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为寻求喉次全切除咽环吻合术后,喉的呼吸,吞咽,发声功能恢复的相关因素,对57例喉次全切除咽环吻合术后不同时期的患者进行115次纤维喉镜检查,经摄像拍照对比观察,发现凡新喉口前后径或左右径为7mm以上,双侧人工披裂占新喉口后缘约1/5范围,梨浆窝形态正常的患者增可顺利除气管套管,发音虽沙哑,但清晰响亮可懂度好,且无吞咽困难。  相似文献   

目的观察喉次全切除咽环吻合术后喉功能重建状况及其影响因素.方法对27例喉癌患者施以喉次全切除咽环吻合术,保留会厌及环状软骨,构制人工披裂和梨状窝,术后分阶段纤维喉镜录相系统观察.结果27例术后全部重建较理想的喉功能.结论环状软骨在新喉腔的塑形中起着至关重要的作用,咽缩肌在新喉口发挥了括约功能,术中应避免过多分离损伤.  相似文献   

报告对17例喉癌(Ⅱ期12例,Ⅲ期5例)行中段喉次全切除术。10例经3年以上随访,7例已无瘤生存6~8年,2例无瘤生存3~4年,1例复发死亡;9例拔除了气管插管。提示:选择适当的喉癌病例行中段喉次全切除术,可以使一些过去必须行全喉切除的病例得以只切除3/4或4/5的喉组织,既彻底切除了肿瘤又保存了喉功能,从而扩大了喉部分切除术的适应证。  相似文献   

目的探讨喉咽部隐匿性、细小异物的治疗方法.方法对21例异物史明确,常规方法无法窥及或取出困难的患者行纤维喉镜检查.结果21例均一次发现异物并钳取成功.结论纤维喉镜诊治喉咽部隐匿性及可疑异物创伤小,成功率高.  相似文献   

喉咽部异物是耳鼻咽喉科常见的急症.多采用间接喉镜、直接喉镜或纤维喉镜下行异物取出术;上述方法均各有不足之处.我科自1997年5月~2001年12月对取出较困难的咽喉异物病例,采用日产Olympus ENF-T3型纤维喉镜下间接喉钳异物取出术,获得了较好的效果,报告如下.  相似文献   

喉次全切除一期声门重建术的体会   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

自1990年以来,对晚期喉癌及喉咽癌患者行喉近全切除发音重建术16例,效果良好。1资料与方法11临床资料本组16例患者,男14例、女2例,年龄51~73岁,平均58岁。其中喉癌12例、下咽癌4例,病理诊断均为鳞状细胞癌。按照UICC1987年标准分...  相似文献   

自 1991年 4月~ 2 0 0 2年 6月 ,共对 5 5 4例声带新生物患者行支撑喉镜下手术摘除或取活检 ,对其中 3例声带病变暴露困难者 ,于术中联合应用纤维喉镜、弯头喉钳顺利摘除。报告如下 :1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料支撑喉镜下声带手术中声门暴露不全患者 3例 ,均为男性 ,年龄为 4 1~ 4 7岁。声嘶明显 ,病程 3个月~ 2年。体态矮胖 ,颈部粗短 ,体格健壮。术前间接喉镜检查声门暴露不清 ,纤维喉镜检查见新生物位于近前联合处。 1例约绿豆大小 ,2例约半粒黄豆大小 ,表面较光滑。术后病检均为息肉。1.2 方法术前经全身体检及有关辅助检查 ,无手…  相似文献   

目的:探讨纤维喉镜在喉喘鸣诊断中的应用价值.方法:回顾性分析130例以喉喘鸣为主要症状就诊的患儿的临床资料.130例患儿均接受纤维喉镜检查.结果:经纤维喉镜检查发现,130例患儿中先天性喉喘鸣73例,先大性喉噗2例,会厌囊肿5例,舌根部囊肿或肿块20例,喉气囊肿1例,喉乳头状瘤3例.一侧或舣侧披裂关节活动差9例.未发现任何异常17例.结论:单纯先灭性喉喘鸣易误诊,必须排除其他引起喉喘呜的疾病.建议将纤维喉镜作为喉喘呜患儿就诊时必须的常规检查,必要时可辅助喉部CT和(或)MRI检查.  相似文献   

目的 探讨会厌及胸舌骨肌筋膜瓣在喉次全切除喉发声及呼吸功能重建术中的应用价值。方法 对7例T3N0M0声门型喉癌患者进行喉次全切除术,以会厌及胸舌骨肌筋膜瓣重建喉功能。结果 患者均于术后10-12天拔除气管套管及鼻饲管恢复正常饮食,无明显进食呛咳;均恢复正常语言交流,未出现喉腔狭窄和发声失败者。结论 喉次全切除后会厌及胸舌骨肌筋膜瓣是重建喉发声及呼吸功能较为理想的方法。  相似文献   

Objectives To assess prospectively speech and swallowing function in a series of 17 patients after supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy. Study Design Retrospective study. Methods From 1983 to 1996, 69 patients at Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, CHUV (Lausanne, Switzerland) underwent a supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy. Seventeen of them (25%) could be contacted and accepted participation in a functional evaluation that included a questionnaire to document their present nutritional status and diet. A formal voice evaluation was also performed, which included psychoacoustic evaluation of vocal qualities, fundamental frequency parameters, phonation intensity range, phonatory quotient (vital capacity divided by maximum phonation time), and a laryngeal video laryngoscopy performed with a rigid endoscope. Results Median postoperative follow‐up was 66 months (range, 12–152 mo). Nine of 17 patients (53%) recovered a normal diet with no increased incidence of aspirations. Seven of 17 had minor limitations such as no peanuts, dry bread, or rice. Two of 17 patients were restricted to pureed food. Assessment of voice showed a clearly decreased mean fundamental frequency at 70.1 Hz (normal range, 121–211 Hz) and a narrowed frequency range of phonation with a mean value of 8.8 semitones (normal value, 27). Forty‐two percent of the patients went back to their normal professional life after the operation. Among the 10 who did not, 3 (16%) retired and 7 actually had to give up their profession, because of the modification of their voice or general asthenia and age close to retirement. Conclusion Restoration of laryngeal function after supracricoid partial laryngectomy with cricohyoidoepiglottopexy is satisfactory. Although most of the patients seem to recover normal swallowing function, severe voice alterations appear to be inevitable.  相似文献   

目的 了解喉功能的解剖学基础,为喉癌、下咽癌手术保留喉功能提供解剖依据.方法 对4例成年男性尸体喉部的环杓关节相关肌肉、神经及血管进行解剖观察,根据肌肉的起止点与肌纤维方向分析各肌肉的作用.结果 甲杓肌位于喉腔内,环杓后肌、环杓侧肌、杓横肌及杓斜肌位于喉软骨支架的后外周面;在相关肌肉的作用下,以环杓关节面为核心,杓状软骨可以完成旋转与滑动运动;环杓后肌与环杓侧肌可以开大、缩小声门,对保证正常的喉功能有更重要的作用;喉返神经于气管食管沟内自下而上支配环杓后肌、环杓侧肌、杓横机、杓斜肌及甲杓肌等肌肉;喉下动脉自甲状腺下动脉发出后走行于环杓后肌的背侧,供血于环杓关节相关组织.结论 一侧完整的环杓关节及功能正常的环杓后肌与环杓侧肌是保留喉功能喉部分切除术的最基本条件.  相似文献   

Blom-Singer发音管在喉全切除术后的临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察喉全切除术后应用Blom-Singer发音管重建喉发声功能的效果。方法回顾性分析1994年9月~2003年8月15例喉全切除术后行Blom-Singer发音管重建喉发声功能患者的临床资料。结果15例患者中12例行Ⅰ期发音管重建术,10例手术成功(10/12,83.33%);3例行Ⅱ期发音管重建术,其中2例手术成功,两种术式的总成功率为80%(12/15)。Ⅰ期手术失败2例,与气管食管壁分离过多有关;Ⅱ期手术失败1例,系环咽肌切断不完全所致。结论喉全切除术后应用Blom-Singer发音管重建喉发声功能是一种有效的发声重建方法,环咽肌切断及保留气管食管壁的完整是手术成功的美键。  相似文献   

喉癌患者喉部分切除术后的嗓音声学分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨喉癌患者喉部分切除术术式、喉功能重建方法与术后嗓音质量的关系。方法 采用Dr.Speech嗓音分析软件,对116例不同术式喉部分切除术患者分别于术后1、2年进行发声功能测试,对测得的基频微扰(jitter)、振幅微扰(shimmer)、标准化噪声能量(NNE)进行比较分析,判断受试者嗓音质量。结果 所测得的声学参数jitter、shimmer、NNE值,以喉声门上水平部分切除术组最低,嗓音质量相对最好(P〈0.01);喉次全切除术组最高,嗓音质量相对最差(P〈0.01)。声带切除术组和声带癌激光切除术组与其它各组比较,其差异均有显著统计学意义(P〈0.05或0.01),但这两组间比较,差异无统计学意义。各组术后嗓音质量效果从好到差依次为:喉声门上水平部分切除术组、声带切除术组、声带癌激光切除术组、喉垂直部分切除术组、喉额侧部分切除术组、喉次全切除术组。结论 喉癌患者喉部分切除术后,发声功能的恢复与手术方式及重建方法密切相关,其中,喉声门上水平部分切除术组术后嗓音质量相对最佳,喉次全切除术组术后相对最差。  相似文献   

环状软骨上部分喉切除及功能重建术疗效观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨环状软骨上部分喉切除及功能重建术的适应证及疗效.方法回顾性研究1997年~2001年期间施行环状软骨上部分切除及功能重建术治疗的17例喉声门癌患者资料. 结果 17例患者均于术后7~16天拔除气管套管,平均11天;术后8~18天拔除鼻饲管,平均15天,拔管率100%.全部病例术后恢复了喉的三大功能.术后3年17例患者均存活,其中5年以上无瘤生存者11例. 结论该术式能在切除癌肿的同时更加有效地恢复喉功能,改善生存质量.  相似文献   

Objectives: To investigate sexual problems that can occur after laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer surgery and to specify possible influencing factors. Study Design: Multi‐institutional cross‐sectional study. Methods: Two hundred six patients were interviewed in person using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer, Quality of Life Questionnaire, Head and Neck Module (EORTC QLQ‐H&N35), the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, and a structured interview assessing alcohol and tobacco consumption, sociodemographic data, and specific sexual problems. Type of surgery, tumor site, and tumor stage were documented according to the participants' medical records. Multivariate analysis of variance was used to assess the independent impact of each factor. Results: More than half of the patients in our study reported having reduced libido and sexual enjoyment after treatment. Sixty percent considered it an important issue for their contentment with life. Sexual difficulties were found to be unrelated with gender, formal education, alcohol and tobacco consumption, type of surgery (partial vs. total laryngectomy), radiotherapy, and tumor site. Psychological distress (F = 46.27, P < .001) was seen to have a strong independent impact on the occurrence of sexual difficulties and stage of disease (F = 4.50, P < .05) and age (F = 4.79, P < .05), a moderate independent impact. Conclusions: Reduced libido and sexual enjoyment is a common problem after laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer surgery. However, it is not caused by the oncological treatment but rather by the cancer itself. Depression is often associated with sexual problems. Both should be discussed in medical consultations with head and neck cancer patients when appropriate to provide adequate treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To review the patients operated in our department with supracricoid partial laryngectomy with either cricohyoidoepiglottopexy (CHEP) (59 cases) or cricohyoidopexy (CHP) (10 cases) technique, for primary or recurrent glottosupraglottic squamous cell carcinoma and compare the technique with other surgical or conservative approaches for treatment of laryngeal carcinoma. METHODS: From hospital charts, we retrospectively reviewed 69 patients who had undergone supracricoid partial laryngectomy with the CHEP or CHP technique between 1983 and 1996 for primary or recurrent glottosupraglottic squamous cell carcinoma in our department. Statistical evaluation of oncological and functional results were conducted. Results were compared with other surgical and conservative treatment for glottosupraglottic carcinoma of the larynx that were published previously in the literature. RESULTS: Sixty-nine patients had CHEP or CHP for glottosupraglottic carcinoma of the larynx. Thirteen percent of the patients received adjuvant radiotherapy. Minimum follow-up was 2 years or until death. Five-year actuarial survival (Kaplan-Meier method) was 68%. Global local control was achieved in 84% of cases. Among previously untreated patients (n = 54), local control rate was 94.5%. After 1 year, 92.7% of patients achieved normal swallowing and respiration. Salvage total laryngectomy had to be performed in four patients (5.7%) for persistent aspiration and in five patients (7.2%), who were previously treated with radiotherapy, for local recurrence. No permanent tracheostomy or gastrostomy was required. CONCLUSIONS: Our experience with supracricoid partial laryngectomy with either CHP or CHEP suggests that this technique is a valuable alternative to radiotherapy for T2-T4 glottosupraglottic carcinomas, particularly those with extension and invasion of the anterior commissure. It allows for preservation of a good laryngeal function without altering the long-term survival, keeping total laryngectomy as a salvage procedure.  相似文献   

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