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马克思的历史唯物主义学说及其人文精神在现时代社会中的作用在目前是其他哲学理论难以超越的,尤其是在面对现代性危机与困境时更是凸显出它的意义.  相似文献   

健康是人全面发展的基础,关系到千家万户的幸福,为促进我国公民健康素养上水平的提高,很有必要普及现阶段健康生活方式和行为的基本知识和技能.而怎样使全社会人人知晓这些健康生活方式和行为的基本知识和技能进而遵从就需要发挥社区健康教育的作用,社区护理健康促进是以促进社区居民健康为目标,有组织、有计划的开展健康教育活动,引导社区居民树立健康意识,关心自身、家庭和社区的健康问题,积极参与社区健康教育活动,养成良好的卫生行为和生活方式,以提高自我保健能力和群体健康水平.  相似文献   

加拿大籍华人、著名的医学博士谢华真教授曾提出一个建立在最新医学成果和健康知识基础之上的全新健康观念:健商.健商(HQ)是健康商数(Health Quotient)的缩写,是用指数来衡量一个人具备的健康意识、健康知识、健康能力及健康素质.  相似文献   

苏轼这个才华横溢的天才,它是我国五千年来少有的瑰宝,倘若我们没有苏轼,中国文学和史学将黯然失色.苏格拉底则是古希腊智慧无穷的哲人,苏轼与苏格拉底两种截然不同的"浪漫",体现出了两种文化上的不同,也体现了我们中华民族的伟大之处.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,艺术的追求,建筑工程被赋予了新的历史任务,重新寻找失落得与生态环境之间的平衡点.环境问题成了世界的中心话题,人是环境的主体,于是人和环境又成为了建筑创作的中心课题!本文对建筑设计之生态环境的回归做了简单的阐述.  相似文献   

“基于Internet/Intranet的企业全面信息化,绝不仅仅意味着自动化程应的提高、企业管理费用的降抵,它带来的是企业内部及企业与市场之间增息交流方式的巨大变革,这些变革必将导致产业结构以及经营方式的革命,它为企业管理经营核式本身的重塑和发展,带来了新的机会。”──引自《计算机世界》经过20多年的发展,被称作未来“信息高速公路”雏形的Internet国际互联网,已成为当今世界信息产业的中心话题,进人九十年代后,Internet的热浪,已由科研教学领域迅速向企业界冲击。据报道,这一浪潮和旋风已席卷世界上近250个国家和地区中…  相似文献   

舞蹈从一产生便和音乐结成了最密切的联系,从根本上讲,任何一种舞蹈归根到底都离不开节奏比较鲜明的音乐,这是因为舞蹈总是在音乐的伴奏下展示出来,并与音乐共生共存的,不存在没有音乐伴随的舞蹈,就连原始的舞蹈也有敲击出来的节奏拍或歌唱伴合.本文通过剖析这种关系,找到其中的内在联系.  相似文献   

杨秋奇 《铝镁通讯》2005,(2):58-58,42
企业档案是企业各项活动中形成的,具有保存价值的真实记录,是企业各项活动的见证。企业档案对于企业来说是十分重要的、极有价值的。要实现档案的价值,就必须提高档案的利用率。  相似文献   

本文着重论述了科学技术与经济效益的关系。正确认识科学技术在社会发展中的地位和作用,及大力发展现代科学技术,对加速我国现代化建设进程重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

阅读与作文是语文学科的两个支架式的部分,不仅是高考中两个考察的重点,也是作为我们中小学的语文课堂教学的主体.作为语文教师,处理好阅读与写作的关系也是我们必备的素质.其实,这两者在本质上也是相通的,重点就是教会学生如何在阅读中学会写作,如何在写作中提高阅读水平,这是一件漫长而快乐的事情.  相似文献   

张英 《铝加工》2005,(1):27-29,34
针对水泥与混凝土裂缝的关系进行了探讨。阐述了产生裂缝的原因并提出了解决的措施。  相似文献   

运用自组织理论和原型理论论述了语言符号的任意性和象似性的关系.语言符号的任意性和象似性看似相对而实则相辅,象似性是建立在任意性基础之上的,任意性又受象似性的制约.正确认识任意性和象似性的辩证关系,有利于科学地确定语言教学的重点,提高教学效率.  相似文献   

软件复用可以有效地提高软件的质量和生产率,构件技术在互联网时代突飞猛进,已经为实现软件复用的理想,解决软件危机带来了曙光.本文在介绍软件复用和软件构件技术的有关内容的基础上,提出了一个具体工程应用的方法.  相似文献   

Formation mechanism and clustering of TiN?CAl2O3 inclusions precipitated during solidification of austenitic stainless steel is analyzed in this paper. Steel sample are taken from a continuously cast bloom. Clustering of inclusions was examined with a hypothesis that inclusions gather inside the pores. Precipitation of the inclusions occurs through segregation in the residual melt in the interdendritic area. Size and mean distance of the inclusion particles are calculated with mass balance. Impact fracture test in cryogenic temperature reveals clusters of inclusions inside pores on the fracture surface. Size and distribution of the inclusions are examined using light optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Inclusion??s composition is investigated with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis. Differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry Tests determined the transformation temperatures. Results of the experiments are in good agreement with theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The welfare state in post-war Norwegian society is a result of the dominating social democratic ideology now adapted to far-reaching technological development. Increased spending on health has provoked the question of whether doctors should be the guardians of the welfare state against inappropriate demands from patients. This paper argues against this view. What is really a problem for the whole society cannot be solved on the individual level. In many ways, to be sick is to fall outside the community, with a real risk of loosing rights and duties essential to all of us. The doctor has to find-and redefine-his ancient role of spokesman and champion, and of serving as a friendly and emphatic corrective to the individual patient. This is particularly important in modern health services where having to face interpersonal problems is a key element of everyday practice.  相似文献   

法学教育的分层以及社会对法律人才的多样性需求,决定了法学本科教育、法学研究生教育、法律硕士教育的目标分别是通识教育、学术教育、职业教育,而不应以通过司法考试作为其目标.司法考试的部分内容需要纳入法学教育的环节,法学教育者须关注司法考试中部分试题答案所反映的基本观点,避免出现"知识即权力"的现象.为优化法学教育结构,我国宜取消法学非普通高校教育、专科教育及非正规教育;要求只有完成了正规高等院校法学本科以上学历教育者方可参加司法考试;司法考试应该减少选择题并加大主观题的考察力度,并且增加口试.  相似文献   

Automatic and controlled modes of evaluation sometimes provide conflicting reports of the quality of social objects. This article presents evidence for 4 moderators of the relationship between automatic (implicit) and controlled (explicit) evaluations. Implicit and explicit preferences were measured for a variety of object pairs using a large sample. The average correlation was r = .36, and 52 of the 57 object pairs showed a significant positive correlation. Results of multilevel modeling analyses suggested that (a) implicit and explicit preferences are related, (b) the relationship varies as a function of the objects assessed, and (c) at least 4 variables moderate the relationship: self-presentation, evaluative strength, dimensionality, and distinctiveness. The variables moderated implicit-explicit correspondence across individuals and accounted for much of the observed variation across content domains. The resulting model of the relationship between automatic and controlled evaluative processes is grounded in personal experience with the targets of evaluation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In recent theories of event-based prospective memory, researchers have debated what degree of resources are necessary to identify a cue as related to a previously established intention. In order to simulate natural variations in attention, the authors manipulated effort toward an ongoing cognitive task in which intention-related cues were embedded in 3 experiments. High effort toward the ongoing task resulted in decreased prospective memory only when the cognitive processing required to identify the cue was similar to the cognitive processing required to complete the ongoing activity. When the required processing was different for the 2 tasks, cue detection was not affected by manipulated effort, despite there being an overall cost to decision latencies in the ongoing tasks from possessing the intention. Resource allocation policies and factors that affect them are proposed to account for ongoing vs. prospective memory task performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

依托板坯连铸机,对铸坯的展宽现象进行工业研究。通过5个连铸工厂结晶器设置的调查,对铸坯展宽的普遍性进行研究;在提出衡量铸坯展宽指标的基础上,利用仪器在线监测铸坯的展宽。结果显示:X60钢的目标展宽率范围为1.25%~3.63%,平均为3.01%;Q235钢目标展宽率范围为0.77%~2.91%,平均为2.04%;且铸坯的展宽和拉速有明显的一致性,拉速恒定,展宽也基本保持稳定,拉速降低,展宽减小,反之亦然;展宽的变化略微滞后于拉速的变化。  相似文献   

随着科学技术进步和社会生产力的提高,经济快速发展,资源被大量消耗,环境对经济发展的阻碍作用日益明显,环境问题越来越受到人们的关注。文章结合我国经济和环境发展的现状,通过探讨我国经济发展与环境保护之间的关系,分析经济与环境协调发展过程中存在的问题,提出相应的对策,以寻求经济与环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

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