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多粒度交换技术利用波带级路由以及光纤级路由,可有效降低光交叉连接器的复杂度.但多粒度交换增加了光网络的逻辑层次结构,使得网络中的路由与资源分配问题更为复杂,因此,在多粒度全光网中实现多层联合路由是提高网络性能的关键.本文对多粒度交叉连接结构进行了分析,并对多粒度全光网中的多层联合路由问题进行了研究.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have studied a number of algorithms for routing in all-optical wavelength routed networks. We have considered situations where a lightpath is dynamically created in response to a request for communication and the WDM channels constituting the lightpath are reclaimed when the communication is over. We have looked at two schemes for dynamic wavelength allocation. In the first scheme we have assumed the existence of a central agent to maintain a database of existing lightpaths where the central agent attempts to generate a new lightpath in response to a request for communication. In the second scheme, we attempt to generate a new lightpath using a distributed algorithm. In the first scheme we have exploited the existence of multiple paths between any pair of nodes in a network in order to reduce the blocking probability. For the second scheme, we have proposed three distributed strategies to determine, if possible, a lightpath when there is a request for communication. Each of these strategies have their advantages and disadvantages in terms of the expected blocking probability and the set-up time. We have studied the performances of both the schemes using Monte Carlo simulation.  相似文献   

WDM光传送网的选路和波长分配算法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
文章综述了波分复用(WDM)光传送网的选路和波长分配(RWA)算法;考虑了两种需求情况一种是从建立光路的需求出发,另一种是从运送分组业务的需求出发;还概述了RWA设计中要考虑的附加问题,包括波长变换、抗毁和服务策略.  相似文献   

全光网络中动态型波长路由算法的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
分析了光路径的跳数(H)、拥挤程度(C)以及全网剩余波长总数(FW)对选路的影响,进而提出一种新型的动态波长路由算法。该算法利用网络中剩余资源的数量,动态调节选路策略,将业务分布在最短、负载最小以及剩余波长数和跳数比值最大的路径上;当有效资源减少时,增加最短路径选择的概率;当有效资源增加时,增加小负载路径的选择概率。计算机仿真结果表明,该算法的阻塞率比传统算法FAR和FPLC算法分别降低了19.1%和12.7%。  相似文献   

在WDM光网络中,为了进一步提高波长资源的利用率,多个业务连接可以通过时分复用(TDM)技术共享一个波长的容量。在这种基于WDM-TDM技术的光网络中建立业务连接,需要解决的核心问题之一是波长路由与时隙分配(RWTA)问题。该文研究了WDM-TDM光网络中的动态RWTA问题,提出了一种基于最大使用率方法的RWTA算法(MUB)和一种改进的MUB算法(EMUB),并对它们的性能进行了计算机仿真分析。结果表明:EMUB算法的阻塞率性能优于MUB算法,能有效地优化WDM-TDM光网络的资源利用率。  相似文献   

王楼  黄胜  阳小龙  隆克平 《通信技术》2007,40(11):255-257
在WDM网络中,路由和波长分配(RWA)算法是一个焦点问题.当前的RWA算法多是考虑路径跳数或全网拥塞程度,并没有分析各个链路的具体情况.文中提出一种WDM网络中能实现负载平衡的路由算法——最大波长跳数比值(MWHR)算法。基本思想是:根据各备选路径的跳数和其经过的各链路上的可用波长数信息。计算该路径的优先选取权值,优先选取权值最大的路径.仿真表明,该算法在保证较低的阻塞率情况下,能有效的将业务负载均衡分布在网络中的所有链路上.  相似文献   

Dynamic traffic is becoming important in WDM networks. In the transition towards full dynamic traffic, WDM networks optimized for a specific set of static connections will most likely also be used to support on-demand lightpath provisioning. Our paper investigates the issue of routing of dynamic connections in WDM networks which are also loaded with high-priority protected static connections. By discrete-event simulation we compare various routing strategies in terms of blocking probability and we propose a new heuristic algorithm based on an occupancy cost function which takes several possible causes of blocking into account. The behavior of this algorithm is tested in well-known case-study mesh networks, with and without wavelength conversion. Moreover, Poissonian and non-Poissonian dynamic traffics are considered.  相似文献   

An adaptive hybrid reservation protocol (AHRP) is proposed for the purpose of quickly and efficiently establishing a lightpath in dynamic wavelength routed networks. This protocol uses a special reservation-and-probe (RESV_PROB) packet and extends the signaling to integrate forward reservation and backward reservation into one monolithic process. To decrease the blocking probability that happens in cases where two end nodes associated with a specific link simultaneously reserve the same wavelength, an adaptive wavelength selection policy is specially employed in AHRP. A discrete-event simulation tool based on ns-2 is developed to investigate AHRP's performance, including its blocking probability, average lightpath setup delay, and signaling overhead. AHRP is also compared with existing protocols. Results show that during highly dynamic traffic conditions, AHRP possesses the lowest blocking probability, shorter setup delay, and less signaling overhead.  相似文献   

Traffic grooming in optical networks has gained significant importance in recent years due to the prevailing sub-wavelength traffic requirement of end-users. In this paper, a methodology for dynamic routing of fractional-wavelength traffic in WDM grooming networks is developed. To evaluate the performance of routing algorithms, a new performance metric that reflects the network utilization is also proposed. The performances of shortest-widest path, widest-shortest path, and available shortest path routing algorithms are evaluated on a class of WDM grooming networks by considering traffic of different capacity requirements. The effect of dispersity routing, where higher capacity requests are broken into multiple unit capacity requests, is also investigated. The most interesting counter-intuitive result that is observed is that increasing the grooming capability in a network could result in degrading the performance of the widest-shortest path algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper considers wavelength routed WDM networks where multiple fibers are used for each communication link. For such networks, the effect of wavelength translation can be achieved without explicit use of wavelength translators. We call this as virtual wavelength translation and study the routing issues considering dynamic lightpath allocation. Using multiple (or a bundle of) fibers for each link also allows us to have bundles of varying sizes to accommodate anticipated differences in traffic through different communication links of the network. The paper considers the blocking probabilities of all-optical networks when centralized and distributed lightpath allocation schemes are used.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the optimization issues of ring networks employing novel parallel multi‐granularity hierarchical optical add‐drop multiplexers (OADMs). In particular, we attempt to minimize the number of control elements for the off‐line case. We present an integer linear programming formulation to obtain the lower bound in optimization, and propose an efficient heuristic algorithm called global bandwidth resource assignment that is suitable for the design of large‐scale OADM networks.  相似文献   

WDM疏导网络中一种新的多播业务路由算法   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
研究了波分复用(WDM)网状网中动态多播业务量疏导,提出一种新的辅助疏导模型,其可以描述当前网络资源状况和节点分光特点,并动态更新.进而提出一种有效的多播业务量疏导启发式算法(MGA),将业务的多播选路和波长分配同时完成.仿真表明,该算法在波长连续性限制、网络波长和节点收发器数目有限的情况下,具有较低网络阻塞率.  相似文献   

Virtual Source Based Multicast Routing in WDM Optical Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) networks using wavelength-routing are considered to be potential candidates for the next generation wide-area backbone networks. Multicasting is the ability to transmit information from a single source node to multiple destination nodes and is becoming an important requirement in high-speed networks. As WDM technology matures and multicast applications become increasingly popular, supporting multicast routing at the WDM layer becomes an important and yet a challenging topic. This paper concerns with the problem of optical multicast routing in WDM networks. A few nodes in the network may have wavelength conversion and/or splitting capabilities. In this paper, a new multicast tree construction algorithm is proposed. This algorithm is based on a concept called virtual source. A virtual source is a node having both the splitting and wavelength conversion capabilities. By exploiting the presence of virtual source nodes, the proposed algorithm achieves improved performance. To further improve the performance, the algorithm assigns priorities to nodes based on their capabilities. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified through extensive simulation experiments.  相似文献   

Permutation traffic occurs in a number of networking applications. In this paper, the problem of wavelength assignment for permutation traffic in multi-fiber WDM rings with and without wavelength conversion is considered. We focus on a special class of permutation traffic and analyze the bounds on the number of wavelengths required to establish the connections. Lower bounds and optimal algorithms are presented for all the cases. The results indicate that a small number of fibers is sufficient to provide most of the benefits that wavelength conversion provides for this class of permutation traffic.  相似文献   

Optical dense wavelength division multiplexed (DWDM) networks are an attractive candidate for the next generation Internet and beyond. In this paper, we consider routing and wavelength assignment in a wide area wavelength routed backbone network that employs circuit-switching. When a session request is received by the network, the routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) task is to establish a lightpath between the source and destination. That is, determine a suitable path and assign a set of wavelengths for the links on this path. We consider a link state protocol approach and use Dijkstras shortest path algorithm, suitably modified for DWDM networks, for computing the shortest paths. In [1] we proposed WDM aware weight functions that included factors such as available wavelengths per link, total wavelengths per link. In this paper, we present new weight functions that exploit the strong correlation between blocking probability and number of hops involved in connection setup to increase the performance of the network. We also consider alternate path routing that computes the alternate paths based on WDM aware weight functions. The impact of the weight functions on the blocking probability and delay is studied through discrete event simulation. The system parameters varied include number of network nodes, wavelengths, degree of wavelength conversion, and load. The results show that the weight function that incorporates both hop count and available wavelength provides the best performance in terms of blocking probability.  相似文献   

An Ant-Based Approach for Dynamic RWA in Optical WDM Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we propose a new ant-based algorithm for the dynamic routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) problem in optical WDM networks under the wavelength continuity constraint. Unlike conventional approaches, which usually require centralized global network information, our new RWA algorithm constructs the routing solution in a distributed manner by means of cooperative ants. To facilitate the ants’ foraging task, we adopt in our algorithm a probabilistic routing table structure for route selection. The new algorithm is highly adaptive in that it always keeps a suitable number of ants in the network to cooperatively explore the network states and continuously update the routing tables, so that the route for a connection request can be determined promptly by the current states of routing tables with only a small setup delay. Some new schemes for path scoring and path searching are also proposed to enhance the performance of our ant-based algorithm. Extensive simulation results upon three typical network topologies indicate that the proposed algorithm has a very good adaptability to traffic variations and it outperforms both the fixed routing algorithm and the promising fixed–alternate routing algorithm in terms of blocking probability. The ability to guarantee both a low blocking probability and a small setup delay makes the new ant-based routing algorithm very attractive for both the optical circuit switching networks and future optical burst switching networks  相似文献   

于青  葛宁  董在望 《电子学报》2007,35(1):73-77
针对WDM光网络中单链路失效的情况,提出了一种基于链路的保护动态组播业务的优化共享保护算法(Link-based optimized shared-protection algorithm for multicast sessions,LB-OSPM).该算法在对工作树任意光纤链路失效情况寻找保护路径时,允许组播内不同保护路径共享预留波长资源,同时通过引入预留波长使用情况矩阵和波长预留矩阵记录预留波长资源的使用情况,实现了不发生冲突的不同组播的保护链路间共享预留波长资源.研究采用欧洲光网络(European Optical Network,EON)的拓扑对不同波长资源配置和网络负载情况下LB-OSPM算法的网络连接阻塞率做了仿真.结果表明,通过引入共享机制,LB-OSPM算法在对单链路失效保证100%恢复率的同时可以获得更低的连接阻塞率,提高了波长资源利用效率.  相似文献   

Dynamic routing and wavelength assignment (RWA), which supports request arrivals and lightpath terminations at random times, is needed for rapidly changing traffic demands in wavelength division multiplexed, (WDM) networks. In this paper, a new distributed heuristic algorithm based on ant colony optimization for dynamic RWA is put forward. We consider the combination of route selection and wavelength assignment as a whole using a multilayer-graph model. Therefore, an extended multilayer-graph model for WDM networks with limited wavelength conversion is presented. Compared with other RWA methods, the Ant Colony heuristic algorithm can achieve better global network optimization and can reduce communication overhead cost of the networks. Simulation showed that a lower blocking probability and a more rational wavelength resource assignment can be achieved.  相似文献   

A wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network offers a flexible networking infrastructure by assigning the route and wavelength of lightpaths. We can construct an optimal logical topology, by properly setting up the lightpaths. Furthermore, setting up a backup lightpath for each lightpath improves network reliability. When traffic demand changes, a new optimal (or sub-optimal) topology should be obtained by again applying the formulation. Then, we can reconfigure the running topology to the logical topology obtained. However, during this reconfiguration, traffic loss may occur due to the deletion of older lightpaths. In this paper, we consider reconfiguring the logical topology in reliable WDM-based mesh networks, and we propose five procedures that can be used to reconfigure a running lightpath to a new one. Applying the procedures one by one produces a new logical topology. The procedures mainly focus on utilizing free wavelength resources and the resources of backup lightpaths, which are not used usually for transporting traffic. The results of computer simulations indicate that the traffic loss is remarkably reduced in the 14-node network we used as an example.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an optical crossconnect (MFOXC) architecture that supports multicasting and fault tolerance. First, a tap-based and two splitter-based MFOXC node architectures are presented for wavelength routed all-optical networks. Compared to the existing optical crossconnects, the proposed MFOXC node not only performs multicasting efficiently but also improves reliability significantly. The MFOXC introduces a new feature (fault tolerance) and keeps the multicasting capability. It can be used at some critical points in a network to improve the overall reliability and multicast performance. Furthermore, the probability of maintaining fault free operations has been investigated for both MFOXC architectures. We present our evaluation results with a commonly used reliability measure, the mean time between failures (MTBF). Finally, we have proposed the cost and the sensitivity analysis for these MFOXC structures. The cost model and the sensitivity analysis show that the cost reduction in different components has various different impacts on the total cost of a MFOXC architecture. It can help us to know which component dominates the total cost and how to make a decision to choose among different MFOXC structures. The simulation results show that (1) the decrease of 75% in the cost of the N×N switch will result in the reduction of 20% in the total cost of the tap-based MFOXC, (2) the 1×2 switch has a big impact on the cost of the splitter-based MFOXC structures, and (3) the variation in the cost of the splitter does not introduce significant disadvantage to the type II splitter-based MFOXC structure.  相似文献   

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