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In this article, I examine Barack Obama’s use of collective memory during his 2007 campaign speech in Selma, Alabama. Specifically, I argue that Obama appeals to collective memory to challenge the Black community’s relationship to the past. He reframed the memory of the Civil Rights Movement in a manner favorable to his political aspirations. While this frame was politically expedient, it weakened Black political agency. It robbed the Black community of crucial rhetorical resources used to challenge structural inequalities in society. This article offers insight into the complex relationship between metaphor and collective memory. Specifically, I interrogate the role of metaphor as a crucial site where public memory is formed, disrupted, and rearticulated. Furthermore, I consider the implications of his use of memory for the future of the Black freedom struggle.  相似文献   

As more state legislatures join the debate on school-choice and parent-trigger legislation, their discussions draw attention to an evolving landscape outside school walls where parental action shapes educational opportunity. Parents wield their political, social, economic, and cultural capital to secure the best educational outcomes for their children. This paper identifies the political frames that distinguish the educational opportunity-seeking behavior of middle-, working-, and lower-class parents. Rational choice and interest group theories are used to explain the politics of middle-class opportunity hoarding by way of tracking and school-choice practices. Policy entrepreneurship and interest group theory provide the frameworks to explain the support for vouchers and parent-trigger laws by lower- and working-class parents as part of their opportunity-prying efforts.  相似文献   

国际人权教育的历史和理念   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
进入20世纪70年代,人权教育倍受国际注目。21世纪乃“人权的世纪”,这正成为世人的共识,在国际人权教育迅速发展的今天,如何全面把握人权教育的历史和理念,推进人权教育的顺利发展,无疑是我国教育工作教育面临的重要而紧迫的课题,为此,本文从历史和国际的视角,就欧洲评议会、联合国教科文组织、世界人权会议、联合国儿童基金会、联合国人权中心关于人权教育的理念进行简要述评。  相似文献   

Although not a well-known figure either in educational or South Carolina history, John Eldred Swearingen had a profound impact on the schools of the Palmetto State. Guiding the schools to transition from 19th-century academies to 20th-century schools, Swearingen held office from 1907–1922. During these years, Swearingen oversaw unprecedented legislation impacting attendance, funding, and curriculum. Swearingen's stance on African American education was unlike many of his contemporaries—he used a variety of methods to improve education and raiseconsciousness amongst his White politician counterparts.

All of these facts would make him a worthy subject of biographical study; however, that he achieved all these things while blind makes his life and career all the more worthy. Almost as overlooked as Swearingen's contributions to South Carolina is the role the state played in the Brown v. Board of Education decision via the Briggs v. Eliott case. Drawing from Swearingen's own words, the papers of his contemporaries, and both legal and historical analysis of the involved legal cases to present an overview of both Swearingen and Briggs, this article argues that without Swearingen's visionary leadership—or if he had not been undone politically—the road to Briggs would have been quite different—if it existed at all.  相似文献   

正史锁定的程序里存在着一种不规则的操作,即民众认同认可的历史,或曰民间对历史的重新识别和创作。正史随着文人的传播以迎合和满足民众的期待视野为前提,以荒诞怪异的杂传形式走下神坛跌落民间。而民间的历史叙述者在唐之俗讲、宋元之讲史中以动人的情节消解正史之平板、以丰富情感消解正史之平淡、以精致结构消解正史之平铺,从而对正史重新选择加工,使正史在民间坍陷。明清时期演义崛兴,由历史叙述形成的故事结构和由历史阐释形成的意义结构熔铸而成的演义表现的主要是当时民众对过去正史的解读。它根据客观现实和民众的主观意愿,从最早罗贯中的《三国演义》到蔡东藩的《历代通俗演义》,以宏大的规模完成了此前的全部历史在民间的重构。  相似文献   

1996 年,南卡罗来纳州议会通过“359 法案”确立绩效拨款制度。该绩效拨款制度面向所 有州公立高等院校, 由州高等教育委员会主要负责制定、解释和修订绩效评价体系和绩效拨款方 式,开展绩效评价工作。通过绩效拨款,南卡州公立高等院校在公共责任和教育质量方面都有所改 善,但其并未解决财政拨款充足问题,且在教育质量与教育效率、绩效评价体系应用等方面存在一 定的问题。  相似文献   

1961年南非成为一个独立的共和国后,南非高等教育研究开始发展。南非高等教育学科发展经历了一个历史变迁过程,南非通过在国家层面、院校层面开展高等教育研究,开设高等教育学科专业培养专业研究人员,助推南非高等教育学科的发展。南非高等教育学科发展尚面临诸多挑战。最后以斯坦陵布什大学的高等教育与成人教育研究中心所开展的工作为例,进行具体阐述。  相似文献   

This paper traces the history of education in South Korea in terms of various forms of control and their impact on democracy and rights. Three periods are identified: pre-colonial, colonial (Japanese occupation) and post-colonial (dependent capitalism). Democracy and rights have been highly politicised and education to promote these is still part of a struggle by various teachers' and parents' movements. A history of abuses of student rights and the oppression of teachers has begun to be challenged since 1993. Nonetheless, teachers remain reluctant to use the terminology of democracy and human rights, and some corporal punishment is still in evidence. Korean teachers have little autonomy, as the system remains centralised, competitive and bureaucratic. To establish a culture of peace and non-violence, the paper argues for a change in school ethos, a change to school regulations and education laws, a wider spread of democracy to media and community and the publication of manuals on education for democracy and human rights.  相似文献   

Pragmatic inclinations focused on health and wellness have begun to shape much of kinesiology. The wisdom of this trend is challenged as it tends to define leadership development. Chief among the problems with this trend is the loss of professional meaning. The inadequacy of pragmatism in establishing meaning for our professional activities is the central critique of this article. Michael Polanyi's understanding of the development of meaning, rooted in his theory of personal knowledge, is the basis for the critique. Polanyi's theory is expounded and then applied to the current pragmatic dispositions of our profession showing that such utilitarian approaches destroy meaning. A reorientation of the profession is then proposed toward a concept that has the capacity to capture a more genuine sense of professional meaning: play.  相似文献   

《刑事诉讼法》及相关司法解释对于刑事附带民事诉讼中被害人权利实现之救济机制存在诸多缺陷。应从完善被害人权利实现方式以及刑事附带民事诉讼审理程序等方面着手,重构应然状态下刑事附带民事诉讼中被害人权利实现之救济机制。  相似文献   

The article examines the negative impact of neoliberal policies upon the work of border intellectuals within the university, whose scholarship seeks to explicitly challenge longstanding structural inequalities and social exclusions. More specifically, the notion of neoliberal multiculturalism is defined and discussed with respect to the phenomenon of economic Darwinism and the whitewashing of contemporary academic labor, despite a tradition of progressive struggle within the academy. In response to the current counter-egalitarian climate of neoliberalism, a call is issued for a critical pedagogy that supports a revolutionary vision of human rights and democratic life.  相似文献   

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