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神经递质释放对维持生物体正常的生命活动有着重要的意义,它是由囊泡运输介导完成的.神经元细胞中囊泡运输涉及许多蛋白质间的相互作用,共同调控这一复杂的过程,可溶性小分子蛋白Complexin(Cpx)在这一过程中起着重要的作用,它同时具有抑制囊泡自发发放和促进囊泡诱发发放的功能.本文综合国内外近20年的研究,着重介绍了Cpx蛋白各部分结构域的功能,及其与一些囊泡分泌相关蛋白,如SNARE复合体、Synaptotagmin(Syt),间的相互作用机制及其最新进展.  相似文献   

Regulated exocytosis requires that the assembly of the basic membrane fusion machinery is temporarily arrested. Synchronized membrane fusion is then caused by a specific trigger-a local rise of the Ca(2+) concentration. Using reconstituted giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), we have analysed the role of complexin and membrane-anchored synaptotagmin 1 in arresting and synchronizing fusion by lipid-mixing and cryo-electron microscopy. We find that they mediate the formation and consumption of docked small unilamellar vesicles (SUVs) via the following sequence of events: Synaptotagmin 1 mediates v-SNARE-SUV docking to t-SNARE-GUVs in a Ca(2+)-independent manner. Complexin blocks vesicle consumption, causing accumulation of docked vesicles. Together with synaptotagmin 1, complexin synchronizes and stimulates rapid fusion of accumulated docked vesicles in response to physiological Ca(2+) concentrations. Thus, the reconstituted assay resolves both the stimulatory and inhibitory function of complexin and mimics key aspects of synaptic vesicle fusion.  相似文献   

THIS report deals with some of the statistical properties of quantal transmitter release at the Mauthner fibre-giant fibre synapse in the hatchetfish Gasteropelecus and the way in which these properties are modified by presynaptic intracellular depolarization. The experiments reported indicate that Poisson statistics describe transmitter release in the hatchetfish at low, but not at high, release levels.  相似文献   

突触小泡膜蛋白及其在神经递质释放过程中的作用已取得若干研究进展.突触素I、SY蛋白、SO蛋白、SB蛋白、SG蛋白等都是突触小泡膜的重要蛋白质,这些蛋白质在突触小泡的贴靠、膜融合及胞吐作用中起着局部自主性调节作用.  相似文献   

Research for three decades and major recent advances have provided crucial insights into how neurotransmitters are released by Ca2+‐triggered synaptic vesicle exocytosis, leading to reconstitution of basic steps that underlie Ca2+‐dependent membrane fusion and yielding a model that assigns defined functions for central components of the release machinery. The soluble N‐ethyl maleimide sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) syntaxin‐1, SNAP‐25, and synaptobrevin‐2 form a tight SNARE complex that brings the vesicle and plasma membranes together and is key for membrane fusion. N‐ethyl maleimide sensitive factor (NSF) and soluble NSF attachment proteins (SNAPs) disassemble the SNARE complex to recycle the SNAREs for another round of fusion. Munc18‐1 and Munc13‐1 orchestrate SNARE complex formation in an NSF‐SNAP‐resistant manner by a mechanism whereby Munc18‐1 binds to synaptobrevin and to a self‐inhibited “closed” conformation of syntaxin‐1, thus forming a template to assemble the SNARE complex, and Munc13‐1 facilitates assembly by bridging the vesicle and plasma membranes and catalyzing opening of syntaxin‐1. Synaptotagmin‐1 functions as the major Ca2+ sensor that triggers release by binding to membrane phospholipids and to the SNAREs, in a tight interplay with complexins that accelerates membrane fusion. Many of these proteins act as both inhibitors and activators of exocytosis, which is critical for the exquisite regulation of neurotransmitter release. It is still unclear how the actions of these various proteins and multiple other components that control release are integrated and, in particular, how they induce membrane fusion, but it can be expected that these fundamental questions can be answered in the near future, building on the extensive knowledge already available.  相似文献   

In experiments on neuromuscular junctions in the frog m. thoraco-cutaneous, we studied changes in the transmitter release and shape of the nerve ending (NE) response related to high-frequency (10 or 50 sec-1) rhythmic stimulation of the motor nerve; an extracellular recording technique was used. At a low extracellular Ca2+ concentration, rhythmic stimulation resulted in a gradual increase in the quantum content of end-plate currents, i.e., in facilitation. Simultaneously, the third (positive) phase of the NE response became smaller, the amplitude of the second (negative) phase of this response also decreased, while the duration of this phase increased. Modifications of the NE response upon stimulation with a 10 sec-1 frequency were more clearly expressed than those at 50 sec-1 stimulation. In Ca2+-free solutions, rhythmic stimulation was accompanied by analogous modifications of the shape of NE responses, and the dynamics of these changes were the same at both the above-mentioned stimulation frequencies. When 0.5-1.0 mM tetraethylammonium was applied, 10 sec-1 stimulation was accompanied by no facilitation of transmitter release; at 50 sec-1 stimulation, this phenomenon was observed but was weaker than in the control, and the shape of NE responses underwent only mild changes. Simulation of electrogenesis in the studied structure showed that modifications of the NE response shape related to rhythmic 10 sec-1 stimulation can develop in the case of a gradual decrease in the voltage-dependent potassium membrane conductivity, which results in prolongation of the de- and repolarization phases of action potentials and increases in the amplitude and duration of the inward calcium current. At higher stimulation frequencies (50 sec-1), this mechanism is accompanied by a gradual increase in the Ca2+-dependent potassium conductivity, due to an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. These data allow us to conclude that the intensity of facilitation of transmitter release from the frog motor NE is related not only to accumulation of residual calcium, but also to changes of presynaptic calcium current due to modification of the kinetics of functioning of the potassium channels.  相似文献   

N- and P/Q-type calcium channels are localized in high density in presynaptic nerve terminals and are crucial elements in neuronal excitation–secretion coupling. In addition to mediating Ca2+ entry to initiate transmitter release, they are thought to interact directly with proteins of the synaptic vesicle docking/fusion machinery. As outlined in the preceding article, these calcium channels can be purified from brain as a complex with SNARE proteins which are involved in exocytosis. In addition, N-type and P/Q-type calcium channels are co-localized with syntaxin in high-density clusters in nerve terminals. Here we review the role of the synaptic protein interaction (synprint) sites in the intracellular loop II–III (LII–III) of both 1B and 1A subunits of N-type and P/Q-type calcium channels, which bind to syntaxin, SNAP-25, and synaptotagmin. Calcium has a biphasic effect on the interactions of N-type calcium channels with SNARE complexes, stimulating optimal binding in the range of 10–20 M. PKC or CaM KII phosphorylation of the N-type synprint peptide inhibits interactions with native brain SNARE complexes containing syntaxin and SNAP-25. Introduction of the synprint peptides into presynaptic superior cervical ganglion neurons reversibly inhibits EPSPs from synchronous transmitter release by 42%. At physiological Ca2+ concentrations, synprint peptides cause an approximate 25% reduction in transmitter release of injected frog neuromuscular junction in cultures, consistent with detachment of 70% of the docked vesicles from calcium channels based on a theoretical model. Together, these studies suggest that presynaptic calcium channels not only provide the calcium signal required by the exocytotic machinery, but also contain structural elements that are integral to vesicle docking, priming, and fusion processes.  相似文献   

Synthetic peptides patterned after the C-terminus of synaptosomal associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP25) efficiently abrogate regulated exocytosis. In contrast, the use of SNAP25 N-terminal-derived peptides to modulate SNAP receptors (SNARE) complex assembly and neurosecretion has not been explored. Here, we show that the N-terminus of SNAP25, specially the segment that encompasses 22Ala-44Ile, is essential for the formation of the SNARE complex. Peptides patterned after this protein domain are potent inhibitors of SNARE complex formation. The inhibitory activity correlated with their propensity to adopt an alpha-helical secondary structure. These peptides abrogated SNARE complex formation only when added previous to the onset of aggregate assembly. Analysis of the mechanism of action revealed that these peptides disrupted the binary complex formed by SNAP25 and syntaxin. The identified peptides inhibited Ca2+-dependent exocytosis from detergent-permeabilized excitable cells. Noteworthy, these amino acid sequences markedly protected intact hippocampal neurones against hypoglycaemia-induced, glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity with a potency that rivalled that displayed by botulinum neurotoxins. Our findings indicate that peptides patterned after the N-terminus of SNAP25 are potent inhibitors of SNARE complex formation and neuronal exocytosis. Because of their activity in intact neurones, these cell permeable peptides may be hits for antispasmodic and analgesic drug development.  相似文献   

The ATP dependence of the kinetics of Ca2+-dependent exocytosis after flash photolysis of caged Ca2+ was studied by capacitance measurements with submillisecond resolution in single synaptic terminals of retinal bipolar neurons. After control experiments verified that this combination of techniques is valid for the study of exocytosis in synaptic terminals, a comparison was made between the Ca2+ dependence of the rate of exocytosis in synaptic terminals internally dialyzed with MgATP, MgATP-γ-S, or no added Mg2+ or nucleotide. The Ca2+ threshold for release, the maximum rate of release, and the overall relationship between the rate of synaptic vesicle fusion and [Ca2+]i were found to be independent of MgATP. A decrease in the average rate at near-threshold [Ca2+]i was observed in terminals with MgATP-γ-S, but due to the small sample size is of unclear significance. The Ca2+ dependence of the delay between the elevation of [Ca2+]i and the beginning of the capacitance rise was also found to be independent of MgATP. In contrast, MgATP had a marked effect on the ability of terminals to respond to multiple stimuli. Terminals with MgATP typically exhibited a capacitance increase to a second stimulus that was >70% of the amplitude of the first response and to a third stimulus with a response amplitude that was >50% of the first, whereas terminals without MgATP responded to a second stimulus with a response <35% of the first and rarely responded to a third flash. These results suggest a major role for MgATP in preparing synaptic vesicles for fusion, but indicate that cytosolic MgATP may have little role in events downstream of calcium entry, provided that [Ca2+]i near release sites is elevated above ≈30 μM.  相似文献   

The regulated release of neurotransmitter occurs via the fusion of synaptic vesicles (SVs) at specialized regions of the presynaptic membrane called active zones (AZs). These regions are defined by a cytoskeletal matrix assembled at AZs (CAZ), which functions to direct SVs toward docking and fusion sites and supports their maturation into the readily releasable pool. In addition, CAZ proteins localize voltage‐gated Ca2+ channels at SV release sites, bringing the fusion machinery in close proximity to the calcium source. Proteins of the CAZ therefore ensure that vesicle fusion is temporally and spatially organized, allowing for the precise and reliable release of neurotransmitter. Importantly, AZs are highly dynamic structures, supporting presynaptic remodeling, changes in neurotransmitter release efficacy, and thus presynaptic forms of plasticity. In this review, we discuss recent advances in the study of active zones, highlighting how the CAZ molecularly defines sites of neurotransmitter release, endocytic zones, and the integrity of synapses.  相似文献   

In addition to its well-characterized effects in immune system, chemokine CC motif ligand 2 (CCL2, formerly known as monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) is believed to play an important role in brain physiological and pathological processes. It has been shown that CCL2 and its cognate receptor chemokine CC motif receptor 2 are constitutively expressed in several brain regions including the hippocampus, and the expression is up-regulated under pathological conditions. Whereas most investigations have so far focused on its involvement in CNS pathology, few studies have examined the effects of CCL2 on neuronal and synaptic physiology. In this study, we tested the effects of CCL2 on neuronal excitability and excitatory synaptic transmission in the CA1 region of rat hippocampal slices using whole-cell patch clamp techniques. Bath application of CCL2 depolarized membrane potential and increased spike firing in CA1 neuronal cells. Bath application of CCL2 also produced an increase of excitatory post-synaptic currents recorded in Schaffer-collateral fibers to CA1 synapses. Quantal analysis revealed that CCL2 increased the frequency of spontaneous excitatory post-synaptic current occurrence and mean quantal content. Taken together, our data indicate that CCL2 enhances neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission via pre-synaptic mechanisms. These results support the emerging concept that chemokines function as neuromodulators in the CNS.  相似文献   

More than 25 years have passed since the original demonstration that proteins such as chromogranin A and dopamine--hydroxylase, which are co-stored together with noradrenaline in large dense cored vesicles in adrenergic nerves, are released by exocytosis. Despite much evidence in favour, it was for a long time thought that large dense cored vesicles were not eminently involved in the release of noradrenaline. The present review attempts to demonstrate, making use of evidence from different approaches, that the release of noradrenaline from sympathetic neurons occurs ultimately from large dense cored vesicles. A model of the secretory cycle is proposed.  相似文献   

目的:构建SDH-SV2C-L4融合蛋白表达载体,在大肠杆菌中表达具有山梨糖脱氢酶(SDH)活性的融合蛋白。方法:将C亚型突触囊泡蛋白2大突环L4(SV2C-L4)基因与SDH基因以GGGS柔性接头连接,在大肠杆菌DH5α中表达;用NBT染色和DCIP脱色的方法检测融合蛋白的SDH活性。结果:DNA测序及SDS-PAGE结果显示构建了融合蛋白表达载体,并表达了SDH-SV2C-L4融合蛋白,相对分子质量约80×103;DCIP脱色及NBT染色均检测到融合蛋白的SDH活性。结论:与SV2C-L4融合的SDH仍具有活性,为下一步SV2C-L4活性检测方法的建立及SDH与SV2C-L4的其他相关研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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