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Remote sensing has great potential as a source of information on biodiversity over large areas. Past studies have generally focused on species richness, used aspatial statistical techniques and highlighted scale‐dependent results. Here, a fuller assessment of avian biodiversity, considering species richness and composition, was undertaken for breeding bird species in Great Britain from NDVI and temperature data derived from NOAA AVHRR imagery. Broad classes of bird species composition defined by an ordination analysis exhibited a high degree of separability, with classification accuracies (based on training data) of up to 77.3% observed. Although only 18.1% of the variance in species richness could be explained by a conventional aspatial regression analysis it was apparent from geographically weighted regression analyses that the relationship between species richness and the remotely sensed response was significantly non‐stationary. Relative to the standard regression, geographically weighted analyses yielded models that provided stronger relationships and highlighted the spatial dependence of the relationship. Marked spatial variation in the regression model parameters and explanatory power were evident within and between scales. The results indicated the ability to characterize aspects of biodiversity from coarse spatial resolution remote sensing data and highlight the need to accommodate for the effects of spatial non‐stationarity in the relationship.  相似文献   

Many techniques intended to estimate land coverage of multiple categories occupied within each pixel from such coarse resolution data have been proposed. However, in traditional unmixing studies with coarse resolution imagery such as Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data, it is assumed that only a few endmembers exist throughout an entire image. Therefore, it is essential to evaluate how well an unmixing method would work for various categories within pixels of coarse resolution images. In this study, the land coverage of eight classes in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) AVHRR imagery by using finer resolution Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery was estimated, and the accuracy of these estimated classes was evaluated. The results suggest that this method may be generally useful for comparing multi-spectral images in space and time.  相似文献   

Improvement in remote sensing techniques in spatial/spectral resolution strengthens their applicability for urban environmental study. Unfortunately, high spatial resolution imagery also increases internal variability in land cover units and can cause a ‘salt-and-pepper’ effect, resulting in decreased accuracy using pixel-based classification results. Region-based classification techniques, using an image object (IO) rather than a pixel as a classification unit, appear to hold promise as a method for overcoming this problem. Using IKONOS high spatial resolution imagery, we examined whether the IO technique could significantly improve classification accuracy compared to the pixel-based method when applied to urban land cover mapping in Tampa Bay, FL, USA. We further compared the performance of an artificial neural network (ANN) and a minimum distance classifier (MDC) in urban detailed land cover classification and evaluated whether the classification accuracy was affected by the number of extracted IO features. Our analysis methods included IKONOS image data calibration, data fusion with the pansharpening (PS) process, Hue–Intensity–Saturation (HIS) transferred indices and textural feature extraction, and feature selection using a stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA). The classification results were evaluated with visually interpreted data from high-resolution (0.3 m) digital aerial photographs. Our results indicate a statistically significant difference in classification accuracy between pixel- and object-based techniques; ANN outperforms MDC as an object-based classifier; and the use of more features (27 vs. 9 features) increases the IO classification accuracy, although the increase is statistically significant for the MDC but not for the ANN.  相似文献   

Tropical forest deforestation is a major concern at global, regional, and local scales. Recent advances have demonstrated the feasibility of using coarse spatial resolution remote sensing imagery to assess tropical forest over large areas. To date, few methods have been developed for the estimation of change over large areas. A change detection method based on a combination of NOAAAVHRR, Landsat TM, and SPOT-HRV data is evaluated on a study site in Vietnam, Southeast Asia. Changes detected with fine spatial resolution imagery are related to AVHRR-derived forest class proportions and fragmentation patterns.  相似文献   

Many large countries, including Canada, rely on earth observation as a practical and cost-effective means of monitoring their vast inland ecosystems. A potentially efficient approach is one that detects vegetation changes over a hierarchy of spatial scales ranging from coarse to fine. This paper presents a Change Screening Analysis Technique (Change-SAT) designed as a coarse filter to identify the location and timing of large (>5-10 km2) forest cover changes caused by anthropogenic and natural disturbances at an annual, continental scale. The method uses change metrics derived from 1-km multi-temporal SPOT VEGETATION and NOAA AVHRR imagery (reflectance, temperature, and texture information) and ancillary spatial variables (proximity to active fires, roads, and forest tenures) in combination with logistic regression and decision tree classifiers. Major forest changes of interest include wildfires, insect defoliation, forest harvesting, and flooding. Change-SAT was tested for 1998-2000 using an independent sample of change and no-change sites over Canada. Overall accuracy was 94% and commission error, especially critical for large-area change applications, was less than 1%. Regions identified as having major or widespread changes could be targeted for more detailed investigation and mapping using field visits, aerial survey, or fine resolution EO methods, such as those being applied under Canadian monitoring programs. This multi-resolution approach could be used as part of a forest monitoring system to report on carbon stocks and forest stewardship.  相似文献   

目的 卫星图像往往目标、背景复杂而且带有噪声,因此使用人工选取的特征进行卫星图像的分类就变得十分困难。提出一种新的使用卷积神经网络进行卫星图像分类的方案。使用卷积神经网络可以提取卫星图像的高层特征,进而提高卫星图像分类的识别率。方法 首先,提出一个包含六类图像的新的卫星图像数据集来解决卷积神经网络的有标签训练样本不足的问题。其次,使用了一种直接训练卷积神经网络模型和3种预训练卷积神经网络模型来进行卫星图像分类。直接训练模型直接在文章提出的数据集上进行训练,预训练模型先在ILSVRC(the ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge)-2012数据集上进行预训练,然后在提出的卫星图像数据集上进行微调训练。完成微调的模型用于卫星图像分类。结果 提出的微调预训练卷积神经网络深层模型具有最高的分类正确率。在提出的数据集上,深层卷积神经网络模型达到了99.50%的识别率。在数据集UC Merced Land Use上,深层卷积神经网络模型达到了96.44%的识别率。结论 本文提出的数据集具有一般性和代表性,使用的深层卷积神经网络模型具有很强的特征提取能力和分类能力,且是一种端到端的分类模型,不需要堆叠其他模型或分类器。在高分辨卫星图像的分类上,本文模型和对比模型相比取得了更有说服力的结果。  相似文献   

Detailed geographic information is a key factor in decision making processes during refugee relief operations. The forthcoming commercial very high spatial resolution (VHSR) satellite sensors will be capable of acquiring multispectral (MS) images at spatial resolutions of 1m (panchromatic) and 4m (multispectral) of refugee camps and their environment. This work demonstrates how refugee camp environment, area and population can be analysed using a VHSR MS satellite sensor image from the Russian KVR-1000 sensor. This image, with a spatial resolution of 3.3m, was used to study Thailand's Site 2 refugee camps, which were established to accommodate Khmer refugees on the Thai-Kampuchean border. At the time of image acquisition, the total population of Site 2's five refugee camps was close to 143000. The VHSR MS image was found to be suitable for mapping the refugee camp environment and area. A statistically significant linear relationship between camp area and population was determined. Accordingly, the study suggests that VHSR MS images in general may be useful for refugee camp planning and management and points toward the utilization of forthcoming commercial VHSR MS satellite sensor images in humanitarian relief operations.  相似文献   

Satellite imagery is being used increasingly in association with national forest inventories (NFIs) to produce maps and enhance estimates of forest attributes. We simulated several image spatial resolutions within sparsely and heavily forested study areas to assess resolution effects on estimates of forest land area, independent of other sensor characteristics. We spatially aggregated 30 m datasets to coarser spatial resolutions (90, 150, 210, 270, 510 and 990 m) and produced estimates of forest proportion for each spatial resolution using both model‐ and design‐based approaches. Average‐based aggregation had no effect on per‐image estimates of forest proportion; image variability decreased with increasing spatial resolution and local variability peaked between 210 and 270 m. Majority‐based aggregation resulted in overestimation of forest land in a heavily forested landscape and underestimation of forest land in a sparsely forested landscape, with both trends following a natural log distribution. Of the spatial resolutions tested, 30 m was superior for obtaining estimates using model‐based approaches. However, standard errors of design‐based inventory estimates of forest proportion were smallest when accompanying stratification maps which were aggregated to between 90 and 150 m spatial resolutions and strata thresholds were optimized by study area. These results suggest that spatially aggregating existing 30 m land cover datasets can provide NFIs with gains in precision of their estimates of forest land area, while reducing image storage size and processing times; land cover datasets derived from coarser spatial resolution sensors may provide similar benefits.  相似文献   

In using traditional digital classification algorithms, a researcher typically encounters serious issues in identifying urban land cover classes employing high resolution data. A normal approach is to use spectral information alone and ignore spatial information and a group of pixels that need to be considered together as an object. We used QuickBird image data over a central region in the city of Phoenix, Arizona to examine if an object-based classifier can accurately identify urban classes. To demonstrate if spectral information alone is practical in urban classification, we used spectra of the selected classes from randomly selected points to examine if they can be effectively discriminated. The overall accuracy based on spectral information alone reached only about 63.33%. We employed five different classification procedures with the object-based paradigm that separates spatially and spectrally similar pixels at different scales. The classifiers to assign land covers to segmented objects used in the study include membership functions and the nearest neighbor classifier. The object-based classifier achieved a high overall accuracy (90.40%), whereas the most commonly used decision rule, namely maximum likelihood classifier, produced a lower overall accuracy (67.60%). This study demonstrates that the object-based classifier is a significantly better approach than the classical per-pixel classifiers. Further, this study reviews application of different parameters for segmentation and classification, combined use of composite and original bands, selection of different scale levels, and choice of classifiers. Strengths and weaknesses of the object-based prototype are presented and we provide suggestions to avoid or minimize uncertainties and limitations associated with the approach.  相似文献   

The potential of multitemporal coarse spatial resolution remotely sensed images for vegetation monitoring is reduced in fragmented landscapes, where most of the pixels are composed of a mixture of different surfaces. Several approaches have been proposed for the estimation of reflectance or NDVI values of the different land-cover classes included in a low resolution mixed pixel. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for the estimation of sub-pixel NDVI values from multitemporal coarse resolution satellite data. Sub-pixel NDVIs for the different land-cover classes are calculated by solving a weighted linear system of equations for each pixel of a coarse resolution image, exploiting information about within-pixel fractional cover derived from a high resolution land-use map. The weights assigned to the different pixels of the image for the estimation of sub-pixel NDVIs of a target pixel i are calculated taking into account both the spatial distance between each pixel and the target and their spectral dissimilarity estimated on medium-resolution remote-sensing images acquired in different periods of the year. The algorithm was applied to daily and 16-day composite MODIS NDVI images, using Landsat-5 TM images for calculation of weights and accuracy evaluation.Results showed that application of the algorithm provided good estimates of sub-pixel NDVIs even for poorly represented land-cover classes (i.e., with a low total cover in the test area). No significant accuracy differences were found between results obtained on daily and composite MODIS images. The main advantage of the proposed technique with respect to others is that the inclusion of the spectral term in weight calculation allows an accurate estimate of sub-pixel NDVI time series even for land-cover classes characterized by large and rapid spatial variations in their spectral properties.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of different ways to use satellite images for land cover area estimation. Approaches are grouped into three categories. (1) Estimates coming essentially from remote sensing. Ground data, are used as an auxiliary tool, mainly as training data for image classification, or sub-pixel analysis. Area estimates from pixel counting are sometimes used without a solid statistical justification. (2) Methods, such as regression, calibration and small area estimators, combining exhaustive but inaccurate information (from satellite images) with accurate information on a sample (most often ground surveys). (3) Satellite images can support area frame surveys in several ways: to define sampling units, for stratification; as graphic documents for the ground survey, or for quality control.

Cost-efficiency is discussed. Operational use of remote sensing is easier now with cheaper Landsat Thematic Mapper images and computing, but many administrations are reluctant to integrate remote sensing in the production of area statistics.  相似文献   

Information on land cover at global and continental scales is critical for addressing a range of ecological, socioeconomic and policy questions. Global land cover maps have evolved rapidly in the last decade, but efforts to evaluate map uncertainties have been limited, especially in remote areas like Northern Eurasia. Northern Eurasia comprises a particularly diverse region covering a wide range of climate zones and ecosystems: from arctic deserts, tundra, boreal forest, and wetlands, to semi-arid steppes and the deserts of Central Asia. In this study, we assessed four of the most recent global land cover datasets: GLC-2000, GLOBCOVER, and the MODIS Collection 4 and Collection 5 Land Cover Product using cross-comparison analyses and Landsat-based reference maps distributed throughout the region. A consistent comparison of these maps was challenging because of disparities in class definitions, thematic detail, and spatial resolution. We found that the choice of sampling unit significantly influenced accuracy estimates, which indicates that comparisons of reported global map accuracies might be misleading. To minimize classification ambiguities, we devised a generalized legend based on dominant life form types (LFT) (tree, shrub, and herbaceous vegetation, barren land and water). LFT served as a necessary common denominator in the analyzed map legends, but significantly decreased the thematic detail. We found significant differences in the spatial representation of LFT's between global maps with high spatial agreement (above 0.8) concentrated in the forest belt of Northern Eurasia and low agreement (below 0.5) concentrated in the northern taiga-tundra zone, and the southern dry lands. Total pixel-level agreement between global maps and six test sites was moderate to fair (overall agreement: 0.67-0.74, Kappa: 0.41-0.52) and increased by 0.09-0.45 when only homogenous land cover types were analyzed. Low map accuracies at our tundra test site confirmed regional disagreements and difficulties of current global maps in accurately mapping shrub and herbaceous vegetation types at the biome borders of Northern Eurasia. In comparison, tree dominated vegetation classes in the forest belt of the region were accurately mapped, but were slightly overestimated (10%-20%), in all maps. Low agreement of global maps in the northern and southern vegetation transition zones of Northern Eurasia is likely to have important implications for global change research, as those areas are vulnerable to both climate and socio-economic changes.  相似文献   

A method for the combined correction of atmospheric and topographic effects has been developed. It accounts for horizontally varying atmospheric conditions and also includes the height dependence of the atmospheric radiance and transmittance functions to simulate the simplified properties of a threedimensional atmosphere. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is used to obtain information about surface elevation, slope, and orientation. Based on the Lambertian assumption the surface reflectance in rugged terrain is calculated. The method is restricted to high spatial resolution satellite sensors like Landsat TM and SPOT HRV, since some simplifying assumptions are being made to reduce the required image processing time. The possibilities and limitations of the method are critically discussed.  相似文献   

Accurate maps of rural linear land cover features, such as paths and hedgerows, would be useful to ecologists, conservation managers and land planning agencies. Such information might be used in a variety of applications (e.g., ecological, conservation and land management applications). Based on the phenomenon of spatial dependence, sub-pixel mapping techniques can be used to increase the spatial resolution of land cover maps produced from satellite sensor imagery and map such features with increased accuracy. Aerial photography with a spatial resolution of 0.25 m was acquired of the Christchurch area of Dorset, UK. The imagery was hard classified using a simple Mahalanobis distance classifier and the classification degraded to simulate land cover proportion images with spatial resolutions of 2.5 and 5 m. A simple pixel-swapping algorithm was then applied to each of the proportion images. Sub-pixels within pixels were swapped iteratively until the spatial correlation between neighbouring sub-pixels for the entire image was maximised. Visual inspection of the super-resolved output showed that prediction of the position and dimensions of hedgerows was comparable with the original imagery. The maps displayed an accuracy of 87%. To enhance the prediction of linear features within the super-resolved output, an anisotropic modelling component was added. The direction of the largest sums of proportions was calculated within a moving window at the pixel level. The orthogonal sum of proportions was used in estimating the anisotropy ratio. The direction and anisotropy ratio were then used to modify the pixel-swapping algorithm so as to increase the likelihood of creating linear features in the output map. The new linear pixel-swapping method led to an increase in the accuracy of mapping fine linear features of approximately 5% compared with the conventional pixel-swapping method.  相似文献   

We present a technique to remove spatially varying haze contamination for high spatial resolution satellite imagery. This technique comprises three steps: haze detection, haze perfection and haze removal. Background Suppressed Haze Thickness Index (BSHTI) in haze detection is used to indicate relative haze thickness. ‘Fill sink’ and ‘flatten peak’ routines in haze perfection are applied to correct some spurious background effects. Virtual Cloud Point (VCP) method based on BSHTI is used in haze removal. Case study using two QuickBird images (hazy and clear) of Shenyang City in China proves the effectiveness of this technique except for those regions where haze is too thick. Comparison of the overlapped region between hazy and clear images using 76 paired polygon samples shows that squared correlation coefficient of each band between the two images becomes larger than 0.7. The advantages of this technique are that aerosol transparent bands are not needed and the technique is suitable for urban remote sensing.  相似文献   

A significant proportion of high spatial resolution imagery in urban areas can be affected by shadows. Considerable research has been conducted to investigate shadow detection and removal in remotely sensed imagery. Few studies, however, have evaluated how applications of these shadow detection and restoration methods can help eliminate the shadow problem in land cover classification of high spatial resolution images in urban settings. This paper presents a comparison study of three methods for land cover classification of shaded areas from high spatial resolution imagery in an urban environment. Method 1 combines spectral information in shaded areas with spatial information for shadow classification. Method 2 applies a shadow restoration technique, the linear-correlation correction method to create a “shadow-free” image before the classification. Method 3 uses multisource data fusion to aid in classification of shadows. The results indicated that Method 3 achieved the best accuracy, with overall accuracy of 88%. It provides a significantly better means for shadow classification than the other two methods. The overall accuracy for Method 1 was 81.5%, slightly but not significantly higher than the 80.5% from Method 2. All of the three methods applied an object-based classification procedure, which was critical as it provides an effective way to address the problems of radiometric difference and spatial misregistration associated with multisource data fusion (Method 3), and to incorporate thematic spatial information (Method 1).  相似文献   

Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping provides critical information to land and resource managers by incorporating information on climate, physiography, surficial material, soil, and vegetation structure. The main objective of this research was to determine the capacity of high spatial resolution satellite image data to discriminate vegetation structural stages in riparian and adjacent forested ecosystems as defined using the British Columbia Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping (TEM) scheme. A high spatial resolution QuickBird image, captured in June 2005, and coincident field data covering the riparian area of Lost Shoe Creek and adjacent forests on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, was used in this analysis. Semi-variograms were calculated to assess the separability of vegetation structural stages and assess which spatial scales were most appropriate for calculation of grey-level co-occurrence texture measures to maximize structural class separation. The degree of spatial autocorrelation showed that most vegetation structural types in the TEM scheme could be differentiated and that window sizes of 3 × 3 pixels and 11 × 11 pixels were most appropriate for image texture calculations. Using these window sizes, the texture analysis showed that co-occurrence contrast, dissimilarity, and homogeneity texture measures, based on the bands in the visible part of the spectrum, provided the most significant statistical differentiation between vegetation structural classes. Subsequently, an object-oriented classification algorithm was applied to spectral and textural transformations of the QuickBird image data to map the vegetation structural classes. Using both spectral and textural image bands yielded the highest classification accuracy (overall accuracy = 78.95%). The inclusion of image texture increased the classification accuracies of vegetation structure by 2-19%. The results show that information on vegetation structure can be mapped effectively from high spatial resolution satellite image data, providing an additional tool to ongoing aerial photograph interpretation.  相似文献   

通过有限元计算 ,分析了弹性覆盖层材料对触觉传感器空间分辨率的影响 ,给出了一些覆盖层材料的选择准则。  相似文献   

Remote sensing represents a powerful tool to derive quantitative and qualitative information about ecosystem biodiversity. In particular, since plant species richness is a fundamental indicator of biodiversity at the community and regional scales, attempts were made to predict species richness (spatial heterogeneity) by means of spectral heterogeneity. The possibility of using spectral variance of satellite images for predicting species richness is known as Spectral Variation Hypothesis. However, when using remotely sensed data, researchers are limited to specific scales of investigation. This paper aims to investigate the effects of scale (both as spatial and spectral resolution) when searching for a relation between spectral and spatial (related to plant species richness) heterogeneity, by using satellite data with different spatial and spectral resolution. Species composition was sampled within square plots of 100 m2 nested in macroplots of 10,000 m2. Spectral heterogeneity of each macroplot was calculated using satellite images with different spatial and spectral resolution: a Quickbird multispectral image (4 bands, spatial resolution of 3 m), an Aster multispectral image (first 9 bands used, spatial resolution of 15 m for bands 1 to 3 and 30 m for bands 4 to 9), an ortho-Landsat ETM+ multispectral image (bands 1 to 5 and band 7 used; spatial resolution, 30 m), a resampled 60 m Landsat ETM+ image.Quickbird image heterogeneity showed a statistically highly significant correlation with species richness (r = 0.69) while coarse resolution images showed contrasting results (r = 0.43, r = 0.67, and r = 0.69 considering the Aster, Landsat ETM+, and the resampled 60 m Landsat ETM+ images respectively). It should be stressed that spectral variability is scene and sensor dependent. Considering coarser spatial resolution images, in such a case even using SWIR Aster bands (i.e. the additional spectral information with respect to Quickbird image) such an image showed a very low power in catching spectral and thus spatial variability with respect to Landsat ETM+ imagery. Obviously coarser resolution data tend to have mixed pixel problems and hence less sensitive to spatial complexity. Thus, one might argue that using a finer pixel dimension should inevitably result in a higher level of detail. On the other hand, the spectral response from different land-cover features (and thus different species) in images with higher spectral resolution should exhibit higher complexity.Spectral Variation Hypothesis could be a basis for improving sampling designs and strategies for species inventory fieldwork. However, researchers must be aware on scale effects when measuring spectral (and thus spatial) heterogeneity and relating it to field data, hence considering the concept of scale not only related to a spatial framework but even to a spectral one.  相似文献   

Successful land cover change analysis requires selection of an appropriate set of variables for measuring and characterizing change. Coarse spatial resolution satellite sensors offer the advantage of frequent coverage of large areas and this facilitates the monitoring of surface processes. Fine spatial resolution satellite sensors provide reliable land cover information on a local basis. This work examines the ability of several temporal change metrics to detect land cover change in sub-Saharan Africa using remote sensing data collected at a coarse spatial resolution over 16 test sites for which fine spatial resolution data are available. We model change in the fine-resolution data as a function of the coarse spatial resolution metrics without regard to the type of change. Results indicate that coarse spatial resolution temporal metrics (i) relate in a statistically significant way to aggregate changes in land cover, (ii) relate more strongly to fine spatial resolution change metrics when including a measure of surface temperature instead of a vegetation index alone, and (iii) are most effective as land cover change indicators when various metrics are combined in multivariate models.  相似文献   

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