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目的:探讨高海拔地区胸部锐器伤的诊断和治疗方法。方法:对89例胸部锐器伤的临床特点和诊治方法进行分析和总结。结果:本组剖胸探查手术56例,清创缝合、胸腔闭式引流、胸腔穿刺保守治疗33例。治愈85例,自动出院3例,转科治疗1例。结论:高海拔地区由于慢性缺氧,肺功能有不同程度的损害,胸部损伤产生血气胸后缺氧症状明显加重。对有明显血气胸和疑有心脏、大血管损伤、腹腔脏器损伤应迅速行剖胸探查手术。  相似文献   

对56例胸部锐器贯通伤的诊断治疗进行回顾性分析研究,认为应及早诊断治疗,准确判断病情,优先处理致命伤,重视复合伤救治,能取得较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

严重胸部伤合并颅脑伤的特点与救治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报告1964年5月~1994年5月收治的资料完整的胸部和颅脑合并损伤44例,按损伤严重度评分(ISS)法,ISS值≥20,就损伤特点与救治原则进行讨论。临床资料一、一般资料本组44例,男35例,女9例,年龄17~76岁。汽车致伤32例,摩托车致伤4例...  相似文献   

脊髓锐器伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脊髓领器伤是一种少见的脊髓损伤,平时和战时都可能发生,多系刺刀、匕首、三刃刮刀等金属刃器所致,偶有木、竹器刺伤。袭击者多从伤员后方行凶,故刺伤多发生在弯腰椎板分开时,伤口多位于胸背部。锐器经推板间隙、椎间孔或穿透椎板进入椎管,造成脊髓、马尾神经及神经根损伤。一份仅引起局限性骨折,对脊柱的稳定性无严重影响。1分类1.1直接损伤锐器通过硬脊膜直接刺伤脊髓或马尾神经。1.2间接损伤锐器刺入椎板,造成椎板骨折,由于碎骨片刺伤或压迫脊髓引起损伤。1.3对冲性损伤硬脊膜因质地致密,且柔韧,未被刺破,脊髓被推移,并…  相似文献   

目的探讨脊髓锐器伤的临床特点、治疗方案及脊髓功能的预后规律。方法定期随访、回顾性分析我科2003年4月~2006年6月收治的8例脊髓锐器伤的治疗、预后转归情况。8例中男性7例,女性1例;年龄10~32岁,平均21.4岁。均为不完全性脊髓损伤。入院后经甲泼尼龙、神经节苷脂、高压氧及脱水综合治疗,术前和术后进行神经功能评分和影像学观察。结果经过平均5.4个月治疗后,所有患者下肢感觉、运动功能恢复满意,生活完全自理。平均随访17个月,其中4例下肢感觉恢复正常,4例残留部分感觉障碍;5例运动完全正常,3例遗有部分运动功能障碍,轻度跛行。结论脊髓锐器伤多为不完全性脊髓横断伤,局部创伤小、出血少、离断的神经组织无明显移位、纤维瘢痕组织增生少,脊髓功能恢复好;脊髓功能的恢复在伤后3周左右达高峰;药物促进离断后无明显移位的轴突原位修复、残留神经纤维的代偿可能是脊髓锐器伤后脊髓神经功能恢复的主要机制。  相似文献   

31例心脏锐器伤的救治   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目的总结心脏锐器伤的救治经验,探讨影响死亡的因素方法 对1983~1998年以来收治的31例心脏锐器伤患者,根据到达急诊室的临床生理状况,按Ivatury分类法组,全部进行了开胸手术治疗,其中急诊室开胸手术11例,手术室开胸手术20例。结果全组死亡8例,死亡率26%。1组死亡2例(2/2),2组死亡5例(5/13),3组死亡1例(1/13),4组无死亡8例,死亡率26%,1组死亡2例(2/2),  相似文献   

胸部多发伤的临床治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨胸部多发伤的诊断和急救。认为及时准确判断伤情,早期诊断,自体血回输,紧急手术是抢救复杂性胸部创伤的关键。  相似文献   

胸部刀刃穿透伤112例临床分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 总结胸部刀刃穿透伤临床特点、诊断及处理的临床经验。方法 对1995~1999年我科收治的112例胸部刀刃穿透伤临床诊治情况进行分析。结果 早期明确诊断109例,漏诊3例。闭式引流98例、胸穿19例,手术治疗52例,其中开胸27例、开腹25例。治愈105例,死亡5例。结论(1)胸部刀刃穿透伤合并伤多、伤情重、变化快、休克发生率高;(2)迟发性血气我、膈肌破裂、腰背部伤早期易漏诊;(3)刀刃所致的胸腹联合伤,漏诊或手术处理不当易发生胸腔感染;(4)手术率高,早期救治得当预后好。  相似文献   

总结40例心脏锐器伤的救治监护经验,认为心脏锐器伤有3个特点:病情危重、紧急、复杂。救治监护中,应熟识病情、救治快捷和慎重。  相似文献   

胸部枪弹伤由于常合并胸腔内心、肺及大血管损伤而病情危重 ,变化急骤 ,容易导致严重后果。近年来 ,此类伤呈逐渐增多趋势。我院自 1992年 1月至2 0 0 2年 3月共收治胸部枪弹伤 19例 ,现报告如下。临 床 资 料1.一般资料 :本组均为男性 ;年龄 3~ 35岁 ,平均 2 6 .5岁 ,均为枪弹击中胸部后入院。其中手枪伤 8例 ,钢珠枪伤 6例 ,霰弹枪伤 2例 ,气枪伤 2例 ,高速金属片伤 1例。胸部穿透伤 16例 ,胸骨损伤 1例 ,单纯软组织损伤 2例。穿透伤中单纯心脏损伤 2例 ,单纯肺损伤 10例 ,心脏、肺同时损伤 4例。合并颈部损伤 2例 (其中 1例伴气管横…  相似文献   

Imaging of blunt chest trauma   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
In western European countries most blunt chest traumas are associated with motor vehicle and sport-related accidents. In Switzerland, 39 of 10,000 inhabitants were involved and severely injured in road accidents in 1998. Fifty two percent of them suffered from blunt chest trauma. According to the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics, traumas represented in men the fourth major cause of death (4 %) after cardiovascular disease (38 %), cancer (28 %), and respiratory disease (7 %) in 1998. The outcome of chest trauma patients is determined mainly by the severity of the lesions, the prompt appropriate treatment delivered on the scene of the accident, the time needed to transport the patient to a trauma center, and the immediate recognition of the lesions by a trained emergency team. Other determining factors include age as well as coexisting cardiac, pulmonary, and renal diseases. Our purpose was to review the wide spectrum of pathologies related to blunt chest trauma involving the chest wall, pleura, lungs, trachea and bronchi, aorta, aortic arch vessels, and diaphragm. A particular focus on the diagnostic impact of CT is demonstrated. Received: 29 November 1999; Accepted: 28 January 2000  相似文献   

CT of blunt chest trauma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

钝性胸部伤临床诊治新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着胸部心血管外科技术的发展,重症钝性胸部伤的疗效也有了显著提高。本文重要介绍了重症连枷胸、创伤性膈肌破裂、肺挫伤致ARDS、钝性心脏伤包括心脏破裂以及钝性胸主动脉撕裂的临床诊断与治疗新进展,并作了简要评述。  相似文献   

We report a case of high-impact blunt chest trauma resulting in bilateral lung contusion and rupture of the right atrial appendage with subsequent hemopericardium leading to acute right heart failure. Although tamponade remains a clinical diagnosis, in this case CT findings confirmed the diagnosis, initially unsuspected, which led to successful therapeutic intervention. We believe that in patients with high-velocity trauma and possible blunt injury to the chest, a cardiac injury should always be searched for and excluded.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess radiomorphologic and clinical features of tracheal rupture due to blunt chest trauma. From 1992 until 1998 the radiomorphologic and clinical key findings of all consecutive tracheal ruptures were retrospectively analyzed. The study included ten patients (7 men and 3 women; mean age 35 years); all had pneumothoraces which were persistent despite suction drainage. Seven patients developed a pneumomediastinum as well as a subcutaneous emphysema on conventional chest X-rays. In five patients, one major hint leading to the diagnosis was a cervical emphysema, discovered on the lateral cervical spine view. Contrast-media-enhanced thoracic CT was obtained in all ten cases and showed additional injuries (atelectasis n = 5; lung contusion n = 4; lung laceration n = 2; hematothorax n = 2 and hematomediastinum n = 4). The definite diagnosis of tracheal rupture was made by bronchoscopy, which was obtained in all patients. Tracheal rupture due to blunt chest trauma occurs rarely. Key findings were all provided by conventional chest X-ray. Tracheal rupture is suspected in front of a pneumothorax, a pneumomediastinum, or a subcutaneous emphysema on lateral cervical spine and chest films. Routine thoracic CT could also demonstrate these findings but could not confirm the definite diagnosis of an tracheal rupture except in one case; in the other 9 cases this was done by bronchoscopy. Thus, bronchoscopy should be mandatory in all suspicious cases of tracheal rupture and remains the gold standard. Received: 22 February 1999; Revision received: 29 June 1999; Accepted: 1 July 1999  相似文献   

Blunt chest trauma is a significant source of morbidity and mortality in industrialized countries. The clinical presentation of trauma patients varies widely from one individual to another and ranges from minor reports of pain to shock. Knowledge of the mechanism of injury, the time of injury, estimates of motor vehicle accident velocity and deceleration, and evidence of associated injury to other systems are all salient features to provide for an adequate assessment of chest trauma. Multi-detector row computed tomography (MDCT) scanning and MDCT-angiography are being used more frequently in the diagnosis of patients with chest trauma. The high sensitivity of MDCT has increased the recognized spectrum of injuries. This new technology can be regarded as an extremely valuable adjunct to physical examination to recognize suspected and unsuspected blunt chest trauma.  相似文献   


Background and purpose

Chest trauma is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity, especially in the younger population. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) in the assessment of patients with blunt chest trauma.

Patients and methods

A prospective study was conducted on thirty (30) patients with blunt chest trauma (21 males and 9 females, aged from 6 to 62 years) and 29 control patients presented with any trauma other than blunt chest trauma (23 males and 6 females, aged from 10 to 68 years) at the Emergency Department, Tanta University Hospital, from January 2013 to February 2014. Cases were subjected to clinical evaluation and radiological assessment of the chest using conventional chest X-ray (CXR) and multi-detector computed tomography.


The most common mode of injury was motor vehicle accidents (56.7%). On MDCT scan, the frequency of chest injuries were; chest wall injuries (86.7%), pleural injuries (80%), parenchymal injuries (56.7%), mediastinal injuries (30%) and finally the dorsal spine injuries (16.7%). MDCT is more sensitive, specific, and accurate than CXR in the assessment of blunt chest trauma and management of patients.


MDCT is the modality of choice for rapid assessment of emergency chest trauma patients, when chest X-ray was inconclusive.  相似文献   

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