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Despite its importance for industrial applications, the effect of lubrication on the cavitation behavior of superplastic materials has been given little attention. In this paper, a series of experiments were performed regarding bulging superplastic 5083 Al alloy sheet into dies with a cylindrical (cup) and rectangular (pan) die cavity for forming with and without lubrication, the formed parts were then evaluated to determine the effect of lubrication on the cavitation level evolution, thickness distribution, and void distribution. It was found that void shrinkage took place in the overlaid region for both forming with and without lubrication. The maximum void volume fraction could be effectively reduced for forming with lubrication; however, reductions in the maximum void volume fractions for cup forming were less significant than those for pan forming.  相似文献   

1lNTRODUCTl0NInteriordislocationslipisoneoftheimpor-tantaccomodationmechanisminsuperplasticde-f....ti..[1~10J,inwhichthegrainsarerefinedbydynamicrecrystallization.Butthesuperplas-ticdeformationprocessleadstodifferentgrainsizesatvariousstagesandcausesachangeingrainboundaryslidingquantity,italsomakestlieaccommodatingmechanismsatvariousstagesshowdifferentfunctions,especiallydislocationslipmechanism.Therefore,itissignificantf0rthisinvestigationtoreplenishthecurrenttheoryofsuperplasticdeformati…  相似文献   

Superplastic blow forming processes are simulated with a finite element method which adopts the con-vective coordinates system. The code developed is applied to cylindrical cup and the square cup blow forming processes to predict the optimum forming pressure cycle. The numerical result demonstrates the validity and accuracy by comparing with the experimental result and the numerical result by a continuum finite element method The numerical results also provide the pole height, the intermediate and final deformed shapes and the thickness distribution with respect to time.  相似文献   

针对TC4钛合金超塑成形过程中的流变行为、表征及其应用进行了研究。首先,通过恒应变率高温拉伸试验获得TC4钛合金在高温下的流变行为,发现动态回复主要作用于低应变率的变形,动态再结晶主要作用于高应变率下的应力软化机制。此外,建立一套修正的本构模型用以表征材料的高温流变行为,预测值与试验值之间的平均相对误差为13.09%,证实该本构模型适应于表征钛合金超塑成形的应力-应变关系。最后,基于本构模型,结合ABAQUS有限元软件的CREEP蠕变子程序,考虑应变补偿的影响,开发了一种针对TC4钛合金高温超塑行为数值模拟的方法。以高温拉伸试验为研究对象,分别针对数值模拟应变率、应力和应变结果进行分析,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

分析对比了一步与两步超塑成形法对未经特殊细化的TC21钛合金超塑性和显微组织的影响。研究结果表明:在变形温度为870~930℃范围内,两步超塑成形伸长率明显好于一步超塑成形。在变形温度为870℃,第1步和第2步应变速率均为3.3×10-4s-1,预应变量为50%,间隙保温时间为20 min时,两步超塑成形的伸长率达到最大值为438.60%,和恒应变速率的一步超塑成形相比,伸长率提高了74.72%。真应力-应变曲线表明:两步超塑成形时,第2步开始时的应力明显小于第1步结束时的应力,第1步变形对金属产生了一定的软化作用。显微组织显示:动态再结晶一直伴随着整个两步超塑性变形过程,再结晶行为的发生为塑性变形提供了细小等轴组织,有利于该合金超塑性的提高。  相似文献   

The deformation characteristics of a 0.6 mm-thick, fine-grained AZ31B Mg alloy sheet were investigated with the intention of reducing forming time during gas blow forming. The sheets were successfully deformed into hemispherical domes at 300, 370, and 420 °C under various pressurization profiles. The results show that the proposed pressurization profiles could achieve the goal of reducing forming time. A stepwise pressurization profile may be a suitable process at lower temperatures, whereas a constant or near constant pressure imposed during forming is a better method at higher temperatures. The pressurization profiles used in this study were not restricted to providing the optimum constant strain rate, which is often used in the traditional superplastic forming. Under the proposed pressurization profiles, maximum stress in the range of 23.5–45.6 MPa and resultant average strain rate in the range of 6.63 × 10−3 to 1.56 × 10−2 s−1 were imposed on the deforming sheet at the apex of the dome. The pressurization profile might not be one of the major factors influencing formability at the same forming temperature but it can significantly affect the forming time. Deviation of the bulged shape from the perfect sphere shape increased with increasing forming temperature.  相似文献   

运用有限元方法,获得负角度零件超塑成形压力-时间曲线,并预测了模具磨损情况。根据实际加载情况,优化P-t曲线,完成正反向超塑成形实验,并对实验结果进行分析。结果表明,实际壁厚分布与仿真结果相吻合,单面正向成形最大误差为4.6%,正反向成形最大误差为12.5%,正反向成形提高了零件壁厚的均匀性及最小壁厚尺寸;尺寸精度最大偏差为0.7mm,符合公差要求;室温下的屈服、抗拉强度下降,但仍满足强度要求。  相似文献   

利用挤压成形工艺在300 ℃下将AZ31镁合金铸锭挤制为细晶板材,将制成的拉伸试样在250 ℃下分别以不同的应变速率进行等应变速率拉伸,研究了试样的超塑性变形性能,采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜分别观察了变形后试样的显微组织和断口形貌。研究结果表明,在250 ℃和2×10-2 s-1应变速率下,AZ31镁合金试样的伸长率达到了290%,实现了较低温度和较高应变速率下的超塑性变形,有利于节约能源和提高效率;在250 ℃下以2.5×10-4 s-1应变速率进行拉伸变形,试样的伸长率最大,达到了390%,最大伸长率下AZ31镁合金的显微组织显示,变形后试样的晶粒仍保持等轴状,但晶粒尺寸比原始晶粒增大约一倍,试样断口形貌表现为典型的韧窝型穿晶断裂特征。  相似文献   

大块非晶合金超塑性变形的研究现状与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对国内外非晶合金超塑性基本性能的研究工作进行了介绍和评述。根据材料成形工艺的要求,提出了非晶合金超塑性成形研究的内容。介绍了非晶合金超塑性拉伸实验和压缩实验的研究进展,分析了温度和成形速率对变形的影响,介绍了粘度的影响因素,对这些研究内容和热点问题进行了评述。展望了非晶合金超塑性研究的发展趋势,提出应加强非晶合金超塑性流动过程的理论研究。  相似文献   

铝合金超塑性气胀成形壁厚分布工艺研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用MARC软件对铝合金的超塑性胀形进行仿真,分析正反向和正向超塑胀形对成形件壁厚分布以及不同变形量对胀形结果的影响,比较了2种不同胀形方式对成形件壁厚分布和成形极限的影响。结果表明,采用合理的正反胀形可以很好地改善成形件的厚度不均匀性并大大提高成形极限,实验验证了仿真和实验结果相吻合。  相似文献   

The superplastic forming potential of two fine-grained 5083 aluminum alloys were studied under biaxial tension using a pneumatic bulge test. Experiments were performed at temperatures ranging from 475 to 525 ℃ with three different strain paths ranging from equi-biaxial to approaching plane strain. The shape of the forming limited diagram(FLD) is found to be significantly different from FLDs commonly used in room temperature stamping. The effects of temperature on final thickness distribution, dome height and cavitation were investigated for the case of equi-biaxial stretching. Increasing temperature in free bulge forming can improve the thickness distribution of final parts but have no significant effect on dome height. The results indicate that determination of forming limits in SPF cannot be represented with a simple FLD and additional metrics such as external thinning and internal cavitation needed to determine the SPF potential of a material.  相似文献   

快速超塑性成形技术是将热冲压和超塑气胀成形集成复合的新型工艺,通过对该工艺过程研究以及对复合工模具的优化设计,采用商用供货态工业铝合金5083板材成形出了某型号乘用车的引擎盖。结果表明,这种集成复合的快速超塑性成形技术工艺先进,切实可行。  相似文献   

对1mm厚Ti6A14V钛合金薄板进行了激光焊接工艺试验,研究结果表明:激光焊配合修饰焊工艺获得成形均匀和质量良好的接头,且焊缝内部无气孔、裂纹等缺陷。接头焊缝区组织以针状α′马氏体相为主,热影响区组织分为粗晶区和细晶区,粗晶区包含较多的针状马氏体,细晶区则为板条状α相+少量针状马氏体;接头硬度由母材区到焊缝区呈逐渐增高趋势,焊缝区显微硬度最高,为371HV。薄板TC4钛合金激光焊接头拉伸强度与基材相当,断后伸长率略低于母材,接头横弯弯曲角度略低于母材,弯曲断裂于母材侧。  相似文献   

An Mg-8Li-2Zn alloy plate was prepared through a two-pass extrusion process, and the high-temperature behavior of the alloy was investigated at 473-593 K under the initial strain rate of 1.0 × 10−2-1.0 × 10−1 s−1. The results indicated that the alloy exhibits a significant high strain rate superplasticity with a maximum elongation of 279% under an initial strain rate of 1.0 × 10−2 s−1. The activation energy is 89.4 kJ/mol, indicating that the dominant deformation mechanism in the alloy is grain-boundary sliding controlled by grain-boundary diffusion. Cavities nucleate and coalesce during deformation, which is one of the results leading to the fracture of the material.  相似文献   

AZ31B镁合金板材快速气压胀形行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对板厚1.0 mm的细晶AZ31B镁合金板材进行快速气压胀形研究,在300~400℃的温度范围内进行了各种气压下300 s的快速气压胀形试验,研究温度和气压对AZ31B板材快速气压胀形能力的影响。结果表明:在不同温度下,胀形高度均随着气压的升高而增大,但气压升高到一定程度时,胀形时间不到300 s即产生破裂;胀形高度在胀形温度400℃时出现峰值为45 mm。在400℃和0.6 MPa条件下,胀形5 min时相对胀形高度达到1.13。胀形件壁厚分布不均匀,温度越高,壁厚分布不均匀度越高。最后,研究了不同温度下快速气压胀形时胀形件微观组织的演变规律。  相似文献   

镁合金板材正反向快速气压胀形实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用两种不同轮廓的反向预成形模具进行高应变速率气压胀形实验,结果表明,内外凹圆弧预成形模的成形效果好于半圆弧预成形模,反向胀形的时间可控制在10s,表面和微观组织均无明显缺陷。利用上述预成形模进行半球件正反向气压自由胀形实验,研究正反向胀形的效果,正反向胀形可以显著提高AZ31B镁合金板料的成形能力,使胀形件高径比从0.344提高到0.522,并使壁厚均匀度从19.4%提高到半圆弧预成形模具的32.3%,内外凹圆弧预成形模具的45.5%。在400℃温度下胀形300s,可以成形出高径比为0.522的完好半球件。  相似文献   

采用超塑成形与超塑压接复合技术制出了复杂的钎头零件,使生产率提高41%,材料利用率提高34.8%,制件质量进一步提高。  相似文献   

To manufacture lightweight tube components for aerospace oil circuit systems, an experiment was run to investigate the deformation characteristics on Y-shaped tube hydroforming of 6061 aluminum alloy. Both strain state and metallurgical structure indicate that there are four kinds of prevailing defects during Y-shaped tube hydroforming: bursting, lack of cylindricity, wrinkling, and thinning due to the poor plastic property of 6061 aluminum alloy. The danger of bursting prevails at the early stage of the operation as a result of excessively high internal pressure. In contrast, wrinkling prevails after the middle stage of the operation as a result of excessively axial feeding and cannot be eliminated during subsequent deformation. Lack of cylindricity is mainly because of insufficient axial feeding and internal pressure but can be eliminated by increasing internal pressure. Elongation and compression deformations are originated on protrusion and main pipe of Y-shape tube respectively all the way through the bulging process. Consequently, minimum and maximum thicknesses are at the top of protrusion and the bottom of Y-shape tube respectively, which induces a V-shape borderline of thickness distribution. According to the excessive plastic deformation, microstructure evolution is originated. Crystal grain of protrusion is elongated and its grain size is about 150 μm. In contrast, crystal grain of the middle zone of main tube is refined greatly, which grain size is 50 μm, decreased by 75%. These are useful to improve the component.  相似文献   

王敏  马彩霞 《塑性工程学报》2007,14(1):27-30,35
通过单向超塑性拉伸试验,研究了供应态LY12铝合金棒材超塑性变形中空洞的形成和发展过程及其应变速率对空洞演变的影响、空洞对超塑性变形能力的影响等。研究结果表明,供应态LY12铝合金在超塑性变形过程中产生的空洞主要是O型和V型空洞,分别产生于三叉晶界处、第二相粒子附近和晶界内,这些空洞可能导致晶界的不协调滑动;在低应变速率条件下,由于粘性层较厚,使晶界滑移很容易进行,LY12铝合金的超塑性变形能力较高,但试样断面上产生较多的空洞,使试样室温性能恶化;在高应变速率条件下,LY12铝合金具有较好的超塑性和室温性能。分析认为,在高应变速率条件下,晶界上的粘性层很薄,在晶粒的相互挤压和转动中很容易细化,使材料的超塑性变形能力增强;在超塑性变形中的空洞,可以看成是保证得到高塑性所必需的组织成分。一定程度的空洞并呈细小而分散状独立存在时,对晶界滑动是非常有利的。  相似文献   

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