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许国淼  钱进 《城市建筑》2014,(8):390-390
本文以新区土地利用-城市人口关系为机理,利用土地容量控制法来预测人口状况以及不同土地利用形态下的人口敏感度分析。本文以西安市轨道交通线路草堂线为例,预测该线路沿线区域的人口状况以及不同土地利用形态下的人口敏感度分析。  相似文献   

刘宾 《安徽建筑》2009,16(4):14-15
在当前我国快速城市化的历史时期,产生了城市集体土地和城市农民人口的特殊现象。文章探讨了在现行法律法规条件下,集体土地应怎样纳入城市建设区域,才能继续为农民生活提供可靠的保障,以使此类土地和农民顺利实现从农村向城市的转化,减少这种特殊的城市化形式可能引发的经济与社会矛盾。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Advocates of form-based codes contend that these zoning regulations go beyond conventional zoning regulations in promoting sustainable development. We examine the extent to which form-based codes adopted by California cities differ from conventional zoning regulations in integrating 41 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Neighborhood Development sustainability criteria (measured by the total number of criteria and the strength of each criterion included in regulations) using a multiple-case study of 26 cities in Southern California. We examine whether and how form-based codes adopted for specific development areas differ from the conventional zoning regulations they replaced and from the current conventional zoning regulations of matched cities. We find considerable variation among cities: Not all form-based codes in our study include more sustainability criteria to a stronger degree than conventional zoning regulations, but a) most form-based codes include more sustainability criteria than the conventional zoning regulations they replaced and those of matched cities, and b) the strongest form-based codes include more sustainability criteria to a stronger degree than the conventional zoning regulations they replaced and those of matched cities. We lack sufficient information to generalize; California, moreover, has many state laws requiring sustainable development. Our findings provide valuable insight for cities considering zoning reform to increase the sustainability of development.

Takeaway for practice: Our findings suggest that form-based and conventional zoning regulations can each help cities integrate sustainability criteria into their development regulations. Our research offers positive examples of best practice in zoning reform and highlights missed opportunities for creating more sustainable communities. Cities considering zoning reform can consider these opportunities when reforming their codes to be more supportive of sustainable development.  相似文献   

对照新版《城市用地分类与规划建设用地标准》,考察近年来上海和重庆工业用地比重情况,指出“规划城市建设用地结构”超常规发展的典型现象,运用理论模型分析形成这种差异的作用原理和合理性,最终根据“时间、职能、空间”三个要素提出“规划城市建设用地结构”合理取值的三种思路,并以“眉山市工业新城概念性规划”作为案例进行佐证和解释。  相似文献   

This article makes a case for using regional planning to improve the social and economic regional impact of land reform policy in developing countries. We focus on rural settlements in the Brazilian north-east, where land reallocation has been approached in a variety of ways over many decades. The study identifies problems deriving from the lack of a plan-led strategy, leading to failures in identifying sustainable areas and designing appropriate policy interventions on a regional scale. Based on the planning literature and our empirical results, it is proposed that different views on land reform should be combined into a broader regional strategy. This involves strategic targeting of specific areas to define a portfolio of investment and spending priorities, combined with intergovernmental and intersectoral co-ordination, running from the early stages of a project's formulation until the final stages of its implementation. Additionally, this paper shows that combining top-down and bottom-up approaches to land reform, and supplementing policy-making at the national level with programme/project design and implementation at the subnational level, allows an effective government response to rural poverty and landlessness.  相似文献   


In an era of rapid urbanization, there is a need for data-driven tools to guide long-term strategic planning. Online What If? (OWI) is a planning support system (PSS) that helps inform strategic planners about the impact of population growth and other socioeconomic factors will have on the future growth of cities. This research presents its application in metropolitan Perth with a two-part case study, demonstrating a first comprehensive application of the tool. First, OWI tests five scenarios for urban growth through the year 2050, allocating residential land use. Next, OWI alters land use allocations to align residential development with high frequency public transit, while also allocating commercial land use to support higher residential densities. Together, these data-driven scenarios inform city planners and policy makers in guiding the long-term, sustainable growth of Perth. The paper concludes with a review of OWI’s strengths, weaknesses and possibilities for continual development.  相似文献   

近年来,辽宁省大规模的围填海造地活动,使沿海区域的开发利用出现了一系列问题和矛盾。本文总结辽宁省围填海规划的发展历程,分析其引发的环境问题,为促进辽宁省围填海活动的良好发展提供合理建议与对策。  相似文献   

Problem: It would be useful to identify and connect the major ideas of American environmental planning from the late 19th century up to today, to show its evolution over time and anticipate its potential future direction.

Purpose: I aim to tie together the major ideas of American environmental planning, showing how they have evolved, and suggest what additional changes will be required to progress further toward sustainability.

Methods: I review the literature, defining five time periods that are useful for understanding and analyzing environmental planning successes and shortcomings.

Results and conclusions: Environmental planning has its roots in the physical design of cities and the tension between conserving natural resources for human use and protecting wilderness. In the 1920s, regional environmental planning emerged. Federal environmental impact statements were first required in the 1970s, along with efforts to clean up and prevent pollution. A backlash against government command and control began in the 1980s, leading governments to use incentives to address environmental problems. The current era makes sustainability the goal, tying together the ideas and practices of the previous eras and blending regulation and financial incentives to address national and global environmental problems, such as climate change. To reduce carbon footprints and increase water and energy conservation in the face of significant population growth in the United States will require making environmental planning a political priority, with the goals of curbing sprawling land development, and changing lifestyles and business practices.

Takeaway for practice: Environmental planning ideas have been around for the past century and underlie the currently popular concept of planning for sustainability. However, environmental planning has been only modestly effective at influencing business practices and lifestyles. To change this, federal and local governments will have to lead by example, pursuing environmental sustainability as seriously as they pursue economic growth.

Research support: None.  相似文献   

张泉  陈刚 《高等建筑教育》2011,20(1):146-148
认识实习是城市规划专业重要的教学实践环节。针对城市规划专业认识实习中存在的教学模式与时代发展不适应的诸多问题,以合肥工业大学城市规划专业的认识实习教学改革为例,探讨了"由观到悟"的三阶段城市规划专业认识实习教学改革方法,取得了良好的实习效果,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

在实现城市可持续发展的总体目标之下,大力发展城市公共交通,并建立与公共交通发展相适应的城市土地利用形态已成为城市规划的一种共识,然而,鉴于我国目前城市开发建设实际操作中的具体步骤程序及困难,客观上又使得这一共识难以得到实际体现。如何结合我国的具体状况,使以公共交通为导向的土地利用开发在我国的城市建设过程中,尤其是新城区的建设开发过程中得到真正运用已成为一个亟待解决的问题。通过对我国城市土地利用开发普遍模式的分析并结合上海陆家嘴新区及重庆东部新城规划设计方案的对比研究,在建立可操作的公交导向的城市形态方面作出了有益的探索。  相似文献   

城市规划专业毕业设计教学改革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张强  代敏 《高等建筑教育》2008,17(1):99-101
文章针对城市规划专业毕业设计中的教学改革实际情况,对毕业设计选题、课堂组织、流程安排、答辩资格审查及答辩提出了新措施、新方法。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下广东城乡规划改革探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从解读国家新型城镇化的政策入手,把握新型城镇化背景下城乡规划的时代机遇与使命,从建设和提升国家治理能力现代化的角度,提出了规划体制、规划理念、规划方法的变革思考,并总结了广东在划定基本生态控制线、“多规合一”、城市更新、美丽乡村建设、历史建筑立法保护、公众参与等方面的城乡规划改革探索,为新型城镇化背景下广东城乡规划改革再次引领全国提供了扎实的实践基础。  相似文献   

试论我国城市土地使用兼容性规划与管理的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述城市土地使用兼容性的涵义 ,兼容性规划管理的重要性及我国城市土地使用兼容性规划存在的问题。在分析与土地使用兼容性规划相关因素的基础上 ,提出了有关完善规划与管理的若干建议。  相似文献   

雷鸣 《城市建筑》2014,(15):377-377
对土地利用总体规划进行环境影响评价能发现土地规划对生态环境造成的不利影响。本文介绍了其涵义、规划对土壤、水文等生态影响。通过土地利用方式中存在的问题进行分析,探寻不合理利用对生态环境造成的影响及对策。  相似文献   

本文通过在呼和浩特市赛罕区根堡村的具体设计实践,对农村住宅的现存问题进行调查分析,结合当地实际情况,提出改造理念及原则,并从规划引导、立面设计、功能空间布局、节能改造、文化传承五方面提出改造措施。  相似文献   

容积率"值域化"是由容积率影响因子与容积率之间的数理模型推导出的一个(容积率)区间值。研究以既有容积率"值域化"研究为基础,针对石嘴山星海湖新区内容积率确定过程中存在科学依据不足、价值取向模糊和"刚弹"适应欠缺的现实问题,结合新区内具有商业开发性的居住用地和商业服务业设施用地,运用"值域区间(控制性指标)—引导数值(引导性指标)—调整区间"的控制方法,对"值域化"的实践进行探讨,从而最终实现容积率"值域化"控制。  相似文献   

从土地闲置看城市规划与房地产开发的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市规划和房地产开发是城市建设中的两个重要方面,两者之间具有特殊的关系.文章在分析当前房地产热中存在的主要问题--土地闲置的原因基础上,详细论述了城市规划和房地产开发两者之间的关系.并对如何构造城市规划与房地产开发良性互动新格局提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

土地出让收益分配改革研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国改革的不断深化、市场经济的日益发展以及土地出让收入的快速增长,社会上主流观点大多直接将土地出让收入等同于“土地财政”,对土地出让收入及其收益分配的关注与改革呼声日益高涨。中央政府及相关业务主管部门不断调整并出台了新的管理政策,规范了土地出让收支管理,优化了土地出让收益分配支出结构,本文通过梳理土地出让收支管理的发展演变及构成,分析近些年土地出让收支情况,总结目前土地出让收益分配中存的在问题,提出对应改革措施与建议。  相似文献   

以苏州新区为例,阐述了城市新区居住区是城市崭新的人居空间,分析了其存在的主要问题,提出了加强规划建设保持城市新区居住区持续发展的途径。  相似文献   

日本和韩国一直非常重视国土规划,在过去的半个世纪中,两国的国土开发也取得了显著的成效。在当今全球化和东亚经济急速发展的背景下,两国都适时调整本国的国土规划以适应新的社会经济形势。本文首先总结了两国历次国土规划的特点和经验,并结合他们国土规划的新动向,得出对我国的启示:国土规划应重视国际化,充分发挥城市群对促进区域协调发展的作用,中央适当向地方分权以提高效率,以及提高应对自然灾害的能力。  相似文献   

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