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A simple and efficient method is described for the production of pure bispecific F(ab' gamma)2 heterodimers, in which the individual antibody Fab' gamma fragments are joined via a stable thioether linkage. Hybrid molecules were constructed from both mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies with equal efficiency, in the combinations mouse-rabbit and mouse-mouse. Peptic F(ab' gamma)2 fragments from the two chosen antibodies were first reduced to provide Fab' gamma SH. The SH groups on one of the Fab' gamma SH partners were then fully alkylated with o-phenylenedi-maleimide to provide free maleimide groups. Finally the two preparations, Fab' gamma mal and Fab' gamma SH, combined under conditions which allowed cross-linking of the maleimide and SH groups and avoided reoxidation of SH groups. The major product isolated from the reaction mixture after chromatography was always the F(ab' gamma)2 heterodimer (50 to 70%), other products being unreacted Fab' gamma and trace amounts of putative F(ab' gamma)3. Immunochemical analysis revealed that the thioether-linked F(ab' gamma)2 molecules were essentially all heterodimers, most of which had been joined via their Fd chains. The dual specificity of F(ab' gamma)2 heterodimers was tested functionally in three systems: 1) the combination (anti-idiotype + anti-phycoerythrin) linked L2C cells to the fluorochrome phycoerythrin, allowing fluorescence analysis; 2) the combination (anti-idiotype + anti-saporin) linked L2C cells to the ribosome-inactivating protein saporin, and transformed a subtoxic dose of saporin into a highly toxic mixture which prevented further protein synthesis by L2C cells; and 3) the combination of anti-idiotype with 3G8 (antibody to the Fc gamma receptor CD16) subjected L2C cells to cytotoxic attack by human mononuclear effectors.  相似文献   

Technology of manufacturing of new anti-rabies immunoglobulin preparation based on F(ab')2 fragments has been developed. This preparation is characterized by low reactogenicity, increased virus-neutralizing activity and stability.  相似文献   

Uptake of antitetanus F(ab')2 fragments into eukaryotic cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. In order to introduce antitetanus immunoglobulin fragments into eukaryotic cells, either antitetanus F(ab')2 or Fab' fragments have been linked to carrier molecules. Aciclovir, horseradish peroxidase, wheat germ agglutinin, and transferrin were tried as carriers. 2. F(ab')2-aciclovir and Fab'-horseradish peroxidase were not internalized by NG108-15 neurohybridoma cells. 3. [Fab']2-wheat germ agglutinin and F(ab')2-transferrin conjugates were internalized into various cells. 4. F(ab')2-transferrin conjugates were made with three different linkers: N-succinimidyl 3-(2-pyridyldithio) propionate, bis-maleimido hexane, and bis-maleimidoethoxy propane. All three conjugates were internalized but had a different fate inside the cells.  相似文献   

Induction of peripheral T cell anergy associated with stimulation through the TCR complex in vivo has been described in mice using chemically modified APC, staphylococcal enterotoxin B, and intact anti-CD3 mAb. In the latter two models, T cell proliferation, IL-2R expression, and lymphokine production have been demonstrated before subsequent induction of hyporesponsiveness, whereas in the former model, these events have not been observed. To further investigate the relationship between mitogenicity and induction of peripheral hyporesponsiveness, mice were treated with either mitogenic intact anti-CD3 mAb or nonmitogenic F(ab')2 fragments of anti-CD3 mAb. T cells from F(ab')2-treated mice demonstrated a selective decrease in helper functions, with minimal effect on CTL function. Specifically, a marked reduction in ability of Th cells to secrete IL-2 when challenged in vitro with mitogen or alloantigen was observed, which persisted for at least 2 mo after mAb administration and which was independent of T cell depletion. Proliferative function was decreased in CD4+ T cells and could not be fully restored with addition of exogenous IL-2. A helper defect was also evident in vivo, in that F(ab')2-treated mice were deficient in their ability to reject MHC-disparate skin grafts, and in vivo administration of IL-2 reconstituted their ability to reject skin grafts normally. In contrast, T cells from mice treated with intact mAb demonstrated a significant decrease in both CTL and helper functions. A long term reduction in TCR expression on CD4+ cells from F(ab')2-treated mice, and on both CD4+ and CD8+ cells from intact mAb-treated mice was observed. These findings demonstrate that peripheral T cell hyporesponsiveness can be induced in vivo by binding an identical epitope on the TCR complex in the presence or absence of initial proliferation, lymphokine secretion, or IL-2R expression, and that binding to the same epitope can result in varying long term effects on T cell function.  相似文献   

The Gradiflow, a preparative electrophoresis instrument, which separates proteins on the basis of charge or size, was used to purify the basic protein avidin, pI 10, from chicken egg white. Using a charge based separation at pH 9.0, the high pI of avidin and lysozyme (pI 10.7) allows them to be easily separated from remaining egg white proteins, as these are the only positively charged proteins. In a second step at pH 10.2, the negatively charged avidin is separated from the positively charged lysozyme. This sequential two-step protocol was complete within 4.5h. Enzyme immunoassay of avidin fractions obtained indicated recoveries of 60-65% from one egg white with minimal lysozyme activity detected.  相似文献   

Streptococcal protein G has been used extensively for the purification of antibodies using the interaction of the Fc region with protein G. Many antibodies also interact with protein G through a low-affinity binding site for the Fab region. The exploitation of this low-affinity interaction for the purification of Fab' fragments is described here. Chimeric mouse-human B72.3 Fab' and F(ab')2 fragments were expressed by CHO cells and purified from CHO cell supernatant using protein G-Sepharose. Since chimeric B72.3 Fab' bound weakly to the protein G-Sepharose it could be separated from F(ab')2 and eluted with a pH 7 wash whereas B72.3 F(ab')2 required elution at pH 2. Both Fab' and F(ab')2 were recovered with full immunoreactivity and could be further purified using gel-filtration chromatography to greater than 99% purity. This method allows the simple purification of directly expressed Fab' or F(ab')2 fragments from CHO cell supernatant.  相似文献   

A method to covalently bind antibody fragments, via their carboxyl termini to solid supports, is presented. The strategy involves: (1) reversibly blocking all the accessible carboxyl groups on the antibody molecule with phenylhydrazine, (2) exposing the carboxyl termini of the fragment by enzymatic digestion with pepsin and (3) subsequently coupling the fragment to an appropriate support. Experiments with an anti-bovine serum albumin monoclonal antibody and C-14 phenylhydrazine revealed that the blocking step was nearly completely reversible with a dilute solution of FeCl3. Radioiodinated blocked F(ab')2 fragments were then coupled to an amino-functionalized Sepharose 4B column, and characterized as to their coupling capacity (mass of protein coupled/ml of bead), and antigen-binding activity. The coupling capacity of the blocked fragments was found to be 12%, half the coupling efficiency of unmodified radioiodinated F(ab')2. The antigen-binding capacity (mol antigen bound per mol antibody coupled) for the blocked F(ab')2, on the other hand, was found to be 1.9, which was approx. 3.5-times greater than for the unmodified F(ab')2. Comparisons with other conventional coupling techniques were also made. These preliminary studies suggest that this technique can provide one with the means to obtain more uniform and active populations of immobilized antibody fragments.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi calreticulin (TcCRT), described in our laboratory, retains several important functional features from its vertebrate homologues. We have shown that recombinant TcCRT inhibits the human complement system when it binds to the collagenous portion of C1q. The generation of classical pathway convertases and membrane attack complexes is thus strongly inhibited. In most T. cruzi-infected individuals, TcCRT is immunogenic and mediates the generation of specific antibodies. By reverting the C1q / TcCRT interaction, a parasite immune evasion strategy, these antibodies contribute to the host/parasite equilibrium. In an in vitro correlate of this situation, we show that the Clq/TcCRT interaction is inhibited by F(ab')2 polyclonal anti-TcCRT IgG fragments. It is therefore feasible that in infected humans anti-TcCRT antibodies participate in reverting an important parasite strategy aimed at inhibiting the classical complement pathway. Thus, membrane-bound TcCRT interacts with the collagenous portion Clq, and this Clq is recognized by the CD91-bound host cell CRT, thus facilitating parasite internalization. Based on our in vitro results, it could be proposed that the in vivo interaction between TcCRT and vertebrate Clq could be inhibited by F(ab')2 fragments anti-rTcCRT or against its S functional domain, thus interfering with the internalization process.  相似文献   

The in vitro killing of the human CEM cell line was studied by using ricin A-chain immunotoxins constructed with either the whole IgG or the Fab and F(ab')2 fragments of the same T101 (anti-CD5) antibody. In the presence of ammonium chloride as an activator, the "whole" immunotoxin as well as the "fragment" immunotoxins did not show any significant difference in the cell killing efficacy. In contrast, without the activator, the efficacy of the T101 immunotoxin was greatly improved when fragments were used. Indeed, at a saturating dose, a cytoreduction of three orders of magnitude was obtained with the fragment immunotoxins vs less than one order of magnitude for the whole immunotoxin, as assessed in a clonogenic assay. This enhancing effect was related to better cell killing kinetics, because with a similar amount of A-chain molecules bound per cell, T101 fragment immunotoxins achieved a twofold faster protein synthesis inactivation rate than the corresponding whole IgG immunotoxin. No significant difference in activity was shown between monovalent (Fab) and divalent (F(ab')2) forms of fragment immunotoxins. The observation that T101 fragment immunotoxins were more potent than intact immunotoxins was extended to another fragment immunotoxin constructed with an antibody (F111.98) directed against a different epitope of the CD5 Ag. In another model (anti-CD22 1G11 antibody on Raji cells), the fragment immunotoxin did not show any superiority over the IgG immunotoxin which was by itself very potent, strongly suggesting an Ag-dependent phenomenon.  相似文献   

Plasma-polymerized films were formed on flat glass plates using allylamine, acrylic acid, acrolein, and allylcyanide as monomers. Adsorption of (125)I-labeled-proteins such as immunoglobulin G (IgG), its F(ab')(2) and Fc fragments, and human serum albumin (HSA) was measured on these plasma-polymerized (PP) films covering the glass plates and on commercially available polymer plates. The adsorption isotherm followed the Langmuir equation, from which the binding constant and amount of saturation binding were estimated. We found that, in general, a cationic surface had higher affinity for protein adsorption than an anionic surface. Among the surfaces examined, the PP-allylamine surface showed the highest binding capacity (264.2 nmol/m(2)) for F(ab')(2) fragment: it was remarkably high. Of the surfaces examined, the PP-acrylic acid surface showed the lowest binding capacity (12.8 nmol/m(2)) for F(ab')(2) fragment. The PP-acrylic acid surface also indicated the lowest protein binding capacity for IgG (16.5 nmol/m(2)), Fc-IgG (32.4 nmol/m(2)) and HSA (16.7 nmol/m(2)), respectively. These imply that the PP-acrylic acid film is useful to fabricate as a low protein adsorption material which expected to decrease cell adhesion. Results of our investigation indicate that the plasma-polymerization technique is promising for fabrication of a smart NanoBio-interface which can control the protein adsorption on a solid-phase substrate using a suitable monomer such as allylamine for the large adsorption and acrylic acid for the small adsorption.  相似文献   

For antibody therapeutics to succeed when intracellular target molecules are involved, a strategy must be applied to increase the delivery of antibodies into cells to reach their targets. Antibody cationization by chemical conjugation of a polyamine could be one such strategy. Both natural polyamines with increasing net charge valencies (putrescine, PUT; spermidine, SPD; and spermine, SPM) and a synthetic polyamine (hexamethylenediamine, HMD) can be used to cationize antibodies, but no comparison of the respective effects of these polyamines on intracellular delivery of antibodies has been performed yet. This study describes the covalent modification of antitetanus F(ab') 2 with these four polyamines using different reaction conditions, and compares the effects of these modifications on antibody interaction with cultured HL60 cells. The cationized antibodies retained > or =80% of the binding activity of the unmodified F(ab') 2 with regard to tetanus toxin, as measured by an antigen-binding capture enzyme immunoassay. This same method was used to quantify the amount of cell-associated F(ab') 2 following incubation with HL60 cells. Cationization was shown to enhance cell interaction of the F(ab') 2 : the higher the number of coupled polyamine molecules, the greater the amount of antibody associated with the cells. Moreover, coupling the F(ab') 2 to the SPD and SPM polyamines had greater effect on cell interaction than coupling the F(ab') 2 to the PUT and HMD diamines. Internalization of the cationized antibodies by the HL60 cells was demonstrated by confocal microscopy. This technique also showed that SPD and SPM were more effective than PUT and HMD in terms of intracellular delivery of the F(ab') 2 . It follows from all these results that electrostatic interaction involving charge density plays a predominant role in the endocytic transport mechanism of the F(ab') 2 modified with these polyamines. However, coupling the F(ab') 2 to SPM and SPD yielded the same maximum effects in terms of cell interaction, although coupling SPM was expected to increase the antibody net charge valency more than coupling SPD. This finding suggests that the effective global charge for the cell interaction and uptake of polyamine-modified antibodies does not simply correspond to the addition of the ionizable amine functions on the coupled polyamines, and that other factors may come into play.  相似文献   

The purification of the IgM monoclonal antibody 436 against a breast tumor antigen from mouse ascitic fluid is reported. The purified immunoglobulin was radioiodinated and the resulting product assessed for its binding capacity and binding specificity. Purified IgM-436 served for F(ab')2 mu preparation which was tested for its antigen binding capacity. Radioiodinated IgM-436 and its F(ab')2 mu retained their immunological activity which was never lower than those of the corresponding cold products.  相似文献   

We provide efficient and detailed procedures for construction, expression, and screening of comprehensive libraries of murine or human antibody Fab fragments displayed on the surface of filamentous phage. In addition, protocols for producing and using ultra-electrocompetent cells, for producing Fab phages from libraries, and for selecting antigen binders by panning are presented. The latter protocol includes a procedure for trypsin elution of bound phage.  相似文献   

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