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This paper presents chemical fractionation and contamination intensities of trace elements in stream sediments at the Sarcheshmeh mine, southeastern Iran, which is one of the world’s largest Oligo-Miocene porphyry copper deposits. Evaluation of environmental pollution indices and maximum probable background concentrations revealed that As, Cu, Cd, Mo, Pb, Sb, Se, S, and Zn are highly concentrated in the contaminated sediments, while Cr, Co, Ni, Fe, and Mn show lower enrichment values. Discharges of industrial effluents (especially those contaminated by tailings), reject waste from the semi-autogenous mill, and rock waste drainages are the main anthropogenic contaminant sources. High values of As, Cu, Fe, Mo, Pb, and Zn were associated with the oxidizable, primary sulfide, and residual sediment fractions. Relatively high percentages of Co (>92?%), Cr (>58?%), Cu (>79?%), Fe (>40?%), Mn (>97?%), Ni (>87?%), and Zn (>83?%) in the sediments associated with the rock waste drainages were readily released during the extraction of water-soluble, exchangeable, and carbonate fractions. Sediments that received reject waste drainages were also polluted by As (>351.7?mg?kg?1), Cu (>1.58?%), Mo (>91.8?mg?kg?1), Pb (>291.8?mg?kg?1), and Zn (>762.4?mg?kg?1). A large percentage of these contaminants were found to be adsorbed and co-precipitated with amorphous Fe-oxides and carbonate phases. The chemical fractionation pattern of the potentially hazardous trace elements corresponded well with the mineralogical composition of the contaminated sediments.  相似文献   

Precipitation, surface, and groundwater samples were collected during 2009–2010 in the Sarcheshmeh copper mine drainage basin, Kerman Province, Iran. Groundwater samples were collected from both shallow and deep aquifers. All of the samples were analyzed for stable isotopes, deuterium (2H), and oxygen-18 (18O), and some were analyzed for tritium (3H). The results show a more restricted range of isotopic composition in groundwater samples than in precipitation samples based on the isotopic composition of the precipitation. The isotopic composition of surface and groundwater samples plot to the right of the local meteoric water line of the Sarcheshmeh area and around the evaporation line, indicating that the groundwater within the study area originates from meteoric water that has undergone secondary evaporation before or during recharge. Tritium was below the detection limit in the deep groundwater samples while shallow groundwater samples had tritium concentrations between 1.2 and 1.7 TU, which indicates a longer residence time for deep groundwater.  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - The effect of the electrokinetic process on the extraction of trapped water was evaluated in the Miduk copper mine’s tailings slurry. The effect of the...  相似文献   

Geochemical and hydrochemical investigations were performed to understand the contamination potential of the Sarcheshmeh mine tailings. The geochemical mobility for the tailings is as follows: Cu > Cd > Co > Zn > Ni > Mn > S > Cr > Sn > As > Se > Fe = Bi > Sb = Pb = Mo. Highly mobile and contaminant elements (Cd, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Ni, S, and Cr), which significantly correlated with each other, were mainly concentrated in the surface evaporative layer of the old, weathered tailings, due to the high evaporation rate, which causes subsurface water to migrate upward via capillary action. The contamination potential associated with the tailings is controlled by: (1) dissolution of secondary evaporative soluble phases, especially after rainfall on the old weathered tailings, accompanied by low pH and high contamination loads of Al, Cd, Co, Mg, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, S, Se, and Zn; (2) processing of the Cu-porphyry ore under alkaline conditions, which is responsible for the high Mo (mean of 2.55 mg/L) and very low values of other contaminants in fresh tailings in the decantation pond; (3) low mobility of As, Fe, Pb, Sb, Mo, and Sn due to natural adsorption and co-precipitation in the tailings oxidizing zone. Speciation modeling showed that sulfate complexes (MSO4 +, M(SO4)(aq), M(SO4) 2 ?2 , and M(SO4) 2 ? ) and free metal species (M+2 and M+3) are the dominant forms of dissolved cations in the acidic waters associated with the weathered tailings. In the alkaline and highly alkaline waters, trace element speciation was controlled by various hydroxide complexes, such as M(OH)+, M(OH) 3 ? , M3(OH) 4 +2 , M2(OH) 3 + , M(OH)2(aq), M(OH) 4 ?2 , Me(OH) 2 + , Me(OH) 4 ? , Me(OH) 2 + , Me(OH)3(aq), and Me(OH) 4 ? (where M represents bivalent and Me represents trivalent cations). The speciation pattern of As, Mo, and Se is mainly dominated by oxy-anion forms. The obtained results can be used as a basis for environmental management of the Cu-porphyry mine tailings.  相似文献   

鄢榕青 《金属矿山》2009,39(8):130-131
德兴铜矿为亚洲最大的露天铜矿山,采区边坡、采矿作业面及废石场等产生的酸性废水污染源点多面广,酸性水水质水量变化大,因而酸性水处理系统调控难度大。主要阐述德兴铜矿通过优化矿山酸性水处理调控系统,采取源头削减、过程控制、末端治理的方法,达到控制和减少酸性废水产生和排放,提高酸性水的处理能力。  相似文献   

In southern Spain, coal seams typically contain pyrite. The mines there are characteristically contaminated by the presence of diverse metals disolved in acidic water. An experimental passive system, containing an anoxic limestone draine, organic matter and wetlands, was constructed to assess how best to inprove the water chemistry. The procedure we used is reported on here so others can learn from what we did.  相似文献   

斑岩铜矿铜钼分离工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王洪忠 《金属矿山》2009,39(9):108-112
介绍了钼的特性及铜钼分离技术发展现状,探讨了铜钼分离最佳工艺操作条件。试验结果表明,当选用巯基乙酸作抑铜浮钼分离抑制剂,可以很好地解决钼矿选别作业回收率低的问题。在选定的最优化条件下,经过多次精选后,钼精矿品位最终可稳定在含Mo 50.00%以上,铜钼分离钼的回收率可提高到85.00%。  相似文献   

针对永平铜矿选矿厂原石灰乳供给系统存在的问题,采取了相应的改进措施,确保了石灰乳的正常供给,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

旋流器脱泥优化某高泥氧化铜矿石的回收效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈明  倪文  黄万抚 《金属矿山》2007,37(7):80-84
某高泥氧化铜矿石铜品位为4.26%,主要铜矿物为孔雀石,其次是辉铜矿、硅孔雀石和斜硅铜矿,脉石矿物主要为泥质粉砂岩、石英粉砂、绢云母、绿泥石等。针对氧化铜矿石浮选中矿泥会恶化浮选过程,大量消耗浮选药剂,影响浮选指标的问题,对磨矿细度为-0.074 mm占64.04%的矿石(-0.010 mm占14.05%)优先选出硫化铜矿物后的产品进行了直接硫化浮选和旋流器机械脱泥后的浮选试验。结果表明,用旋流器脱出的产率为12.64%、铜品位为4.82%的细泥采用浸出工艺处理,铜浸出率达95.26%;产率为87.36%、铜品位为3.32%的沉砂采用硫化浮选流程处理,可获得铜品位为24.75%、铜回收率为67.47%的铜精矿,铜综合回收率为84.01%;而直接硫化浮选仅获得铜品位为19.79%、铜回收率为75.09%的铜精矿,尾矿铜品位高达1.02%。与高泥氧化铜矿石的直接浮选相比,脱泥浮选工艺更加平稳、可控,铜回收指标更理想,浮选药剂用量更低,是一种较有发展前景的工艺形式。  相似文献   

提高云南普朗斑岩铜矿石中贵金属回收率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
斑岩铜矿一般铜品位较低,需要综合回收其他伴生金属,以提高经济效益。为提高云南普朗斑岩铜矿贵金属的回收率,本文进行了多种捕收剂组合使用的选矿试验研究,得到了比使用单一捕收剂优良的结果,并在半工业试验中予以证实。  相似文献   

普朗铜矿一期开采的矿石属斑岩型硫化铜矿,矿石中铜、钼、金的含量分别为0.68%、0.006%和0.16g/t,这些金属的品位较低,但都具有回收价值。以相同的粗磨抛尾、粗精矿再磨浮选的原则流程,通过采用高效捕收剂EP2并添加粗选调整剂的新药剂条件,小型闭路试验获得指标为铜精矿铜品位为24.62%、钼品位0.15%、金品位4.08g/t,相对应的回收率分别为93.24%、60.82%、67.86%。在小型闭路试验对比中,以新药剂条件的试验方案得到较好的浮选指标,铜精矿铜品位略低0.45个百分点,而铜精矿中铜、钼、金回收率分别提高2.44、5.46、6.37个百分点。  相似文献   

何宗健  沈越  邱俊 《金属矿山》2009,39(12):146
在NaOH用量为83 mg/L,PAC用量为75 mg/L,PAM用量为4.2 mg/L的条件下,采用混凝沉淀与砂滤一体化反应器处理某煤矿高浓度SS(300~500 mg/L)矿井废水,处理后废水各项指标达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)一级标准。该工艺一次性投资少、运行费用低、占地面积小、运行管理方便,在处理煤矿矿井废水方面具有较强的竞争优势。  相似文献   

酸性矿山废水的污染与治理技术研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
分析了酸性矿山废水的成分、危害、来源和排放特点,经试验研究,推荐以添加缓蚀剂中和为主的几种既又实用的酸性废水治理技术,以实现废水的循环利用和无害排放。  相似文献   

周玉  多吉  温春齐  费光春  何阳阳 《金属矿山》2014,32(10):117-121
为了查明波龙铜矿区成矿花岗闪长斑岩的岩浆源区,系统地测试了斑岩的Sr-Nd-Pb同位素。结果表明,成矿花岗闪长斑岩的δ87Rb/δ86Sr为1.265~10.151 2,δ87Sr/δ86Sr为0.711 041~0.725 101,(δ87Sr/δ86Sr)i为0.707 59~0.709 83;δ143Nd/δ144Nd为0.512 09~0.512 30,εNd(t)变化范围为-7.714 774~-3.572 778;δ206Pb/δ204Pb为17.068~17.820,δ207Pb/δ204Pb变化范围为15.485~15.556,δ208Pb/δ204Pb为36.861~37.804。Sr-Nd-Pb同位素特征表明,波龙成矿斑岩的岩浆源区具有EMⅠ型富集地幔与EMⅡ型富集地幔的特征,起源于洋壳俯冲脱水形成的流体交代楔形地幔区,并在上侵过程中受到了下地壳物质的混染。波龙铜矿床形成于班公湖—怒江洋向北俯冲诱发的岩浆作用过程中。  相似文献   

The Sungun porphyry copper deposit is located 100?km northeast of Tabriz in the Azarbaijan province of Iran. The total concentration and chemical fractionation of metals and metalloids (As, Se, Cd, Cr, Ni, Co, and Zn) in sediment downstream of the Sungun mine was investigated. The degree of contamination was evaluated using the sediment pollution index (SPI) and enrichment factor. The concentrations of As, Cd, Se, and Zn in the contaminated sediments were elevated due to anthropogenic activities. According to the SPI, surface sediments in the ephemeral rivers flowing in the vicinity of the Sungun porphyry copper deposit are classified as natural sediment with no ecological risk, while sediments that received contaminated effluents are classified as slightly polluted. Sequential extraction indicated that Co was principally associated with the iron and manganese oxide fraction, while other elements (As, Zn, Cr, Se, and Ni) were mainly distributed in residual phases. Cadmium is the only element that has a high potential for mobility and bioavailability in the sediments and, of the investigated elements, it poses the greatest potential risk to the local aquatic ecosystems. The chemical fractionation pattern of elements appears to be influenced by industrial effluents. Although the bioavailable fraction of most contaminant metals is low due to the freshness of the sediments, over time, the oxidation of sulfide minerals in these sediments could contribute contaminant elements in soluble form.  相似文献   

The Anna S coal mine complex in Tioga County, PA, produces drainage with a pH of 2.8–3.6 containing 3–36 mg/L Al, 1–36 mg/L Fe, and 6–9 mg/L Mn. In 2003, the Babb Creek Watershed Association installed two systems that passively treat three discharges from the mine complex. Both systems contain four parallel vertical flow ponds followed by aerobic wetlands. The vertical flow ponds contain a total of 35,483 t of limestone and 4,913 m3 of organic substrate. During the last 6 years, the systems have treated an average of 1,971 L/min of flow to neutral pH with 135–146 mg/L of alkalinity (as CaCO3), with less than 1 mg/L of Al and Fe, and 2–4 mg/L of Mn. The vertical flow ponds have generated alkalinity at rates of 32–53 g/m2/day as CaCO3. No seasonal variation in treatment effectiveness has been observed, despite relatively harsh winter seasons. The total cost of the passive systems was $2.5 million (US). The 20 year projected unit treatment cost, including periodic replacement of the organic substrate, is $2.5 million (US). The 20 year projected unit treatment cost, including periodic replacement of the organic substrate, is 403–618 per t (as CaCO3) of net alkalinity generated.  相似文献   

煤矿矿井水的处理与综合利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵记微  卢国斌 《煤炭技术》2008,27(2):145-147
文中阐述了矿井水的来源和水质特征,及不同类型矿井水的一般处理方法,分析了矿井水综合利用的意义,提出了综合利用的多种途径和应用实例。  相似文献   

分析了攀钢集团矿业公司石灰石矿2#溜井内地下水渗水变化及影响溜井正常生产的主要原因,提出了应加强溜井放矿管理,避免含有粘土过多的泥料进入溜井形成稳定粘结拱而堵塞溜井。  相似文献   

利用阶段性煤矿废水处理技术,通过对传统工艺的局部修改,有效的解决煤矿生产建设与环境保护之间的矛盾,并且通过处理后的合格水的循环利用,降低了生产成本,减少了废水的排放量,显示出了良好的经济、环境及社会效益。  相似文献   

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