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During the Late Jurassic, accelerated ocean-floor spreading and associated sea-level rise were responsible for a worldwide transgression, which reached its maximum in the Late Kimmeridgian. In many Western European basins, this major sea-level rise led to the formation of marly and condensed sections. In the Swiss Jura, however, a shallow carbonate platform kept growing and only subtle changes in the stratigraphic record suggest an increasingly open-marine influence. Field observations and thin-section analyses reveal that the central Swiss Jura was at that time occupied by tidal flats and by more or less open marine lagoons where shoals and bioherms developed. The evolution through time of sedimentary facies and bed thicknesses permits the definition of small-, medium-, and large-scale depositional sequences. The diagnostic features of these sequences are independent of scale and seem largely controlled by the Kimmeridgian second-order transgression. A high-resolution sequence-stratigraphic correlation with biostratigraphically well-dated hemipelagic and pelagic sections in the Vocontian Basin in France reveals that: (i) The most important increase in accommodation recorded in the Kimmeridgian of the central Swiss Jura occurs in the Eudoxus ammonite zone (Late Kimmeridgian) and corresponds to the second-order maximum flooding recognized in many sedimentary basins. (ii) The small- and medium-scale sequences have time durations corresponding to the first and second orbital eccentricity cycle (i.e. 100 and 400 ka, respectively), suggesting that sedimentation on the platform and in the basin was at least partly controlled by cyclic environmental changes induced by insolation variations in the Milankovitch frequency band. The comparison of the high-resolution temporal framework defined in the Swiss Jura and Vocontian Basin with the sequence-stratigraphic interpretation realized in other Western European basins shows that the large-scale sequence boundaries defined in the Kimmeridgian of the Swiss Jura appear in comparable biostratigraphic positions in most Western European basins. Discrepancies that occur are probably because of local or regional tectonics.  相似文献   

滇西昌宁—孟连带的地层格架   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
显生宙地层在昌宁—孟连带呈南北向条带状分布,根据不同岩性的横向分布和纵向变化情况,可将带中的地层序列大致划分成4种类型:(1)碎屑岩向上夹灰岩透镜体,并变成细粒碎屑岩和硅质岩交互出现;(2)碎屑岩向上夹灰岩透镜体、少量硅质岩,顶部为二叠纪基性火山岩;(3)碎屑岩—基性火山岩/火山碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩—碎屑岩;(4)灰岩、白云质灰岩—灰黑色薄层灰岩、泥质灰岩、泥岩夹硅质泥岩。理清不同岩石地层单位间的关系是客观解释昌宁—孟连带发展演化的前提。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯盆地天环坳陷南部白垩系洛河组及环河华池组为新近突破的含铀岩系新层位,笔者充分利用测井、岩心及地震资料,对本区钻井所揭露的下白垩统层序界面特征及沉积类型进行系统分析。结果表明:天环坳陷内下白垩统整体为一套干旱"红层",发育旱谷、风成沙丘、丘间及沙漠湖等沉积类型,组成了一个典型的沙漠沉积体系。伴随着坳陷基底的抬升和下沉,在地层记录中出现了2次显著的湖侵,并显示出旋回性沉积的特点,在早白垩世地层中识别出4个三级层序和2个二级层序,三级层序具有从旱谷粗碎屑沉积到沙丘及沙漠浅湖细粒沉积的相序组构。Rb、Sr含量的垂向变化指示在早白垩世整体干旱的气候下存在相对暖湿期,在此背景下水成和风成沉积有序叠置控制了含(隔)水层在空间上的有序分布。SQ2层序中的巨厚泥岩层和石膏夹层构成了区域性隔挡层,而SQ1层序中的风成砂岩则成为深部含烃流体充注的最优层位, Fe2+/Fe3+垂向变化显示叠加改造后的灰色风成砂体可成为具有强还原性的潜在铀储集层。泾川铀矿床及外围找矿的不断突破使其成为中国第一个以风成砂为主要储集层的砂岩型铀矿床,它的首次发现进一步拓展了鄂尔多...  相似文献   

笔者应用层序地层学的原理和研究方法,对扬子地台西缘陕西宁强和四川广元地区的志留纪地层剖面进行了重新研究,识别出9个三级层序。三级层序均发育T ST和HST,而缺乏LST和SM ST。通过区内沉积层序的对比,建立了扬子西缘志留纪层序地层格架。最后探讨了该区志留纪的海平面变化规律。  相似文献   

豫西汝阳盆地蟒川组陆相地层发育大型恐龙等动物化石,含化石的蟒川组与上覆、下伏地层序列和时代存有争议。通过汝阳盆地陆相地层野外系统调查,厘定了含恐龙地层—沉积序列及时代归属。在汝阳盆地早白垩世九店组凝灰岩中获得锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为133~130Ma,结合九店组—陈宅沟组—蟒川组地层序列、沉积特征和接触关系等,认为汝阳盆地恐龙动物群及其赋存地层时代为早白垩世晚期。  相似文献   

Lower Cretaceous carbonate deposits historically called “Urgonian limestones” are widely exposed around the margins of the Vocontian basin in southeastern France and in the adjacent Swiss Jura. This paper presents the history of their rise, growth and sudden demise. Eleven maps were constructed for deposits ranging in age from the Late Hauterivian pro parte to the Early Aptian (Bedoulian) pro parte. Based on sequential interpretations, they illustrate the present geographical distribution of the inner platform facies (Urgonian limestones stricto sensu, with rudists), the outer platform facies (essentially bioclastic deposits) and the basinal facies (slope, hemipelagic, pelagic deposits). These maps depict only the final terms of each successive sequence (the late highstand intervals). Chronostratigraphy is constrained by ammonites found mainly in basinal deposits, by echinoids, by rudists and to a lesser extent by dinoflagellates and calcareous nannoplancton. Inner platform, outer platform and slope (talus) deposits are dated by rich assemblages of orbitolinids and dasycladalean algae. Currently 39 species of orbitolinids have been recognized and their ranges collated with those of the ammonites in the area.In the Jura and in Provence the oldest Urgonian deposits are dated early Late Hauterivian, thus showing the synchroneity of the onset of platform carbonates development on both the southern and northern margins of the basin. Thereafter, growth of the platforms led a clearly regressive shallowing-upward trend, resulting from a stepwise progradation toward the center of the Vocontian area, coordinated with cyclical exposures in the inner platform areas. The maximum reduction of the platform deposits occurred early in Late Barremian times, coeval with a noticeable turnover in the orbitolinids assemblages.Thereafter, carbonate platform deposition shifted toward the margins of the Vocontian basin. In Early Aptian time, a well-dated discontinuity of regional extent marks the sudden, almost synchronous disappearance of the Urgonian deposits.  相似文献   

充分利用岩性组合、岩心、测井、地球化学及古生物等响应,结合构造演化及地震反射特征,在查干凹陷下白垩统识别出7个三级层序界面,将其划分为6个三级层序和16个体系域。层序展布早期具有北薄南厚、东薄西厚的特征,晚期沉积中心北移,呈西厚东薄、北厚南薄的格局。在层序格架内,早期由于毛敦次凸的分割作用,凹陷东西两侧的沉积格局存在差异,总体以水下扇、扇三角洲和辫状河三角洲沉积为主;晚期毛敦次凸逐渐接受沉积,沉积了一套冲积平原、泛滥平原及河流相沉积。下白垩统由下而上发育3套生储盖组合,下部SQ1的低位体系域储层与水进域的泥岩盖层形成自生自储的生储盖组合;中部生储盖组合以SQ2的高位域及SQ3的低位域储层为主;上部组合储层主要为SQ4—SQ6碎屑岩及火山岩储层。  相似文献   

辽西上白垩统大兴庄组地层层序及时代   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
辽宁西部白垩系上统大兴庄组主要分布于锦州、义县地区,在朝阳波罗赤、阜新碱锅等地也有零星出露。除阜新等地区为中基性火山熔岩及火山碎屑岩外,均为中酸性、酸性火山熔岩、熔岩碎屑岩、火山碎屑岩、火山碎屑沉积岩及次火山岩。角度不整合覆于白垩系下统义县组、九佛堂组、沙海组之上,平行不整合覆于白垩系孙家湾组之上,K—Ar同位素年龄值为80.83Ma,属晚白垩世。该期火山活动以爆发—喷溢交替进行为特点,间有次火山岩侵入,活动强度微弱,分布局限。  相似文献   

甘肃和内蒙交界的北山地区早白垩世发育众多小型内陆沉积盆地,富含煤、铀、油气等能源资源,但由于该地区岩石地层系统划分较为混乱、时代归属不清,从而制约了近年来的大规模资源勘探工作。本研究基于众多钻孔及露头剖面的沉积序列特征和孢粉等古生物资料,系统清理了该地区的下白垩统归属关系,建议将该地区的下白垩统老树窝群划分为3个组,自下而上依次为驼马滩组、甜水井组(新名)以及马鬃山组(新名),驼马滩组和甜水井组呈不整合接触。驼马滩组以灰黑色、深灰绿色含煤泥岩、粉砂岩及粗砂岩为主,含早白垩世早期孢粉Aequitriradites,但早白垩世中晚期繁盛的Cicatricosisporites含量极低且类型单调,指示驼马滩组的时代为早白垩世早期(大致为贝里阿斯期晚期至瓦兰今期早期)。甜水井组以灰绿色泥岩、粉砂岩为主,Ephedripites、Cicatricosisporites等孢粉含量丰富且类型多样,指示其时代为早白垩世中期(大致为欧特里夫期至巴雷姆期)。马鬃山组以紫红色、浅灰色粉砂岩为主,含有少量三沟类早期被子植物花粉化石,指示其时代为早白垩世晚期(可能为阿普特期至阿尔布期)。以上研究初步整理了甘、蒙...  相似文献   

The sedimentary succession of the Col de la Plaine Morte area (Helvetic Alps, central Switzerland) documents the disappearance of the northern Tethyan Urgonian platform in unprecedented detail and suggests stepwise platform demise, with each drowning phase documented by erosion and phosphogenesis. The first identified drowning phase terminated Urgonian carbonate production in a predominantly photozoan mode. Using a correlation of the whole-rock δ13C record with the well-dated record from SE France, its age is inferred to as Middle Early Aptian (near the boundary between the weissi and deshayesi zones). A subsequent drowning phase is dated by ammonites and by a correlation of the whole-rock δ13C record as Late Early Aptian (late deshayesi to early furcata zone). A third drowning phase provides an ammonite-based age of Early Late Aptian (subnodosocostatum and melchioris zones) and is part of a widely recognized phase of sediment condensation and phosphogenesis, which is dated as latest Early to Middle Late Aptian (late furcata zone to near the boundary of the melchioris and nolani zones). The fourth and final drowning phase started in the latest Aptian (jacobi zone) as is also indicated by ammonite findings at the Col de la Plaine Morte. The phases of renewed platform-carbonate production intervening between the drowning phases were all in a heterozoan mode.

During the ultimate drowning phase, phosphogenesis continued until the Early Middle Albian, whereas condensation processes lasted until the Middle Turonian. Coverage of the external margin of the drowned Urgonian platform by a drape of pelagic carbonates started only in the Late Turonian. During the Santonian, the external part of the drowned platform underwent normal faulting and saw the re-exposure of already lithified Urgonian carbonates at the seafloor.

Based on the here-inferred ages, the first drowning phase just precedes oceanic anoxic episode 1a (OAE 1a or “selli event”) in time, and the second drowning phase partly overlaps with OAE 1a. The onset of the third drowning event slightly predates two further periods of increased organic-matter accumulation in the Vocontian Basin (Noir and Fallot levels), and the onset of the fourth and final drowning phase may coincide with two further periods of increased organic-matter accumulation in the Vocontian Basin (Jacob and Kilian levels, part of OAE 1b). These correlations indicate a relationship between the so-called anoxic episodes and the stepwise demise of the Urgonian platform, even if the onset of environmental change is registered earlier on the platform than in basinal sediments.  相似文献   

A new species of Offneria (Caprinidae) Offneria prebetica nov. sp., is described from the Murcia region (Prebetic zone, SE Spain). Its type level is the upper Bedoulian. The key diagnostic character of the new species is the presence on the ventral side of the left valve of an inner row, or double row, of polygonal canals flanked by outer piriform canals with one or two orders of bifurcations. Offneria prebetica nov. sp. is the most advanced species of the genus. Cluster analysis shows the placement of the new species in the monophyletic group of European species, in agreement with its geographic location. Offneria appears to be the most prolific genus of the Caprinidae with species having contrasting ages and palaeobiogeographic distributions. Stratigraphic data from SE Spain indicate that the Offneria lineage was resilient to the environmental perturbations recorded during the late Bedoulian, Offneria prebetica nov. sp. may be used as a time marker for this interval, and its last occurrence was coeval with the “Mid-Aptian extinction event”.  相似文献   

滇西腾冲地块东侧高黎贡变质岩带,发育一套浅变质的沉积岩地层,其时代不明。本次1:5万区域地质调查在潞西市轩岗乡团坡地层剖面中,确定了该套地层含有酸性火山岩夹层,获得火山岩的锆石U-Pb年龄为121.4±1.4Ma。这一结果表明该套地层的时代为早白垩世;同时也揭示研究区存在早白垩世火山活动,其成因可能与怒江洋盆的闭合有关。  相似文献   

刘淼  陈井胜  孙守亮  李斌  杨帆  张涛  汪岩  吴振 《地质通报》2018,37(9):1755-1759
为揭示北票(金-羊)盆地内北票组层序地层特征及沉积体系分布规律,应用层序地层学及沉积学理论和方法,综合利用野外露头、剖面等资料,建立了北票(金-羊)盆地北票组的层序地层格架,确定研究区的沉积相类型及分布规律。研究结果表明,北票(金-羊)盆地北票组可划分为2个三级层序,其内部可进一步划分为7个准层序组。在层序内识别出冲积扇、辫状河三角洲、湖泊3个沉积相。明确了沉积相的分布规律,向上形成由冲积扇到辫状河三角洲,再到湖相,最后是辫状河三角洲的沉积体系;平面上呈近北西—南东向展布的沉积体系,整体构成2个水进、水退的沉积体系。古地貌影响了底部冲积扇相沉积物的沉积特征。气候不仅影响了沉积物类型,且和湖平面变化共同控制了沉积物的演化规律。  相似文献   

萍乡—宜春一带地处萍乐坳陷带西段,早三叠世地层广泛发育,长期以来对其地层单元划分、时代归属、分布范围、名称使用均不统一,给萍乐坳陷西段的研究工作带来诸多问题。笔者通过萍乐坳陷带西段萍乡—宜春一带1∶5万区域地质调查,首次系统地从岩石地层、生物地层方面对早三叠世地层进行了划分与对比,将该地区早三叠世地层自下而上划分为:殷坑组、青龙组、周冲村组,又将周冲村组进一步划分为四个段,并依据牙形石成果资料,将殷坑组、青龙组、周冲村组一段定为印度阶,周冲村组二段至四段定为奥伦尼克阶。同时根据岩性组合及沉积相特征对其沉积环境进行了分析,认为该地区早三叠世沉积环境为"台-坡-盆"古地貌结构的"陆缘海"。  相似文献   

TheNeoproterozoic,includingtheQingbaikouandSiniansystems,isweldevelopedintheeasternpartoftheSino-Koreaplate.InFig.1areshownth...  相似文献   

贵州独山的上泥盆统由碳酸盐缓坡和碳酸盐台地两种沉积类型组成,包括13种沉积相和25种微相类型.它们构筑了6个层序,其中3个Ⅰ型层序和3个Ⅱ型层序.与6个层序对应的6个三级海平面升降旋回的速度、幅度和频率显示了不同的特征,第1和第2个旋回呈高幅、低频速进和高频缓退特征.第3个旋回为高幅、高频速进和高频缓退.第4个旋回为低幅、高频的中速进-退特征.第5、6个旋回具中、高幅高频缓进和低频速退特征.本文最后对不同沉积体系域和两种层序界面的成岩特征进行了探讨.  相似文献   

鲁西豫东地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩地层是重要的石油和地下热水储集层。受限于基础地质资料,前人对鲁西豫东地区奥陶系层序划分存在争议,缺少对岩相古地理演化的精细刻画。为明确奥陶系层序地层特征与各期岩相古地理演化特征,通过对鲁西豫东地区周缘野外地质剖面考察、19口井岩心观察以及测井曲线特征分析,在层序地层格架内,对奥陶纪岩相古地理展布及其演化特征进行了研究。结果表明,根据层序界面类型和最大海泛面发育位置,研究区奥陶系可划分为SSQ1-SSQ2共2个二级层序和SQ1-SQ4共4个三级层序; 沉积相类型为海相碳酸盐岩台地,包括局限台地、开阔台地和蒸发台地3种亚相,并进一步细分为灰坪、颗粒滩、泥灰坪、灰-云坪、云坪、潟湖、含膏云坪和膏云坪8种沉积微相; 岩相古地理单元整体表现出陆表海的沉积建造特征,各期旋回性沉积为储集层叠置发育奠定了物质基础,云坪、膏云坪、含膏云坪、颗粒滩微相易于形成有利储集空间,是区域地热资源勘探开发的重点领域。  相似文献   

黄骅坳陷歧口凹陷古近系层序地层格架及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以经典层序地层学为指导,利用先进的解释系统,通过井-震互动反馈,从层序划分原则入手,对一级、二级、三级层序和体系域界面特征和识别标志进行研究,提出了该地区的层序划分方案。将该地区古近系地层划分为1个一级层序、3个二级层序和11个三级层序。一级层序和二级层序是构造层序,对应于不同级别的构造运动;三级层序是由盆缘不整合面及与其对应的盆内整合面所限定的地层单元,在盆地范围内可追踪对比。研究区内主要发育同生断裂坡折带和挠曲坡折带,这两种坡折带引起沉积斜坡明显突变,控制着坡折带两边的层序和砂体的发育。最终建立了两种坡折带与沉积体系配置关系,指出坡折带下部是低位砂体的有利发育带。  相似文献   

早白垩世期间,青藏高原东北缘的祁连山隆升明显,在区域性构造运动和气候变化的综合影响下,在祁连山山前盆地中堆积了一套特殊的碎屑岩序列。甘肃张掖鹦鸽嘴白垩系发育完整,虽局部被第四系覆盖,但总体出露良好,其特殊相序单元构成的非常规体系域概念框架下的陆相层序地层模式,对研究祁连山隆升的沉积学响应及环境效应具有重要意义。鹦鸽嘴剖面下白垩统包括赤金堡组、下沟组和中沟组,可以识别出10个三级层序(S.1-S.10),LAST单元由冲积扇和河流相粗碎屑岩地层组成,湖泊相细碎屑岩沉积物构成三级层序的HAST单元。鹦鸽嘴剖面赤金堡组中下部的4个三级层序和下沟组中普遍发育的风成砂岩,是祁连山隆升造成的"焚风效应"的产物,对研究祁连山阶段性隆升特征具有重要的指示意义。早白垩世,研究区经历了从半干旱气候-干旱气候-潮湿气候的演变,在一定程度上反映了祁连山隆升过程从幕式隆升-快速隆升-均衡稳定隆升的阶段性特征。早白垩世末期,祁连山进入快速强烈隆升阶段,研究区区域性抬升为剥蚀区,整体缺失上白垩统。因此,鹦鸽嘴剖面下白垩统层序地层序列,不仅是早白垩世祁连山隆升过程的物质记录,还为早白垩世东亚大气环流格局变化的研究提供了物质基础。  相似文献   

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