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Using hydrographic data and moored current meter records and the ADCP observed current data during May–June 1996, a modified inverse method is applied to calculate the Kuroshio east of Taiwan and in the East China Sea and the currents east of Ryukyu Islands. There are three branches of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. The Kuroshio in the East China Sea comes from the main (first) and second branches of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan. The easternmost (third) branch of the Kuroshio flows northeastward to the region east of Ryukyu Islands. The net northward volume transports of the Kuroshio through Section K2 southeast of Taiwan and Section PN in the East China Sea are 44.4×106 and 27.2×106 m3s−1, respectively. The western boundary current east of Ryukyu Islands comes from the easternmost branch of the Kuroshio east of Taiwan and an anticyclonic recirculating gyre more east, making volume transports of 10 to 15×106 m3s−1. At about 21°N, 127°E southeast of Taiwan, there is a cold eddy which causes branching of the Kuroshio there.  相似文献   

基于日本气象厅“长风丸”调查船在2002年4~5月航次期间的CTD资料,结合卫星风场资料,采用改进逆方法计算了琉球群岛两侧海域各断面的流速和流量分布,并分析卫星跟踪浮标资料和同期的卫星高度计资料,得出下面一些主要结论:(1)黑潮流速在PN断面上只有一个流核.通过断面PN的净东北向流量约为34.7×106m3/s,此流量包括台湾暖流、东海黑潮和黑潮以东的反气旋涡的流量.(2)黑潮流速在断面TK上有两个流核,通过断面TK净东向的流量为25.6×106m3/s,黑潮通过海峡后流向断面ASUKA.(3)冲绳岛东南海区琉球海流的流量约为8.8×106m3/s,并流向断面AM.(4)奄美大岛以东的北向海流的流量为12.7×106m3/s,并流向断面ASUKA.在断面ASUKA东南部出现一个中尺度反气旋涡,直径约240 km,其流量约为28.5×106m3/s.(5)四国以南黑潮第一层水体基本来源于通过吐噶喇海峡的黑潮,第二、三层水体来自吐噶喇海峡和奄美大岛以东海域的流量大致相当,而第四层的流量则主要来自于奄美大岛以东海域.(6)浮标资料显示,奄美大岛以东的海流部分来自于断面AM以东海区,并通过断面ASUKA.  相似文献   

琉球群岛以东海域表层沉积物元素地球化学特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对琉球群岛以东海域134个站位表层沉积物的化学元素含量进行了系统测试,结合矿物学资料等,对研究区的表层沉积物元素地球化学特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)琉球群岛以东海域沉积物具有半深海沉积物的地球化学特征;(2)通过元素因子分析,把25种元素或氧化物分为4种组合,每一种组合对应不同的物质来源,分别为陆源成因组合(SiO2,K2O,Zr,TiO2,Y,Sc,Na2O,La,Al2O3,P2O5,Ce),生物成因组合(Sr,CaO,L.O.I,CaCO3),火山源成因组合(MgO,V,Fe2O3,Cr,Li,Co),自生源成因组合(Ni,MnO,Cu,Ba);(3)控制本区元素分布的因素主要是水深、物质来源以及生物和铁锰物质的自生作用。  相似文献   

According to historical mean ocean current data through the field observations of the Taiwan Ocean Research Institute during 1991–2005 and survey data of nutrients on the continental shelf of the East China Sea(ECS) in the summer of 2006, nutrient fluxes from the Taiwan Strait and Kuroshio subsurface waters are estimated using a grid interpolation method, which both are the sources of the Taiwan Warm Current. The nutrient fluxes of the two water masses are also compared. The results show that phosphate(PO4-P), silicate(SiO3-Si) and nitrate(NO3-N) fluxes to the ECS continental shelf from the Kuroshio upwelling water are slightly higher than those from the Taiwan Strait water in the summer of 2006. In contrast, owing to its lower velocity, the nutrient flux density(i.e., nutrient fluxes divided by the area of the specific section) of the Kuroshio subsurface water is lower than that of the Taiwan Strait water. In addition, the Taiwan Warm Current deep water, which is mainly constituted by the Kuroshio subsurface water, might directly reach the areas of high-frequency harmful alga blooms in the ECS.  相似文献   

综述了南海和台湾以东海域若干气旋型和反气旋型涡旋研究.在南海存在着许多活跃的中尺度涡,我们分别对南海中、南部海域和南海北部海域中尺度涡作了评述.在南海北部海域,目前最感兴趣的问题为:南海水与西菲律宾海通过吕宋海峡的交换的物理过程,以及黑潮是否以反气旋流套形式进入南海.这些问题目前尚不清楚,尤其是这些问题的机理.这些问题必须通过今后深入和细致的、长时间的海流和水文观测,以及长时间卫星遥感观测资料的论证才能逐渐认识清楚.台湾以东海域,黑潮两侧经常出现中尺度涡,而且变化较大而复杂.文中着重讨论兰屿冷涡和台湾东北的气旋式冷涡.  相似文献   

利用AVISO数据集的卫星高度计资料,分析了中国台湾以东中尺度涡的时空特征,通过具体的中尺度涡实例探讨了其对台湾以东黑潮路径的影响。研究表明气旋式中尺度涡在春夏季节的数目要少于反气旋式中尺度涡,在秋冬季节气旋式涡旋个数则多于反气旋涡;并且台东以东区域涡旋传播存在多种路径,涡旋的存在对台湾东北部黑潮入侵东海的路径具有重大影响,特别是2004年夏季台湾以东区域存在多个涡旋,相应的吕宋海峡黑潮主轴向东偏移明显,台湾东北黑潮入侵东海的路径发生了显著变化。  相似文献   

利用1985-2005年间AVHRR辐射计获取的东海海表温度资料,研究其时空变化特征.1985-2005年间东海海表平均温度总体呈上升趋势.对东海海温距平(SSTA)进行经验正交函数(EOF)分解,得到其2个主要变化模态,EOF1占总方差变化的34.8%,主要变化周期为3~5 a,表示1985-2005年中东海绝大部分...  相似文献   

王磊  钟超  柳欣  黄邦钦 《海洋学报》2013,35(6):170-177
于2008年和2009年夏季分别对南海东北部和东海陆架区浮游植物生物量和群落结构的昼夜变化进行了24 h时间序列连续观测和研究。通过高效液相色谱法分析浮游植物特征光合色素可以看出3个测站的叶绿素a浓度均呈现出明显的昼夜变化,最高值出现在夜间,而在中午至午后达到最低值,而这种昼夜变化主要是由于光照和潮汐作用所导致。各站均以硅藻为最主要的优势类群,受上升流影响的S702站硅藻生物量超过80%,S305和DH04站硅藻也占据了35%~50%,且3个测站硅藻生物量昼夜变化与叶绿素a一致,但所占生物量百分比却在叶绿素a高值的时间段较低,表明高生物量对应着更为丰富的浮游植物类群组成多样性。除硅藻外,S305站青绿藻也表现出与叶绿素a同步的昼夜变化规律。而在东海DH04站,由于存在明显层化特征,聚球藻是上混合层的主要优势类群,且表现出与叶绿素a一致的变化。黎明前后,甲藻出现了暴发式的生物量升高,所占生物量超过30%,由于其昼夜变化并不明显,分析可能由于水团的侧向输送所致。  相似文献   

1995与1996年夏季琉球群岛两侧海流   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
基于1995,1996年夏季日本调查船的观测资料,采用P矢量方法对琉球群岛两侧的海流进行了计算.结果表明:黑潮为琉球群岛以西海域的一支东北向强流,1996年夏季的流速比1995年夏季的强,在深层出现南向逆流.黑潮东、西两侧分别存在一个反气旋式暖涡和一个弱的气旋式冷涡.1995年夏季,琉球群岛以东,从表层至以下层都存在一支沿岸北上的海流,即琉球海流.该海流来自黑潮分支,为本海区的一个主要物理特征.琉球海流以下出现弱的南向流.冲绳岛以东海域,在25°~25°30'N,128°30'~129°10'E附近从表层至700m水深存在一个中尺度的反气旋式暖涡.在温、盐水平分布图上,对应的出现一个较高温、低密水块.1996年夏季,冲绳岛西南海域存在一个中尺度的反气旋式暖涡和一个气旋式冷涡,形成一个偶极子,中间为较强的南向流,该现象为本海区的一个重要物理特征,属首次报道.冲绳岛以东表层主要被南向流控制,琉球海流不明显.200m以深在近岸出现北向流,这表明琉球海流的核心位于次表层.琉球海流的下面出现南向流.计算海区东北部从表层到700m水深出现一个中尺度的反气旋式暖涡,与1995年夏季时比较,其位置向北移动.此外在1996年夏季从近表层到深层,垂直方向和水平方向上的等温线、等盐线波动很大,例如在C断面上冷、暖涡相间出现,且暖  相似文献   

The study was conducted during two cruises of June–August 2006 (summer),and January–February 2007 (winter) in the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea and East China Sea.Spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton abundance,biomass and community structure and its relation to currents and water masses over the continental shelf were examined.A total of 584 zooplankton species/taxa and 28 planktonic larvae were identified during the two surveys.Copepods were the most abundant component among these identified groups.Zooplankton abundance and biomass fluctuated widely and showed distinct heterogeneity in the shelf waters.Five zooplankton assemblages were identified with hierarchical cluster analysis during this study,and they were Huanghai Sea Assemblage,Changjiang Estuary Assemblage,Coastal Assemblage,East China Sea Mixed-water Assemblage and East China Sea Offshore Assemblage.Seasonal changes of zooplankton community composition and its geographical distribution were detected,and the locations of the faunistic areas overlap quite well with water masses and current systems.So we suggest that the zooplankton community structure and its changes were determined by the water masses in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.The results of this research can provide fundamental information for the long-term monitoring of zooplankton ecology in the shelf of Huanghai Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

2009年作者对中国黄东海海域夏季(7月20日至9月1日)与冬季(12月23日至2月5日)的两个季度月的颗石藻群落与分布进行调查研究。2009年夏季,中国黄东海海域调查区共发现21种颗石藻,其优势物种分别为赫氏艾密里藻(Emiliania huxleyi)、大洋桥石藻(Gephyrocapsa oceanica)、纤细伞球藻(Umbellosphaera tenuis)和深水花球藻(Florisphaera profunda)。颗石藻细胞丰度为0.23×103~17.62×103个/L,平均值为2.84×103个/L。2009年冬季,中国黄东海海域调查区共发现20种颗石藻,其优势物种分别为赫氏艾密里藻(E.huxleyi)、大洋桥石藻(G.oceanica)、深水花球藻(F.profunda)和纤细伞球藻(U.tenuis)。颗石藻的细胞丰度为0.12×103~35.35×103个/L,平均值为3.84×103个/L。本文系统地研究了颗石藻在我国黄、东海陆架海域的分布(特别是垂直分布),并对其作出了描述与分析,以期为关于中国海颗石藻群落分布等基础性研究提供可靠资料。  相似文献   

利用2011年7月5个断面共30个站位的温盐深(CTD)测量资料,分析东海南部陆架水体的温盐结构和温跃层特征,探讨黑潮和台湾暖流对东海陆架水文状况的影响。结果显示,本区广泛存在着浅部温跃层和深部温跃层。浅部温跃层分布于20 m水深以内,跃层强度普遍较弱,具有明显的日内生消变化。深部温跃层分布于中、外陆架和台湾海峡。在中、外陆架的深水区,跃层底界深度约80 m,跃层厚度约10 m;跃层强度大,约为0.8 ℃/m,且较为稳定。在台湾海峡北部,温跃层分布于水深14~30 m,跃层厚度6~10 m,跃层强度偏弱,为0.2~0.5 ℃/m。在温跃层附近,由于上、下层水团温度、盐度的差异,其混合过程常出现盐指现象。在东海陆架90~110 m等深线之间,深部温跃层之下盘踞着一个深层冷水团,水温为16.8~17.6 ℃。黑潮水的入侵,使得外陆架温跃层强度减弱至0.2~0.5 ℃/m;同时,跃层层位上升,厚度加大。温跃层强度可以作为指示黑潮入侵的灵敏指标。当夏季深部温跃层强度低于0.6 ℃/m,同时伴随跃层厚度加大时,可判别为黑潮入侵。本区夏季黑潮锋可以到达110 m等深线附近。在中陆架50~80 m等深线之间,深部温跃层的消失,说明台湾暖流的强烈影响遍及整个水柱;而从南向北,台湾暖流的影响逐渐减弱。台湾海峡北部深层水温度较低,平均值为22.52 ℃,要比东海南部中陆架深层水低3 ℃,这可能意味着台湾暖流深层水主要源于黑潮分支的加入。  相似文献   

东海西部沿岸海域冬季的逆温跃层现象及其与环流的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文引用《渤海、黄海、东海海洋图集──水文》分册(1992)中有关逆温跃层分布变化的图幅以及温盐历史资料,指出东海西部沿岸(22~32°N)冬季出现逆温跃层的区域北起长江口,南到南澳岛以南几乎相联成片的现象,论述了这一分布与中国东南近海冬季潜伏于深底层的暖流水的区域相吻合,从而从水文结构上证实了冬季在深底层粤东沿岸的南海暖流北上通过台湾海峡西部与闽浙沿岸的台湾暖流相接这一环流特征。  相似文献   

以 1 975~ 1 999年夏季东海标准断面观测资料为据 ,把东海 30°N断面的盐度分布态势划分成 4个类型 ,并以 1 975~ 1 985年的大面资料为主 ,初步讨论了对应于这 4个类型的长江冲淡水扩散形态与台湾暖流水的强弱、位置等的关系。结果表明 :多数分布类型都具有代表性的冲淡水分布态势 ;长江冲淡水的扩散形态似与台湾暖流的北伸强弱、离岸远近、离表面的深浅有较密切的关系。  相似文献   

The relationship between dissolved cadmium (Cd) and phosphate (PO4) was examined at three stations in the subtropical area near the Ryukyu Islands in May 1999. Preformed PO4 was obtained using the Redfield ratio in order to separate the surface water and the other layers in this study area. Almost 0 μM (−0.043 μM to 0.094 μM) was estimated in the layers above 300 m and 250 m at Sts. 1 and 3 and at St. 2, respectively. Up to these depths, water was considered to be uniform, and these layers were defined as the surface water in this study area. In the surface water, the slopes of the regression lines of the Cd-PO4 plot were 0.162, 0.156, and 0.226 (nM/μM) at Sts. 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and these values were much closer to the estimated regenerated ratio of Cd to PO4 from the Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU)-Cd/PO4 plots, which was 0.197 (nM/μM) in this study area. Below surface layers, the slopes of the Cd-PO4 plot changed to 0.371, 0.352, and 0.362 (nM//μM) at Sts. 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In the relationships between Cd and PO4, clear deviations or kinks were observed at three stations at a PO4 concentration of approximately 0.2 μM in the plot, which was attributable to the discontinuity of surface water and the other layers across the North Pacific subtropical mode water. In studies of the interaction between surface water and biogenic particles concerning the Cd/PO4 ratio, separate analyses of seawater (surface water and the other layers) should be carried out to obtain the individual surface water ratio because the Cd/PO4 ratio in the surface water is expected to differ from that of the underlying water. Furthermore, the biological fractionation of these constituents is based on the surface water ratio. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

As a fundamental study to evaluate the contribution of the Kuroshio to primary production in the East China Sea (ECS), we investigated the seasonal pattern of the intrusion from the Kuroshio onto the continental shelf of the ECS and the behavior of the intruded Kuroshio water, using the RIAM Ocean Model (RIAMOM). The total intruded volume transport across the 200m isobath line was evaluated as 2.74 Sv in winter and 2.47 Sv in summer, while the intruded transport below 80m was estimated to be 1.32 Sv in winter and 1.64 Sv in summer. Passive tracer experiments revealed that the main intrusion from the Kuroshio to the shelf area of the ECS, shallower than 80m, takes place through the lower layer northeast of Taiwan in summer, with a volume transport of 0.19 Sv. Comparative studies show several components affecting the intrusion of the Kuroshio across the 200 m isobath line. The Kuroshio water intruded less onto the shelf compared with a case without consideration of tide-induced bottom friction, especially northeast of Taiwan. The variations of the transport from the Taiwan Strait and the east of Taiwan have considerable effects on the intrusion of the Kuroshio onto the shelf.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTherearemanymodelstocalculatethecurrentsintheEastChinaSeaandotherneighbor ingseas ,andsomeofthemarebeingmodifiedanddevelopedwiththetime .Thesemodelsareasfollows :(1 )thefiniteelementmethod ,andacombinationoffiniteelementmethodwiththeaccuratesol…  相似文献   

东海黑潮温盐与中国东部气温和降水的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用东海黑湖主流段长时间序列的实测温盐资料,研究了东海黑潮上层温度、上层盐度的变化及其与中国东部降水和地面气温的关系。结果表明,在过去50年内,东海黑潮上层海温呈上升趋势,而上层盐度略呈下降趋势。东海黑潮上层海温和我国东部地面气温的关系在冬季十分密切,呈现出大面积显著的正相关,这与冬季南下冷空气的整体降温作用有关。夏季,长江中下游江水的增多致使大量长江冲淡水入海,导致黑潮上层水盐度下降,此时东海黑潮上层盐度与我国大陆东部降水呈负相关。  相似文献   

本文利用近十年来获得的NOAA卫星红外影像,较为系统地分析了东海海洋锋(黑潮锋、对马暖流锋和浙江沿岸锋)的波动谱特征以及形态的演变。同时还利用浮标测流结果分析了锋面波动中的流态。分析结果表明:东海黑潮锋通常存在4~5个折叠波形,其波长平均约200km,波动随黑潮流向东北方向传播,速度约16cm/s。浙江沿岸锋的波动多呈锯齿形,其波长较短,波数多。在浙江沿岸锋波动发展过程中,其波长从开始的20~40km发展成30~60km,它们约以18cm/s的速度向东北方向传播。东海海洋锋波动演变形态复杂,其中黑潮锋的波动可能演变成锋面涡旋、暖丝和暖环。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of summer precipitation over the South China Sea (SCS) and the East China Sea (ECS) are investigated based on tropical rainfall measurement mission (TRMM). The primary results are as follows. First, both the convective and stratiform precipitation rates in the SCS are much higher than those of the ECS. The contribution of the convective cloud precipitation to the surface precipitation is primarily over the SCS and the ECS with a proportion of about 70%, but the contribution of convective cloud precipitation is slightly larger in the SCS than the ECS. The contribution of stratus precipitation is slightly larger in the ECS than that in the SCS. Second, the content of cloud particles and precipitation particles in the ECS in June was greater than that in the SCS, while in July and August, the content of cloud and precipitation particles in the ECS was less than that in the SCS. Third, the latent heat profile of the ECS is quite different from that of the SCS. In June, the peak values of evaporation and condensation latent heating rates in the ECS are greater than those in the SCS. In July and August, however, the peak values of evaporation and condensation latent heating rates in the ECS are about 0.05°/h less than those in the SCS.  相似文献   

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