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Measuring the black hole masses of high-redshift quasars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new technique is presented for determining the black hole masses of high-redshift quasars from optical spectroscopy. The new method utilizes the full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the low-ionization Mg  ii emission line and the correlation between the broad-line region (BLR) radius and the continuum luminosity at 3000 Å. Using archival ultraviolet (UV) spectra it is found that the correlation between BLR radius and 3000-Å luminosity is tighter than the established correlation with 5100-Å luminosity. Furthermore, it is found that the correlation between BLR radius and 3000-Å continuum luminosity is consistent with a relation of the form   R BLR∝λ L 1/2λ  , as expected for a constant ionization parameter. Using a sample of objects with broad-line radii determined from reverberation mapping it is shown that the FWHM of Mg  ii and Hβ are consistent with following an exact one-to-one relation, as expected if both Hβ and Mg  ii are emitted at the same radius from the central ionizing source. The resulting virial black hole mass estimator based on rest-frame UV observables is shown to reproduce black hole mass measurements based on reverberation mapping to within a factor of 2.5 (1σ). Finally, the new UV black hole mass estimator is shown to produce identical results to the established optical (Hβ) estimator when applied to 128 intermediate-redshift  (0.3 < z < 0.9)  quasars drawn from the Large Bright Quasar Survey and the radio-selected Molonglo quasar sample. We therefore conclude that the new UV virial black hole mass estimator can be reliably used to estimate the black hole masses of quasars from   z ∼ 0.25  through to the peak epoch of quasar activity at   z ∼ 2.5  via optical spectroscopy alone.  相似文献   

The colours of high-redshift Type II quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are synthesized from observations of moderate-redshift systems. It is shown that Type II QSOs are comparable to starbursts at matching the colours of z 850-dropouts and i 775-drops in the Hubble UltraDeep Field , and more naturally account for the bluest objects detected. Type II QSOs may also account for some of the i 775-drops detected in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) fields. It is shown that by combining imaging data from the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope , it will be possible to clearly separate Type II QSOs from Type I QSOs and starbursts based on their colours. Similarly, it is shown that the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) ZYJ filters may be used to discriminate high-redshift Type II QSOs from other objects. If Type II QSOs are prevalent at high redshifts, then active galactic nuclei (AGNs) may be major contributors to the re-ionization of the intergalactic medium.  相似文献   

We study the geometry of the Hβ broad emission region by comparing the M BH values derived from Hβ through the virial relation with those obtained from the host galaxy luminosity in a sample of 36 low-redshift  ( z ∼ 0.3)  quasars. This comparison lets us infer the geometrical factor f needed to deproject the line-of-sight velocity component of the emitting gas. The wide range of f values we found, together with the strong dependence of f on the observed linewidth, suggests that a disc-like model for the broad-line region is preferable to an isotropic model, both for radio-loud and radio-quiet quasars. We examined similar observations of the C  iv line and found no correlation in the width of the two lines. Our results indicate that an inflated disc broad-line region, in which the Carbon line is emitted in a flat disc while Hβ is produced in a geometrically thick region, can account for the observed differences in the width and shape of the two emission lines.  相似文献   

We discuss the relative merits of mid-infrared and X-ray selection of type 2 quasars. We describe the mid-infrared, near-infrared and radio selection criteria used to find a population of redshift   z ∼ 2  type 2 quasars which we previously argued suggests that most supermassive black hole growth in the Universe is obscured. We present the optical spectra obtained from the William Herschel Telescope, and we compare the narrow emission-line luminosity, radio luminosity and maximum size of jets to those of objects from radio-selected samples. This analysis suggests that these are genuine radio-quiet type 2 quasars, albeit the radio-bright end of this population. We also discuss the possibility of two different types of quasar obscuration, which could explain how the ∼2–3:1 ratio of type 2 to type 1 quasars preferred by modelling our population can be reconciled with the ∼1:1 ratio predicted by unified schemes.  相似文献   

We present integral field spectroscopy of a small sample of radio-loud quasars at intermediate redshift (0.26< z <0.60), most of which are associated with large radio sources. All have oxygen line emission extended over tens of kpc, and these nebulae display a diverse range in both morphology and kinematic behaviour. Two quasars show 'plumes' of extended line emission, two show a clumpy structure and a further one shows a smooth distribution. There is no clear pattern with regard to the distribution of the ionized gas in relation to the radio source axis; the extended emission-line regions are found both parallel and perpendicular – and also totally unrelated to – the radio axis. The velocity structure of the ionized gas ranges from essentially static to apparent smooth rotation, and in two cases shows a clear association with the radio source. Given the disparity in properties, the nebulae all show a surprisingly similar ionization state, as measured by the extended lines of [O  ii ] λ 3727 and [O  iii ] λ 5007. Assuming the gas is ionized by at least the nearby quasar nucleus, we use the emission line ratios to infer a pressure in the ionized gas; in all cases we find it to be at high pressure, suggesting confinement by an external (probably intracluster) medium.  相似文献   

Correlation between radio and broad-line emission in radio-loud quasars   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a correlation between radio and broad-line emission for a sample of radio-loud quasars that supports a close link between accretion processes and relativistic jets. BL Lac objects seem to follow the statistical behaviour of quasars, but with fainter broad-line emission.  相似文献   

Corrections to the magnitudes of high-redshift objects due to intergalactic attenuation are computed using current estimates of the properties of the intergalactic medium (IGM). The results of numerical simulations are used to estimate the contributions to resonant scattering from the higher-order Lyman transitions. Differences of 0.5–1 mag from the previous estimate of Madau are found. Intergalactic k IGM-corrections and colours are provided for high-redshift starburst galaxies and Type I and Type II quasi-stellar objects for several filter systems used in current and planned deep optical and infrared surveys.  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between the extended radio and line emission for a radio-loud quasar sample including both core-dominated and lobe-dominated quasars. A strong correlation is present between the extended radio and broad-line emission. The core emission is also correlated with the broad-line emission for core-dominated quasars in the sample. The statistical behaviour of the core emission of lobe-dominated quasars is rather different from that of core-dominated quasars. The extended radio luminosity is a good tracer for jet power, while the core luminosity can only be a jet power tracer for core-dominated quasars.  相似文献   

We announce the discovery of an extended emission-line region associated with a high-redshift type-2 quasi-stellar object (QSO). The halo, which was discovered in our new wide-field narrow-band survey, resides at   z = 2.85  in the Spitzer First Look Survey region and is extended over ∼80 kpc. Deep very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations imply that approximately 50 per cent of the radio emission is extended on scales >200 pc. The inferred active galactic nuclei (AGN) luminosity is sufficient to ionize the extended halo, and the optical emission is consistent with being triggered coevally with the radio source. The Lyα halo is as luminous as those found around high-redshift radio galaxies; however, the active nucleus is several orders of magnitude less luminous at radio wavelengths than those Fanarof–Riley type II (FRIIs) more commonly associated with extended emission-line regions. AMS05 appears to be a high-redshift analogue to the radio-quiet quasar E1821+643 which is core dominated, but which also exhibits extended Fanarof–Riley type I (FRI)-like structure and contains an optically powerful AGN. We also find evidence for more quiescent kinematics in the Lyα emission line in the outer regions of the halo, reminiscent of the haloes around the more powerful FRIIs. The optical to mid-infrared spectral energy distribution is well described by a combination of an obscured QSO  ( L bol∼ 3.4 ± 0.2 × 1013 L)  and a 1.4 Gyr old simple stellar population with mass  ∼3.9 ± 0.3 × 1011 M  .  相似文献   

The relationship between the black hole mass and velocity dispersion indicated with [O  iii ] linewidth is investigated for a sample of 87 flat-spectrum radio quasars selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 3 quasar catalogue. We found that the   M BH−σ[O III]  relation is different from the Tremaine et al. relation for nearby inactive galaxies, with a larger black hole mass at given velocity dispersion. There is no strong evidence of cosmology evolution in the   M BH−σ[O III]  relation up to   z ∼ 0.8  . A significant correlation between the [O  iii ] luminosity and broad-line region (BLR) luminosity is found. When transferring the [O  iii ] luminosity to narrow-line region (NLR) luminosity, the BLR luminosity is, on average, larger than the NLR one by about one order of magnitude. We found a strong correlation between the synchrotron peak luminosity and NLR luminosity, which implies a tight relation between the jet physics and accretion process.  相似文献   

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