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Diabetes mellitus ( DM) patients arelikely to develop lipoprotein abnormalitieswith the incidence as high as of 50 %,or e-ven higher in subjects with poor glycemiccontrol(1).Hyperlipidemiais extremely harm-ful on the function of both pancreatic isletsand vascular endothelial cells . Some studiesshowed that the prognosis after acute myo-cardial infarction was worsein diabetics thannon-diabetics(2). The Adult Treat ment PanelⅢ(ATPⅢ) guidelines in the third report byAmerican National Choles…  相似文献   

FromOctober 1 990toJune 1 997weusedcompoundXiansucapsule(仙酥胶囊 ,XSC)combinedwithchemotherapyintreating 6 1mid latestagegastriccarcinomapatients,andtheefficacyispromising.Theresultofitisre portedasfollows.METHODSClinicalData  Ninety onemid latestagegastriccarcin…  相似文献   

正Naoxintong Capsule(脑心通胶囊,NXTC)is derived from the classic formula Buyang Huanwu Decoction(补阳还五汤)by WANG Qing-ren of the Qing Dynasty.Based on the concept ofconcurrent treatment on Nao(Brain)and Xin(Heart)(Nao Xin Tong Zhi)proposed by Prof.ZHAO Bu-chang,activating blood circulation and dredging collaterals herbs were supplemented to the classic formula.NXTC is composed of Astragalus membranaceus(Fisch.)Bge.(monarch  相似文献   

Diabeticnephropathy (DN)isoneofthecommoncomplicationsinmicrovesselsofdia betesmellitus (DM ) .Atpresentthereisnoidealtherapytocureit.  相似文献   

Clinical Study of Effect of Yizhi Capsule(益智胶囊)on Senile Vascular DementiaCHENKai(陈揩),CHENKe-ji(陈可冀),ZHOUWen-quan(周文泉),etal(G...  相似文献   

XuezhikangCapsule(XZK,血脂康胶囊)isabloodlipidregulatormadeofspecialrefinedredyeast,anditwasprovedthroughlotsofclinicalpracticeinthe10years,tohavesafe,sta bleandevidenteffectinreg ulatingbloodlipids.Thecur rentstatusresearchesonXZKinclinicalapplicationisnowreportedasfollows.EffectsinRegulatingBloodLipids1.BloodlipidsregulatoryeffectonpatientswithprimaryhyperlipidemiaWithpre posttreatmentself controllingorpla cebocontrollingmethodadopted,XZKhasbeenusedtotreatover3000patientsoftheHannation…  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the effects of Xuezhikang capsule (XZK, 血脂康胶囊) on blood lipids level, platelet activation and coagulation-fibrinolysis activity in patients with hyerlipidemia. Methods:Seventy-six patients of hyperlipidemia were randomly divided into two groups, the XZK group (n = 38) treated with XZK 600mg, taken two times per day and the Simvastatin (SIM) group (n = 38) treated with SIM 20mg per day, with the treatment lasting 8 weeks for both groups. Levels of fasting serum lipids, including total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high and low density l ipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C and LDL-C),plasma GMP-140, fibrinogen (FIB), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAl-) and prothrombin time (PT) were all measured before and 8 weeks after treatment. Data were compared before and after treatment and also compared with those measured in 20 healthy subjects of control. Results: Before treantment the levels of TC, TG and LDL-C were obviously higher and HDL-C level was significantly lower in hyperlipidemia patients than those in healthy subjects ( P<0.05 or P<0.01). After 4-8 weeks of XZK treatment, the levels of TC, TG, LDL-C and FIB and activities of GMP-140 and PAl-1 were obviously lowered (P<0.05 or P<0.01). But in the SIM group there was no obvious change in FIB (P>0.05), instead it showed obvious increase of HDL-C and decrease of TC and LDL-C after treatment ( P<0.05 or P<0.01). Conclusion: XZK could inhibit platelet activity and improve coagulation-fibrinolysis function, besides its lipids lowering effect.  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of Penyanqing Capsule (盆炎清胶囊, PYQC) in treating pelvic inflammation of Qi-stagnation with blood stasis syndrome. Methods: The randomized, single blinded, parallel positive drug controlled method was adopted, with 82 patients assigned into two groups by envelop method. The 42 patients in the treated group received PYQC 3 times a day, 4 capsules each time taken orally; the 40 patients in the control group were given orally Fuyankang tablets (妇炎康片, FYKT) 3 times a day, 6 tablets each time. The therapeutic course for both groups was 2 months, and 2 courses of treatment were given successively to observe the comprehensive effect, changes of symptoms and signs before and after treatment. The effects of PYQC on hemorrheological character in part of the patients and on the pathogenetic chlamydia and mycoplasma were also observed. Results: The total effective rate in the treated group was 83.3 %, which was insignificantly different from that in the control group ( 77.5 %, P > 0.05 ).However, PYQC could significantly lower the hemorrheologic indexes in patients and showed definite influence on the pathogenetic chlamydia and mycoplasma. Conclusion: PYQC has good therapeutic effect in treating chronic pelvic inflammation of Qi-stagnation with blood stasis syndrome, and showed definite effect on chlamydia and mycoplasma.  相似文献   

ToterminateearlystagepregnancybycombinationofMifepristoneandMisoprostolissuperiorinhighsuccessrate,convenientuseandlessmisery,butwiththemainbadnessofinducingirregularvaginalbleedingharmfultopsychosomaticconditionofpuerpera.FromMarch1993toDecember1995,Yao…  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Pai-Neng-Da Capsule(派能达胶囊t panaxadiol saponins component,PND),a new Chinese patent medicine,on patients with chronic aplastic anemia(CAA)and to explore the optimal therapeutic regimen for CAA.Method:A total of 36 patients with CAA were enrolled and divided into three groups:the AP group(20 cases,andriol 120 mg/day + PND 240 mg/day),the ACP group(13 cases,andriol 120 mg/day + cyclosporine 3-6 mg·kd~(-1)·day~(-1) + PND 240 mg/day),and the PND group(3cases,PND 240 mg/day).All patients were treated and followed up for 6 months.Peripheral blood counts,renal and hepatic function and Chinese medical(CM) symptoms of patients were assessed and all indices were gathered at the beginning and end of the study.Result:In the AP group,no significant hematologic difference was observed at the end of 6-month treatment comparing with the beginning.In the ACP group,the blood counts were maintained at the same level after the 6-month treatment.In the PND group,trilineage hematologic improvement was displayed at the end of 6-month treatment comparing with the beginning.No significant difference was showed in renal and hepatic function in all patients.All patients' clinical symptom improved according to CM symptom score.The effective rates were 95%,73%and 100%,respectively.Conclusion:PND improved the efficacy and decreased side effects by cutting down the dosage of andriol,and it could also improve patients' clinical symptom and quality of life.PND were effective and safe in the treatment of CAA,it could be used alone or in combination with pharmacological agents such as andriol and cyclosporine.  相似文献   

Sincepercutaneoustransluminalcoronaryangioplasty(PTCA)and/orcoronarystentingcanreconstructcoronarybloodcirculationwith outthorac  相似文献   

Intestinalmetaplasiaofgastricmucosaiscloselyrelatedtotheoccuranceofgastriccan-cerandistheprecancerouslesionofgastriccancer(l'2).Secondarypreventivemeasuresf0rgastriccanceraredesignedtost0pthedevelop-mentofitsprecancerouschange.TheauthorsusedPiweipingCapsule(PWPC)orSanji-uweitai(SJWT,-Agr$)totreatl43pa-tientssufferingfromchronicgastritisofgastricantrumwithintestinalmetaplasia(IM),andtakingpathology,cyclicadem0sinemon0phos-phate(cAMP),deoxyribonucleicacid(DNA)ofgastricmuc0saandlymphocyte…  相似文献   

Endothelin(ET)andcalcitoningenerelatedpeptide(CGRP)areapairofnewlyfoundvascularactivatingmediawithoppositiveaction.ETisavasoconstrictivepeptideproducedbyvascularendothelialcells(VEC)withstrongandprotractedeffect,thestrongestvasoconstrictorinthehumanb…  相似文献   

Vasculardementia(VD)isoneofthechieftypesofseniledementia.Itisalsonamed“inversiblede mentia”duetoitsratherclearpathogenesisaswell  相似文献   

Ningshu Xiji (宁舒洗剂), a compound TCM Lotion developed by Prof. Chen Shuchang of the Oriental Hospital, has the effects of clearing away heat and the toxic materials, removing dampness by diuresis and promoting blood circulation. With Li Zhi Cao (荔枝草 Herba Salviae Plebeiae), Tu Fu Ling (土茯苓Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae) , Jin Yin Hua (金银花Flos Lonicerae), and Puxiao (朴硝 Mirabilitum) as main ingredients, the lotion has the non-toxic components and achieves very satisfactory therapeutic effects for the ecthyma characterized by downward flow of damp-heat. From August 2002 to June 2003, Ningshu Xiji was used to apply to the surface of wounds of 34 ecthyma patients based on the routine treatment. The effects of Ningshu Xiji on venous ulcers of the limbs is reported as follows:  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the clinical effect of Dihuang Zhixue Capsule (地黄止血胶囊, DZC, a Chinese preparation for cooling blood and dispelling toxic substances) in the treatment of childhood refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (RITP), with cyclosporin A (CsA) used as the control. Methods: Forty-one children of RITP were randomized into the treated group and the control group. The 21 patients in the treated group were orally given 2 to 3 DZC capsules each time, thrice a day and the 20 in the control group were given 3 mg/kg CsA per day, with 3 months as one therapeutic course. The therapeutic efficacy, platelet count and adverse reaction in the two groups were compared at the end of the course. Results: (1) In the treated group, 1 (4.8%) patient was evaluated as cured, 3 (14.3%) as markedly effective, 5 (23.8%) as effective, 5 (23.8%) as improved, 7 (33.3%) as ineffective, with the total effective rate being 66.7%; while in the control group, the corresponding numbers were 0. 2 (10.0%), 2 (10.0%), 3 (15.0%), 13 (65.0%) and 35.0%, respectively, showing statistical significance in difference between the total effective rates of the two groups ( Х^2=4.11, P=0.0426). (2) As compared with the baseline, the platelet count increased in both groups after 2 months' treatment (P〈0.05). After 3 months' treatment, the platelet count was higher in the treated group than in the control group (P〈0.05). (3) The improvement of hemorrhage in the treated group after 8 weeks' treatment was better than that in the control group (P〈0.05). (4) No apparent adverse reaction was observed in the treated group, while in the control group, hirsutism was shown in 15 cases; gingival hyperplasia in 10; digestive reaction in 5, liver function impairment in 5, hypertension in 2 and renal impairment in 2. Conclusion: The therapeutic efficacy of DZC is better than that of CsA, and DZC shows good compliance but brings no obvious adver  相似文献   

Clinical Observation on Treatment of Vitiligo with Xiaobai Mixture(消白合剂)@刘志军$Department of Dermatology, the First Affiliated Hospital, Nanhua University! Hunan (421001) @向亚萍$Hunan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine  相似文献   

Objective:To determine the effectiveness and safety of Xinfeng Capsules(新风胶囊,XFC) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis(RA) patients with decreased pulmonary function.Methods:This was a randomized controlled clinical trial of 80 RA patients.Participants were assigned to the trial group(40 cases) and the control group(40 cases) by block randomization.The trial group was treated with XFC,three pills each time three times daily for 2 months.The control group was treated with tripterygium glycoside(TPT),two pills each time three times daily for 2 months.Both groups were followed up after 2 months.The clinical effects,changes in joint and pulmonary function,and quality of life before and after treatment were observed;safety indices were also evaluated.Results:Pain,swelling,tenderness,and duration of morning stiffness of joints were obviously decreased after treatment in both the trial and the control groups compared with baseline(P0.01).Compared with before treatment,hand grip strength increased significantly after treatment in the trial group(P=0.0000);pulmonary function parameters such as forced expiratory volume in the first second of expiration/forced vital capacity(FEV_1/FVC),50%of the expiratory flow of forced vital capacity(FEF_(50)),carbon monoxide diffusing capacity(DLco) were increased(P0.01 or P0.05);measures of quality of life such as role-physical,body pain,vitality and mental health were also improved after treatment in the trial group(all P0.05).Joint swelling in the trial group decreased compared with the control group(P=0.0043),while hand grip strength was increased after treatment(P=0.0000).The increase in FEF_(50),DLco,and the dimensions of quality of life such as vitality and mental health were all significantly greater in the trial group than the control group(P0.05 or P0.01).Conclusions:XFC not only relieved joint pain in RA patients,but also significantly improved the ventilation and diffusion function of the lungs.Therefore,XFC could improve the whole body function and enhance the quality of life of RA patients.  相似文献   

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