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In this work we describe the isolation of the Yarrowia lipolytica homologue of Saccharomyces cerevisiae MNN9 gene, which we have named YlMNN9, and the phenotype analysis of a Y. lipolytica strain containing the disrupted YlMNN9 allele. YlMNN9 was cloned using degenerate consensus oligonucleotides to generate specific probes that were in turn used to screen mini-gene libraries. The gene is defined by a 1014 bp ORF predicted to encode a protein 337 amino acids long that shares significant homology with the Mnn9ps of S. cerevisiae, Candida albicans and Hansenula polymorpha, including a putative N-terminal transmembrane domain. Disruption of YlMNN9 leads to phenotypes such as resistance to sodium orthovanadate and sensitivity to hygromycin B, compatible with a glycosylation defect, and hypersensitivity to Calcofluor white, Congo red or zymolyase, characteristic of cell wall defects. Analysis of cell wall proteins present in beta-mercaptoethanol and zymolyase extracts showed significant differences between the parental and the ylmnn9 Delta strain. These results suggest that, as has been the case with the mnn9 strain of S. cerevisiae, the ylmnn9 Delta strain we present in this work, could be used to study the cell wall proteins of Y. lipolytica and how they are organized into the cell wall.  相似文献   

The synthesis of beta-1,3-glucan, the structural component of the yeast cell wall which gives shape to the cell, occurs at the plasma membrane and is the result of the activity of at least a two-component complex. Fks1p is the catalytic subunit directly responsible for the synthesis of beta-1,3-glucan, whilst the second subunit, Rho1p, has a GTP-dependent regulatory role. FKS1 has been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where its function is at least partially redundant with that of FKS2/GSC2. FKS homologues have also been identified in several other fungal species, including Candida albicans, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Aspergillus nidulans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis. In this work, we have used degenerate oligonucleotides derived from the conserved regions of Fks1ps to isolate the possible FKS homologue genes of the strictly aerobic non-conventional yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Using this approach, we have isolated a single FKS homologue which we have named YlFKS1; this codes a 1961 amino acid protein that shows a high degree of homology with other Fksps. Expression analysis of YlFKS1 under different conditions affecting the cell wall did not reveal significant differences. Finally, attempts to obtain a Y. lipolytica strain containing a disrupted YlFKS1 allele failed, despite having used two different techniques. Taken together, these results suggest that, unlike S. cerevisiae, YlFKS1 is the only FKS1 homologue in Y. lipolytica and is essential for growth.  相似文献   

In the present work, the surface characteristics of a wild-type strain of Yarrowia lipolytica (IMUFRJ50682) were investigated. Six different methods to characterize cell surfaces--adhesion to polystyrene; hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC); microbial adhesion to solvents (MATS) test; zeta potential; microbial adhesion to hydrocarbons (MATH) test; and contact angle measurement (CAM)--were employed to explain the cell surface behaviour of Y. lipolytica (IMUFRJ50682). This Y. lipolytica strain presents significant differences at the cell surface compared with another Y. lipolytica strain (W29) previously reported in the literature. The main difference is related to the higher cell adhesion to non-polar solvents. The proteins present on the cell wall of Y. lipolytica IMUFRJ50682 seem to play an important role in these particular surface characteristics because of the consistent reduction of this yeast hydrophobic character after the action of pronase on its cell wall.  相似文献   

The synthesis of beta-1,3-glucan, the structural component of the yeast cell wall that gives shape to the cell, occurs at the plasma membrane and is the result of the activity of at least a two-component complex. Fks1p is the catalytic subunit directly responsible for the synthesis of beta-1,3-glucan, whilst the second subunit, Rho1p, has a GTP-dependent regulatory role (Yamochi et al., 1994). RHO1 has been characterized in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Yamochi et al., 1994), and in several other fungal species. In this work, we have used degenerate oligonucleotides derived from the conserved regions of Rho1ps to isolate the RHO1 gene of Yarrowia lipolytica. The gene isolated in this way, which we have named YlRHO1, encodes a 204 amino acid protein that shows a high degree of homology with other Rho1ps. However, unlike S. cerevisiae, the ylrho1Delta disruptant strain in Y. lipolytica is viable, although it exhibits an increased sensitivity to Calcofluor white and Congo red. Also, YlRHO1 complements rho1 lethality in S. cerevisiae at both 28 degrees C and 37 degrees C. The complete sequence of YlRHO1 can be obtained from GenBank under Accession No. AF279915.  相似文献   

菜油甾醇是一种具有重要生理活性的植物甾醇。为构建合成菜油甾醇的工程菌株,通过敲除解脂亚罗酵母polf菌株中麦角固醇合成基因ERG5,促进麦角-5,7,24-三烯醇的体内积累,进而表达经密码子优化的非洲爪蟾DHCR7基因,使麦角-5,7,24-三烯醇在DHCR7和polf胞内ERG4的共同催化作用下,转化成菜油甾醇,最后利用GC-MS对重组菌株的发酵产物进行检测分析。结果表明,重组菌株polf-ERG5--DHCR7+(PED)合成菜油甾醇的产量达0.485 mg/g(以细胞干重计)。重组解脂亚罗酵母合成菜油甾醇菌株的成功构建,为生物合成法合成植物甾醇提供了新思路。  相似文献   

Crh1p and Crh2p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are cell wall proteins covalently attached to cell wall glucan and are thought to be putative glycosidases involved in cell wall remodelling. We investigated whether YlCrh1p and YlCrh2p, the Yarrowia lipolytica proteins homologous to ScCrh1p and ScCrh2p, had the required glycosidase activity for cell wall biosynthesis and maintenance. Ylcrh1Delta and Ylcrh2Delta mutants showed sensitivity to compounds that interfere with cell wall construction. Soluble forms of YlCrh1p and YlCrh2p that lacked the C-terminal consensus sequence for GPI anchoring showed glycosidase activity on laminarin, a substrate carrying beta-1,3-glycosidic linkage. Our study suggests that the YlCrh1p and YlCrh2p may participate in cell wall biosynthesis and remodelling through their beta-1,3-glycosidase activity.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica发酵生产γ-癸内酯工艺的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究生物转化方法生产天然γ-癸内酯。方法:在单因素实验的基础上,对Yarrowia lipolytica AS2.1405菌株以蓖麻油为底物发酵生产γ-癸内酯的培养基配方进行优化。结果:在较为适宜的培养基中培养48h后,γ-癸内酯发酵产量达到0.6g/L。结论:实验结果可为γ-癸内酯发酵工艺改进提供依据。  相似文献   

We have determined the sequence of a 10275 bp DNA segment of Yarrowia lipolytica located on chromosome VI. The sequence contains six complete open reading frames (ORFs) longer than 100 amino acids and two more partial ORFs at both ends. Two of the ORFs encode for the well-characterized genes YlURA5 (orotate phosphoribosyltransferase) and YlSEC65 (encoding a subunit of the signal recognition particle). These two genes show an identical organization-located on opposite strands and in opposite orientations-in four yeast species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces lactis, Candida albicans and Y. lipolytica. One ORF and the two partial ORFs code for putative proteins showing significant homology with proteins from other organisms. YlVI-108w (partial) and YlVI-103w show 39% and 54% identity, respectively, with YDR430c and YHR088w from S. cerevisiae. YlVI-102c (partial) shows significant homology with a matrix protein, lustrin A from Haliotis rufescens, and with the PGRS subfamily (Gly-rich proteins) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The three remaining ORFs show weak or non-significant homology with previously sequenced genes. The nucleotide sequence has been submitted to the EMBL database under Accession No. AI006754.  相似文献   

目的 为满足实验室酵母菌日常检验质量控制需求及实验室间比对,制备解脂耶氏酵母菌检验用标准物质。方法 通过生化、基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱及ITS位点测序对研究用菌株进行菌种鉴定确认后,刮取适宜菌苔于保护剂中混匀后冻干,制备104 CFU/样品浓度的标准物质。参照CNAS-GL003等标准要求进行均匀性检验后,采用单因素方差分析对结果进行评价。将样品放于25 ℃和37 ℃及-20 ℃、4 ℃条件下,分别进行运输稳定性检验及储存稳定性检验。依据国家标准GB 4789.15,将研制的本标准物质加入7类食品基质共20件样品中进行检验,验证真实食品样品中适用性。组织3家实验室,对本标准物质进行协作标定。结果CMCC98025经生化鉴定为解脂耶氏酵母菌,准确度为93%;MALDI-TOF MS鉴定结果为解脂耶氏酵母,分数为2.012;ITS位点测序结果与NCBI Genbank中已有序列比对,匹配最优结果为解脂耶氏酵母Yarrowia lipolytica(Accession number :CP061015.1;Query Cover:95%;Ident:100%)。均匀性测试结果符合正态分布,通过单因子方差分析计算F0.05(19,20)=2.137,F值为1.697,F<F0.05,符合均匀性要求。25 ℃及37 ℃培养箱中放置7天,标准物质中菌含量仍保持在104 CFU/样品,可保持稳定。标准物质于4 ℃储存28天及-20 ℃储存90天,菌含量为104 CFU/样品,复苏率均在91%以上,说明4 ℃放置较短时间及-20 ℃放置较长时间样品稳定。7类食品样品基质中加入本标准物质后进行检验,均可检出,回收率为81.3%。经三家实验室协作标定,本标准物质平均浓度为2.0~3.0×104 CFU/样品。结论 本研究制备的解脂耶氏酵母菌标准物质均匀性、稳定性、真实食品样品中应用验证及协作标定结果均符合要求,可应用于食品中解脂耶氏酵母菌定性检验,今后可作为实验室日常检验工作的阳性对照质控样品,也可作为实验室间比对样品发放,以保障日常检验工作结果可靠性,进一步提升检验机构人员的检验水平。  相似文献   

To investigate the role of Srp54p in protein translocation, the Yarrowia lipolytica SRP54 homolog was cloned. Sequencing revealed an open reading frame of 536 amino acids coding for a 57·2 kilodalton polypeptide with 55 to 57% sequence identity to Srp54ps of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and mouse. Like these Srp54ps, Y. lipolytica Srp54p has an N-terminal domain with a highly conserved GTP-binding site and a methionine-rich C-terminal domain. Differing results regarding the essentiality of SRP subunits were obtained. SRP54 is important but not essential for growth, but it was reconfirmed that at least one SRP RNA gene is essential. Cells with SRP54 deleted grow about six times more slowly than wild type; faster-growing colonies, still growing much slower than wild type, appeared quite frequently. In srp54Δ cells, no untranslocated alkaline extracellular protease precursor was detected. Therefore, to develop another reporter molecule the Y. lipolytica KAR2 homolog was cloned and Kar2p antibodies were produced. For Kar2p an untranslocated precursor was detected in srp54Δ but not in wild-type cells, suggesting that its translocation was defective in the srp54Δ cells. These results confirm an in vivo role for SRP in protein translocation in Y. lipolytica, suggest that SRP RNA or an SRP core-particle has functions not shared by Srp54p, and show that, as in S. cerevisiae and Sz. pombe, reporter molecules differ in their dependency on SRP for translocation. The SRP54 and KAR2 sequences have been deposited in GenBank under Accession Numbers U42418 and U63136.  相似文献   

以解脂耶罗维亚酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)ZJ059为出发菌株,利用紫外线(UV)-氯化锂(LiCl)复合诱变处理,筛选出遗传性状稳定、高产碱性蛋白酶的突变菌株F053。以碱性蛋白酶产量为指标,对菌株F053进行培养基优化,经过单因素试验及正交优化试验,确定最佳碱性蛋白酶培养基成分为葡萄糖2.0%、蛋白胨0.5%、硫酸钙0.075%;在此优化条件下,碱性蛋白酶产量高达44.39 U/L,与出发菌株相比,碱性蛋白酶产量提高20.46%。  相似文献   

The expression of the glyoxylate cycle enzymes is required for growth of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica on acetate or fatty acids as sole carbon source. Acetyl-coenzyme A, which is produced by acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACS) from acetate, is needed for induction of this expression. Acetate-non-utilizing mutants of this yeast were investigated in order to identify mutants which express no or strongly reduced activity of this enzyme. Mutations in gene ICL2 exhibited the strongest effects on the activity. In icl2 mutants, lack of ACS activity resulted in a non-induced glyoxylate cycle on acetate; however, induction on fatty acids was not affected. Gene ICL2 was identified as the structural gene encoding the monomer of ACS. It is shown that a high level of ACS activity is necessary for full expression of the glyoxylate cycle enzymes. Mutations in gene ICL1, which encodes isocitrate lyase, resulted in overproduction of ACS without any growth on acetate. A new gene (GPR1 = glyoxylate pathway regulation) was detected in which trans-dominant mutations inhibit expression of ACS and the glyoxylate cycle on acetate as carbon source.  相似文献   

为了建立快速简便检测解脂耶氏酵母油脂含量的方法,探讨了尼罗红-光谱法测定解脂耶氏酵母油脂含量的检测条件。通过研究解脂耶氏酵母最佳发射光波长、细胞密度、尼罗红染液用量、染色时间、不同助溶剂效能及最佳体积分数对荧光强度的影响,确定了最佳检测条件,得到细胞油脂含量与荧光强度的线性关系。解脂耶氏酵母在激发光560 nm、发射光650 nm处有最高荧光值,每毫升菌液加入质量分数为0.1 mg/m L的尼罗红染液20μL,加入体积分数为15%的异丙醇,黑暗染色5 min,在细胞OD600=01.3的范围内,菌液的油脂含量(X)与荧光值(Y)呈较好的线性关系,线性关系式为Y=6.3651X+10.097,R2=0.9902,灵敏度达0.0001 g。该方法能够准确地反映出解脂耶氏酵母胞内油脂含量。尼罗红-荧光法可成为一种快速检测解脂耶氏酵母胞内油脂含量的新方法。   相似文献   

The secretion and maturation of the acid extracellular protease (AXP) of the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica have been characterized using antiserum raised against this enzyme. A 42 kDa pro-enzyme form of AXP was identified from lysates of radiolabelled Y. lipolytica cells and found to contain no N-linked carbohydrate moieties. Using pulse-chase immune precipitation it was demonstrated that the AXP precursor was secreted into the extracellular medium where, under conditions of low pH, it underwent autocatalytic activation forming the mature enzyme. Conversion of the AXP pro-form in the presence of the protease inhibitor pepstatin indicated that an intramolecularly-catalysed reaction mechanism was involved in AXP maturation. Further evidence supporting the role of autocatalytic processing came from the side-chain specificity of mature AXP towards the oxidized B-chain of insulin. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Kynurenic acid (KYNA) is a compound derived from the tryptophan catabolic pathway. Antioxidant and neuroprotective properties have been confirmed for KYNA, which makes it an interesting and important metabolite of biomedical significance. In the present study, the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica was tested for KYNA biosynthesis. The results showed that Y. lipolytica strain S12 is able to produce KYNA in high concentrations (up to 21.38 μg/ml in culture broth and 494.16 μg/g cell dry weight in biomass) in optimized conditions in a medium supplemented with tryptophan. Different conditions of culture growth, including the source of carbon, its concentration and pH value of the medium, as well as the influence of an inhibitor or precursor of KYNA synthesis, were analysed. The obtained data confirmed the presence of KYNA metabolic pathway in the investigated yeast. To our best knowledge, this is the first study that reports KYNA production in the yeast Y. lipolytica in submerged fermentation.  相似文献   

解脂耶罗威亚酵母(Yarrowia lipolytica)对油脂类化合物、甘油酯有很强的代谢能力,也是工业上较为广泛应用的菌种之一.通过对油脂降解菌的筛选方法进行了改良研究,结果表明,初筛培养基pH值为6.0,维多利亚蓝B溶液加入量为1%,并且将培养基中油脂用组织捣碎机搅拌2min~3min,使培养基呈均匀的白色乳浊液,灭菌后倒出的平板对油脂降解圈的表现效果最好.为进一步提高保藏菌种的油脂降解能力,采用紫外诱变的方法对该菌种进行改良,确定最佳诱变时间为50s,经诱变筛选后将菌株的油脂降解能力从63%提高为79%,该突变菌株在对数期表现出较强的油脂降解能力,并具有良好的遗传稳定性,为生物法处理餐饮废水提供了有用的微生物资源.  相似文献   

沈玉平  陈诗洁  周迅  张祖姣 《中国油脂》2022,47(10):103-113
微生物油脂是可再生能源发展的重要方向,近年来通过合成生物学方法和代谢工程技术改造,解脂耶氏酵母的产油水平提高迅速,展现了良好的应用发展前景。从代谢途径关键酶调控、负反馈调节解除、代谢途径关键酶异源表达、乙酰辅酶A和NADPH替代途径构建、强化氧化应激保护、促进脂肪酸分泌、适应性进化和计算机辅助模拟8个方面,梳理总结了代谢工程改造解脂耶氏酵母生产油脂的最新研究进展。通过对现有研究分析发现,廉价底物中的毒性成分影响细胞生长和油脂合成,以及油脂调控网络机制的不完全明晰,是限制解脂耶氏酵母油脂产量提升的主要障碍。为此,可通过设计引入解毒途径,添加解毒剂,或筛选毒性化合物耐受菌,以及利用多组学技术和计算机辅助优化进一步解析代谢调控机制解决此问题。此外,在“双碳”背景下,可在解脂耶氏酵母中引入高效的人造光合作用或碳固定途径,利用二氧化碳生产油脂。  相似文献   

Actin distribution was examined during the cell cycle of the dimorphic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, showing the correlation between bud growth, nuclear migration and rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton. The results correspond with observations made in cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. uvarum and Candida albicans. Localization of actin was also determined in hyphal cells, where actin is stained predominantly in the tip and also at the septum of hyphae. The standard methods used for tubulin immunostaining in S. cerevisiae and C. albicans cells were adapted for application in Y. lipolytica. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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