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热带太平洋经向风异常年际变化与海温异常的关系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
运用奇异谱分析(SSA)方法对热带太平洋海温和经向风进行周期分析,结果表明太平洋海气系统存在准4年、准2年和年代际尺度的变化周期,其中准4年的变率最大。不同区域的风场,在不同时间尺度上与海温异常联系的紧密程度不同,位相的演变也有差异。文中还讨论了在准4年与准2年分量之间因风场的不同而导致的海温异常的差异。  相似文献   

利用卫星海面高度计资料,分析了赤道太平洋和印度洋海面高度变化的季节和年际变化特征,并与一个耦合气候系统模式FGCM0模拟的海面高度进行比较,评估模式模拟海面高度季节和年际变化的能力.结果表明,尽管耦合模式存在一定的系统误差,但仍然能在相当程度上模拟出海面高度季节和年际变化的基本特征.同时为检验模式中印度尼西亚贯穿流(ITF)对海面高度季节和年际变化的影响,还进行了印度尼西亚海道完全关闭的敏感性试验,与控制试验结果对比表明,印度尼西亚贯穿流可以显著影响热带太平洋和印度洋年际变化的特征.  相似文献   

为研究海温的异常增暖对30-60天低频振荡的影响,利用OSU两层大气环流模式作了两组试验:一组使用气候平均海温,另一组包括两个试验,它们分别设正的海温距平(ΔSST)中心位于赤道东太平洋的东部(100°W)和中部(145°W)。结果表明:赤道东太平洋冬半年的海温异常增暖可改变低频振荡方差贡献的地理分布,其中当正的ΔSST中心位于赤道东太平洋的东部时,热带印度洋和西太平洋地区的低频振荡的方差贡献较为显著,而热带东太平洋的低频振荡较为不活跃;当正的ΔSST中心位于赤道东太平洋的中部时,情形则相反,即热带东太平洋的低频振荡的方差贡献较显著,而西太平洋地区的则不活跃。在赤道东太平洋海温异常增暖过程中,低频振荡的传播特性对ΔSST中心位置的响应是敏感的,即当正的ΔSST中心位置偏于该海区的东部或中部时,低频振荡的传播方向和传播速度有明显的差异  相似文献   

近10年来,太平洋年代际振荡(PDo)因其对全球气候系统的深远影响而得到广泛的研究。PDo指的是在太平洋的气候变率中具有类似ENSo空间结构但周期为10-30年的一种振荡,当北太平洋中部海面温度异常增暖(冲却)时,热带太平洋中部和东部以及北美沿岸常同时伴随有同等幅度的异常冷却(增暖)。总体而言,有两类观点分别认为PDO起源于确定的海气耦合过程或起源于大气的随机强迫。确定性起源论强调,一个海气耦合系统内部的物理过程可以提供一个正反馈机制以增强一初始扰动,及一个负反馈机制以促使振荡位相发生逆转;海洋环流的动力演变过程决定了振荡的时间尺度。随机性起源论则强调,因为大气活动没有一个特定的时间尺度,其时间尺度谱实际上对应于白噪音谱,所以大气对海洋的强迫是随机的;而海洋常在低频谱段有最大的响应振幅,其对应的周期约为十几年或几十年。作试图系统性地理解PDO在观测、理论和数值方面的研究现状,从而为当前研究提供一个有用的背景性参考。  相似文献   

气候系统模式FGOALS_gl模拟的赤道太平洋年际变率   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
满文敏  周天军  张丽霞 《大气科学》2010,34(6):1141-1154
本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室 (LASG/IAP) 发展的气候系统模式FGOALS_gl对赤道太平洋年际变率的模拟能力。结果表明, FGOALS_gl可以较好地模拟出赤道太平洋SST异常年际变率的主要特征, 但模拟的ENSO事件振幅偏大, 且变率周期过于规则。耦合模式模拟的气候平均风应力在热带地区比ERA40再分析资料的风应力强度偏弱30%左右, 由此引起的海洋平均态的变化, 是造成模拟的ENSO振幅偏强的主要原因。FGOALS_gl模拟的ENSO峰值多出现在春季或夏季, 原因可归之于模式模拟的SST季节循环偏差。耦合模式可以合理再现ENSO演变过程, 但观测中SST异常的东传特征在模式中没有得到再现, 这与模拟的ENSO发展模态表现为单一的 “SST模态” 有关。模拟的ENSO位相转换机制与 “充电—放电” 概念模型相符合, 赤道太平洋热含量的变化是维持ENSO振荡的机制。在ENSO暖位相时期, 赤道中东太平洋与印度洋—西太平洋暖池区的海平面气压距平型表现为南方涛动型 (SO型), 200 hPa位势高度分布表现为太平洋—北美遥相关型 (PNA型)。  相似文献   

太平洋年代际振荡的研究进展   总被引:50,自引:8,他引:50  
作者以太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)现象为重点,系统地回顾了太平洋年代际变率观测、模拟和理论研究的国内外进展.在PDO时空结构方面,总结了PDO的基本观测事实,在PDO成因方面,从海洋大气相互作用观点出发比较了三类PDO形成机制的理论或假说,讨论了现有理论或假说中存在的若干问题,并提出了未来研究的方向和需要解决的关键科学问题.作者也简要介绍了东亚及中国气候年代际变化的特征及其和太平洋海表温度异常的联系,并讨论了东亚大气环流异常在PDO形成中的可能作用.  相似文献   

探讨具有明显周期的大气涛动与雷暴活动之间的相关关系,对雷暴气候特征的变化趋势预测意义重大。以广东省54年的雷暴日年际变化为例,通过小波变换法对雷暴活动的年际变化周期进行研究,探索雷暴日与太平洋年代际振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation,简称PDO)指数两者之间是否存在长周期的响应关系,经分析得出以下结论:广东省雷暴多发期大多出现在PDO冷位相时期,雷暴少发期多出现在暖位相时期;且广东省雷暴日存在明显的30年左右的振荡周期,与PDO的变化周期具有较好的对应关系,年平均雷暴日与当年3—7月的PDO指数相关性最好,相关系数达0.52,灵敏度达-619.1±135.7%,呈负相关。高雷暴日,与PDO指数的十年平滑值之间具有很好的相关性,两者相关系数可达0.77。  相似文献   

热带太平洋和印度洋海温年际变化的均方差分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用1951~1997年热带(20°N~20°S,50°E~80°W)海温(SST)资料求出其各月的均方差,结果表明:太平洋海温变化相对印度洋海温变化要明显,特别是赤道中东太平洋附近 (165~90°W,6°N~6°S)的海温变化比较显著,其海温的变化范围在2~4°C左右,3~4月份海温年际变化小,11~12月海温年际变化大;“暖池”附近洋面海温年际变化也小。而印度洋海域的海温变化范围在1~2°C左右,在印度洋南半球洋面海温变化比北半球洋面海温变化相对较大。同时,根据上述海温变化特征确定了几个海温年际变化最大的关键区。  相似文献   

黄艳艳  王会军 《气象学报》2020,78(2):177-186
太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)是北太平洋海表温度年代际变率的主模态。由于太平洋年代际振荡对区域乃至全球气候的显著影响,其合理的预测结果可以带来多方面收益。然而,针对太平洋年代际振荡及其有关的海表温度的年代际预测,目前气候模式的预测水平还十分有限,因此,提出了一个新的增量方法。一系列的验证结果表明,增量方法可以有效预测太平洋年代际振荡,其中包括成功预测出其振荡的年代际转折。增量方法的预测过程主要包括3个步骤:(1)采用5 a滑动平均得到太平洋年代际振荡的年代际变率;(2)利用3 a增量形式的预测因子构建预测模型,预测3 a增量的太平洋年代际振荡(DIPDO);(3)将预测得到的DIPDO加上3 a前的观测PDO,得到最后预测的PDO。增量方法亦可以应用到气候系统年代际内部变率的其他模态(如:北大西洋年代际振荡)和其他气候变量的年代际预测(如:海表温度)。  相似文献   

热带太平洋海面盐度年际变化的海洋同化数据分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
用诊断与统计方法分析了海洋同化数据和综合海洋大气数据集COADS海面淡水通量.结果显示热带太平洋海面盐度具有年际变化特征,并且和ENSO循环具有内在的联系.从相关统计的角度评估了热带太平洋海面盐度年际变化中海面蒸发与降水、温跃层调整、水平盐分平流等主要因子的不同贡献.  相似文献   

The interannual meridional displacement of the upper-tropospheric westerly jet over the eastern portion of East Asia in summer has been well documented. This study, however, investigates the interannual meridional displacement of the westerly jet over the western portion of East Asia in summer, which is distinct from its eastern counterpart. The results show that the meridional displacement of the western East Asian jet shows a clear asymmetric feature; that is, there are remarkable differences ...  相似文献   

Summary The January anomaly time series for each term of the surface heat budget (solar and longwave radiation, sensible and latent heat fluxes) are calculated for Ocean Weather Stations (OWSs) in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans. The data set used is the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS). The dominant term is the latent heat flux. The results for OWS P in the northern North Pacific show that the interannual variability of the heat budget parameters is correlated with the synoptic variability of the Aleutian low. There is also an interdecadal signal present in the heat budget anomaly time series, with the sign of the anomaly persisting for about 8–10 years. In contrast, for OWS J in the northern North Atlantic, no correlation is found between the variability of the heat budget parameters and the corresponding synoptic variability of the Icelandic low. The station J air-sea heat fluxes also show a higher frequency variability, compared to those of station P. The results suggest the variability of the January air-sea heat exchange processes are fundamentally different over the two ocean basins.With 3 Figures  相似文献   

运用K均值聚类法将冬季北大西洋及欧洲地区的天气流型分为4种不同的流型。研究了不同阶段8种不同位相的热带季节内振荡(MJO)与这4种流型的年际变化的关系。通过一系列的对比试验发现,K均值聚类法划分得到的不同位相的北大西洋涛动(NAO)的天数能很好地反映NAO指数;无论是在1978~1990年(简称为P1阶段)还是在1991~2010年(简称为P2阶段),MJO第3(6)位相影响NAO正(负)位相;但在P1阶段存在NAO的位相转换,当MJO处于第1位相时,NAO由弱的负位相转换为正位相,当MJO处于第6位相时, NAO由正位相转换为负位相;而在P2阶段NAO并没有明显的位相转换,当MJO处于第1位相时,NAO由偶极子结构转换为波列结构。  相似文献   

夏季青藏高原热源低频振荡对我国东部降水的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
利用NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料及长江中下游降水资料, 诊断和分析了长江中下游地区旱年1978年、涝年1999年青藏高原东部大气热源与降水季节内振荡的关系, 并着重讨论了青藏高原低频热力过程的经、纬向传播, 结果表明:1978年夏季青藏高原东部大气热源存在10~20 d周期为主的振荡, 交叉谱分析表明:青藏高原东部热源与长江中下游降水在10~20 d频段存在显著相关, 且青藏高原激发的周期为10~20 d的低频振荡热源在纬向上呈现出驻波形式; 1999年夏季青藏高原东部热源存在30~60 d周期为主的振荡, 热源与长江中下游降水在30~60 d频段存在显著相关。  相似文献   

Summary ?Nepal, lying in the southern periphery of the Tibetan Plateau receives about 80% of the total annual rainfall during summer monsoon (June–September). Rainfall analysis shows that summer monsoon is more active in the southern part of Nepal but in the high Himalayas and Trans-Himalayan region other weather systems like western disturbances are also as effective as monsoon in giving rainfall. The influence of Southern Oscillation (SO) in Nepal monsoon rainfall is found to be very significant. The years with significant negative (positive) Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) have less (more) rainfall in most of the cases during the 32-year period. This relationship is also found to vary with time. The years with deficient rainfall are associated most of the times with negative departure of SOI and the composite chart during these occasions shows about 95% area of Nepal experiencing below normal rainfall. Likewise at the time of positive departure of SOI, most of the region (94%) experienced above normal rainfall. There is a good relation between SOI and rainfall over Nepal during monsoon. The correlation coefficient between Nepal monsoon rainfall and monthly SOI shows a statistically significant in-phase relationship during and after monsoon but poor relation during the months prior to monsoon season. These results suggest that monsoon plays an active and effective role on the interannual variability including SOI. Received December 28, 1999/Revised May 22, 2000  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of extensive data of observations obtained by 272 aerological stations of the tropical zone and of radiosonde observations made in 16 Soviet oceanic expeditions the peculiarities of the equatorial westerlies in the Eastern hemisphere and their relationships with the entire mechanism of tropical circulation have been investigated. New data have been obtained on the structure, meridional extension, vertical distribution and velocity of the equatorial westerlies over Africa, the Indian ocean and the western part of the Pacific ocean. The relationship of equatorial westerlies with easterlies of the upper troposphere and with westerlies of middle latitudes is shown. In this context some features of monsoon circulation over the Guinea gulf, South-Eastern Asia and Northern Australia are discussed.Regularities of the annual migration of equatorial westerlies have been followed, the yearround existence of persistent westerlies in the lower troposphere near the equator being revealed. In order to look into the genesis and mechanism of existence of equatorial westerlies, the peculiarities of the many years distribution of cloudiness in the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) are considered using weather-satellite pictures presented in the US-catalogues. The features of zonal circulation in tropics are compared with the field of cloudiness of the ITCZ.
Die äquatorialen Westwinde über der östlichen Hemisphäre
Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von umfangreichen Beobachtungsdaten von 272 Stationen in der Tropenzone und von Radiosondenbeobachtungen auf 16 sowjetischen ozeanischen Expeditionen sind die Eigenheiten der äquatorialen Westwindzone in der östlichen Hemisphäre und ihre Beziehungen zum ganzen Mechanismus der tropischen Zirkulation untersucht worden. Es sind neue Angaben über die Struktur, die meridionale Erstreckung, die vertikale Verteilung und die Geschwindigkeit der äquatorialen Westwinde über Afrika, über dem Indischen Ozean und über dem westlichen Teil des Pazifischen Ozeans gewonnen worden. Es wird die Beziehung der äquatorialen Westwinde zu den östlichen Winden der oberen Troposphäre und zu den Westwinden der mittleren Breiten gezeigt.In diesem Zusammenhang werden einige charakteristische Merkmale der Monsunzirkulation über dem Golf von Guinea, über Südost-Asien und über dem nördlichen Australien besprochen. Regelmäßigkeiten der jährlichen Verlagerung der äquatorialen Westwindzone sind verfolgt worden und die ganzjährige Existenz einer beständigen Westwindzone in der unteren Troposphäre nahe dem Äquator ist nachgewiesen worden. Um einen Einblick in die Entstehung und in den Mechanismus der Existenz äquatorialer Westwinde zu bekommen, sind die Besonderheiten der mehrjährigen Bewölkungsverteilung in der intertropischen Konvergenzzone (ITCZ) auf Grund der in den US-Katalogen veröffentlichten Wettersatelliten-Bilder in Betracht gezogen worden. Die Besonderheiten der zonalen Zirkulation in den Tropen sind mit den Bewölkungsfeldern der ITCZ verglichen worden.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

Using a high-resolution ocean general circulation model forced by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the interannual variability of the Guinea Dome is studied from a new viewpoint of its possible link with the Atlantic Meridional Mode (AMM), which is related to the meridional migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The dome develops off Dakar seasonally from late spring to late fall owing to the wind-induced Ekman upwelling; its seasonal evolution is associated with the northward migration of the ITCZ. When the ITCZ is located anomalously northward (southward) from late spring to early summer, as a result of the wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (SST) positive feedback with positive (negative) SST anomaly over the Northern Hemisphere, the dome becomes unusually strong (weak) in fall as a result of stronger (weaker) Ekman upwelling. This may contribute to the decay of the AMM. Thus, the coupled nature between the AMM and the Guinea Dome could be important in understanding, modeling, and predicting the tropical Atlantic variability.  相似文献   

Northward propagation in summer and eastward propagation in winter are two distinguished features of tropical intraseasonal oscillation(TISO) over the equatorial Indian Ocean.According to numerical modeling results,under a global warming scenario,both propagations were intensified.The enhanced northward propagation in summer can be attributed to the enhanced atmosphere-ocean interaction and the strengthened mean southerly wind;and the intensified eastward propagation in winter is associated with the enhanced convection-wind coupling process and the strengthened equatorial Kevin wave.Future changes of TISO propagations need to be explored in more climate models.  相似文献   

This study investigates characteristics of the convective quasi-biweekly oscillation(QBWO) over the South China Sea(SCS) and western North Pacific(WNP) in spring, and the interannual variation of its intensity. Convective QBWO over the WNP and SCS shows both similarities and differences. Convective QBWO over the WNP originates mainly from southeast of the Philippine Sea and propagates northwestward. In contrast, convective QBWO over the SCS can be traced mainly to east of the Philippines and features a westward propagation. Such a westward or northwestward propagation is probably related to n = 1 equatorial Rossby waves. During the evolution of convective QBWO over the WNP and SCS, the vertical motion and specific humidity exhibit a barotropic structure and the vertical relative vorticity shows a baroclinic structure in the troposphere. The dominant mode of interannual variation of convective QBWO intensity over the SCS–WNP region in spring is homogeneous. Its positive phase indicates enhanced convective QBWO intensity accompanied by local enhanced QBWO intensity of vertical motion throughout the troposphere as well as local enhanced(weakened) QBWO intensity of kinetic energy, vertical relative vorticity,and wind in the lower(upper) troposphere. The positive phase usually results from local increases of the background moisture and anomalous vertical shear of easterlies. The latter contributes to the relationship between the dominant mode and QBWO intensities of kinetic energy, vertical relative vorticity, and wind. Finally, a connection between the dominant mode and the sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Pacific Ocean is demonstrated.  相似文献   

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