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<正>对照1987年和2006年2次全国残疾人抽样调查的数据,我国60岁及以上残疾人由2 051万上升到4 416万,增加了2365万,占全国残疾人新增总量的75.5%〔1〕;老年残疾人占残疾人总数的比例从39.7%上升到53.24%〔2〕;老年残疾人占老年人总数的比例由21.93%〔3〕上升到24.43%〔4〕,老年残疾率是总人口残疾率的3.85倍〔5〕。残疾人相关研究大多局限于教育、就业、体育、康复等领域,重点关注残疾人的教育公平、社会参与、康复训练等内容,缺乏对老年残疾人群的关注。李荣  相似文献   

<正>随着老年人口绝对数量和比例的增加,寿命的延长以及老年人个体生活技能因年龄增长而衰退,健康问题逐渐成为老年人和社会面临的主要威胁。不能自理老年人的比例持续增加,导致需要照顾的老年群体规模不断增大,老年人的照护问题已经成为社会关注的焦点。陈晶莹〔1〕认为"长期照护"是指针对  相似文献   

<正>对于我国"未富先老"的国情,养老压力是前所未有的。个人的成功与老龄化与时并进,养老与作为人类生态系统的共同生活的功能和维持密切关联,成功的养老需要个人与社会的适应能力。本文通过日本的护理制度及老年照护的典型案例分析,揭示社会工作优势视角在服务过程中的具体运用和生活意义的建构过程。1优势视角理念与社会建构主义社会工作优势视角取向的实践意味着:社工要立足于发现、寻求、探索和利用案主的优势和资源,协助他们达到自己的  相似文献   

目的:探索品管圈活动支持对改善老年失智患者照护质量的效果评价.方法:以2010年10月至2012年10月在我院干部病房住院的老年失智患者共110例为研究对象,其中2010年10月至2011年10月的50例仅给予常规护理,未给予“品管圈”活动支持为对照组,2011年11月至2012年10月的60例给予品管圈活动支持为试验组.比较两个组患者基本参数差异和住院期间不良事件发生率、家属对照护者照护的满意度.结果:两组患者基本参数差异无统计学意义,试验组不良事件发生率低于对照组(P<0.01),家属对照护的满意度高于对照组(P<0.01).结论:开展“老年失智患者照护质量”为主题的品管圈活动,为老年失智患者照护提供了系统性的护理知识、操作技能和情感支持,对老年失智患者的照护质量起到了积极、有效的作用.  相似文献   

目的探析国内老年体育领域的研究现状、热点、前沿问题。方法采用知识图谱的计量学方法对中国学术期刊网络版总库(CNKI)库中收录的核心期刊和CSSCI期刊中老年体育相关文献进行统计和可视化分析。结果通过对老年体育相关的352篇文献的年代分布特征、期刊载文量、作者和研究机构及合作现状进行统计分析,了解目前中国老年体育研究呈波浪式稳步增长发展态势,文献多刊载在体育学、老年学等期刊,高产作者形成几个研究团队,研究机构之间的合作相对较分散。通过绘制高频关键词的共现图谱和时区图谱得出:人口老龄化背景下如何开展老年体育,以实现健康老龄化的国家战略任务;老年人体育健身活动;健康中国背景下老年人公共体育服务研究为目前研究热点。健康中国背景下如何实现健康老龄化目标将是未来研究的前沿问题。结论中国老年体育研究趋势呈现由浅入深、由面到点、由整体到局部,从相关理论与运动实践研究延伸到社会体育范畴。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年慢性病患者对长期照护(LTC)者的需求及其影响因素。方法按照家庭、养老机构、医院分层便利抽取老年慢性病患者516例,采用老年慢性病患者对LTC者的选择意愿问卷、日常生活能力(ADL)量表、老年抑郁量表(GDS)、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)进行调查。结果选择家人进行长期照顾的为44.2%,选择养老护理员的为35.0%。年龄、婚姻、居住情况、医疗保障、平均月收入及ADL程度对LTC者的选择差异显著(P0.05),对LTC者不同需求意愿的老年慢性病患者在客观支持、主观支持维度得分及问卷总分均存在显著差异(P0.01)。结论对于已婚、与子女或老伴同住、年轻的老年人、ADL功能好、社会支持高、平均月收入≤1 000元的老年慢性病患者可选择居家照护,加强对家庭照顾者的培训。年龄长、ADL功能下降的老年慢性病患者可选择机构或社区LTC,重视培育专业化的LTC服务人才队伍。培育和发展LTC志愿者,发挥社会服务组织及社团的积极作用。  相似文献   

目的随着老年人口的不断增长,中国正处于人口老龄化快速发展阶段,老年人的心理健康问题成为日益突出的社会问题。基于文献计量学分析中国2013~2018年老年心理健康研究发展现状,并与1981~2012年公开发表的文章进行对比,以期为今后相关研究提供参考。方法计算机检索中国知网、万方、维普、Cochrane library、Web of Science和PubMed数据库,检索时限为2013年1月至2018年11月收录的中国老年心理健康相关文献,采用文献计量法进行分析。结果共纳入213篇文献,发文量总体呈阶段性上升趋势、研究者地域分布跨度较大,文献类型以横断面研究为主(88.3%),研究机构间的合作性不强,合作撰文作者人数集中在3~5人,基金支持较多(60.3%)。结论近6年,有关中国老年心理健康研究较多,说明其重视程度逐渐增强,但仍存在不足,今后应加强机构间的合作,拓展研究领域的深度和广度,进一步提高研究质量,以此促进中国老年心理健康研究的发展。  相似文献   

目的 研究自立支援老年照护新模式在养老机构老年痴呆患者中的应用效果.方法 选取入住东莞市东坑医院护理院的老年痴呆患者118例,采用随机对照研究,60例进入实验组,58例进入对照组.对照组应用常规照护模式,实验组应用自立支援老年照护新模式,评价第0个月(基线)、3个月、6个月时的干预效果相关指标,两组研究数据进行统计学分...  相似文献   

目的探究人口老龄化背景下重庆市失能、半失能老年群体长期照护现状。方法主要采用问卷调查法、访谈法,全方位分析当前重庆市养老机构长期照护现状。结果国家顶层设计滞后,政策法规不完善,长期照护标准尚未建立;机构照护形式较单一、照护质量较低;失能老年群体长期照护需求未得到有效满足。结论为了提升机构长期照护质量,满足不同程度失能老年群体多样化照护需求,相关部门应尽快制定政策法规,落实照护评估标准,提升照护人员的综合素质。  相似文献   

Background and aimThe current global challenge of COVID-19 pandemic has surpassed the provincial, radical, conceptual, spiritual, social, and pedagogical boundaries. Internet of Things (IoT) enabled healthcare system is useful for proper monitoring of COVID-19 patients, by employing an interconnected network. This technology helps to increase patient satisfaction and reduces readmission rate in the hospital.MethodsSearched the databases of Google Scholar, PubMed, SCOPUS and ResearchGate using the keywords “Internet of things” or “IoT” and “COVID-19”. Further inputs are also taken from blogs and relevant reports.ResultsIoT implementation impacts on reducing healthcare cost and improve treatment outcome of the infected patient. Therefore, this present study based research is attempted to explore, discuss, and highlight the overall applications of the well-proven IoT philosophy by offering a perspective roadmap to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, twelve significant applications of IoT are identified and discussed. It has ultimately forced the researchers, academicians, and scientists to propose some productive solutions to overcome or confront this pandemic.ConclusionsIoT is helpful for an infected patient of COVID-19 to identify symptoms and provides better treatment rapidly. It is useful for patient, physician, surgeon and hospital management system.  相似文献   

Background:   The relationship between lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) and ischemic stroke is still controversial in the elderly. The purpose of the present paper was to evaluate the significance of Lp(a) in the development of extracranial carotid lesions and ischemic stroke.
Methods:   A total of 371 elderly subjects, studied with carotid ultrasonography (US) and brain computed tomography (CT), was stratified into two groups according to serum Lp(a) levels: the normal Lp(a) and high Lp(a) (>40 mg/dL) groups. Carotid plaques were divided into three types based on the US echogenicity: hypoechoic, hyperechoic, and heterogeneous plaques. Low-density areas (LDA) on brain CT images were classified into three groups depending on their distribution: basal ganglionic, cortical and only leuko-araiosis types.
Results:   The incidence of bilateral carotid lesions and the ratios of hypoechoic and heterogeneous plaques were significantly higher in the high Lp(a) group than in the normal Lp(a) group. Both the mean height and length of plaque were also greater in the high Lp(a) group. Mean Lp(a) levels were significantly elevated in cases with hypoechoic and heterogeneous types, compared to the cases without lesions. Higher mean Lp(a) levels were seen in cases with any kind of LDA than in normal subjects on CT, but there was no significant difference in the incidence of each LDA between the two groups.
Conclusions   These findings indicate that serum Lp(a) is strongly related to carotid lesions, especially hypoechoic and heterogeneous plaque types, in Japanese elderly patients. This suggests that Lp(a) could promote the formation of lipid-rich atheromatous plaque with intraplaque hemorrhage or superimposed thrombi. Serum Lp(a) also seemed to be a risk for all types of LDA.  相似文献   

This study examined family support, financial needs, and health care needs of 100 elderly persons in a rural county in China. Data revealed that immediate family members helped elderly persons with activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living, and that adult children also provided financial assistance to most of the elderly. However, only eight percent of the elderly persons reported that they had adequate financial resources. In the four villages surveyed, collective health care systems had collapsed in the early 1980's. Due to high costs of health care and the absence of government support, almost two thirds of the elderly persons had unmet needs for health care. In addition, elderly persons who reported poor health were more likely to have unmet financial and health care needs.  相似文献   

Data from a prospective trial large enough to provide a reliable analysis of outcome and prognostic factors in elderly patients with glioblastoma (GBM) are not yet available in the literature. Extensive tumor removal appears to offer patients the best possible chance of a speedy neurological recovery. Adequate radiotherapy (RT) should always be given to elderly patients if they have undergone gross total debulking and have maintained a good performance status. It is, however important to bear in mind that the risk of long-term cognitive impairment may be higher in patients on high-dose RT and that a short course of accelerated RT can achieve the same survival. Rather than being ruled out on principle, chemotherapy should be considered on the basis of an accurate assessment of the factors that might compromise the individual patient's tolerance to drugs administered. Temozolomide appears to be the best available chemotherapy in this population of patients.  相似文献   

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