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The paper deals with the implementation of a levelling and Global Positioning System (GPS) network to control land subsidence in the coastal area north of the Venice Lagoon. About 480 km of levelling lines with 527 benchmarks, 45 of which suited for Differential GPS measurements, were established in 2004. A complete survey of the net was carried out in 2004 soon after its establishment. The 2004 records have been compared with previous scattered data obtained by the use of levelling surveys, DGPS and SAR interferometry. The results show a trend in land settlement that increases from the lagoon margin to the north and jeopardize the Venice coastland. Groundwater withdrawals for domestic, agricultural, and health spas uses, peat oxidation of reclaimed marshlands for farming, natural consolidation of the Holocene deposits, and tectonics of the pre-Quaternary basement are the causes of land subsidence in the study area. Since most of the area lies below the mean sea level and on account of the expected sea level rise due to global change, a detailed monitoring of land displacements in the near future will be of paramount importance to plan necessary works for coastland protection.  相似文献   

GIS地表塌陷计算的有限棱柱法及三维数据模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
具有强大信息管理和可视化功能的GIS已在地下硐室开挖、矿山采掘、边坡等许多工程领域中得到了广泛应用。笔者给出了一种用于地下开挖变形描述和应力分析的方法——有限棱柱法,并就该方法与GIS集成中的数据模型和数据组织方法进行了探讨,建立了基于GIS的虚拟地质体地下开挖变形描述与评价计算的三维可视化系统,并对多语言集成模式和数据可视化方法进行了探讨。同时还给出了该方法的工程应用实例,对该方法的可靠性和有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   

The Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone that separates the East European Craton from the Palaeozoic Platform forms one of the most fundamental lithospheric boundaries in Europe. Devonian to Cretaceous-Paleogene evolution of the SE segment of this zone was analyzed using high-quality seismic reflection data that provided detailed information regarding entire Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary cover, with particular focus on problems of Late Carboniferous and Late Cretaceous-Paleogene basin inversion and uplift. Two previously proposed models of development and inversion of the Devonian-Carboniferous Lublin Basin seem to only partly explain configuration of this sedimentary basin. A new model includes Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous reverse faulting within the cratonic area NE from the Kock fault zone, possibly first far-field effect of the Variscan orogeny. This was followed by Late Carboniferous inversion of the Lublin Basin. Inversion tectonics was associated with strike-slip movements along the Ursynów-Kazimierz fault zone, and thrusting along the Kock fault zone possibly triggered by deeper strike-slip movements. Late Carboniferous inversion-related deformations along the NE boundary of the Lublin Basin were associated with some degree of ductile (quasi-diapiric) deformation facilitated by thick series of Silurian shales. During Mesozoic extension and development of the Mid-Polish Trough major fault zones within the Lublin Basin remained mostly inactive, and subsidence centre moved to the SW, towards the Nowe Miasto-Zawichost fault zone and further to the SW into the present-day Holy Cross Mts. area. Late Cretaceous-Paleogene inversion of the Mid-Polish Trough and formation of the Mid-Polish Swell was associated with reactivation of inherited deeper fault zones, and included also some strike-slip faulting. The study area provides well-documented example of the foreland plate within which repeated basin inversion related to compressive/transpressive deformations was triggered by active orogenic processes at the plate margin (i.e. Variscan or Carpathian orogeny) and involved important strike-slip reactivation of crustal scale inherited fault zones belonging to the Teisseyre-Tornquist Zone.  相似文献   

地面沉降是中国乃至世界许多地区面临的严重环境地质问题,合成孔雷达干涉测量(In SAR)技术是地面沉降监测的主要手段。雅加达与中国上海、广州等城市在环境上具有相似性,也是21世纪海上丝绸之路的重要节点城市。以雅加达为例研究地面沉降监测方法技术,既为中国沿海城市的地面沉降防治提供借鉴,又为"一带一路"战略提供有用数据。基于2010年6月—2011年3月期间获取的12景3m空间分辨率的Terra SAR-X数据,围绕小基线子集(SBAS)和两轨法开展了研究。SBAS获取的平均沉降速率图显示,在雅加达西北部、东部及靠近东雅加达的勿加泗市北侧有5个明显的沉降中心,最大沉降速率可达9cm/a。对两轨法差分干涉图序列的分析发现,勿加泗市北侧沉降中心2010年12月—2011年1月期间44天的沉降量达到6cm,具有显著的非线性形变特征。研究表明,采用高分辨率SAR数据,合理应用In SAR技术,能够为雅加达及其类似城市的地面沉降防控提供支持。  相似文献   

We investigated the long-term reclamation settlement of Chek Lap Kok Airport, Hong Kong, one of the largest reclamation projects worldwide. An advanced InSAR technique was applied to two independent ASAR data sets along ascending (25 scenes) and descending (22 scenes) orbits acquired between 2003 and 2008, and allowed us to generate deformation velocity maps and displacement time series for the investigated area. Intercomparison of deformation velocity results from the two ASAR data sets and their validation against leveling survey measurements were carried out in order to assess accuracy and reliability of the InSAR observations. The intercomparison and validation results demonstrated the potential of elaborate InSAR processes on local-scale areas to monitor and detect a long-term residual settlement in such complex reclamation area. The InSAR-derived deformation velocity maps showed a fair stability in areas of the two original rocky islands of Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau, and on most of the buildings at the site due to foundation on piles reaching the granite bedrock, whereas a generally moderate (3–7 mm/year) to strong (> 10 mm/year) and spatially variable settlement trend was detected in the majority of reclamation areas of the airport. The consistent relationship we found between the observed settlement pattern and the underlying geological conditions suggested that this recoded differential settlement was mainly related to the variations in thickness and soil properties of both the fill materials and the alluvial deposits below the reclamation. A geological and geotechnical interpretation of the lithostratigraphy of the alluvial deposits beneath the reclamation implied that the relatively large settlement rate measured up to 2008 was resulted from a still active primary consolidation process.  相似文献   

在某地面塌陷区探测中,为准确判定塌陷回填区内是否存在空洞,根据地质条件和现场状况,选用可控源音频大地电磁测深(CSAMT)和瞬变电磁法进行综合探测。对典型断面图上低阻异常特征的分析结果表明,两种探测方法结果一致,但各有特点:CSAMT法探测深度大,对异常区的判断较为准确,但分辨率相对较低;瞬变电磁法分辨率优于CSAMT,但探测深度较浅,受目标深度内介质的物性影响较大,且浅部有盲区。异常区钻孔验证结果显示,探测结果准确可靠,表明综合物探方法应用于塌陷回填区的探测是准确、有效的。  相似文献   

The seismically active Marmara region, located in NW Turkey, lies on the westward end of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). The NAF is well defined on land. Previous investigations of its extension in the Marmara Sea include marine bathymetry, seismological activity and seismic profiles. In this study, faults and their configurations identified inland are extended into the Marmara Sea by means of aeromagnetic anomalies, as well as seismic and gravity profiles. The deep structure was resolved by constructing a map of the Tertiary bottom. Shallow Curie isotherm was determined by spectral analysis, indicating a thinner crust in the northern Marmara depression area with respect to the continental crust. A combination of the geophysical data allows us to propose the existence of subsidence and isostatic equilibrium in the northern Marmara Sea. A less-active zone identified in the central high zone dividing the Marmara Sea into two parts may also be deduced from the seismic data. This structural arrangement may play a key role in earthquakes that will affect the surrounding regions.  相似文献   

An integrated interpretation of the seismic refraction and wide-angle reflection data, geological and structural details, bore-hole litholog information and gravity particulars along Beliator-Burdwan-Bangaon deep seismic sounding (DSS) profile in West Bengal basin has helped in getting a crustal density model. This model is consistent with all available surface and bore-hole geophysical data that can realistically explain the trend, shape and magnitude of gravity data across the West Bengal basin. The present exercise pointed out that the thick sedimentary column (with thickening trend towards east), conspicuous lateral variations in the Moho configuration (with a prominent 40 km wide domal feature covering the eastern part of the stable shelf and trie western segment of the deep basinal part) coupled with the structural trends in the basement, mid and lower crustal columns have combinedly contributed to the gravity effect and as such the prominent lateral variations in the Bouguer gravity anomalies could be mainly attributed to regionally extending causative factors. The synthesis clearly points out the need to take proper care in selecting the density values as direct conversion of velocities into densities, adapting well-known conversion formulae, does not always hold good specially in the eastern part of the West Bengal basin where a huge thickness of sediments (velocities ranging between 4 to 5 km/sec) of high density 2.6 to 2.8 g/cm3 are sandwiched between younger sediments and the crystalline basement.  相似文献   

We propose that within PbO-SiO2 melts the component species PbO(1) and SiO2(1) associate to form a lead orthosilicate complex [Pb2SiO4(1)] according to 2PbO(1) + SiO2(1) a?f Pb2SiO4(1) The association constant (K) for the above reaction is near 30 at 900 and 1000°C On the premises that the enthalpy of the above reaction is the only contributor to the enthalpy of mixing and that three melt species [PbO(1), SiO2(1), Pb2SiO4(1)] mix ideally (Raoult's Law obeyed), the partial molar properties and the integral mixing properties of the melt have been calculated and have been found to accurately reproduce the measured thermochemical data.The conductivity data and density data for PbO-SiO2 melts have been calculated using the association model. The calculated data again are remarkably consistent with the experimental data.Other silicate-melt models have been reinterpreted and that of Toop and Samis is compatible with the proposed model. In fact the Toop and Samis model implicitly assumes the formation of orthosilicate species rather than condensed polymeric species.  相似文献   

Sedimentary basins of arid and semiarid zones are often subject to regimes of intense ground-water withdrawal as it is normally the only source of water for development of communities. An associated phenomenon is land subsidence, which can develop to ground failures, and consequently, damage to infrastructure. Aquifer deformation can be analyzed using a stress–strain or a flux–force approach depending on the aquifer material (compact or loose) and on whether the water withdrawal forms a predominant flow direction toward a cone of depression. Geometry of the aquifer system also plays an important role as uneven thickness induces differential compaction and hence, tensional and shear stresses on the ground mass. In this work we present a stress–strain approach to analyze subsidence for an unconfined aquifer of varying thickness; this is done in two steps, namely when the aquifer is in equilibrium, and when it is totally depleted. Using this scheme in a region where ground failure is evident, a portion of the aquifer system of the Querétaro valley is analyzed. The geometry of the hydrologic basement is first modeled using gravity measurements properly correlated with wells and field data. Then a stress analysis is implemented using the finite element method in order to identify probable zones of ground weakness, which are calibrated with known ground failures. The results indicate that both, tensional and shear stress are present, which induce ground failure in the form of surface faults.  相似文献   

山东省巨野煤田采空区塌陷预测与治理规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
巨野煤田是目前华东地区埋藏最深、探明储量最多、集中开采面积最大的整装优质煤田。规划建设的6个矿井即将全部投产。个别已采矿井的部分采区已经出现塌陷迹象,矿区生态环境开始面临重大威胁。论文在论述矿区生态与地质环境背景基础上,预测了采空区塌陷产生的影响情况,提出了塌陷区土地复垦与生态环境治理规划方案。为加强矿区环境保护、保持区域经济社会可持续发展提供了科学指导。  相似文献   

Hsieh  Chia-Sheng  Shih  Tian-Yuan  Hu  Jyr-Ching  Tung  Hsin  Huang  Mong-Han  Angelier  Jacques 《Natural Hazards》2011,58(3):1311-1332
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR) is a geodetic tool widely applied in the studies of earth-surface deformation. This technique has the benefits of high spatial resolution and centimetre-scale accuracy. Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) is used to measure ground deformation with repeat-pass SAR images. This study applied DInSAR and persistent scatterers InSAR (PSInSAR) for detecting land subsidence in the Pingtung Plain, southern Taiwan, between 1995 and 2000. In recent years, serious land subsidence occurred along coastal regions of Taiwan as a consequence of over-pumping of underground water. Results of this study revealed that the critical subsidence region is located on the coast near the estuary of Linpien River. It is also found that subsidence was significantly higher during the dry season than the wet season. The maximum annual subsidence rate of the dry season is up to −11.51 cm/year in critical subsidence region and the vertical land movement rate is much slower during the wet season. The average subsidence rates in wet and dry seasons are −0.31 and −3.37 cm/year, respectively. As a result, the subsidence rate in dry seasons is about 3 cm larger than in wet seasons.  相似文献   

Subsidence has been affecting many cities around the world, such as Nagoya (Japan), Venice (Italy), San Joaquin Valley and Long Beach (California), and Houston (Texas). This phenomenon can be caused by natural processes and/or human activities, including but not limited to carbonate dissolution, extraction of material from mines, soil compaction, and fluid withdrawal. Surface deformation has been an ongoing problem in the Houston Metropolitan area because of the city’s location in a passive margin where faulting and subsidence are common. Most of the previous studies attributed the causes of the surface deformation to four major mechanisms: faulting, soil compaction, salt tectonics, and fluid withdrawal (groundwater withdrawal and hydrocarbon extraction). This work assessed the surface deformation in the greater Houston area and their possible relationship with fluid withdrawal. To achieve this goal, data from three complimentary remote sensing techniques Global Positioning System (GPS), Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar were used. GPS rates for the last 17 years show a change in surface deformation patterns. High rates of subsidence in the northwestern areas (up to ~4 cm/year) and signs of uplift in the southeast are observed (up to 2 mm\year). High rates of subsidence appear to be decreasing. Contrary to previous studies in which the location of subsidence appeared to be expanding toward the northwest, current results show that the area of subsidence is shrinking and migrating toward the northeast. Digital elevation model generated from airborne LiDAR, revealed changes between salt domes and their surrounding areas. The persistent scatterer interferometry was performed using twenty-five (25) European remote sensing-1/2 scenes. Rates of change in groundwater level and hydrocarbon production were calculated using data from 261 observation wells and 658 hydrocarbon wells. A water level decline of 4 m/year was found in area of highest subsidence, this area also show ~70 million m3/year of hydrocarbon extraction. This study found strong correlation between fluid withdrawals and subsidence. Therefore, both groundwater and hydrocarbon withdrawal in northwest Harris County are considered to be the major drivers of the surface deformation.  相似文献   

The relationship between the maximum cumulative displacement on a fault (D) and the maximum linear dimension of the fault surface (W) is given by the expression D = cWn, where the value of c is determined by rock properties; proposed values for n range from 1.0 to 2.0. Published datasets of D vs W measurements, together with new data, are presented in a common format. Most datasets are derived from maps and so the measurements of displacement and length do not represent maximum values for each fault. This factor, together with more than an order of magnitude range of c, causes regression on D vs W plots to be unsafe unless the range of W values plotted is ca 5 orders of magnitude. This restriction means that individual datasets must be combined to achieve the required range of fault size. Data analysis shows that the value of n must exceed 1.0 but discrimination between values of 1.5 and 2.0 cannot be made on the basis of data analysis alone. A modified fault growth model in which the increase in dimension of a fault with each slip event is proportional to W0.5 gives rise to a value for n of 1.5. As this model has a sound mechanical basis 1.5 is the preferred value for n. The value of n influences other aspects of fault geometry, including the displacement profile on a fault surface, the spacing of depth contours on faulted horizons and the displacement populations of single fault surfaces.  相似文献   

Within the TERENO initiative, four terrestrial observatories, collecting huge amounts of environmental data, are being set up since 2008. To manage, describe, exchange and publish these data, the distributed Spatial Data Infrastructure TEODOOR (http://www.tereno.net) was created. Each institution responsible for an individual observatory sets up its own local data infrastructure, which may communicate with each other to exchange data and metadata internally or to the public by OGC compliant Web services. The TEODOOR data portal serves as a database node to provide scientists and decision makers with reliable and well-accessible data and data products. Various tools like hierarchical search or Web-GIS functions allow a deeper insight into the different observatories, test sites and sensor networks. Sensor data can be queried and selected for measured parameters, stations and/or time periods, and can be visualized and downloaded according to a shared TERENO data policy. Currently, TEODOOR provides free access to data from more than 500 monitoring stations.  相似文献   

南极入海冰川的流速对了解物质平衡和海平面上升具有重要意义。基于Sentinel-1 SAR数据,利用特征跟踪法提取了2015-2017年松岛冰川的冬夏季流速,分析了冰川流速的年际和季节变化特征。结果表明松岛冰川处于高速流动状态,流速最高达4 400 m·a-1左右。沿主流线方向,2015-2017年2月(夏季)的平均流速分别是3 502 m·a-1、3 529 m·a-1、3 498 m·a-1。2015-2017年8月(冬季)的平均流速分别是3 473 m·a-1、3 498 m·a-1、3 478 m·a-1。2015-2017年松岛冰川主流线上平均流速为3 450~3 550 m·a-1,流速总体保持稳定,没有明显变化。2015-2017年松岛冰川流速没有明显季节差异,冬夏季流速大致持平。基于裸露岩石作为控制点的分析表明误差为22~39 m·a-1,冰川流速监测结果是可信的。  相似文献   

综合运用跨孔地震CT、探地雷达、高密度电阻率法、浅层地震反射波、土壤氡浓度和波速测试6种物探方法,对广州市白云区金沙洲岩溶地面塌陷、地面沉降地质灾害进行探测,查明了该区的溶洞、土洞及构造破碎带的分布。介绍了各种方法技术,对综合物探成果进行总结,结合实例说明综合物探方法在该区的应用取得了显著效果,为地质灾害防治提供了基础地质资料。在广花盆地岩溶发育区,首次应用跨孔地震CT探测建筑物地下岩溶分布,为评价受岩溶地质灾害影响的建筑物安全提供依据。  相似文献   

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