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Neurofibromin is the product of the NF1 gene, whose alteration is responsible for the pathogenesis of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), one of the most frequent genetic disorders in man. It acts as a GTPase activating protein (GAP) on Ras; based on homology to p120GAP, a segment spanning 250-400 aa and termed GAP-related domain (NF1GRD; 25-40 kDa) has been shown to be responsible for GAP activity and represents the only functionally defined segment of neurofibromin. Missense mutations found in NF1 patients map to NF1GRD, underscoring its importance for pathogenesis. X-ray crystallographic analysis of a proteolytically treated catalytic fragment of NF1GRD comprising residues 1198-1530 (NF1-333) of human neurofibromin reveals NF1GRD as a helical protein that resembles the corresponding fragment derived from p120GAP (GAP-334). A central domain (NF1c) containing all residues conserved among RasGAPs is coupled to an extra domain (NF1ex), which despite very limited sequence homology is surprisingly similar to the corresponding part of GAP-334. Numerous point mutations found in NF1 patients or derived from genetic screening protocols can be analysed on the basis of the three-dimensional structural model, which also allows identification of the site where structural changes in a differentially spliced isoform are to be expected. Based on the structure of the complex between Ras and GAP-334 described earlier, a model of the NF1GRD-Ras complex is proposed which is used to discuss the strikingly different properties of the Ras-p120GAP and Ras-neurofibromin interactions.  相似文献   

This article discusses briefly the molecular consequences of the BCR-ABL fusion gene. It then reviews the current evidence supporting the notion that chronic myelogenous leukemia in its chronic phase is a clonal, hematopoietic, stem cell disease in which malignant hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells respond to "normal" external proliferation and differentiation stimuli, but in which such responses are altered owing to defects in the stem and progenitor cells as a result of the BCR-ABL oncogene.  相似文献   

The envelope glycoprotein (Env) of human immunodeficiency virus mediates virus entry into cells by undergoing conformational changes that lead to fusion between viral and cellular membranes. A six-helix bundle in gp41, consisting of an interior trimeric coiled-coil core with three exterior helices packed in the grooves (core structure), has been proposed to be part of a fusion-active structure of Env (D. C. Chan, D. Fass, J. M. Berger, and P. S. Kim, Cell 89:263-273, 1997; W. Weissenhorn, A. Dessen, S. C. Harrison, J. J. Skehel, and D. C. Wiley, Nature 387:426-430, 1997; and K. Tan, J. Liu, J. Wang, S. Shen, and M. Lu, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94:12303, 1997). We analyzed the effects of amino acid substitutions of arginine or glutamic acid in residues in the coiled-coil (heptad repeat) domain that line the interface between the helices in the gp41 core structure. We found that mutations of leucine to arginine or glutamic acid in position 556 and of alanine to arginine in position 558 resulted in undetectable levels of Env expression. Seven other mutations in six positions completely abolished fusion activity despite incorporation of the mutant Env into virions and normal gp160 processing. Single-residue substitutions of glutamic acid at position 570 or 577 resulted in the only viable mutants among the 16 mutants studied, although both viable mutants exhibited impaired fusion activity compared to that of the wild type. The glutamic acid 577 mutant was more sensitive than the wild type to inhibition by a gp41 coiled-coil peptide (DP-107) but not to that by another peptide corresponding to the C helix in the gp41 core structure (DP-178). These results provide insight into the gp41 fusion mechanism and suggest that the DP-107 peptide may inhibit fusion by binding to the homologous region in gp41, probably by forming a peptide-gp41 coiled-coil structure.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective study was to investigate the clinical outcome and marginal bone resorption of three different endosseous implants placed in the anterior mandibles of 15 elderly patients. Eleven women and 4 men (ranging from 65 to 80 years, mean 71 years) had three different endosseous implants placed in the anterior mandible; one titanium plasma-sprayed cylinder implant (4-mm diameter), one titanium cylinder implant with hydroxyapatite coating (4-mm diameter), and one standard threaded titanium implant (3.75-mm diameter). Three months later, at the second-stage surgical procedure, ball abutments were connected and an overdenture was placed. At 12, 24, and 36 months, marginal bone resorption and Periotest values were recorded. None of the implants was lost in this period. An analysis of variance with repeated measurement was performed annually to test the existence of significant differences between the implants. When differences appeared, paired t tests were used to identify which differences were significant. Bonferroni multipliers were used to adjust for multiple testing. When marginal bone resorption was concerned, threaded titanium and hydroxyapatite-coated implants had significantly better scores than titanium plasma-sprayed cylinder implants. Periotest values for hydroxyapatite-coated implants were significantly better than test values for the other implants after 2 years. After 3 years significance was obtained between hydroxyapatite and screw-shaped implants only (P < .05). It was concluded that titanium plasma-sprayed cylinder implants have a less favorable prognosis than the other implants used in this study.  相似文献   

Alagille syndrome (AGS) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by five major abnormalities in the liver, heart, face, vertebrae and eye. The responsible gene has been recently identified as the human Jagged 1 (JAG1) gene, which encodes a ligand for the Notch receptor. We analyzed the JAG1 gene in eight AGS families, including affected and unaffected individuals, at the genomic DNA level, mainly by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequencing analysis. Four categories of mutations were identified: (i) four frameshift mutations in exons 9, 22, 24 and 26 were exhibited respectively in affected individuals of four AGS families, which resulted in moving the translational frame of JAG1; (ii) one nonsense mutation, a 1 bp substitution in exon 5 of the EGF-like repeat domain, was detected in two unrelated AGS families, which altered codon 235 from arginine to stop; (iii) one acceptor splice site mutation of exon 5 was revealed in a sporadic patient; and (iv) a 1.3 Mb deletion, which included the entire JAG1 gene, was found in another patient. Our results further demonstrate that AGS is a dominant disease and suggest that the JAG1 gene exerts a fundamental role in regulating genes involved in development.  相似文献   

There is evidence that benign, Ph-negative hematopoietic progenitors persist in the marrow and blood of some patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A number of pilot studies using purged and unpurged marrow or peripheral blood autografts have demonstrated that autologous transplantation can result in transient cytogenetic responses in CML. Although not curative, this procedure may be associated with longer-than-expected patient survival and represents an alternative treatment for patients ineligible for allogeneic transplantation and not responding to interferon-alpha therapy. Several novel approaches are being developed to improve graft purging and eliminate residual leukemia post-transplantation. Such approaches may allow for long-term restoration of Ph-negative hematopoiesis following the procedure.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Since interferon alfa (IFN-A) became an established treatment in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), more patients are referred to tertiary centers in late chronic phase (ie, > 12 months after diagnosis). Trials conducted in this phase cannot be evaluated precisely unless the features that determine prognosis in late chronic-phase CML are identified. The purpose of this study is to define the prognostic determinants of late chronic-phase CML. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1980 to 1997,257 consecutive CML patients referred in late chronic phase were studied. Their clinical characteristics at the time of referral and their association with survival were investigated. A staging model was designed. RESULTS: The median survival from time of referral was 43 months. Pretreatment characteristics associated with worse outcome included older age, poor performance status, splenomegaly, low albumin level, high percentage of blasts or basophils in peripheral blood (PB) or bone marrow, longer duration of chronic phase, and poor-risk group as defined by the Synthesis model. Prior exposure to IFN-A was not associated with worse outcome. By multivariate analysis, characteristics associated with shorter survival were age of 60 years or older, time from diagnosis of 3 years or greater, performance status of 1 or greater, PB basophils of 7% or greater, spleen 10 cm or greater, PB blasts 3% or greater, and albumin level less than 4 g/dL. A model that included age, duration of chronic phase, performance status, and PB basophils was generated. Patients with no, one, two, or three or greater adverse factors had median survivals of 71, 49, 26, and 19 months, respectively. CONCLUSION: A staging model for late chronic-phase CML can stratify patients in four groups with significantly different outcomes. If confirmed in independent populations, such a model could be considered in the analysis of future trials of treatment strategies in late chronic-phase CML.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether alteration of BRCA1 tumor suppressor gene occurs in sporadic endometrial carcinomas. METHODS: Genomic DNAs were prepared from 33 consecutively collected endometrial carcinoma tissues for BRCA1 mutational analysis. To screen for BRCA1 mutation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique were used with 41 overlapping PCR primer pairs for the 23 coding exons of BRCA1. Tumors that demonstrated SSCP variants were further subjected to direct DNA sequencing in the appropriate exons to identify the DNA alteration. RESULTS: In addition to detecting a previously described polymorphism in exon 11, single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of the 33 endometrial cancers identified 3 tumors with mobility shifts. Two tumors shifted in exon 3 and showed the same pattern of band shift. The other tumor shifted in exon 9. DNA sequencing revealed sequence alterations in the 3 tumors; all appeared heterozygous. In the 2 tumors shifted in exon 3, the sequence alteration caused no amino acid change and was consistent with an infrequent silent polymorphism. In the third tumor, a missense alteration at codon 191 was detected and was recognized as germline in origin. CONCLUSIONS: Because a normal allele of BRCA1 was retained in the tumor where a germline missense alteration was detected, the heterozygous DNA alteration should not be cancer predisposing in terms of the two-hit model for inactivation of the tumor suppressor gene. We conclude that mutation of BRCA1 may not be involved in the development of sporadic endometrial cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is an indolent but ultimately fatal disease. Because the natural history of CML varies and quality of life with CML may be excellent until shortly before death, deciding whether and when to pursue unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation is often difficult. OBJECTIVE: To compare early transplantation, delayed transplantation, and no transplantation for patients with chronic-phase CML on the basis of discounted, quality-adjusted life expectancy. DESIGN: A markov model comparing different strategies was constructed. This model considers patient age, quality of life, risk aversion, and the competing risks for CML progression and transplant toxicity. SETTING: Therapeutic decision at the time of diagnosis of CML. PATIENTS: The base case is a 35-year-old patient with intermediate-prognosis CML. Younger and older patients with better and worse prognoses are also evaluated. INTERVENTION: Early transplantation, delayed transplantation, and no transplantation. MEASUREMENTS: Quality-adjusted, discounted life expectancy. RESULTS: For patients with newly diagnosed CML, transplantation within the first year provides the greatest quality-adjusted expected survival, although this benefit decreases with increasing patient age. For a 35-year-old patient with intermediate-prognosis CML, transplantation within the first year results in 53 more discounted, quality-adjusted years of life expectancy than does no transplantation. This finding is robust even with varying baseline assumptions. CONCLUSIONS: These results support the use of early unrelated donor bone marrow transplantation for most patients with CML.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant disorder that predisposes to nervous system tumors. The schwannomin (also termed merlin) protein encoded by the NF2 gene shows a close relationship to the family of cytoskeleton-to-membrane proteins linkers ERM (ezrin-radixin-moesin proteins). Even though penetrance of the disease is >95% and no genetic heterogeneity has been described, point mutations in the NF2 gene have been observed in only 34-66% of the screened NF2 patients, depending on the series. In order to generate tools that would enable an exhaustive alteration screening for the NF2 gene, we have deduced its entire genomic sequence. This knowledge has provided the delineation of a mutation screening strategy which, when applied to a series of 19 NF2 patients, has revealed a high recurrence of large deletions in the gene and has raised the efficiency of mutation detection in NF2 patients to 84% of the cases in this series. The remaining three patients who express two functional NF2 alleles are all sporadic cases, an observation compatible with the presence of mosaicism for NF2 mutation.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the activity of decitabine, a hypomethylating agent, in the treatment of patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in transformation. Thirty-seven patients with CML in blastic (20 patients) or accelerated phases (17 patients) were treated. Their median age was 52 years; 36 had Philadelphia chromosome-positive disease. Decitabine was given at 100 mg/m2 over 6 h every 12 h x 10 doses (1000 mg/m2) to 13 patients, and at 75 mg/m2 over 6 h every 12 h x 10 doses (750 mg/m2) to 24 patients. In blastic phase, two patients (10%) achieved a complete hematologic response (one with Ph suppression), and three (15%) had a hematologic improvement (marrow CR, platelets <100 x 10[3]/microl), for an overall response rate of 25%. In accelerated phase, six patients (35%) returned to a second chronic phase (two with Ph suppression), one (6%) had a hematologic improvement, and two (12%) had a partial hematologic response, for an overall response rate of 53%. Prolonged myelosuppression was the most significant side-effect. The median time to recovery of granulocytes above 500/microl was 48 days, and to recovery of platelets above 30 x 10(3)/microl, 31 days. Febrile episodes occurred in 25 patients (68%) including documented infections in 17 patients (46%). Decitabine has promising activity in CML. The most significant side-effect is prolonged myelosuppression. Decitabine may show activity in other myeloid disorders such as acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome, as well as in other hematologic malignancies, alone or with other drug combinations. Its value in the context of stem cell support should also be investigated.  相似文献   

Many antibiotic resistance mutations arise in pathogenic bacteria that harbor plasmids (R-plasmids). Resistance to third generation cephalosporins, for instance, largely occurs by one or more point mutations in plasmid bla genes that expand the resistance spectrum of beta-lactamases. Here I review relevant evidence underlying the worldwide emergence of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs). The conclusion reached is that the origin of these resistance-conferring mutations cannot be explained by a series of single point mutation and selection events. Instead, highly advantageous stochastic processes might exist that generate alterations in the sequence or the conformation of particular regions in chromosomal or plasmid genomes such as bla, i.e., recombination or mutation. Several explanations for the origin of ESBLs are reviewed but direct experimental evidence to support or to invalidate them is still lacking. The cellular conditions under which ESBLs arise are unknown; however, involvement of nutritional stresses inside natural animal hosts and of plasmid conjugal functions appear likely.  相似文献   

The incidence of acute and chronic myelogenous leukemia has been compared for the two neighbouring regions of Marburg and Giessen in Hesse (Germany). The investigation was based on the incident cases of the years 1983-1989 which have been diagnosed in the hematological departments of the universities of the two regions. The epidemiological evaluation of the data has been carried out in terms of a historical follow-up study, and shows an increased relative risk for the region around Marburg with a particular elevation for one community within this region. Potential determinants are discussed and focus on trinitrotoluene (TNT) and decomposition products which are known to contaminate the soil of this community, in some places severely, due to insufficient removal of remnants of the TNT production in large underground plants during World War II.  相似文献   

The flavonol 3- and 4'-sulfotransferases (ST) from Flaveria chloraefolia catalyze the transfer of the sulfonate group from 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (PAdoPS) to position 3 of flavonol aglycones and position 4' of flavonol 3-sulfates. We identified previously a protein segment, designated domain II, that contains all the determinants responsible for the specificity of these enzymes. Within domain II, at least five amino acids specific to the 4'-ST that could bind the sulfate group of quercetin 3-sulfate were identified. In this study, these amino acid residues were introduced at equivalent positions in the flavonol 3-ST sequence by site-directed mutagenesis of the cloned cDNA. No reversal of the substrate specificity was observed after the individual mutations. However, mutation of Leu95 to Tyr had different effects on the kinetic constants depending on the substitution pattern of the flavonoid B ring, suggesting that the tyrosine side chain may be in direct contact with this part of the molecule. The function of conserved amino acids present in domain II was also investigated. Unconservative mutations at Lys134, Tyr137 and Tyr150 resulted in protein instability in solution, suggesting that these residues might be important for the structural stability of the enzyme. Replacement of Arg140 with Lys or Ser had no effect on protein stability, but resulted in a strong reduction in specific activity. The results of photoaffinity-labeling experiments with PAdoP[35S]S suggest that this residue is required to bind the cosubstrate. In addition, the reduced affinity of [Ser140]ST for 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate (PAdoP)-agarose indicates that Arg140 is also involved in binding the coproduct. Replacement of His118 with Glu or Ala resulted in a strong reduction in catalytic activity. However, [Lys118]ST retained a significant amount of catalytic activity. The results of photoaffinity-labeling experiments with PAdoP[35S]S and affinity chromatography on PAdoP-agarose suggest that His118 might be involved in catalysis in the flavonol 3-ST.  相似文献   

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