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介绍了通过使用原子力显微镜,在H钝化Si(100)的表面局部阳极氧化反应的表面氧化图案上刻写的纳米级Si结构加工。这种氧化图形可被用作Si的可选择性蚀刻工艺的掩膜。带有临界特性的小到30nm的边门Si场效应晶体管也通过这种方法加工。  相似文献   

AFM的纳米硬度测试与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于原子力显微镜(AFM)和金刚石针尖建立了一套纳米压痕测量系统。通过向系统发送控制电压使金刚石针尖在完成加载和卸载全过程的同时进行实时的数据采集并直接绘出载荷-压深曲线。利用该系统,对单晶铝和单晶铜薄膜材料进行了单点压痕实验,用美国Hysitron公司的纳米原位测量仪(TriboIndenter)做了验证试验。实验结果表明,该系统适合测量较软材料的纳米硬度。分析了基体材料对薄膜硬度和弹性模量的影响,在薄膜厚度低于5~10倍压入深度时,基体对薄膜材料的力学性能影响很大;并根据获得的载荷-压深曲线分析得出由于尺度效应的影响,随着压痕深度的减小,薄膜的硬度值呈明显的上升趋势,弹性模量没有这个趋势。  相似文献   

基于原子力显微镜AFM(atomic force microscope)的纳米机械刻蚀加工是扫描探针刻蚀加工技术( scanning probe lithography, SPL)的一个重要组成,目前已取得较大进展.但由于纳米机械刻蚀涉及原子的结构与运动,其加工机理尚有待于进一步研究.分子动力学模拟技术是近年来发展的继实验和理论研究后的又一重要研究方法.文章综述采用分子动力学模拟技术,研究基于AFM的纳米机械刻蚀加工的进展, 分析纳米尺度的加工机理,评述探针、刻蚀工艺、工件材料等因素对纳米机械加工过程的影响.文章最后指出今后研究的方向.  相似文献   

基于纳米压痕技术和AFM的单晶铝硬度测试实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用纳米压痕技术对单晶铝作压痕试验,获得载荷-压深的加载和卸载曲线。根据O liver-Pharr方法求出压头与测试材料之间接触表面的投影面积Ac和硬度值Hop。再利用原子显微镜(atom ic force m icroscopy,AFM)得到压痕的真实三维形貌图。结合M atlab对压痕进行分析,得到压痕的真实残余面积Aresidual,并计算出其硬度Hresidual。通过对两组单晶铝的硬度数据进行比较分析:在微纳米尺度下,两种方法计算得到的压痕硬度都存在压痕尺寸效应,Hresidual的压痕尺寸效应比Hop要更明显。  相似文献   

本文介绍不同焊接工艺对厢形梁焊接残余应力的影响,以及校直前后残余应力的变化。  相似文献   

利用X衍射技术测试了物理气相沉积Al2O3纳米薄膜的残余应力,分析了薄膜和基体间的应力测试原理,讨论了沉积温度、沉积速度和薄膜厚度等技术参数对残余应力的影响。实验结果表明,随着沉积温度升高,Al2O3薄膜残余应力值增大;当沉积速度增加时,Al2O3薄膜的残余应力增大,且从拉应力变为压应力;由于热膨胀系数的不同而产生热拉应力和温度不同产生马氏体相变的残余压应力,残余应力值先是随着晶化温度的升高而下降,然后随之而上升,在400℃进行晶化处理时,残余应力值表现为最小;残余应力随着薄膜厚度的增加而不断增大,当薄膜厚度较小时,薄膜残余应力的变化比较平缓,残余应力值较小,有利于提高薄膜界面结合强度。选择合理的薄膜制备参数,能精确地控制薄膜的残余应力,从而达到提高其结合强度的目的。  相似文献   

利用无损的绿色检测技术——纳米压痕法测量等离子喷涂铁基涂层表面的残余应力。通过对比无应力和有应力涂层的载荷-位移曲线,得出涂层表面存在残余拉应力。由于无应力和有应力涂层的压痕周围均有明显的凸起变形,目前广泛使用的Oliver法提取残余应力的特征参量——真实接触面积的公式已不适用。利用之前建立的适用于压痕周围有凸起变形的材料的真实接触面积计算公式得到无应力和有应力涂层的真实接触面积,分析两者之间的差异,最终计算出涂层表面的应力值为188 MPa,与X射线法得到的162 MPa较为符合。  相似文献   

测量材料微区残余应力的大小和分布,对于研究微观断裂机制具有非常重要的意义,一直是研究的热点和难点.尝试利用常规的维氏显微硬度压痕法研究和测量了材料中微米级微区的残余应力,推导出了残余应力与压痕面积比之间的理论公式,并选取低碳钢、紫铜和铝合金等三种具有不同性能的薄板材料,利用"三点弯曲"人为"原位"引入应力,通过试验测量对该方法进行了验证,并与原有的理论和方法进行了对比.结果表明:该测量方法测量准确.  相似文献   

基于AFM的机器人化纳米操作系统综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于扫描隧道显微镜(Scanning tunnel microscope,STM)及原子力显微镜(Atomicforcemicroscope,AFM)的纳米操作技术发展进行阐述,针对其中存在的主要问题,引述出机器人化纳米操作的必要性。接着,对国内外机器人化纳米操作系统的研究进展、现状及存在的主要问题进行详细分析,提出基于AFM的机器人化纳米操作系统的结构原型,并指出实现机器人化纳米操作所需解决的关键技术问题及相应的解决方案之一,为进行深入的机器人化纳米操作研究提供了可以借鉴的研究方向。  相似文献   

潘红良  李炜 《压力容器》1991,8(2):36-39
在同一焊接试板同一部位分别用钴孔法及X衍射法测量焊接残余应力,通过分析对比发现钻孔法测试残余应力结果是可信的,而X射线衍射法所测得的残余应力值应减去钢板表面原有的轧制残余应力后才是焊接残余应力。本文还把上述两种方法的测试结果与Masubuchi提出的对接焊缝内纵向残余应力的分布进行比较,提出了工程中估算残余应力的方法。  相似文献   

Stress and residual stress distributions in bending are important in calculating springback and loading capacity of a sheet-metal bending part. Great differences have been found in springback prediction with the same input (benchmark problems) among different researchers. In order to find out the root cause of these differences, stress and residual stress calculation methods in plane strain bending are briefly reviewed or developed. The influence of deformation theory and incremental theory, repeating bending, unbending and re-bending, cyclic material models and springback calculation methods on the stress or residual stress distributions are examined and shown to be large. This emphasizes the importance of careful selection of these variables in a simulation model in addition to other general input variables, such as material properties, tool geometry and friction condition. This fact also helps to explain the great differences among different research results, and presents a challenge to both the programmers and the users of finite element packages.  相似文献   

Mo/Si多层膜残余应力的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在极紫外光刻技术中,光学系统对多层膜光学元件表面面形精度有严格的要求,并且多层膜光学元件需要较高的反射率.由于多层膜中存在的内应力将改变光学元件的表面面形,因此在不减少反射率的前提下,一定要减少或补偿多层膜内的残余应力.论述了Mo/Si多层膜应力产生的原因和几种减少与补偿应力的技术,介绍应力的几种测量方法.  相似文献   

To address the difficulty in testing and calibrating the stress gradient in the depth direction of mechanical components, a new technology of nondestructive testing and characterization of the residual stress gradient field by ultrasonic method is proposed based on acoustoelasticity theory. By carrying out theoretical analysis, the sensitivity coefficients of different types of ultrasonic are obtained by taking the low carbon steel(12%C) as a research object. By fixing the interval distance between sending and receiving transducers, the mathematical expressions of the change of stress and the variation of time are established. To design one sending-one receiving and oblique incidence ultrasonic detection probes, according to Snell law, the critically refracted longitudinal wave (LCR wave) is excited at a certain depth of the fixed distance of the tested components. Then, the relationship between the depth of LCR wave detection and the center frequency of the probe in Q235 steel is obtained through experimental study. To detect the stress gradient in the depth direction, a stress gradient LCR wave detection model is established, through which the stress gradient formula is derived by the relationship between center frequency and detecting depth. A C-shaped stress specimen of Q235 steel is designedto conduct stress loading tests, and the stress is measured with the five group probes at different center frequencies. The accuracy of ultrasonic testing is verified by X-ray stress analyzer. The stress value of each specific depth is calculated using the stress gradient formula. Accordingly, the ultrasonic characterization of residual stress field is realized. Characterization results show that the stress gradient distribution is consistent with the simulation in ANSYS. The new technology can be widely applied in the detection of the residual stress gradient field caused by mechanical processing, such as welding and shot peening.  相似文献   

以某港口门座起重机为研究对象,采用疲劳寿命估算方法,从材料的S-N曲线出发,考虑各种影响因素,结合实测应力谱,按照线性累积损伤理论及修正Miner法则,进行金属结构的疲劳寿命估算,再结合起重机的结构件劣化状态,无损检测等技术手段进行综合分析,估算出起重机的安全使用寿命,为门座起重机疲劳剩余寿命评估提供有效可行的方法 ,对准确估算门座起重机金属结构疲劳剩余寿命提供科学的数据。  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy has proved to be a useful nondestructive technique for measuring residual stresses in semicondutors. The Raman microprobe is used to investigate the effects of machine parameters on residual stresses in single point diamond turned germanium (Ge). A profiling technique that provides a method of obtaining the residual stress information as a function of depth with depth resolutions of 10.0 nm is discussed. This method is used to analyze the asymmetrically broadened and shifted spectral features in the machined samples. Residual stresses are sampled across ductile feed cuts in (100) Ge wafers, which were single point diamond turned using various feed rates (12.5, 25 nm/rev), rake angles (0°, −10°, −30°), and clearance angles (6°, 16°). In general a region of plastically deformed material that shows slight compressive stresses exist near the surface of the diamond turned sample. The compressive surface stress increases to a maximum at a depth of ≈ 50 nm beneath the surface at which point the stress rapidly changes sign. The rapid sign change is indicative of the transition from plastic to elastic deformation. Deeper probe regions exhibit increasing tensile stresses, which reach a maximum and then relax to zero at greater depths in the sample. A related study of the stress field occurring around Vicker's hardness indents provides a link between theoretical and experimental stress profiles and demonstrates the accuracy of the micro-Raman profiling technique.  相似文献   

王勤  朱援祥  王莉莉 《机械》2004,31(10):27-29,37
应用有限元方法,采用有限元分析软件ANSYS,用计算机模拟了焊接接头残余应力的大小和分布,模拟结果和实验结果比较吻合,证明了这种方法具有重要的实用价值。  相似文献   

残余应力测试技术的进展与动向   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王庆明  孙渊 《机电工程》2011,28(1):11-15,41
针对几种常见的残余应力测试方法的研究进展与应用现状,指出了较为成熟的残余应力测试方法是盲孔法和X射线法,但盲孔法受限于对测试对象有损伤,X射线法受限于测试条件的苛刻,其它的残余应力测试方法在有效性、准确性和操作简便性等方面还不能很好地满足工业需求.而利用压痕法测量残余应力是一个值得关注的研究动向,在局部压载作用下,材料...  相似文献   

The deep-hole method is a method of measuring residual stress in large metallic components. In this paper, an extension to the deep-hole method is described to allow the residual stresses in thick section composite laminated plates to be evaluated. The method involves first drilling a small hole through the laminate perpendicular to the surface. The material around the hole is then machined away, resulting in a change in diameter of the hole due to the release of residual stress. This change in diameter is measured and used to calculate the residual stress. The calculation requires the evaluation of coefficients that depend on the properties of the composite. In this work, the finite element method is used to evaluate these coefficients. Using this method, the residual stresses in a 22 mm thick carbon/epoxy composite plate are measured and reported.  相似文献   

薄壁铝合金结构焊接应力变形数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实际结构焊接过程的三维数值模拟因为计算量大而往往难以进行。为了采用三维热弹塑性有限元方法对薄 壁铝合金结构的焊接过程进行数值模拟,提出了粘贴单元和混和单元两种网格划分技术相结合的单元划分方案进 行有限元建模,通过薄板对接模型试验验证了此方案的可行性,并研究了不同建模方案对计算效率的影响。将这 种单元划分方案应用到实际薄壁筒体结构焊接过程的数值模拟中,对焊接过程产生的残余应力和变形进行了成功 地预测。结果表明:对于薄壁构件,采用粘贴单元和混合单元相结合的单元划分方案可以在保证一定精度的前提 下,可大大减少有限元网格划分工作量,同时可降低计算规模,提高计算效率。  相似文献   

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