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湄洲湾夏季的初级生产力   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
王宪  李文权 《台湾海峡》1994,13(1):8-13
湄洲湾1992年夏季的叶绿素a,三磷酸腺苷,碳比积累速率,初级生产力的变化范围和均值分别为0.45-4.72,1.49mg/m^3;0.12-1.07,0.31μg/dm^3;0.06-0.58,0.34d^-1;0.07-0.34,0.21m/(m^2.d)。叶绿素a与三磷酸腺苷之间。初级生产力与碳比积累速率之间均呈正相关关系。叶绿素a三磷本能腺苷的比值为4.8,湄洲湾夏季浮游植物的生长受氮不足  相似文献   

In situ measurements of the primary productivity of ice algae and phytoplankton were carried out in the fast ice area near Syowa Station (69°00S, 39°35E) during the austral spring and summer of 1983/84. Standing stock of ice algae reached a maximum of 45.1 mg chla m–2 in late October. Phytoplankton standing stock attained a value of 3.57 mg chla m–2 in mid-January. Primary production of ice algae in late October (7.64 mgC m–2 hr–1) was 14 times greater than that in mid-January (0.54 mgC m–2 hr–1). Production in the water column in mid-January (3.46 mgC m–2 hr–1) was 50 times greater than that in late October (0.07 mgC m–2 hr–1). These results indicate a substantial production by ice algae in the spring and by phytoplankton in the summer period.  相似文献   

The maximum uptake rate (max) and affinity constant (K s) for nitrate and ammonium were estimated in the surface water of offshore Oyashio in May (spring) and September (summer), 1990. The average max/Chl.a for ammonium was 2.1 times larger than that of nitrate in both seasons. The average max/Chl.a for both nitrogens were 3.5 times larger in summer than in spring. Water temperature and size composition of phytoplankton population were related to the seasonal difference in the max/Chl.a. Phytoplankton population showed high affinity for both nitrogens in the spring and summer. In addition, the contribution of new production to total production was estimated by max[max–No3/(max–NO3+max–NH4)]. The spring value was in the range of 0.26 to 0.45 (mean±SD=0.35±0.092), and the values in spring bloom were especially a little over 0.4. The summer value was in the range of 0.30 to 0.37 (0.34±0.04).  相似文献   

浙江近海夏季流场特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示浙江近岸流场特征及沿程变化规律,于2006年和2009年夏季在浙江岸外3个固定点利用ADCP潜标进行了多个潮周期分层海流流速、流向观测。研究结果表明:(1)浙江沿岸流在中北部海域(A和B站位)为旋转流,流向呈顺时针方向旋转,在南部(C站位)涨潮流方向基本为北向,落潮方向为东偏北向;各站位海流在垂向上流向较一致。(2)3个站位垂线平均流速相近(44.4~51.1 cm/s),但平均流速的垂向分布差异明显;各站的最大流速均大于110 cm/s,且均出现在大潮涨急时刻。(3)观测期间,A(北部)、B(中北部)和C(南部)站位平均余流的大小分别为21.9,12.3和22.3 cm/s;受长江冲淡水影响,A和B站位中上层余流为西南向,从中层向底层流向呈逆时针方向偏转,下层流向呈东南向,可能为台湾暖流牵引所致,C站位余流流向在垂向较为一致,均为东北向,主要受季风影响。(4)夏季浙江沿岸流在沿浙江沿岸北上的过程中,在浙江中部(B和C站位中间)逐渐向东偏转(可能受台湾暖流的牵引),流经海域水深变大。(5)在夏季长江径流量偏小时段,浙江中北部近岸海域也存在向南的沿岸流(同冬季),其范围从长江口以南一直至浙江中北部。浙江近岸海流受季风、长江冲淡水和台湾暖流共同制约,但各区域的主要受控因素不同。  相似文献   

In order to determine quantitatively the reason for the high productivity in the Oyashio Region, which is the southwest part of the Pacific Subarctic Region, the annual-mean vertical circulation of nitrogen in the region was estimated from the vertical profiles of nitrate, dissolved oxygen and salinity, and sediment-trap data by adapting them to the balance equations. Estimates of the upwelling velocity (1.7×10−5cm sec−1) and the vertical diffusivity (2.1 cm2 sec−1) in the abyssal zone and the primary and secondary productivities (44 and 4 mgN m−2day−1, respectively) in the euphotic zone were close to those of previous works. The estimated vertical circulation of nitrogen strongly suggested that, since the divergence (5 mgN m−2day−1) is caused by the abyssal convergence (6 mgN m−2day−1) and the positive precipitation, the local new production (22 mgN m−2day−1) necessarily exceeds not only the sinking flux (10 mgN m−2day−1) itself but also the sum of the sinking flux and the downward diffusion of dissolved and particulate organic matter (7 mgN m−2day−1) produced probably in the euphotic zone. The important roles of the abyssal circulation, the winter convection, and the metabolic activity in the bathyal zone to support the high productivity in the euphotic zone were clarified quantitatively.  相似文献   

In order to detect iron (Fe) stress in micro-sized (20–200 μm) diatoms in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific during spring, immunological ferredoxin/flavodoxin assays were applied to samples collected from the surface layer in May 2005. Concomitantly, the community composition of the micro-sized phytoplankton and hydrographic conditions, including dissolved Fe and macronutrient concentrations, were also examined. Chlorophyll (Chl) a concentrations were <2 mg m−3 at all sampling stations, except at a station where the Chl a level was 9.0 mg m−3 and a micro-sized diatom bloom occurred. A high abundance of ferredoxin in micro-sized diatoms was detected only at a rather near-shore station where dissolved Fe and macronutrient concentrations were higher, indicating that the micro-sized diatoms did not suffer from iron deficiency. On the other hand, flavodoxin in micro-sized diatoms was often observed at the other stations, including the bloom station, where macronutrients were replete but dissolved Fe concentration was low (0.31 nM). A significant amount of chlorophyllide a, a degradation product of Chl a, was also observed at the bloom station, suggesting a decline of the diatom bloom. The micro-sized phytoplankton species at all the stations were mainly composed of the diatoms Thalassiosira, Chaetoceros, and Fragilariopsis spp. Our study indicates that micro-sized diatoms were stressed by Fe bioavailability during the spring season in the Oyashio region  相似文献   

Primary productivity off Enshu-nada was measured by the13C method in September 1989. Primary productivity was estimated in a cold water mass developed off Enshu-nada for the first time. The obtained value was 469 mgC·m–2·d–1 and higher than those in the pelagic area of Kuroshio, but equivalent to those in the neritic and the Oyashio areas. It was indicated that cold water mass is the place where organic matter is produced actively. Extremely high chlorophylla of more than 5g·l–1 were found in the cold water mass. The high productivity was due to high standing crop of phyoplankton. Furthermore, calculated light efficiency and quantum yield showed consistent increase with depth and showed a maximum at 10% light level. Both were larger on the coastal side than those on the oceanic side of the Kuroshio current.  相似文献   

2017年6月和8月,通过对秦皇岛海域的超微型浮游植物进行现场调查和流式细胞仪分析,发现了聚球藻(Synechococcus)和超微型真核藻类(picoeukaryotes)两大类群,其中聚球藻又分为聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ两个亚群。调研期间,正处于秦皇岛海域褐潮高发期。通过分析超微型浮游植物细胞丰度、碳生物量及分布特点,研究了秦皇岛海域在褐潮高发期超微型浮游植物分布及相关环境因子影响。结果表明,6月份超微型真核藻、聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ平均丰度分别为1.14×104个/mL、4.02×104个/mL和1.04×104个/mL,碳生物量均值分别为27.22μg/L、8.49μg/L和2.27μg/L;在8月份超微型真核藻、聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ平均丰度分别为3.27×103个/mL、5.79×104个/mL和2.58×104个/mL,碳生物量均值分别为6.35μg/L、13.41μg/L和5.83μg/L。超微型真核藻、聚球藻Ⅰ和聚球藻Ⅱ在6月份和8月份表现出不同的分布...  相似文献   

缴建华  白明  李彤 《海洋科学》2017,41(9):13-20
根据2014年5月及8月在天津海域进行的底拖网调查资料,对该海域游泳动物组成特征进行了初步研究。结果表明,在该海域共捕获游泳动物36种,平均资源密度为126 297.13个/km~2和1 494.40 kg/km~2。以个体密度计算群落多样性,Shannon-Wiener种类多样性指数H′平均为1.803,Margalef种类丰富度指数d平均为0.592,Pielou种类均匀度指数J平均为0.537。资源密度及物种多样性,8月均优于5月。优势种为口虾蛄,重要种为火枪乌贼、日本、斑、六丝钝尾虾虎鱼。天津近岸海域游泳动物渔业资源呈现出低质化的趋势。  相似文献   

The temporal and depth distributions of phaeopigments were determined during a spring bloom in the northeastern Atlantic in 1990 using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography. Phaeopigment concentrations were very low (<8% by mole relative to chlorophyll a) and two forms of phaeophorbide and two forms of phaeophytin were separated and quantified. Phaeophorbides were the dominant phaeopigments, accounting for 80% of the total phaeopigment molar concentration, and phaeopigments closely tracked the variations in chlorophyll a by increasing during the development phase of the bloom and decliningin the post bloom stage. Production of phaeopigments was found to occur predominantly at night, and these rates exceeded the rates of phaeopigment destruction during the day. Lower phaeopigment-chlorophyll a ratios were determined for the surface waters, suggesting that photodegradation was possibly the primary mechanism of phaeopigment disappearance in the euphotic zone. A comparison of phaeopigment data and phyto- and zooplankton structure indicates that greater phaeopigment production and grazing pressure occurred in the development phase when diatoms dominated, while grazing and phaeopigment production declined in the post bloom stage dominated by prymnesiophytes.  相似文献   

本文利用中国海洋大学极地变化重点实验室提供的2008年3月与7月白令海陆架水资料,对白令海200 m内水域温盐及水团进行了分析和对比,对白令海陆架区冬季水团形成机制做了初步的探讨。白令海冬季陆架水的温盐结构垂向均匀;夏季层化明显,存在垂直温盐跃层;白令海由夏季表层水和冬季水两种水团组成;白令海冬季残留水团在陆架区水深20 m处即出现,最低温度较大洋深处冬季水温偏低。  相似文献   

基于2019年6月在蓬莱近岸海域实地观测获取的样品和数据,研究了海流、温度、盐度和悬浮泥沙的时空分布特征,利用小波分析、单宽通量机制分解和Richardson数等方法,探讨了悬浮泥沙的输运机制和控制因素。研究区悬浮泥沙在平面上呈以登州浅滩为中心向周围海域逐渐降低的分布特征,垂向上呈由表层至底层逐渐升高的趋势。悬浮泥沙浓度变化与潮流变化具有较好的正相关关系,但在时间上滞后1~2 h。研究区单宽净输沙率为7.84~43.12 g/(s·m)。平流输运在研究区悬浮泥沙输运过程中占主导地位,垂向净环流输运次之。潮流是研究区悬浮泥沙输运的主要动力,悬浮泥沙净输运方向与余流方向一致,登州水道南部悬浮泥沙由西向东输运,水道中部悬浮泥沙由东向西输运,南长山岛两侧悬浮泥沙呈向水道输运的趋势。研究区海域部分水体层化现象明显,水体混合受到抑制,悬浮泥沙的分布和输运受到潮流、水体混合和地形地貌共同控制。  相似文献   

为探究莱州湾和牟平近海小型底栖生物群落组成及影响因子,作者于2016年7月在这两个海域采集了沉积物样品,并结合沉积环境因子进行了小型底栖生物群落组成分析。结果表明,在莱州湾和牟平近海各仅检获了7个小型底栖生物类群,且莱州湾的小型底栖生物平均丰度和生物量均明显低于牟平近岸海域。莱州湾线虫和桡足类平均丰度分别占小型底栖生物的91.9%和6.3%,牟平近海分别占92.1%和4.2%。对两个海域小型底栖生物群落组成与环境因子进行Pearson相关性分析,结果显示:小型底栖生物丰度与底层水溶解氧含量呈显著正相关;表层小型底栖生物丰度比与沉积物中叶绿素a含量、脱镁叶绿素含量、沉积物有机质含量以及水深呈显著正相关,与中值粒径和底层水温度呈显著负相关。本研究显示,基于不同沉积物类型中的参考比值,线虫和桡足类丰度比值(N/C)可用于莱州湾和牟平近海沉积环境有机污染状况的评估。研究还发现,牟平海域的小型底栖生物丰度和生物量呈现由近岸向外海增加的异常趋势,且小型底栖生物的数量和类群多样性较十年前显著降低,显示沉积环境受到了明显干扰。  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1993, 23 satellite-tracked drifting buoys entered the Kamchatka Current. The buoy trajectories showed a well-formed, high-speed current that originated near Shirshov Ridge, and flowed southward through Kamchatka Strait. During some years, the buoys turned eastward at 50°N, while in other years they were transported as far south as Japan (40°N). Only one buoy entered the Sea of Okhotsk. Eddies were evident in many of the buoy trajectories. Greatest maximum daily velocities (>100 cm s–1) were observed south of Kamchatka Strait, with 50–60 cm s–1 being more common.  相似文献   

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