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A new taxonomic treatment is proposed for thePottia starckeana species complex. The peristome development is not considered to be a useful feature to separate the taxa. On the basis of spore morphology only two species are accepted:P. starckeana, with spores wavy in outline, andP. davalliana, with variously-shaped and developed processes on the spores.Pottia starckeana var.brachyoda is reduced to synonymy withP. starckeana; P. conica andP. commutata are treated as synonyms ofP. davalliana. The speciesP. mutica, P. affinis, P. salina, P. microphylla, P. texana, andP. arizonica (included var.mucronulata) are considered taxa of doubtful affinity, as they have spore features intermediate between the two spore types established for the group. The identity ofP. appertii andP. recurvifolia has not been elucidated because the type material has been destroyed.  相似文献   

Ribosomal DNA sequences were employed to infer relationships among EuropeanPottiaceae. Intragenic spacer I was sequenced for sixTrichostomoideae (Eucladium verticillatum, Pleurochaete squarrosa, Tortella flavovirens, T. nitida, T. tortuosa, Trichostomum brachydontium) and seven taxa from the other European subfamilies included inPottiaceae (Bryoerythrophyllum recurvirostrum, Didymodon vinealis, Microbryum starkeanum, Tortula muralis, Syntrichia ruralis, Weissia controversa andTimmiella cf.barbuloides). Cladistic analysis of sequence data shows close relationships betweenPleurochaete, Tortella andWeissia. Tortella appears to be paraphyletic, as it includesPleurochaete, Weissia andTrichostomum. Weissia, therefore, seems to be better placed inTrichostomoideae than, as traditionally done, inPottioideae. NeitherMerceyoideae norPottioideae appear to be monophyletic sensu stricto, at least within the limits of the taxa in analysis. Within the latter subfamily,Syntrichia is clearly separated fromTortula. These results would suggest that taxonomy inPottiaceae does not depict the pattern of descent, and therefore is in need of revision.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the form-genus Keratinomyces (Trichophyton) within the group of the dermatophytes is based on morphological features which remain insufficient for the distinction of these anamorphic species. The three species included in the genus Keratinomyces, namely K. ajelloi, K. ceretanicus and K. longifusus were examined by means of their mitochondrial-like DNA diversity and compared to few other dermatophytes. The analysis of the mtDNA restriction fragments confirmed that the three species are different and well separate from the other dermatophytes.  相似文献   

A study of the phenolic compounds of the closely related papilionoid tribes,Podalyrieae andLiparieae, proved that the flavonoid patterns of hydrolysed seed extracts are remarkably conservative. Butin (7, 3, 4-trihydroxyflavanone), 3-hydroxydaidzein (7, 3, 4-trihydroxyisoflavone), vicenin-2 (6, 8-di--D-glucopyranosyl-5, 7, 4-trihydroxyflavone) and orobol (5, 7, 3, 4-tetrahydroxyisoflavone) were isolated and identified as the major flavonoids. The seeds ofAmphithalea, Coelidium, Liparia, Xiphotheca, Calpurnia, Stirtonanthus andPodalyria accumulated three isoflavone O-glycosides that yielded 3-hydroxydaidzein on hydrolysis. In contrast,Virgilia contained a unique combination of vicenin-2 and orobol. Vicenin-2 was also present inCalpurnia as a major compound, butStirtonanthus insignis was the only other species studied that contained orobol (in trace amounts only). Butein, a chalcone, was reported byHarborne from the seed ofCyclopia subternata. This compound's flavanone analog, butin, was the principal component inCyclopia. A cladistic analysis, using flavonoid, alkaloid and morphological data, showed that the seed flavonoids of thePodalyrieae andLiparieae behave rather poorly as cladistic characters. They are, however, of considerable taxonomic value at the tribal level favouring the opinion that the two tribes should be combined. The apparent absence of flavonoids in the seed ofHypocalyptus supports the suggestion that it should be excluded from theLiparieae. Flavonoids also show that theArgyrolobium-group is very different from the tribeCrotalarieae and support the recent transfer of this group to the tribeGenisteae.  相似文献   

Quinolizidine alkaloids were surveyed using gas chromatography (GC) and combined mass spectroscopy (MS) in bark or leaves of eleven species ofOrmosia Jackson as well as inClathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke from tropical forests in Latin America. A list of detected alkaloids, with their MS fragmentation patterns and GC retention indices, is given, as are the distribution of alkaloids among the samples and their detected concentrations. Alkaloid diversity inOrmosia was high, and the taxonomic distribution of specific alkaloids was not congruent with morphological taxonomic criteria: Of 143 alkaloids apparent in 14 samples, 65 were observed in only one sample, and no single alkaloid was common to all samples. Within a species, alkaloid concentrations were inconsistent and therefore cannot be used as a taxonomic character. This was shown for leaf alkaloid concentrations of two neighboring conspecific trees in the same habitat. Hemos analizado mediante cromatografia de gases (CG) y espectrometría de masas (EM) la composición en alcaloides quinolizidínicos de muestras de corteza y hojas de once especies deOrmosia Jackson y deClathrotropis macrocarpa Ducke, procedentes de las selvas de Latinoamérica. Presentamos una lista completa de los alcaloides detectados incluyendo sus fragmentos en EM y su índice de retención en CG. También presentamos la distribución de los alcaloides en las muestras y su concentración. La variedad de alcaloides era alta y su distribución por especies no se ajustó con criterios taxonómicos morfológicos: De los 143 alcaloides detectados en 14 muestras, 65 alcaloides estaban presentes en una sola muestra y ningún en todas las muestras. La concentración de los alcaloides en una especie no fue consistente y por lo tanto no puede utilizarse como carácter taxonómico. Esta conclusión proviene del análisis de la concentración de alcaloides en hojas de dos árboles de la misma especie en el mismo hábitat.  相似文献   

Quinolizidine alkaloids were surveyed in 22 plant samples, representing nineOrmosia species and up to five different plant parts per species, using combined gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. The detected alkaloids were classified into 40 structural types. There was a remarkable degree of dissimilarity of alkaloid-type profiles between any two plant samples, including those obtained from the same species and even from a single tree. The similarity of alkaloid-type profiles among the studied samples varied between 0% and 79% (Jaccard similarity coefficient). Of chemotaxonomic interest was the finding of acosmine inO. isthmensis, which previously had been reported only from the related genusAcosmium. Furthermore, the alkaloid-type profile ofO. panamensis seeds was distinct from that of all other samples, supporting the hypothesis that this species is only distantly related to the other Latin AmericanOrmosia species.  相似文献   

该文首次报道了摩拉维采真藓(新拟)在中国的分布。研究表明:(1)摩拉维采真藓的主要识别特征为:叶常聚集在茎顶成莲座状,叶倒卵状披针形至匙形,具长毛尖,具分化边缘,中肋消失于叶尖下,叶细胞长菱形至六边形,叶腋处着生大量单列细胞构成的分枝或不分枝的丝状芽胞。(2)通过对摩拉维采真藓的命名和系统位置的讨论,确认该种是真藓属细叶真藓组的有效种。(3)摩拉维采真藓与近缘种细叶真藓和幽美真藓有诸多相似特征:莲座状的茎顶、有分化边和菱形至六边形中上部细胞的倒卵形叶,但该种以具有大量叶腋生丝状芽胞和叶中肋不及顶等特征区别于细叶真藓的无腋生芽胞、叶中肋突出叶尖成长芒状,以具有叶湿时平展、干时卷曲和叶腋有芽胞等特征区别于幽美真藓的叶湿时内凹、干时紧贴于茎和无腋生芽胞;拟三列真藓、圆叶真藓和灰黄真藓的部分种群都曾报道有与摩拉维采真藓相似的腋生丝状芽胞,但摩拉维采真藓的假根集生于植株基部、叶有狭分化边、叶缘平直、中肋消失于叶尖下而区别于拟三列真藓的茎中下部密被假根、叶有宽分化边、叶缘背卷、中肋及顶或短出,摩拉维采真藓有分化边和长毛尖的倒卵状披针形区别于圆叶真藓叶有无分化边和圆钝叶尖的卵圆形叶,区别于灰黄真藓有中肋及顶和短尖的卵状披针形叶;柔叶真藓有与摩拉维采真藓相似、中肋不及顶的叶,但无芽胞而易与新记录种区分。(4)该种在北温带有较广泛分布,形成欧洲-北亚-中亚-西亚和北美两个主要分布区;作者在四川和新疆等地的发现可以推测摩拉维采真藓在中国可能有更广泛的分布。  相似文献   

Within the genusCandida three distinct groups are recognized on the basis of carbohydrate patterns of intact whole cell hydrolyzates. In the first, ascomycetous, group mannose is dominant, while rhamnose, fucose and xylose are absent; this is indicative of an affinity with endomycetous families. Among the basidiomycetous representatives, two groups can be recognized. One group is usually characterized by the presence of xylose and has a low mannose content. The pattern is typical for Cryptococcales and Tremellales (e.g.,Cryptococcus, Trichosporon, Bullera andTremella). The other basidiomycetous group is characterized by the presence of fucose and/or rhamnose with significant amounts of mannose. This pattern is characteristic for Sporobolomycetaceae.  相似文献   

Eight flavonol glycosides were detected in the three species of theFagonia sinaica complex. They were fully characterized as the 3-glucosides of kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin, 3-rutinoside of quercetin and 3,7-diglucoside of quercetin and isorhamnetin. Two additional glycosides were partially characterized as a kaempferol 3,7-diglycoside and quercetin 3-diglycoside.  相似文献   

Studies were performed on GC-MS to assess the lipophilic composition of sixAdesmia species representing two subgenera and three series. Normal fatty acids and hydrocarbons were mainly found, as well as acetylenic compounds, dibasic acids, cyclic hydrocarbons, high molecular weight alcohols and one sterol.  相似文献   

Fruits ofDipsacaceae are single-seeded, have bristle-shaped calyx segments and are tightly enclosed by four fused bracts forming an epicalyx. Comparative morphological and anatomical studies reveal a great diversity of epicalyx and calyx, often relevant to fruit dispersal. The present contribution deals with theScabiosa group of genera, the core of theScabioseae tribe. Most of its taxa develop a diaphragma from a meristem on the inside of the epicalyx. This diaphragma, together with the lower part of the epicalyx encloses the fruit proper, whereas the upper parts form a so-called epi-diaphragma (ed) and a ± hyaline corona. Differences of the epicalyx with respect to the size and position of the ed, elaboration of the corona, origin of pits (=foveoles) and other morphological and anatomical specializations can be demonstrated. Together with palynological and karyological data these new facts support an improved concept of relationships and systematics for the taxa studied:Scabiosa sect.Scabiosa and sect.Cyrtostemma are closely related and should be united to form the genusScabiosa s. str.;Pycnocomon can be maintained as an independent genus, sister toScabiosa sect.Trochocephalus which then has to be treated as a genus,Lomelosia. In contrast, the following genera have to be included inLomelosia:Tremastelma asLomelosia sect.Callistemma, andScabiosiopsis as part ofLomelosia sect.Lomelosia. Pseudoscabiosa deviates in so many features that it has to be excluded from the redefinedScabioseae s. str.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationship between disjunct populations of the palaeoaustral moss taxonLopidium concinnum (Hypopterygiaceae) from New Zealand and southern South America were studied using non-coding chloroplast DNA sequences. No or only slight changes could be observed within the sequences oftrnTUGUtrnLUAA 5exon intergenic spacer,trnLUAA intron andtrnLUAA 3exon —trnFGAA intergenic spacer. This indicates nearly no genetic divergence between extant New Zealand and Chilean populations, i.e. no significant differing pathways of evolution within the 80–60 million years of disrupted areas with interrupted gene flow. Molecular data support the idea of an old Gondwanan relict species of stenoevolutionary character. Ecological data on short-range dispersal strengthen this assessment.  相似文献   

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》2000,421(1):165-178
The genus Kurzia is divided into two subgenera: Kurzia s. str. and Rostrokurzia n. subg. Subgenus Kurzia includes Kurzia (K.) latissima Kurz, 1874, with a palearctic -, Kurzia (K.) polyspina n. sp. with a neotropic - , and Kurzia (K.) cf. media (Birge, 1879) with a nearctic distribution. Rostrokurzia includes Kurzia (R.) longirostris Daday, 1898 (pantropical distribution), and Kurzia (R.) brevilabris Rajapaksa & Fernando, 1986, from subtropical and tropical Asia. Kurzia latissima Kurz, 1874, from Central Europe is redescribed in detail.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic patterns of 15 protein systems codified for 20 genetic loci were investigated using horizontal electrophoresis. A total of 150 blood samples, from five species of the genusCallithrix were analyzed. Polymorphic variation was observed in 10 out 20 loci analyzed. The genotypic distributions are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The average heterozygosity (H) varied from 1% to 5%, similar to those observed for other Neotropical primates. The genetic distance coefficients revealed a phylogenetic separation of these species into two groups: (1) “argentata” (C. humeralifer andC. emiliae); (2) “jacchus” (C. jacchus, C. penicillata, andC. geoffroyi). This arrangement is according to the taxonomic arrangement proposed byHershkovitz (1977),de Vivo (1988), andMittermeier et al. (1988). The results in each group are compatible with the subspecies values recorded for the Platyrrhini. These values showed that:C. humeralifer andC. emiliae are subspecies ofC. argentata;C. jacchus, C. penicillata, andC. geoffroyi are subspecies ofC. jacchus. These results also suggest thatC. j. geoffroyi is the “jacchus” group taxon, most similar genetically to the “argentata” group.  相似文献   

The alkane and fatty acid composition of the lipid extracts from leaves of 14 populations ofCondalia: C. microphylla f.xanthocarpa, C. microphylla f.erythrocarpa, C. microphylla f.melanocarpa, C. montana, andC. buxifolia, were determined by gas chromatography. Seventeen alkanes and 14 fatty acids were investigated and a predominance of nonacosane, hentriacontane, palmitic and linoleic acids in all species was found.  相似文献   

Karyological data are given for 56 palm taxa coming from all 6 palm subfamilies. In 11 genera and 17 species, chromosome numbers are reported for the first time. Most chromosome numbers in palms range between 2n = 36 and 2n = 26 in dysploid series. Species of the same genus usually exhibit identical chromosome numbers which additionally may be constant in larger groups of closely related genera (Coryphoideae trib.Corypheae with nearly always 2n = 36,Arecoideae subtribesEuterpeinae andRoystoneinae with 2n = 36,Arecoideae subtrib.Butiinae with mostly 2n = 32). Polyploidy among palms is of minor significance but the endemic Madagascan genusVoanioala (2n = 606 ± 3) is the most striking exception. — With respect to structure of interphase nuclei and longitudinal differentiation of prophase and metaphase chromosomes, the palm family is highly differentiated. Euchromatin types with different prophase condensation properties and fluorochrome and C-banding patterns of heterochromatin permit a discrimination of several subfamilies on the nuclear level (Arecoideae, Ceroxyloideae, Nypoideae, Phytelephantoideae, Calamoideae).Arecoideae andCeroxyloideae, andNypoideae andPhytelephantoideae have some features in common. Subfam.Coryphoideae s. l. is a non-uniform group. — Nuclear characters among palms exclusively found in recentCoryphoideae subtrib.Thrinacinae link palms with other monocotyledons. Most probably, such a nuclear condition represents an ancestral state in the evolution of palm genomes within subfam.Coryphoideae s. l., but also the conspicuous nuclear characters of the other modern palm subfamilies appear to be derived from a similar starting point, since transitional character states are still present in subfam.Calamoideae and some taxa of subfam.Arecoideae. Early karyoevolution in palms obviously did not involve numerical change of the ancient chromosome number of 2n = 36 which started subsequently, as a dysploid reduction in numerous parallel series, independent in subfam.Coryphoideae (2n = 36 to 2n = 28),Calamoideae (2n = 36 to 2n = 26),Ceroxyloideae (2n = 34 to 2n = 26), andArecoideae (2n = 36 to 2n = 28). Possible mechanisms of karyological change are discussed. — Karyological characters are compared to morphological, ecological, taxonomical, and chorological features, and give some new insight into older and more recent phases of palm evolution. (1) Strong deviations in vegetative or floral morphology are often accompanied by major karyological differences, and sometimes the direction of advancement can be traced through intermediate stages. (2) Apart fromCoryphoideae subtrib.Thrinacinae, the strongest concentration of apparently original karyological traits is found in the more basal members of each subfamily. (3) The most successful and actively radiating colonizers of the forest floors in evergreen tropical forests which belong to completely different subfamilies (Old WorldLicuala, New WorldChamaedorea andGeonoma), appear to be very advanced karyologically.  相似文献   

作者在研究新疆紫萼藓科植物时,发现了紫萼藓属(Grimmia Hedw.)植物4个新记录种,包括Grimmia capillata,紫萼藓(G. plagiopodia),贺兰山紫萼藓(G. crassiuscula)和卷叶紫萼藓(G. incurva),其中G. capillata为中国新分布。该研究对新记录种的形态特征、地理分布进行了详细描述,将其与属内相似种进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

This study reports on the molecular phylogenetics of ground squirrels, genus Spermophilus, in Turkey using cytochrome b (1140bp), part of the D-loop and flanking tRNAs (572bp), X chromosome (867-1051bp) and Y chromosome (983-989bp) DNA sequences. Individuals also were characterized by karyotype and with geometric morphometric analyses of mandibles and skulls. Two hundred fourteen individuals from 91 localities were studied. All the data support the recognition of a new species in SW Anatolia: the Taurus ground squirrel Spermophilus taurensis sp. nov. The new species has a small distribution in the Taurus Mountains in an area that is a hotspot for biodiversity. Molecular clock analysis suggests that the new species diverged from the European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus, about 2.5 million years ago and that the ancestor of these two species diverged from the widespread Anatolian ground squirrel, Spermophilus xanthoprymnus, about 5 million years ago. Morphometric differentiation in skull and mandible shape among the three species is incomplete, but statistically significant. S. xanthoprymnus is subdivided into five cytochrome b phylogroups and we use these data to infer the location of glacial refugia where the species lived during the last glacial maximum. This study illustrates the potential of combined molecular and morphometric studies to uncover new Anatolian species and to reconstruct their phylogeographic history. The new species is important for squirrel taxonomy and for understanding Eurasian mammal evolution.  相似文献   

Ten enzyme systems coding for 13 putative loci were studied in 12 European species ofSphagnum sect.Acutifolia (peat mosses). On average seven plants from each of 73 collections made throughout N Europe were analysed. Despite complex morphological variation, all species expressed unique allele combinations. Principal components and cluster analyses based on allele frequencies showed that sect.Acutifolia can be divided into two major groups; one comprisingSphagnum fimbriatum, S. girgensohnii andS. molle; the second comprisingS. capillifolium, S. angermanicum, S. fuscum, S. quinquefarium, S. rubellum, S. subfulvum, S. subnitens andS. warnstorfii. These groups are linked byS. russowii, which is shown to be an allopolyploid, with fixed heterozygosity at 6 to 8 of the loci. The presumed progenitors ofS. russowii areS. girgensohnii andS. rubellum. Allelic data also indicate thatS. teres from sect.Squarrosa is related toS. girgensohnii andS. fimbriatum. The bisexual species tend to be less variable than the unisexual species.  相似文献   

该研究首次报道了毛齿藓短蒴变种(新拟)在中国的分布和毛齿藓属在新疆的分布。研究表明:(1)毛齿藓短蒴变种的主要识别特征为:叶基部鞘状,突然狭窄成线状披针形,背仰,叶缘平展,中肋充满叶上部,背面粗糙,远轴面有厚壁细胞束分化,叶细胞长方形至短长方形;有假根生芽胞;孢蒴椭球形,稍弓形弯曲,蒴齿线状披针形,二裂至近基部。(2)毛齿藓属的3个分类单位在中国均有分布,毛齿藓短蒴变种以较短的孢蒴和蒴柄区别于原变种,以有根生芽胞、叶基部呈明显鞘状、叶缘平展区别于云南毛齿藓的无假根生芽胞、叶基部略呈鞘状、叶缘背卷。(3)在牛毛藓科中有许多类群与毛齿藓短蒴变种形态相似,但仅有毛齿藓属的叶在横切面上主细胞的远轴面有厚壁细胞束,而其他类群的叶在横切上主细胞的近轴面和远轴面均有厚壁细胞束。该变种的叶背仰不同于牛毛藓科其他属的叶直立;以具鞘部的叶、表面光滑的孢蒴、内弯的蒴齿区别于无鞘部的叶、表面有纵沟槽的孢蒴、直立的蒴齿的牛毛藓属。(4)该变种属北极 高山分布类型,表现出了明显的欧洲 亚洲 北美洲间断分布模式,可作为研究气候变化、海陆变迁的重要材料。  相似文献   

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