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This study estimates household water use in three localities in drought-prone Trincomalee, in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Most of the water in the research area derives from taps, reservoirs and dug wells. This research used questionnaires and interviews to determine each end use and monthly usage of tap water. Household water is used mostly for bathing, washing clothes, vehicles and toilets. Despite the small sample size and the economic and social differences, these results correspond quite well to those found elsewhere.  相似文献   

为保证工程质量,根据斯里兰卡渔业码头修复工程等级要求及斯里兰卡渔港水文、波浪、地质条件,按照规范标准,有针对性地选取码头结构型式,采用石笼作为重力式码头的胸墙;在施工过程中,严格控制进场原材料的质量。运用情况表明,采用该方案减少了工程投资、方便了施工、缩短了工期;同时消减了港池内波浪的能量,有利于渔船停靠及船舶泊稳作业,使用效果良好。  相似文献   

介绍斯里兰卡Moragahakanda水库项目依照可能最大洪水的地区经验来推求水库坝址可能最大洪水的方法。可能最大洪水是根据可能最大暴雨推求的洪水。它是为保证重要水利枢纽安全的一种不采用频率概念的设计洪水,简记为PMF。目前我国还没有一套较完整规范地推求可能最大洪水的计算方法。  相似文献   

The Kalu Ganga Basin in Sri Lanka is generally flooded once a year. A network of low-lying lands acts as natural retention and storage that captures floodwater, minimizing damage. An increase in the flood frequency has been observed in recent years. It is commonly perceived that this increase is caused by a rise in the frequency and severity of ‘very wet’ precipitation events. We conclude that land-use changes may have played a larger role in generating floods.  相似文献   

In order to maintain rice self-sufficiency, the Government of Indonesia is seeking strategies to more efficiently manage existing irrigation systems. As part of this effort, International Irrigation Management Institute, (IIMI) is helping the government reexamine the Factor-K method for water allocation, which is used by provincial irrigation authorities in most provinces. Data collected from public irrigation systems in West Java indicate that management practices in the field often deviate significantly from the theoretical operating procedures. Inefficiencies in water allocation resulting from over-estimated water requirements and inaccurate predictions of expected water availability are related to field management practices as well as problems associated with the Factor-K method itself. Inequitable allocation, as measured by an actual water delivery/expected water delivery ratio, was observed for end-users in the system during periods of water deficits. In order to ensure equity and efficiency using the factor-K system, modifications are needed in the method of calculating water demand and supply. Yet, more importantly, improved monitoring and supervision in the field must be given higher priority if the irrigation systems are to perform up to expectations.  相似文献   

水权配置与水资源配置的关系剖析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
从水权配置与水资源配置的指导思想、水资源供给量、配置目标、配置手段等方面对水权配置与水资源配置的区别与联系进行探讨分析,深入研究水权配置以及水资源配置的相关理论,提出流域初始水权配置过程中有待解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

构建了一个系统描述自然及人类活动作用下水循环路径的分布式水资源系统配置模型。通过将水文及其伴随过程与水资源配置过程进行"在线"或"离线"形式的耦合,基于抽象概化规则框架的规则集合进行水资源配置模拟,形成较为通用的水文-水质-水生态-水资源系统配置模型。该模型能够较好地反映不同配置规则下的水资源分配过程,实现水量、水质、水生态要求的水资源综合配置。实例证明,模型能够根据区域供用水结构特征及用水需求灵活地调整配置规则,为水资源系统合理配置提供较为可靠的模拟结果。  相似文献   

A two-step (deterministic and stochastic) dynamic programming approach has been introduced in this study to solve the complex problem of optimal water allocation in a run-of-the-river-type irrigation project. The complexity of a real-world situation is represented by incorporating in the optimization model the stochasticity of water supply and the nonlinearity of crop production functions. A nonlinear, dated, and multiplicative production function is transformed into a sequentially additive type to replace the usual method of creating an additional state of the plant variable which only increases the dimension of the problem. As compared to the explicit stochastic dynamic programming which necessitates, along with its use, an enormous computational complexity due to the so-called curse of dimensionality, the present model can approximate the theoretical global optimum, at least for the present case study, with a dramatic reduction in computer processing time. It also eliminates the rigidity of the policy derived by the explicit approach, since it provides irrigation planners with alternative decision policies which incorporate intangibles and other nonengineering factors. The traditional method of fixing the cropping pattern based on deterministic estimates of a dependable water supply can likewise be evaluated by the use of the present model. The results of the model's application appear to be practically acceptable.  相似文献   

蔡朝明 《水力发电》2005,31(11):18-19
在水利工程中推广使用散装水泥是一项节约资源、保护环境、提高综合效益的重要经济、技术措施,其优越性和社会效益已被世界上许多国家的实践所证实。散装水泥的库存数量是很难掌握的,每天都在不断的进出,往往只有等到储罐空出来才知道具体数量。所以过去有些工程往往帐面上还有很多,但实际库存已经为零,一个工程下来,往往亏损达到数千吨以上。为此,分析了各种情况,制定了相应的对策,通过加强管理,使散装水泥的亏损达到最小。  相似文献   

在剖析生态环境需水量概念和计算方法的基础上,把生态环境需水量分成需要在水资源规划中配置的水量和不需要配置的水量。在需要配置的生态环境需水量中,又分为直接配置水量和间接配置水量。在水资源规划中,既要计算直接配置水量,又要计算间接配置水量。文中介绍了需要配置的生态环境需水量的确定方法,并列举了在新疆哈密地区的应用实例。  相似文献   

自以水循环为基础的水资源动态配置模式提出以来,一批基于耦合分布式水文模型的水资源配置模型被先后提出,但其采用的耦合方法往往忽视了经济社会用水过程与天然水文过程之间的动态反馈作用。本文通过改进SWAT模型,并嵌合水资源配置模块,开发了基于水循环的分布式水资源调配模型(Water resources allocation and regulation model based on the SWAT,SWAT-WARM),从模型结构、耦合方法、配置规则等方面系统描述了模型的双向耦合原理。以唐河流域为例开展模型的构建与应用研究,采用包含河道流量过程、特征频率径流总量、国民经济用水量和水资源开发利用量的多指标校验方法验证模型的性能,在此基础上,分析了不同时空尺度的水资源配置结果以及全流域年度水循环转化情况。分析结果表明,该模型通过分布式水文模拟和水资源配置模拟的动态结合,能够描述“自然-社会”水资源复杂系统的实时互馈过程,可为流域水资源精细化管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

松辽流域初始水权分配政府预留水量研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据松辽流域特点和初始水权分配的需要,重点分析政府预留水量的确定原则.提出一种确定政府预留水量的双侧耦合分析方法,并分析和给出政府预留水量和水银行及储蓄量等成果;最后研究给出政府预留水量的动用原则和管理模式,以及政府预留水量管理办法。  相似文献   

Water users wish to achieve the highest benefits from water resources. Rules limit the manner in which water users may utilise the water resources occurring within their constituencies or territories. However an asymmetrical situation exists whereby downstream users may not affect upstream users but upstream users do cause downstream impacts. Because of this asymmetry the equitable sharing of water resources between upstream and downstream users will always imply that upstream users have to forego some potential water benefits. The general question that this paper addresses is: which institutional arrangements can be devised to (re-)establish an equilibrium between up- and downstream entities within a catchment area or river basin? The paper addresses this question by first focusing on some local and national water allocation arrangements. After briefly reviewing the different management regimes, customary and colonial, that co-evolved in Southern Africa, it assesses the water management principles that are currently being espoused. The focus then turns to the principles in international water law that deal with the allocation of water in transboundary river basins. It is concluded that it often proves difficult to reach agreement over how to share the scarce resource. The paper then discusses the current trend to look beyond water and beyond the river basin when seeking peaceful means to share a common water resource. The concept of “hydrosolidarity” emerges as a normative value that may help to recreate a balance between the various (asymmetrical) interests that exist within a river basin. The paper concludes that water resources can only be governed wisely is there is capacity to understand and monitor the water fluxes within a river basin. If such capacity is wanting, priority should be given to strengthen it.  相似文献   

信息熵在水污染物总量区域公平分配中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在考虑排污权的公平准则的基础上,通过综合考虑区域的经济、自然等客观因素,构建了以加权信息熵最大化为目标的规划模型。该模型应用熵值法得到上述各因素的指标的权重,并通过计算单位化指标负荷污染物量的信息熵,进而得到总信息熵。通过设定合理的运算规则和约束条件,制定出基于公平性的水污染物总量的区域初始分配方案。将模型应用于天津市的水污染物分配计算,结果表明:天津市东丽区、汉沽区和中心城区是水污染物重点削减区域,其次是塘沽区和宁河县。应用结果表明,本文方法可以定量化地反映多种公平准则,进而得到公平可行的分配方案。  相似文献   

关于汉江流域实施水量分配管理若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马建华 《人民长江》2010,41(17):1-6
根据汉江流域水资源及开发利用现状、至2030年水资源面临的形势,分析了汉江流域实施水量分配管理的必要性。借鉴国内外实施水量分配管理的成功经验并结合汉江流域的具体实际,探讨了汉江流域实施水量分配管理所面临的若干重大问题,如水量分配管理的机制与模式、河道内生态环境需水量、可分配水量、水量分配原则、水量分配方法和水量分配管理实施程序等,提出了处理这些问题的意见和方法,以推动汉江流域水量分配管理试点工作的顺利实施,为在长江流域全面推行水量分配管理积累宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

宁夏引黄灌区水权初始分配模型应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对宁夏引黄灌区水资源利用现状及灌区各种资料的分析整理,建立AHP法与TOPSIS法相结合的水权初始分配模型,确立符合灌区实际的水权初始分配的指标体系,构建指标体系的递阶层次结构,并利用MATLAB计算机语言对灌区水权初始分配比例进行计算。通过该配置结果与现状水权配置相比较,AHP法和TOPSIS法相结合的水权初始分配模型,具有思路清晰、结构合理、计算简便的特点,并且突出了客观性、实用性和便捷性,将其应用于水权初始分配中具有较高的可靠性。  相似文献   

水资源总量控制是水资源管理的主要手段,针对区域来水、取用水分开统计,导致区域来水、取用耗排水、断面出境水量不闭合问题,本文从水量控制核算的角度出发,构建基于水循环转化的水资源配置模型,通过模拟区域水资源取用耗排过程下的水循环过程,以区域来水和出境断面水量双向控制方法核算区域水量取用情况。以天津市为例,在全境多年平均来水42.1亿m~3(其中外调水14.7亿m~3)情景下,2020年水平年天津市取用水、耗水和排水等总量闭合控制阈值分别为38.25、22.0和16.25亿m~3,出境水量为22.1亿m~3,根据水资源实际管理需求,模型给出了各区县不同水源和行业相应的控制阈值,研究成果可为水资源消耗双控行动、最严格水资源管理和节水型社会建设提供科学支撑。  相似文献   

李原园 《中国水利》2010,(20):26-28
阐述了水资源合理配置的含义、原则及方法,介绍了近年全国层面开展的主要水资源配置工作,分析了水资源合理配置在实施最严格水资源管理制度中的基础性作用,说明了合理配置在水资源管理中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

中国水权与水量分配关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源所有权形式决定水量分配的主体.根据宪法和法律,中国水资源属国家所有,这就决定了中国由国务院代表国家对水资源进行分配.在国务院或国务院授权部门批准的水量分配方案的基础上,主要通过取水许可制度,实现水资源所有权与使用权的分离,实现对水资源使用权的分配.目前,中国水权制度已经建立,水量分配对完善我国水权制度具有重要作用.  相似文献   

A spatial hydroeconomic model was developed to analyze the competition between small private (SPIS) and large public (LPIS) irrigation systems for water control in tropical watersheds and applied to several water allocation policies in Kou watershed in Burkina Faso. Capital (cash and motorpumps) is the main constraining factor for SPIS expansion, and capital inflow accelerates SPIS development and reduces water flows for downstream LPIS users. As SPIS is more cost-effective and less water thirsty, LPIS needs to shift to less water-demanding and high-value crops or adopt more water-saving practices. Otherwise, only a sharp rice yield increase in LPIS can justify a reserved water quota for downstream users.  相似文献   

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