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Sorting of proteins destined to the surface or the extracellular milieu is mediated by specific machineries, which guide the protein substrates towards the proper route of secretion and determine the compartment in which folding occurs. In Gram-negative bacteria, the two-partner secretion (TPS) pathway is dedicated to the secretion of large proteins rich in β-helical structure. The secretion of the filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a 230 kDa adhesin of Bordetella pertussis , represents a model TPS system. FHA is exported by the Sec machinery and transits through the periplasm in an extended conformation. From there it is translocated across the outer membrane by its dedicated transporter FhaC to finally fold into a long β-helix at the cell surface in a progressive manner. In this work, we show that B. pertussis lacking the periplasmic chaperone/protease DegP has a strong growth defect at 37°C, and the integrity of its outer membrane is compromised. While both phenotypes are significantly aggravated by the presence of FHA, the chaperone activity of DegP markedly alleviates the periplasmic stress. In vitro , DegP binds to non-native FHA with high affinity. We propose that DegP chaperones the extended FHA polypeptide in the periplasm and is thus involved in the TPS pathway.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated ATPases in isolated secretory vesicles   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Polysaccharide-containing vesicles were collected from secretory cells maintained in liquid culture. Characterization of membrane-associated nucleosidephosphatases revealed that the vesicles specifically hydrolyze ATP, have a pH optimum between 6.0 and 6.5, and are stimulated by inorganic cations, especially K+. The ATPase activity in these vesicles was inhibited by orthovanadate and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide; other inhibitors, such as oligomycin, sodium azide, and diethylstilbestrol were generally ineffective. Results from these studies are consistent with the notion that vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus have partially differentiated into plasmalemma before they fuse with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated stress proteins: more than simply chaperones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The protein- and/or lipid-mediated association of chaperone proteins to membranes is a widespread phenomenon and implicated in a number of physiological and pathological events that were earlier partially or completely overlooked. A temporary association of certain HSPs with membranes can re-establish the fluidity and bilayer stability and thereby restore the membrane functionality during stress conditions. The fluidity and microdomain organization of membranes are decisive factors in the perception and transduction of stresses into signals that trigger the activation of specific HS genes. Conversely, the membrane association of HSPs may result in the inactivation of membrane-perturbing signals, thereby switch off the heat shock response. Interactions between certain HSPs and specific lipid microdomains ("rafts") might be a previously unrecognized means for the compartmentalization of HSPs to specific signaling platforms, where key signaling proteins are known to be concentrated. Any modulations of the membranes, especially the raft-lipid composition of the cells can alter the extracellular release and thus the immuno-stimulatory activity of certain HSPs. Reliable techniques, allowing mapping of the composition and dynamics of lipid microdomains and simultaneously the spatio-temporal localization of HSPs in and near the plasma membrane can provide suitable means with which to address fundamental questions, such as how HSPs are transported to and translocated through the plasma membrane. The possession of such information is critical if we are to target the membrane association principles of HSPs for successful drug development in most various diseases.  相似文献   

A Shigella flexneri degP mutant, which was defective for plaque formation in Henle cell monolayers, had a reduced amount of IcsA detectable on the bacterial surface with antibody. However, the mutant secreted IcsA to the outer membrane at wild-type levels. This suggests that IcsA adopts an altered conformation in the outer membrane of the degP mutant with reduced exposure on the cell surface. IcsA is, therefore, unlikely to be accessible to actin-nucleating proteins within the eukaryotic cell cytoplasm, which is required for bacterial movement within the host cell and cell-to-cell spread. The degP mutant was somewhat more sensitive to detergents, antibiotics, and the antimicrobial peptide magainin, indicating that the degP phenotype was not limited to IcsA surface presentation. The plaque defect of the degP mutant, which is independent of DegP protease activity, was suppressed by overexpression of the periplasmic chaperone Skp but not by SurA. S. flexneri skp and surA mutants failed to form plaques in Henle cell monolayers and were defective in cell surface presentation and polar localization of IcsA. Therefore, the three periplasmic folding factors DegP, Skp, and SurA were all required for IcsA localization and plaque formation by S. flexneri.  相似文献   

PDZ domains are modular protein interaction domains that are present in metazoans and bacteria. These domains possess unique structural features that allow them to interact with the C-terminal residues of their ligands. The Escherichia coli essential periplasmic protein DegP contains two PDZ domains attached to the C-terminal end of the protease domain. In this study we examined the role of each PDZ domain in the protease and chaperone activities of this protein. Specifically, DegP mutants with either one or both PDZ domains deleted were generated and tested to determine their protease and chaperone activities, as well as their abilities to sequester unfolded substrates. We found that the PDZ domains in DegP have different roles; the PDZ1 domain is essential for protease activity and is responsible for recognizing and sequestering unfolded substrates through C-terminal tags, whereas the PDZ2 domain is mostly involved in maintaining the hexameric cage of DegP. Interestingly, neither of the PDZ domains was required for the chaperone activity of DegP. In addition, we found that the loops connecting the protease domain to PDZ1 and connecting PDZ1 to PDZ2 are also essential for the protease activity of the hexameric DegP protein. New insights into the roles of the PDZ domains in the structure and function of DegP are provided. These results imply that DegP recognizes substrate molecules targeted for degradation and substrate molecules targeted for refolding in different manners and suggest that the substrate recognition mechanisms may play a role in the protease-chaperone switch, dictating whether the substrate is degraded or refolded.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated protein kinase activities in developing apple fruit   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fruit development is a process involving various signals and gene expression. Protein phosphorylation catalysed by protein kinases is known to play a key role in eukaryotic cell signalling and so may be involved in the regulation of fruit development. Using the method of exogenous substrate phosphorylation, the activity of calcium-dependent and calmodulin-independent protein kinase (CDPK) that was stimulated by phosphatidylserine, and the myelin basic protein (MBP)-phosphorylating activity that could be due to a calcium-independent mitogen-activated protein kinase-like (MAPK-like) activity in the developing apple fruits were identified. The CDPK activity was shown to be predominantly localized in the plasma membrane, whereas in the presence of phosphatidylserine, the high activity of CDPK was detected in both plasma membrane and endomembranes. The MAPK-like activity was predominantly associated with endomembranes. The assays of bivalent cation requirement showed that Mn2+ could replace Mg2+ in the incubation system for the protein kinase activities and stimulate CDPK activity more than Mg2+. Heat treatment abolished CDPK but stimulated MAPK-like activity. The activities of the phosphatidylserine-stimulated CDPK and of the MAPK-like were fruit developmental stage-specific with higher activities of both enzymes in the early and middle developmental stages in comparison with the late developmental stage. These data suggest that the detected protein kinases may play an important role in the fruit development.  相似文献   

The ring-forming molecular chaperone Hsp104/ClpB is a member of the AAA+ protein family which rescues proteins from aggregated states. The newly determined crystal structure of ClpB provides new insights into the mechanism of protein disaggregation, suggesting a crowbar activity mediated by a unique coiled-coil domain.  相似文献   

The discovery of “molecular chaperones” has dramatically changed our concept of cellular protein folding. Rather than folding spontaneously, most newly synthesized polypeptide chains seem to acquire their native conformation in a reaction mediated by these versatile helper proteins. Understanding the structure and function of molecular chaperones is likely to yield useful applications for medicine and biotechnology in the future.  相似文献   

Proteins must fold into their correct three-dimensional conformation in order to attain their biological function. Conversely, protein aggregation and misfolding are primary contributors to many devastating human diseases, such as prion-mediated infections, Alzheimer's disease, type II diabetes and cystic fibrosis. While the native conformation of a polypeptide is encoded within its primary amino acid sequence and is sufficient for protein folding in vitro, the situation in vivo is more complex. Inside the cell, proteins are synthesized or folded continuously; a process that is greatly assisted by molecular chaperones. Molecular chaperones are a group of structurally diverse and mechanistically distinct proteins that either promote folding or prevent the aggregation of other proteins. With our increasing understanding of the proteome, it is becoming clear that the number of proteins that can be classified as molecular chaperones is increasing steadily. Many of these proteins have novel but essential cellular functions that differ from that of more "conventional" chaperones, such as Hsp70 and the GroE system. This review focuses on the emerging role of molecular chaperones in protein quality control, i.e. the mechanism that rids the cell of misfolded or incompletely synthesized polypeptides that otherwise would interfere with normal cellular function.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated protein kinases in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes were studied. In unstimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes the protein kinase C was predominantly present in the cytosol but in phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate- (PMA-) activated cells a time and dose-dependent translocation of the kinase to the particulate fraction occurred. Two new protein kinase activities also appeared in the particulate fraction upon PMA activation. The one had a Mr of 40,000 and its activity was independent of phospholipids. The other (Mr 90,000) as partially activated by phospholipids, but separated from protein kinase C on DEAE-cellulose chromatography.  相似文献   

Initially we established that the binding of collagen to human blood platelets stimulates both the rapid loss of PIP2 and the generation of inositol-4,5-bisphosphate (IP2) and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3). These results indicate that the binding of collagen stimulates inositol phospholipid-specific phospholipase C during platelet activation. The fact that GTP or GTP-gamma-S augments, and pertussis toxin inhibits, collagen-induced IP3 formation suggests that a GTP-binding protein (or (or proteins) may be directly involved in the regulation of phospholipase C-mediated phosphoinositide turnover in human platelets. We have used several complementary techniques to isolate and characterize a platelet 41-kDa polypeptide (or polypeptides) that has a number of structural and functional similarities to the regulatory alpha i subunit of the GTP-binding proteins isolated from bovine brain. This 41-kDa polypeptide (or polypeptides) is found to be closely associated with at least four membrane glycoproteins (e.g., gp180, gp110, gp95, and gp75) in a 330-kDa complex that can be dissociated by treatment with high salt plus urea. Most important, we have demonstrated that antilymphoma 41-kDa (alpha i subunit of GTP-binding proteins) antibody cross-reacts with the platelet 41-kDa protein (or proteins) and the alpha i subunit of bovine brain Gi alpha proteins, and blocks GTP/collagen-induced IP3 formation. These data provide strong evidence that the 41-kDa platelet GTP-binding protein (or proteins) is directly involved in collagen-induced signal transduction during platelet activation.  相似文献   

The expression of assembly-defective outer membrane proteins can confer lethality if they are not degraded by envelope proteases. We report here that the expression of a mutant OmpC protein, OmpC(2Cys), which forms disulfide bonds in the periplasm due to the presence of two non-native cysteine residues, is lethal in cells lacking the major periplasmic protease, DegP. This lethality is not observed in dsbA strains that have diminished ability to form periplasmic disulfide bonds. Our data show that this OmpC(2Cys)-mediated lethality in a degP::Km(r) dsbA(+) background can be reversed by a DegP variant, DegP(S210A), that is devoid of its proteolytic activity but retains its reported chaperone activity. However, DegP(S210A) does not reverse the lethal effect of OmpC(2Cys) by correcting its assembly but rather by capturing misfolded mutant OmpC polypeptides and thus removing them from the assembly pathway. Displacement of OmpC(2Cys) by DegP(S210A) also alleviates the negative effect that the mutant OmpC protein has on wild-type OmpF.  相似文献   

Calcium-induced aggregation has been proposed to play a role in the sorting and storage of secretory proteins in secretory granules of endocrine cells. The regulation of this process is not known. Hexahistidine epitope tags were used to create aggregation chaperones that enhance the calcium-induced aggregation of secretory granule proteins in vitro. Indeed, 100% recovery of the aggregating target protein was achieved without any modification of the target protein. The aggregation chaperone is not trapped in the aggregates. Co-expression of His(6)-tagged secreted alkaline phosphatase and the regulated secretory protein chromogranin A resulted in an increased chromogranin storage in secretory granules, and stimulated secretion of chromogranin A increased 50%. However, secretion of secreted alkaline phosphatase was not affected by the hexahistidine epitope tag. Thus, calcium-induced aggregation is not a passive process; rather, aggregation and sorting of secretory proteins can be regulated by aggregation chaperones in the secretory pathway of endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones and protein folding in plants   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Protein folding in vivo is mediated by an array of proteins that act either as foldases or molecular chaperones. Foldases include protein disulfide isomerase and peptidyl prolyl isomerase, which catalyze the rearrangement of disulfide bonds or isomerization of peptide bonds around Pro residues, respectively. Molecular chaperones are a diverse group of proteins, but they share the property that they bind substrate proteins that are in unstable, non-native structural states. The best understood chaperone systems are HSP70/DnaK and HSP60/GroE, but considerable data support a chaperone role for other proteins, including HSP100, HSP90, small HSPs and calnexin. Recent research indicates that many, if not all, cellular proteins interact with chaperones and/or foldases during their lifetime in the cell. Different chaperone and foldase systems are required for synthesis, targeting, maturation and degradation of proteins in all cellular compartments. Thus, these diverse proteins affect an exceptionally broad array of cellular processes required for both normal cell function and survival of stress conditions. This review summarizes our current understanding of how these proteins function in plants, with a major focus on those systems where the most detailed mechanistic data are available, or where features of the chaperone/foldase system or substrate proteins are unique to plants.  相似文献   

Roles of molecular chaperones in protein degradation   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  

Differential centrifugation was used to prepare heavy and light membrane fractions from the seminal plasma of vasectomized men. The two membrane fractions combined contained half of the phosvitin and histone kinase activities but only 7% of the total protein content in vasectomy semen. These two kinase activities as well as phosphorylation of endogenous membrane proteins were optimally stimulated by Mg2+; Mn2+ could effectively substitute for Mg2+ only in endogenous phosphorylation reactions. Neither the phosvitin nor histone kinase responded to cAMP or cGMP, but the histone kinase was strongly inhibited by the heat-stable cAMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor. The phosvitin kinase was not affected by this inhibitor. The phosphorylation of endogenous proteins in the heavy membrane fraction was not affected by the protein kinase inhibitor but protein phosphorylation in the light membrane fraction was partly (45%) inhibited. The differential effects of increased ionic strength, sulphydryl protecting agents, and the protein kinase inhibitor on protein kinase activity towards lysine-rich histones, phosvitin and endogenous proteins, as well as differential extractability and binding to an anion exchange column of histone kinase and phosvitin kinase activities, indicate that more than one kinase activity is present in these membrane subfractions. Electron microscopic examination showed that there are several kinds of membrane-limited components in vasectomy seminal fluid that vary in size, density, and ultrastructure. The association of type(s) of protein kinase to individual membrane components remains to be established.  相似文献   

Molecular chaperones and protein quality control   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
Bukau B  Weissman J  Horwich A 《Cell》2006,125(3):443-451
In living cells, both newly made and preexisting polypeptide chains are at constant risk for misfolding and aggregation. In accordance with the wide diversity of misfolded forms, elaborate quality-control strategies have evolved to counter these inevitable mishaps. Recent reports describe the removal of aggregates from the cytosol; reveal mechanisms for protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum; and provide new insight into two classes of molecular chaperones, the Hsp70 system and the AAA+ (Hsp100) unfoldases.  相似文献   

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