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推导了计算圆锥无键联接的接触压力的解析公式,给出了心轴和套筒轴的径向应力、轴向应力、切向应力、Mises等效应力以及压入轴向力的方程。对解析解与等效直径的圆柱面无键联接近似解法、有限元法的计算结果进行了比较。在不考虑端部应力集中时,3种方法计算出的接触压力和Mises等效应力结果差别不大。进一步验证了近似解法的可行性,并为计算圆锥联接传递的扭矩和胀紧套的应力分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

根据深沟球轴承的工作特点和负载条件,建立简化力学模型并定义载荷条件和边界条件,通过对模型的计算分析,找出深沟球轴承的最大应力位置和应力分布规律图。然后在由ANSYS转化成节点及元素组成的有限元模型中,运用完全牛顿-拉普森方法进行接触应力的静力学求解,最后根据Hertz椭圆形点接触理论,用微积分的方法求出轴承的刚度变形和应力与位移的关系。这种利用有限元分析软件与基础理论联合求解刚度的方法更精确、更有效、更实用可靠,为滚动轴承的选择和维护使用提供了更多依据,计算方法也便于工程应用。  相似文献   

一种圆锥面无键联接接触压力和应力的解析计算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
推导了计算圆锥无键联接的接触压力的解析公式,给出了心轴和套筒轴的径向应力、轴向应力、切向应力、Mises等效应力以及压入轴向力的方程.对解析解与等效直径的圆柱面无键联接近似解法、有限元法的计算结果进行了比较.在不考虑端部应力集中时,3种方法计算出的接触压力和Mises等效应力结果差别不大.进一步验证了近似解法的可行性,并为计算圆锥联接传递的扭矩和胀紧套的应力分析提供了依据.  相似文献   

在正常工作情况下,高速自动模切机的主机墙板会受到很大的冲击,这会大大影响到模切精度,导致产品质量严重下降。应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其进行有限元分析,掌握其应力和变形的分布情况,并在有限元分析的基础上进行结构优化,使得优化后的结构在刚度和强度上有很大的提高,从而有针对性地解决实际问题。  相似文献   

在正常工作情况下,高速自动模切机的主机墙板会受到很大的冲击,这会大大影响到模切精度,导致产品质量严重下降。应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对其进行有限元分析,掌握其应力和变形的分布情况,并在有限元分析的基础上进行结构优化,使得优化后的结构在刚度和强度上有很大的提高,从而有针对性地解决实际问题。  相似文献   

介绍了超精密加工中主轴电机的振动及其对超精密加工的影响;在原有伺服电机的基础上设计并制作了气浮电机;用加速度传感器提取电机的振动信号,并用AD3525FFT频谱分析仪对电机的振动加速度信号进行了分析,测试出在电机转速为500r/min时普通伺服主轴电机和气浮主轴电机的振动和速度分别为0.436×10-4g和0.108×10-4g,用改造的气浮主轴伺服电机构成的超精密加工系统,加工KDP晶体的表面粗糙度达到了8nm。本项研究对提高超精密加工主轴系统精度具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigated the deflection coefficients of rectangular plates that are reinforced in the middle. For reinforced plates with three different aspect ratios and two types of boundary conditions (simply supported and clamped), we derived the deflection coefficients with respect to the elastic modulus ratio and the relative length of the inner plate using the least-squares method. We performed a finite element analysis of the models, and calculated the deflection coefficients of reinforced plates in terms of the deflection coefficients of simple (nonreinforced) plates. The results can be extended to various types of reinforced rectangular plates.  相似文献   

The performance of hydraulic systems at high temperatures is particularly sensitive to the properties of the hydraulic fluids. The effects of stability, viscosity, compressibility, volatility, gas solubility, and lubrication on hydraulic component and system performance are discussed. These properties singly and in combination affect many aspects of hydraulic system operation. The reaction of fluids to high temperatures causes significant changes in hydraulic performance.  相似文献   

直驱风力发电机径向-轴向混合磁轴承设计及分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决或降低传统直驱风力发电机系统的机械摩擦问题,以有效提高风能利用率,提出直驱风力发电机采用机械轴承和磁悬浮轴承集成支承技术,即采用机械轴承和径向-轴向三自由度混合磁轴承实现直驱风力发电机的集成支承。针对径向-轴向三自由度混合磁轴承,采用等效磁路法进行数学建模,并利用有限元分析软件对其进行参数设计与机理分析。在此基础上,构建了径向-轴向三自由度磁轴承试验平台,试验结果证明设计的径向-轴向三自由度磁轴承能够实现稳定悬浮。  相似文献   

When a ball bearing is designed with thin rings or is mounted in a flexible housing, the assumption of rigid rings is not true anymore. In this article, an experimental study is presented and a comparison with a numerical model is performed. The numerical approach is based on the coupling between a semi-analytical code and a finite element (FE) model that computes the deformation of the rings and housings. The numerical model accounts for ring ovalization, raceway opening, change of conformity, and structural displacements of the whole assembly. The experimental setup allows investigation of the load–displacement behavior of a four-point contact ball bearing submitted to a static thrust loading. Displacements are measured by an optical method (stereo-correlation) that enables comparison of the surface deformation of the two tested bearings and computation of the rigid-body displacement of the inner ring with respect to the outer ring. A comparison between experimental results, numerical results, with and without consideration of ring and housing stiffness, is presented. The numerical results show the importance of the housing stiffness in the modeling, even with standard ball bearings with relatively large and thick rings. Good agreement between measured quantities and numerical results was found. This permits the prediction of the real nonlinear bearing stiffness (load–displacement curve) with a reasonable margin of error.  相似文献   

高速客车轴箱轴承的偏载分析及轴承滚子非对称修形   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对铁路高速客车轴箱轴承在偏载下滚动体与内外圈的接触应力和位移等所进行的有效元分析,提出了滚子非对称修形新概念。有限元分析结果表明,由于轴向载荷的影响,滚动体与内外圈的接触应力和位移等沿滚动体轴线的分布发生偏移,传统的对称修形虽然可以避免滚动体两端的边界应力集中,但无法克服“偏载效应”。为了同时避免所谓的“边缘效应”和克服“偏载效应”,必须根据偏载下滚动体与内外圈的接触应力或位移的偏移分布规律对滚子进行相应的非对称母线修形,从而使非对称修形滚子轴承有更高的可靠性和使用寿命。  相似文献   

EMP径向滑动轴承弹性变形的有限元求解   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
轴瓦材料的特殊性使弹性金属塑料瓦(EMP)径向滑动轴承的热弹变形远大于普通金属瓦轴承,本文着重分析其弹性为形对轴承润滑特性的影响。并对采用三维有限元法和Winker假设方法计算得出的轴瓦弹性变形进行了比较。给出了EMP径向滑动轴承弹性变形分析研究的一个实例,对其润滑特性进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

基于有限元软件ANSYS对某自升式平台齿轮齿条的强度进行了分析。从齿条齿宽和齿轮齿条齿根圆角半径2个方面研究探讨了提高齿轮强度的方法,并对齿条齿宽和齿轮齿条的齿根圆角半径进行了优化。研究结果表明,适当增大齿条齿宽可以减小齿轮齿条的接触应力,增大齿轮齿条的齿根圆角半径可以提高齿轮齿条的齿根弯曲强度。  相似文献   

采用有限元方法研究了温度场、压力场对注塑件残余应力及翘曲变形的影响,重点讨论保护盖注塑件的温度场、压力场的计算,以及热塑性小变形理论下的注塑件翘曲变形计算。对影响薄壳塑件翘曲变形的因素(如模具温度、熔体温度、注射速率、保压压力等)进行分析,提出翘曲产生的原因及相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

The measurement of residual stresses by the hole-drilling method has been used to evaluate residual stresses in structural members. In this method, eccentricity can usually occur between the hole center and rosette gage center. In this study, we obtained the magnitude of the error due to eccentricity of a hole through the finite element analysis. To predict the magnitude of the error due to eccentricity of a hole in the biaxial residual stress field, it could be learned through the backpropagation neural network. The prediction results of the error using the trained neural network showed good agreement with FE analyzed results.  相似文献   

有限元素法以其独有的优点在流体润滑求解中得到广泛的运用,但在径向推力联合动静压浮环轴承(以下简称联合轴承)特性求解时,常面临迭代收敛速度相当缓慢的问题。本文给出了一种新的求解方法,即求解过程中综合运用有限单元法与优化方法,以加快收敛速度,从而较成功地解决了这个问题。  相似文献   

运用大型结构分析软件Super—Sap,通过反复试算,建立了螺旋飞剪的有限元分析的正解数学模型,找到了一个符合实际的边界条件和加载方法,为宝钢螺旋飞剪改造项目的成功实施提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

半挂牵引车车架模态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了以板壳单元为基本单元的半挂牵引车车架有限元分析模型,应用NASTRAN有限元分析软件对车架进行了模态分析。计算了该车架在自由状态下的模态参数,并分析了其振动特性和对整车性能的影响。计算结果与试验结果对比分析表明,所建立的有限元模型和分析方法是可行的,可为车架结构的进一步改进提供依据。  相似文献   

Stress interaction fields, which are caused by propagating cracks and other defects, can weaken structures. In this study, crack behavior in the interaction field caused by two different cracks is experimentally studied. In the experiment, the vertical distance between two cracks and the applied stresses are varied to craate different stress interaction fields. In addition, the effect of the plastic zone is used to examine the crack propagation path and rate. Three types of crack propagation in the interaction field were found, and the crack propagating path and rate of two cracks were significantly affected according to different applied stresses as each crack propagates. These results are attributed to the effect of the size and shape of the plastic zone.  相似文献   

应力强度因子是缺陷结构安全评定的必需参数。利用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立了内压作用下弯管环向穿透裂纹模型,以管道外径、管道厚度、纵向裂纹角、裂纹半角、环向裂纹角为参数,对不同参数下的应力强度因子进行了计算。结果表明:应力强度因子与纵向裂纹角θ1无关;应力强度因子随裂纹半角θ的增大而增大;应力强度因子随环向裂纹角θ2的增大先减后增。依据计算结果对参数进行了无量纲化,继而拟合了内压作用下弯管环向穿透裂纹应力强度因子计算关系式。  相似文献   

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