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The reactivity of H2 towards UO22+ has been studied experimentally using a PEEK coated autoclave where the UO22+ concentration in aqueous solution containing 2 mM carbonate was measured as a function of time at pH2∼40 bar. The experiments were performed in the temperature interval 74-100 °C. In addition, the suggested catalytic activity of UO2 on the reduction of UO22+ by H2 was investigated. The results clearly show that H2 is capable of reducing UO22+ to UO2 without the presence of a catalyst. The reaction is of first order with respect to UO22+. The activation energy for the process is 130 ± 24 kJ mol−1 and the rate constant is k298K=3.6×10−9 l mol−1 s−1. The activation enthalpy and entropy for the process was determined to 126 kJ mol−1 and 16.5 J mol−1 K−1, respectively. Traces of oxygen were shown to inhibit the reduction process. Hence, the suggested catalytic activity of freshly precipitated UO2 on the reduction of UO22+ by H2 could not be confirmed.  相似文献   

Synthetic zeolite 3A has the molecular-sieving windows of nominal diameter 0.3 nm in its crystal lattice framework, which obstruct the crystalline adsorption of molecules of diameter larger than 0.3 nm, except water, hydrogen and helium. The window's diameter slightly varies with temperature, however, that is endorsed in experimental results that hydrogen cannot be adsorbed at the liquid-nitrogen temperature. Authors measured the range of temperature where zeolite 3A permits hydrogen adsorption, and revealed the temperature difference of several degrees in appearance of molecular sieving for H2 and D2. This difference is important because from a H2–D2 mixture one isotope could be isolated by adsorption if operated at a temperature regulated between the molecular-sieving appearance temperatures. We have reported large values of D2/H2 separation factor obtained from molecular-sieving experiments. In this study, the effect of sieving for the hybrid-atomic isotope HD is examined using a H2–HD–D2 mixture. We here report the experimental HD/H2 separation factor evaluated between the D2/H2 factor and unity. This result is significant because where the effective molecular diameter concerning the sieving mechanism is suggested. From this knowledge, the isotopic effect of sieving for HT and DT can be predicted.  相似文献   

NHO3氧化去除Np—Pu反萃液中的H2C2O4   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了用NHO3氧化去除TRPO流程反萃Np-Pu的H2C2O4反萃液中H2C2O4的条件。7.5mol.L^-1HNO3-0.3mol.L^-1H2C2O4混合液于90℃下蒸发130h和100℃下蒸馏回流6h,H2C2O4可完全分解去除;混合液中添加适量催化剂MnCO3,于100℃下蒸发或蒸馏回流,H2C2O4分解加速,1-1.5h内H2C2O4完全分解。蒸发或蒸馏回流过程中产生的HNO2把Np  相似文献   

Solid state reactions between uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and nickel nitrate hexahydrate in mixtures of various ratios have been studied at elevated temperatures. The binary system of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and nickel nitrate hexahydrate was found to form a eutectic of composition 53 mol% uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and 47 mol% nickel nitrate hexahydrate at 40 °C. The overlap of evolution of nitric oxide (NO) and water vapour above 230 °C confirmed the presence of hydroxynitrates of uranium and nickel as intermediate products. These hydroxynitrates began to react above 280 °C to form nickel uranate, NiU3O10, in the case of mixtures containing 75 mol% uranyl nitrate hexahydrate. When the proportion of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate in the mixture was higher than 75 mol%, U3O8 formed along with nickel uranate. For the mixtures containing uranyl nitrate hexahydrate lower than 75 mol%, NiO was observed to form along with NiU3O10.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of the pre-dose effect was carried out for natural white mica. A pre-dose of 1 kGy of γ-radiation followed by thermal activation to 550 °C of fired mica (heated at 800 °C for 10 h) leads to a large increase in the TL sensitivity. The TL response to γ-rays of sensitized aliquots was found to be linear-sublinear while that of unsensitized aliquots was linear-superlinear referring specifically to graphs drawn on a linear-linear scale. The change in the TL sensitivity of mica was explained by using the recombination during heating model. This study is of importance in dating and retrospective dosimetry.  相似文献   

Thermoanalytical (TG-DTA-EGA) and X-ray diffraction measurements have been used to study the reaction between uranyl nitrate hexahydrate and strontium nitrate. The results confirmed the absence of a direct interaction between the two compounds. The presence of strontium nitrate, however, ensured that the extent of hydrolysis and polymerisation of uranyl nitrate hexahydrate during its dehydration and decomposition to UO3 is significantly reduced. DTA curves recorded in both heating and cooling modes gave evidence to the occurrence of a reaction between molten strontium nitrate and uranium trioxide to form nitrato-complexes of uranium and strontium. X-ray diffraction data on reaction residues obtained at different temperatures and cooled to room temperature also showed evidence for the formation of such complexes. The results obtained indicated an increase in thermal stability of these nitrato-complexes with increase in Sr/U ratio. The complex with an Sr/U ratio of 2.0 is stable up to 660 °C and the complex with Sr/U ratio of 4.0 is stable up to 680 °C. These complexes decompose at higher temperatures to give strontium uranates.  相似文献   

The linear differential scattering coefficients at 60 keV have been measured for UO2(C2H3O2)2 · 2H2O (uranyl-acetate) and Th(NO3)4 · 5H2O (thorium-nitrate) radioactive compounds at seven angles ranging from 60° to 120° at intervals 10°. The obtained results have been compared with relativistic and non-relativistic theoretical values.  相似文献   

I2 released from fuel in the event of a severe nuclear reactor accident has the ability to deposit on surfaces in the containment building. This study has focused on the reactions of I2 with reactive metals available in the containment. The experiments have been performed under conditions similar to those in a boiling water reactor at an accident situation. Copper, zinc and aluminium showed extensive uptake of gaseous I2 under humid conditions. Reaction rates were determined at 25, 50 and 70 °C and could be used for quantifying the effect of reactions between gaseous I2 and copper, zinc and aluminium.Experiments with the metals placed in water showed lower I2 uptake. Zinc iodide and aluminium iodide rapidly dissolves in water and no uptake of I2 on these surfaces could be verified. Copper iodide has low solubility and I2 was adsorbed on the surface.Experiments performed with reactive metals and methyl iodide showed a minor uptake of methyl iodide on zinc and aluminium in the gas phase for temperatures up to 80 °C. A continuous uptake of methyl iodide on copper was measured at 80 °C.  相似文献   

A horizontal thermal analysis instrument was adapted as a transpiration apparatus for the measurement of vapour pressure of solid boric acid, H3BO3. The experimental parameters necessary for establishing a dynamic isothermal congruent vapourisation equilibrium of H3BO3 were identified. Using these optimized transpiration experiments, the vapour pressures were measured in the temperature range 326-363 K. The temperature dependence of the measured values of vapour pressures could be expressed using the expression, log(p/Pa) = 26.83(±0.09) − 9094(±246)/T (K). The standard enthalpy of sublimation, , of H3BO3 was estimated to be 174.1 ± 4.7 kJ mol−1 at the mean temperature of the present measurements, viz., 345 K.  相似文献   

Molecular oxygen and hydrogen ions were scattered at grazing incidence from various thin Al2O3 films. The energy of incident particles was varied from 390 to 1000 eV. For scattered positive oxygen ions, negative ion fractions of up to 17% were recorded. For scattered positive hydrogen ions, the negative ion fractions reached up to 2%. These findings qualify thin films of Al2O3 as possible candidates for use as charge state conversion surfaces in neutral particle sensing instruments, which will work in space.  相似文献   

Thermal desorption of hydrogen molecules from H+ irradiated graphite is studied using dynamic Monte Carlo simulation. The purpose of this study is to understand the experimentally observed phenomena that the thermal desorption of H2 from the graphite exhibits sometimes single desorption peak, sometimes double peaks, and even three desorption peaks under certain circumstances. The study result reveals that the fluence of pre-implanted H+, the concentration of trap sites, porosity, and mean crystallite volume are important parameters in determining the number of desorption peaks. It is found that low implantation fluence and high concentration of trap sites easily lead to the occurrence of single desorption peak at around 1000 K, and high implantation fluence and low concentration of trap sites favor the occurrence of double desorption peaks, with a new desorption peak at around 820 K. It is also found that small porosity of graphite and large crystallite volume benefit the occurrence of single desorption peak at around 1000 K while large porosity of graphite and small crystallite volume facilitate the occurrence of double desorption peaks, respectively, at around 820 and 1000 K. In addition, experimentally observed third desorption peak at lower temperature is reproduced by simulation with assuming the graphite containing a small concentration of solute hydrogen atoms.  相似文献   

The high-temperature specific heat of solid UO2, ThO2, and Al2O3 can be represented by an equation of the form Cp(s) = 3nRF(?D/T) + dT3, (1) where ?D is the Debye temperature, F(?D/T) is the Debye function, d represents contributions of the anharmonic vibrations within the lattice, and n denotes the number of atoms per molecule. In the liquid the corresponding equation is Cp(1) = 3nRF(?D/T) + hT2, (2) where h is the anharmonic term. It is shown that for Al2O3 and UO2, where experimental data for the liquid phase are also available, dh has the same value, Indicating that both materials behave identically. If we compare the thermodynamic relationship Cp ? Cv = Vα2KT, (3) where V is the volume, α the volume expansion coefficient, and K the bulk modulus, with equation (1), It follows that d must be equal to 2KT2; the value of 2KT2 is calculated in the temperature region where d was obtained; within experimental error they are equal.  相似文献   

Alloy 617 has been selected for the intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) of the very high temperature gas-cooled reactor (VHTR) for the economic production of electricity and hydrogen. In this work, the strengthening effects of Cr2O3 thermally grown on alloy 617 foils at 800 and 900 °C were investigated. A micro-tensile test system was used for in situ measurement of tensile strain in the foils and superficial thermally-grown Cr2O3. Each foil was heated until the thermally-grown Cr2O3 reached a predetermined thickness; then, a load was applied to measure the tensile response. As the Cr2O3 layer thickened on the surface of the metal foils, the strengths and stiffnesses of the foils were enhanced. We assumed that there was no interaction between the substrate and the superficial chromia, and the strength of Cr2O3 itself was measured. At 800 °C, the Cr2O3 was brittle and the strength was governed by crack initiation. At 900 °C, the Cr2O3 was much more ductile, and strain hardening was observed for even the smallest thickness. The strength was maintained even after crack initiation was observed on the surface.  相似文献   

The formation of U2C3 by the reaction of UC2 with UO2 has been studied by chemical and X-ray analyses at temperatures between 1400 and 1700 °C in vacuo. The reaction is represented by 7 UC2 + UO2 → 4 U2C3 + 2 CO.  相似文献   

The interface of thin Lu2O3 on silicon has been studied using high-resolution RBS (HRBS) for samples annealed at different temperatures. Thin rare earth metal oxides are of interest as candidates for next generation transistor gate dielectrics, due to their high-k values allowing for equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of less than 1 nm. Among them, Lu2O3 has been found to have the highest lattice energy and largest band gap, making it a good candidate for an alternative high-k gate dielectric. HRBS depth profiling results have shown the existence of a thin (∼2 nm) transitional silicate layer beneath the Lu2O3 films. The thicknesses of the Lu2O3 films were found to be ∼8 nm and the films were determined to be non-crystalline. Angular scans were performed across the [1 1 0] and [1 1 1] axis along planar channels, and clear shifts in the channeling minimum indicate the presence of Si lattice strain at the silicate/Si interface.  相似文献   

The influence of high burn-up structured material on UO2 corrosion has been studied in an autoclave experiment. The experiment was conducted on spent fuel fragments with an average burn-up of 67 GWd/tHM. They were corroded in a simplified groundwater containing 33 mM dissolved H2 for 502 days. All redox sensitive elements were reduced. The reduction continued until a steady-state concentration was reached in the leachate for U at 1.5 × 10−10 M and for Pu at 7 × 10−11 M. The instant release of Cs during the first 7 days was determined to 3.4% of the total inventory. However, the Cs release stopped after release of 3.5%. It was shown that the high burn-up structure did not enhance fuel corrosion.  相似文献   

The kinetics of initial stage sintering of UO2 powder were reinvestigated, using Ar-10% H2 atmosphere. The effect of the addition of neodynium oxide was studied. The results revealed that surface and grain boundary diffusion mechanisms act simultaneously. The values of activation energies were found to be 48.48 ± 3.51 kcal/mole in the temperature range 870–942°C and 89.88 ± 9.87 kcal/mole in the temperature range of 942–1030°C for UO2, and 115.61 ± 7.77 kcal/mole in the temperature range 1030–1150°C for UO2 + Nd2O3. An important decrease in the calculated diffusion coefficient occurs by the addition of Nd2O3.  相似文献   

Double electron capture of protons in collisions with molecular hydrogen in the energy range 1.5-10 keV was studied by measuring the resulting H- velocity distributions. In this paper, a technique that provides experimental evidence about double capture mechanisms is proposed. In addition, cross-sections for this process were measured in the energy range of 1-5 keV.  相似文献   

Characteristics of pulsed X-ray induced transient absorption at 1061 mm have been determined for LiNbO3, TiO2:LiNbO3, and MgO:LiNbO3. The addition of the dopants TiO2 and MgO reduces the induced absorption significantly. The two materials, LiNbO3 and TiO 2:LiNbO3, decay with an approximate 1/t1/4 time dependence for the time interval 0.01 to 8 ms. After 8 ms, the decay rate for LiNbO3 is faster than 1/t1/4, and the decay rate for TiO2:LiNbO3 is slower than that initial rate. A low-intensity absorption which lasts for about 20 μs is observed for the MgO:LiNbO3. Peak radiation induced absorption coefficients for LiNbO3, TiO2:LiNbO3, and MgO:LiNbO3 have been determined  相似文献   

The information on thermal and mechanical properties of the minor actinide dioxides: NpO2, AmO2 and CmO2, is still very scarce, and a large uncertainty exists because of difficulties related to their fabrication and manipulation. Prognosis based on a set of the sound physical models and the similarity principle can be useful in this situation. Using the combination of the macroscopic and microscopic approaches developed earlier for thermodynamic properties of actinide dioxides, and the Klemmens model for their thermal conductivity, a few relationships bounding the main thermophysical properties of the actinide dioxides were deduced. These relationships were applied for the calculation of the isochoric and isobaric heat capacity, the isobaric thermal expansion coefficient, the isothermal bulk elastic modulus and the thermal conductivity of NpO2, AmO2 and CmO2 in a large temperature range. A rather satisfactory agreement with the available experimental data and recommendations was demonstrated.  相似文献   

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