiser regions (AgNORs) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). 2. Five and 14 autopsy cases of individuals who died of pulmonary fibrosis, caused by BLM treatment and irradiation respectively, were compared with (i) six control subjects who proved to have no apparent fibrosis of the lung at autopsy and (ii) four lung squamous cell carcinoma cases. 3. Histopathologically, both the BLM-treated and irradiated cases showed extensive collapse of the lung caused by severe fibrosis, although proliferative epithelial lesions such as atypical bronchioloalveolar hyperplasia and squamous metaplasia were more prominent in the former. 4. The mean AgNOR numbers in both atypical hyperplasias and metaplasias, of either BLM or irradiation cases, were significantly higher than in control bronchioalveolar epithelial areas, whereas they were lower than in the lung cancers. Data for PCNA-labelling indices were in time with those for AgNORs. 5. The results indicate that atypical hyperplastic lesions in the bronchioloalveoli arising during the fibrosing process as induced by BLM, and by irradiation, are highly proliferative.  相似文献   

Target cell proliferation was investigated throughout the development of esophageal cancer induced by N-nitroso-methylbenzylamine (NMBA) in weanling rats maintained on zinc-deficient or sufficient diets. Deficient rats were fed ad libitum, while zinc-sufficient rats were either pair-fed to the deficient animals or fed ad libitum. After 5 weeks, half of the animals in each dietary group were given six intragastric doses of NMBA (2 mg/kg; twice weekly). The remaining rats were untreated by carcinogen. At weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11 post first dose, esophageal cell proliferation was assessed in rats from each group by in vivo bromodeoxyuridine (BrDU) labeling followed by immunohistochemical detection of cells in S-phase. At 11 weeks, the tumor incidence was 100, 23 and 6%, respectively, in the zinc-deficient, zinc-sufficient, ad libitum and pair-fed groups. In vivo BrDU labeling revealed that in the NMBA-untreated groups, the labeling index (LI), the number of labeled cells, and the total number of cells per cross section of entire esophagi were significantly increased by zinc deficiency at all time points; LI was lowest in zinc-sufficient, pair-fed rats. During NMBA treatment (weeks 6, 7 and 8), increased cell proliferation occurred in both groups of zinc-sufficient esophagi but only during week 6 in the deficient ones. In the weeks following the cessation of NMBA treatment, zinc-deficient esophagi showed significantly increased LI and greater number of labeled cells than the carcinogen treated, zinc-sufficient pair-fed or ad libitum fed groups. On the other hand, NMBA-treated zinc-sufficient pair-fed rats showed lower LI and smaller number of labeled cells than their zinc-sufficient ad libitum counterparts. Most importantly, esophageal papillomas were found in two zinc-deficient animals that had received no NMBA treatment, after 10-11 weeks of experimental diet. These data support a direct relationship between cell proliferation and tumor incidence, and also provide evidence that zinc deficiency and its associated cell proliferation could be carcinogenic.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation in the prostate complex of the castrate mouse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell proliferation during 100 h of continuous androgen challenge was studied in the seminal vesicle and coagulating gland of Balb/c mice castrated 3 days or 14 days prior to the first daily injection of 250 mug testosterone propionate. Continuous labelling with [3H] thymidine indicated that the seminal vesicle was almost totally responsive to androgen, as early as 3 days after castration, whereas the androgen sensitivity of the coagulating gland increased from 30% at 3 days after castration to 85% at 14 days after castration. In both tissues the magnitude of the proliferative reaction could be related to the extent of cell loss prior to stimulation. The duration of the pre-replicative phase in the response of the seminal vesicle to androgen was 20-25 h both at 3 and 14 days after castration. In the coagulating gland the pre-replicative phase was 40 h at 3 days after castration and 20 h at 14 days after castration. The maximum uptake of [7alpha-3H] testosterone administered to mice 3 days after castration was significantly greater (P less than 0-01) in the seminal vesicle compared to the coagulating gland. At 14 days the seminal vesicle and coagulating gland exhibited a similar capacity for uptake. The in vivo metabolism of [7alpha-3H] testosterone was studied by thin layer chromatography 30 min and 120 min after administration. A high proportion of the radioactivity extracted from all the tissues was associated with highly polar steroids. At 3 days after castration, the seminal vesicle, 2 h after administration of radioactive testosterone, retained a much higher proportion of radioactivity associated with dihydrotestosterone than did the coagulating gland. The localization of steroid in mice 3 days after castration was studied by dry-mount autoradiography at intervals up to 2 h after the injection of [1,2,6,7(n)-3H]-testosterone. A heavier deposition of silver grains was observed over autoradiographs of the seminal vesicle. In the seminal vesicle the grains were primarily located over nuclear areas whereas in the coagulating gland the grains were diffusely distributed over both nuclear areas and over cytoplasmic areas.  相似文献   

We investigated correlations between cell proliferation, p53 overexpression, and degree of malignancy in cutaneous epithelial neoplasms. One hundred and fourteen cases of epithelial neoplasms, including seborrheic keratosis (SEB), basal cell carcinomas (BCCs), solar keratosis (SK), Bowen's disease (BD), and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) were examined using argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region (AgNOR) staining. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis using the Ki-67 (MIB-1) and anti-p53 (DO-7) monoclonal antibodies was performed. The ratio of tumorous to normal cells according to AgNOR staining was defined as the AgNOR rate, and the ratio of tumorous to normal cells according to Ki-67 recognition was defined as the Ki-67 rate. SCC lesions showed the highest AgNOR rate among the investigated epithelial neoplasms, followed in order by BD, BCC, SK, and SEB lesions. The Ki-67 rate was highest in BD lesions, followed in order by SK, SCC, BCC, and SEB lesions. Expression of p53 protein was highest in SK lesions. SCC is generally considered to be the most malignant neoplasm, followed in order by BCC, BD, and SK. Thus, our results suggest that the Ki-67 rate and overexpression of p53 protein do not always reflect the degree of malignancy in neoplasms.  相似文献   

The classical models of in vitro cell culture comprise fibroblasts and epithelial cells. Osteogenic cells represent another interesting cell model; however, it is not known whether during osteogenesis cell density regulates cell growth as seen in cultures of fibroblasts and epithelial cells. We selected MC3T3-E1 cells for study because they are an osteogenic cell line that, when subcultured, grow to confluence and form multilayers of cells in conventional cultures by continued proliferation, as do fibroblasts. Once maximum cell density is obtained, proliferation is down regulated resulting in a mixed population of quiescent and dividing cells. We used this model to determine whether downregulation of proliferation as expressed by cell number and DNA synthesis is cell density-dependent. MC3T3-E1 cells were cultured over a period of 34 days to determine their kinetics, viability, ability to synthesize DNA, distribution within phases of the cell cycle and cell number-response relationships. Our results show that (1) viability ranged between 92% and 96% and the cell number 2.5 x 10(5) per cm2 once cultures reached steady state, (2) most cells entered the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle on day 7, (3) there was no correlation between the proportion of cells in S phase and downregulation of DNA synthesis, (4) a direct relationship exists between cell density and downregulation of DNA synthesis on day 8, (5) the minimum time for cells to be cultured before downregulation of DNA synthesis begins is independent of cell number, and (6) downregulation of DNA synthesis is reversible. These results suggest that density-dependent downregulation of DNA synthesis may be a mechanism of growth control for osteogenic cells in vitro that operates more like density-dependent growth control in cultures of fibroblasts rather than epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Skeletal trauma in rats (tibial and femur fractures) stimulates bone marrow and thymus to increased mitotic activity during the first 2-3 days after the fracture. The stimulation is roughly of the same degree as that described in earlier investigations on the effects of calcium ion injections and moderate or major hemorrhages. The cause of increased mitotic level might be due to the release of kinins from the fracture area, factors which are known to stimulate mitoses of the bone marrow and thymus.  相似文献   

Colorectal cell turn over is affected by numerous factors including diets, alcohol consumption, smoking or age and is also significantly changed in certain mucosal diseases including benign and malignant tumors. Mucosal hyperregeneration is associated with an increased cancer risk since it increases the susceptibility of the mucosa towards the action of carcinogens. The measurement of colorectal mucosal regenerativity can be used for risk assessment in carcinogenesis. For the evaluation of colorectal regeneration in vivo and in vitro methods exist. The most accurate and elegant in vivo method is the metaphase arrest technique which is a dynamic measurement of cell turn over using vincristine to arrest metaphase figures. This method is limited to animals. In man, colorectal biopsies can be incubated with tritiated thymidine or with bromodeoxyuridine and thereafter the incorporation of the two compounds into DNA can be visualized by autoradiography or by immunohistology. More recent developments include the use of antibodies against certain proteins which are closely related to certain phases of the cell cycle and which are expressed in dividing cells. The most frequently used proteins are proliferative cellular nuclear antigen (PCNA) and Ki-67 which are visualized by immunohistology in routinely fixed histological specimens. Finally, in situ hybridization of histone H3 mRNA which is almost exclusively expressed during S-phase, has been established as an excellent method for the determination of colorectal cell regeneration. In conclusion, chronic alcohol consumption both in animals and in man leads to mucosal cellular hyperregeneration, possibly secondary to mucosal injury, most likely due to acetaldehyde. The acetaldehyde is produced mainly by fecal bacteria and may exert its toxicity by mechanisms still unknown, possibly involving a direct effect on DNA. The ethanol-associated mucosal hyperregeneration is closely related to carcinogenesis since chronic ethanol ingestion leads to an increased risk of cancer in the colorectum.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After surgical correction of their esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula (EA-TEF), many patients exhibit evidence of esophageal dysmotility. Controversy exists as to whether the esophageal motility disorders result from denervation caused by surgery or from an inherent abnormal innervation of the esophagus. METHODS: The present study used an Adriamycin-induced EA-TEF fetal rat model to trace the course and branching of both the vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves. Abnormalities observed in EA-TEF rat fetuses include: (1) fewer branches from both recurrent laryngeal nerves; (2) deviation of the left vagus from its normal course below the aorta, passing behind the fistula to approach and join with the right vagus to form a single nerve trunk on the right side of the esophagus; (3) relatively few branches from the single vagal nerve trunk (composed of fibers of the left and the right vagus) on the surface of the lower esophagus. CONCLUSIONS: Fetuses affected by EA-TEF have inherent abnormalities in the course and branching pattern of the vagus nerves as they descend through the thorax, culminating in a deficient extrinsic nerve fiber plexus in the lower esophagus. These observations may account for the esophageal motility disorders seen in patients who have EA-TEF even before surgical intervention.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To use light microscopy to evaluate the presence and distribution of cells that proliferate on the outer surface of the anterior capsule after experimental lens extraction in rabbit eyes. SETTING: Research Laboratory, Department of Ophthalmology, Wakayama Medical College, Wakayama, Japan. METHODS: Extracapsular lens extraction, with or without implantation of a poly(methyl methacrylate) intraocular lens, was performed in 10 adult albino rabbits under general anesthesia. Animals were killed 1 month postoperatively. Each eye was embedded in paraffin and examined by light microscopy. RESULTS: A capsular bag composed of the anterior and posterior capsules was observed. Mononuclear cells, presumed to be lens epithelial cells (LECs), had proliferated in the space between the capsules as well as on the outer surface of the anterior capsules, in association with an accumulation of extracellular matrix. CONCLUSION: After lens extraction, LECs migrated to and proliferated on the anterior surface of the anterior capsule.  相似文献   

During gastrulation, the node of the mammalian embryo appears to be an organising centre, homologous to Hensen's node in the chick and the dorsal lip of the amphibian blastopore. In addition, the node serves as a precursor population for the head process, notochord and foregut endoderm. We have studied node architecture and cell morphology by electron microscopy, and cell proliferation using bromodeoxyuridine incorporation and mitotic counts. The dorsal (ectodermal) and ventral (endodermal) components of the node are two distinct populations, separated by a basement membrane. The ventral node, contiguous with the head process, is characterised by a relatively low proliferation rate, with only approximately 10% of cells incorporating BrdU over 4 hr, compared to > 95% in surrounding mesodermal and ectodermal tissues. This is the case from the beginning of node formation, at the no-allantoic-bud stage, until the 7 somite stage, and is not compatible with the idea that the ventral node is a stem cell population. The dorsal node is highly proliferative, its rate of division being indistinguishable from the neurectoderm, with which it is contiguous. In the ventral node, two regions can be recognised: cells in the "pit" are columnar and all monociliated; around them lies a "crown" of cells arranged radially in a horseshoe shape and less often ciliated. Node derivatives share common features with the ventral node; the head process and the notochord are relatively quiescent; and some head process cells are also monociliated. Node and head process monocilia are immotile and appear to be associated with non-proliferation. We suggest that the ventral node contains all the properties of the organiser, while the dorsal node is indistinct from the surrounding epiblast. The cranial end of the foregut pouch, the thyroid diverticulum, and the promyocardium of early somite stage embryos are also areas of low cell division. All the described regions of relative quiescence are sites of expression of members of the TGF beta family, which may be involved in maintaining non-proliferation.  相似文献   

The time of origin for astrocytes and oligodendrocytes in rat optic nerve was studied by 3H-thymidine autoradiographic techniques similar to those used in dating the time of origin for neurons. This study shows that astrocytes are formed throughout late embryonic and all of postnatal development, while oligodendrocytes are generated only during the postnatal period. A few astroglia undergo their final cell division as early as 15.5 days of gestation, but most astrocytes are not generated until the first week of postnatal development. Although the final cell division for more than half of the astrocytes takes place before the end of the first postnatal week, fully mature, fibrous astrocytes are not observed in electron micrographs until after 14 days of age. This time lag implies that the differentiation of these early generated cells takes place gradually over a 2-to 3-week interval. Oligodendroglia begin their final division a day or two before the onset of myelination (6-7 days postnatal), but the vast majority are produced during the period of myelinogenesis. After almost all of the axons have been myelinated, oligodendrocytes are still being generated in small numbers. These late forming cells are generally less differentiated in appearance than those formed earlier; this suggests that the degree of differentiated of oligodendrocytes may be dependent upon the number of axons available for myelination. As with astrocytes, oligodendrocytes show a lag of about two weeks from the time of final cell division until they transform into morphologically differentiated cells. In transverse sections of the optic nerve heavily labeled neuroglia are randomly distributed, indicating there are no temporal-radial gradients for the individual cell types. This observation taken together with the other information obtained from the present and the previous study (Stoff et al., '76) strongly suggest that the factors controlling gliogenesis are different from those governing neuronogenesis.  相似文献   

Injury and repair of the glomerular epithelial cells (GECs) play an important role in the pathogenesis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). To obtain a better understanding of proliferation and apoptosis of GECs, we examined immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization findings in puromycin aminonucleoside nephrosis (PAN) of rats. The minimal-change nephrotic syndrome model (PAN-MCNS) was induced by administering 5 subcutaneous injections of puromycin aminonucleoside (PA; each 1.5 mg/100 g B/W to one group of rats), whereas the FSGS model (PAN-FSGS) was induced by administering an additional 5 injections of PA to another group of rats. The cell kinetics of the GECs were assessed with labeling 5-bromo 2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). To investigate regulation of apoptosis in rats with PAN, we evaluated the expression of p53, Fas antigen, Fas ligand and Bc1-2. Rats with PAN-MCNS exhibited a significantly greater number of BrdU- and PCNA-labeled GECs as compared with control rats. In rats with PAN-FSGS, the number of PCNA-labeled GECs was greater than in rats with PAN-MCNS, but the number of BrdU-labeled GECs was lower. Apoptotic cells were occasionally observed in the sclerotic lesions, with the number being significantly higher in rats with PAN-FSGS than in rats with PAN-MCNS and control. Apoptotic cells were observed in the GECs of PAN-FSGS rats. However, they were negative for p53, Fas antigen, and Fas ligand. Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization studies revealed a greater intraglomerular overexpression of Bc1-2 protein and bc1-2 mRNA in the PAN-FSGS rats as compared with control rats. These results suggest that insufficient proliferation and apoptosis in GECs may be involved in the progression of FSGS.  相似文献   

We have investigated the use of the antibody MIB1 as a proliferative and prognostic marker in breast cancer and whether changes in proliferative activity could account for differences in prognosis of premenopausal women operated on during different phases of the menstrual cycle. MIB1 expression was strongly correlated with S-phase fraction and histological grade. There was no difference in MIB1 scores between different phases of the menstrual cycle. Both MIB1 score and timing of surgery correlated significantly with duration of survival, while the two together were even stronger predictors of overall survival. Women with slowly proliferating tumours surgically removed in the luteal phase had a very good prognosis, whereas women with rapidly proliferating tumours excised at other times of the cycle had a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

We have examined the role of protein kinase C in the regulation of foetal-calf serum-stimulated cell proliferation in human prostatic smooth muscle cells. The data showed that the proliferative effect to foetal-calf serum (10%, v/v) was partially inhibited by 12-(2-cyanoethyl)-6,7,12,13-tetrahydro-13-methyl-5-oxo-5H-indolo (2,3-a) pyrrolo (3,4-c)-carbazole (Go-6976), a selective Ca2+-dependent protein kinase C inhibitor, suggesting that Ca2+-dependent protein kinase C isozymes might play roles in this proliferative regulation. Additionally, foetal-calf serum caused a significant translocation of protein kinase C-betaII and -epsilon from a cytosolic to a membrane distribution. These findings combined with the aforementioned functional experiments suggest that foetal-calf serum-stimulated cell proliferation might involve the activation of protein kinase C-betaII in human prostatic smooth muscle cells; however, the role of protein kinase C-epsilon in mediating cellular functions other than cell proliferation remains further investigation in these cells.  相似文献   

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