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The aim of this study is to establish whether it is possible to select malting barley showing high quality under Australian conditions on the basis of malting quality data from the crop of the same genotype grown at a breeding station in Japan. Two approaches were taken to analyse the data obtained over several years. The first was a bivariate mixed model used to obtain variety estimates for the various quality traits of interest. The second approach used a univariate mixed model to determine the correlation between the same genotype grown in Australia and Japan, as well as the correlation between the same genotype grown at trial sites within a country. The first analysis found that nitrogen was related to most malting quality traits except for viscosity. The second analysis showed that the performance in Australia and Japan is similar for all malting quality traits. It may therefore be possible to select barley showing high malting quality under Australian conditions on the basis of malting quality data from the Japanese crop of the same genotype.  相似文献   

A new malting barley variety, Lofty Nijo, was bred in Australia through a collaborative breeding program between a Japanese brewing company and Adelaide University. The variety is early flowering and maturing, with similar yield potential to Schooner except in lower rainfall areas, and is not zinc efficient. It produces plump grains with low screenings similar to Schooner and more uniform and plumper grains than Franklin. Lofty Nijo has a well‐balanced malting quality profile. It shows high values in malt extract, diastatic power, apparent attenuation limit and Hartong index (VZ45) and low values in wort beta‐glucan and viscosity. The Kolbach index of this variety is lower than Schooner and Sloop, however, it is higher than Franklin. A pilot‐scale brewing trial indicated that Lofty Nijo is as suitable for Japanese brewing as the world's leading varieties, such as Franklin. Lofty Nijo should therefore offer a premium malting barley variety in Australia for export markets. The breeding, agronomic performance and quality profile of the variety is described in this paper.  相似文献   

A new germinative two‐dimensional classification plot fully compatible to the current EBC analyses (EBC methods 3.5–3.7) is proposed for malting barley based on separate estimates for “vigour” (24 h germination) as abscissa with limits at 70% and 30% and for “viability” (72 h germination) as ordinate with limits at 98% and 92%. Early detection of germination by image analysis was improved by utilising the auto fluorescence of the root cap. The seven hierarchical germinative classes visualise the quality differences in a consistent way, ordering classes according to falling extract % and increasing wort β‐glucan (mg/L). It was surprising to discover that significant barley Near Infrared Transmission (NIT) spectroscopy based Partial Least Squares Regression prediction models for “vigour” and “viability” were obtained after removing the PLSR outliers. The majority of these were found to be low in vigour. It was concluded after experimental validation that the physical‐chemical structure of the seed, reflected by the correlation of the barley NIT spectral fingerprints to germination speed, is connected to the availability of substrate for germ growth. This is another aspect of the speed of malt modification. An automated combination instrument for measuring physical‐chemical and seed germination parameters is suggested for quality control and to establish an on‐line NIT calibration network for integrated germinative and malting quality classification.  相似文献   

林艳  梅承芳  董建军 《啤酒科技》2006,199(1):10-14
采用操作简便、分辨率高的种子醇溶蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳技术对常用澳大利亚和法国啤酒大麦进行鉴定,利用Gel-Pro软件对电泳图谱进行条带分析和比较,建立了澳大利亚和法国啤酒大麦品种标准图谱库。利用Cross Checker 2.8和MEGA3软件对供试的啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。并成功进行了人工混种试验。  相似文献   

The vigour loss model based on normal distribution after artificially ageing by heat treatment of barley seeds developed by Ellis and Roberts and further developed at Carlsberg by Aastrup et al. introducing vigour potential (VP), does not adequately describe seed vigour for all barley samples. In a preliminary investigation we have identified heat‐resistant barley samples. In this investigation we found untreated barley samples from the field where heat treatment as high as 68°C for 4 h at 12% water content only decreases germination from 99.0% to 93.8% compared with 94.8% to 0.0% for some of the heat‐sensitive barleys following the above mentioned model. The correlation between germination velocity measured by the germination index (GI) of untreated samples and VP is not consistent when comparing different barley material. It is concluded that the classic vigour loss model for heat treatment may be used as a worst case prediction for germination, but it does not address the variation found in practice, including the possible advantage of exploiting the naturally occurring heat resistance.  相似文献   

开发了操作简便、电泳图谱清晰、分辨率高的啤酒大麦种子醇溶蛋白SDS—PAGE电泳方法,利用Gel—Pro软件对电泳图谱进行条带分析和比较,建立了每个品种的蛋白质“指纹”,组成加拿大啤酒大麦品种标准图谱库。利用Cross Checker2.8和MEGA3软件对供试啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。进行了人工混种试验,并成功将该技术应用于公司2004年进口加拿大啤麦的品种和纯度鉴定。  相似文献   

开发了操作简便、电泳图谱清晰、分辨率高的啤酒大麦种子醇溶蛋白SDS-PAGE电泳方法,利用Gel-Pro软件对电泳图谱进行条带分析和比较,建立了每个品种的蛋白质“指纹”,组成加拿大啤酒大麦品种标准图谱库。利用CrossChecker2.8和MEGA3软件对供试啤麦品种进行遗传聚类分析,结果与传统分类相近。进行了人工混种试验,并成功将该技术应用于青岛啤酒股份有限公司2004年进口加拿大啤麦的品种和纯度鉴定。  相似文献   

选用进口大麦Gairdner和国产大麦甘啤二号为原料,分析比较了发芽过程中赤霉素、生长素和脱落酸等内源激素含量的变化规律。研究结果表明,3种激素在两种大麦发芽过程中均呈现出随发芽时间上下波动的趋势,且两种大麦在发芽过程中各激素含量的变化规律基本一致。同时,赤霉素均有刺激并诱导其他两种内源激素的作用。  相似文献   

Comparison of changes in temperature, moisture content, infestation and germination were made in six aerated 20 t bins of malting barley. Two were at about 13.5% moisture content, three at about 15.5% moisture content, and one at about 16.5% moisture content. The grain started at between 20–25°C and, during aeration, fell at a rate dependent on the moisture content, damper grain being cooler, presumably due to evaporative cooling. The ‘high’ moisture content grain was often over 5°C cooler at 1m and 2m than the ‘low’ moisture content bins. Moisture uptake at the surface was related to bulk moisture content and trends in mite population changes were related to moisture content. Mite population achieved highest numbers at the grain surface but usually before the moisture content absorption was at its peak. They were commonest in the ‘high’ moisture content bin and least numerous in the ‘low’ moisture content bins. There were no apparent differences between bins in the numbers of insects trapped, for instance they were not less numerous in the coolest ‘high’ moisture content bin. However, the trends of numbers trapped followed a similar pattern in all bins; normally O. surinamensis and S. granarius only began to decline after nine weeks storage in December when temperatures fell below 10°C. Germination loss at the surface of the dampest bin was sufficient to cause rejection of the entire bulk for malting. Micromalting indicated that yield of extract and friability were particularly affected by the changes at the surface of the dampest barley.  相似文献   

大麦粉可以单独或添加到小麦粉中制作食品,其营养和物性指标会影响食品品质。该研究以大麦粉为研究对象,以60目粗粉为对照,探讨了超微粉碎对大麦粉的营养品质及物理特性的影响,采用相关性分析及主成分分析对粉体进行综合评价,优化大麦加工的最优粉体参数。结果表明:随着粉碎粒径减小,大麦粉的蛋白质和淀粉的溶出率增加;多酚类溶出率从964.10 mg/100 g显著增加到1396.00 mg/100 g,黄酮溶出率增加了1.90 mg/100 g;大麦粉物理性质随粉碎粒径减小发生明显变化,粒径由93.07μm减小到20.33μm,亮度不断增强,L值从87.73增加到95.00(p<0.05),休止角从30.56°增加到56.84°(p<0.05),滑角从41.85°增加到79.93°(p<0.05),其水溶性从49.45%增加到85.13%(p<0.05),持水力先增大后降低,与粗粉相比,持水力降低了0.95%(p<0.05),持油力降低了2.68%(p<0.05),溶胀力提高了2.90 mL/g(p<0.05),而堆积密度从0.42 g/mL变为0.24 g/mL(p<0.05);主成分分析提取的2个主成分累计方差贡献率达到95.526%,200目超微粉综合评分最高,为0.8368,在7种粒径大麦粉中综合表现最佳。综上,超微粉碎可改变粉体性质,其变化与粒径有关,该结果对大麦超微粉产品开发具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of study of malting and agronomic characteristics of barley varieties grown in the territory of the Czech Republic over the period 1955–2005. Mean year‐on‐year increase in the grain yield was 53 kg/ha. Mean increase in TGW was 0.177 g/year over the studied period. Accumulation of protein in the studied varieties declined ca by 12%. Varieties from the beginning of the 21st century displayed a 4% higher extract content than those grown in the second half of the 1950s. Mean year‐on‐year increase in extract (d.m.) was a 0.0641 percentage point. By the end of the 1970s most of the varieties achieved values of diastatic power higher than 300°WK. In the 1970s to 1980s, diastatic power declined to under the level of 300°WK. In the 2nd half of the 1990s and at the beginning of this century, activity of amylolytic enzymes increased considerably in some modern varieties and values of diastatic power frequently moved over 350°WK. Activity of proteolytic enzymes increased by 6%. Mean year‐on‐year increase in Kolbach index was a 0.1456 percentage point. Value of relative extract at 45°C increased by 3%. Mean year‐on‐year increase in relative extract at 45°C was a 0.0645 percentage point over the studied period. Value of the apparent final attenuation, a trait characterizing quality of wort composition, increased by 3%. Mean inter‐year increase in apparent final attenuation was a 0.0756 percentage point.  相似文献   

Two sets of barley cultivar mixtures, one from cultivars grown in the UK and one from cultivars grown in Poland, were included, along with their component cultivars, in trials at the Scottish Crop Research Institute over two seasons. In the second year, two levels of nitrogen fertilisation were compared. Laboratory scale malting revealed three mixtures with extracts equal to, or significantly higher than, those of all of their components. Increased nitrogen fertilisation gave higher diastatic power, but reduced hot water extract in mixtures and component cultivars. Polish mixtures and their component cultivars showed a higher Kolbach index but a slower rate of filtration, following malt extraction, than their UK counterparts. It was concluded that the malting performance of the mixtures was largely determined by the nature of the germplasm from which they were constructed and the conditions under which they were grown. Careful selection of components should, therefore, permit development of barley mixtures acceptable for malting.  相似文献   

青稞酒是以青稞为主要原料酿制的一种独特的蒸馏酒,所选青稞对其酿酒品质具有重要影响。本研究以26 个品种青稞为原料,分别酿造小曲青稞酒,并对青稞的籽粒品质特性、发酵相关品质指标以及青稞酒感官得分和出酒率进行分析,采用主成分分析、通径分析等统计学方法分析青稞品种特性与发酵参数及产酒质量之间的关系。结果表明:不同品种青稞间品质特性存在较大差异,其中‘F1’‘甘青6号’青稞最适合酿造优质小曲青稞酒;青稞籽粒性状中,较高的支链淀粉质量分数有利于青稞酒发酵完全,提高出酒率,而容重、千粒质量及黄酮的质量分数是影响酿酒品质的主要因素。本研究可为青稞酿酒原粮的选择和专用型品种的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

王颢 《酿酒》2010,37(3):11-13
通过对甘肃河西地区啤酒大麦产业化的发展优势、现状以及存在问题的分析,提出了河西地区优质啤酒大麦产业化可持续发展以建立优质啤酒大麦产业化生产基地;引进和推广优良品种;以市场为导向,效益为纽带,培育和完善市场体系;增强龙头企业的辐射带动作用;全面优化市场秩序,完善生产经营,促进啤酒大麦生产健康发展的对策。  相似文献   

In liquor production, barley koji is used a source of saccharification enzymes, nutrition for yeast multiplication, and to impart flavor to the shochu product. Its role is analogous to that of malt in beer and whisky production. In this report, the influence of barley variety and pearling rate on barley koji characteristics is shown. Four Australian varieties (Stirling, Schooner, Arapiles, Grimmett) and one Japanese variety (Nishinohoshi) were evaluated. Significant differences were observed among barley varieties and pearling rate with respect to the amount of koji mycelia produced, enzyme activity and the amino acid composition of the barley koji.  相似文献   

采用免疫亲和柱净化、高效液相色谱定量等方法对啤酒大麦中的脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)进行检测。向啤酒大麦中加入标准品,加标的范围在0.10~2.00μg/g,加标回收率为92.04%~97.29%,相对标准偏差是0.92%~2.67%。检出限是0.01μg/g。所测样品中DON的含量范围在0.0123~0.0926μg/g,其中江浙、云南和东北产区的啤酒大麦中DON含量较高。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the impacts of bacterial and fungal communities on grain germination and on the malting properties of good‐quality two‐row barley. In order to suppress the growth of bacterial and/or fungal communities, various antibiotics were added to the first steeping water of barley. This study was also designed to explore the dynamics of the bacterial community in the malting process after antimicrobial treatments by polymerase chain reaction‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR‐DGGE). The diverse microbial community played an active role in the malting ecosystem. Even previously undescribed bacterial species were found in the malting ecosystem. Suppression of the bacterial community mainly consisting of Gram‐negative bacteria was advantageous with respect to grain germination and wort separation. In addition, more extract was obtained after antibacterial treatments. The fungal community significantly contributed to the production of microbial β‐glucanases and xylanases, and was also involved in proteolysis. An improved understanding of the complex microbial community and its role in malting enables a more controlled process management and the production of high quality malt with tailored properties.  相似文献   

以8?种酿造啤酒大麦及麦芽为原料,分别提取游离酚和结合酚,分析多酚组分变化,并测定其抗氧化活性。结果显示,啤酒大麦发芽前后多酚含量及组分均有显著变化,大麦发芽后总酚含量普遍高于发芽前,其中,Hindmarsh发芽后总酚增加率最高;阿魏酸、荭草素含量在发芽过程中显著增加(P<0.05)。Hindmarsh游离没食子酸、香草醛与阿魏酸增加率最高;Metcalf结合阿魏酸与荭草素增加率最高。体外抗氧化结果表明,相比发芽前,麦芽多酚清除1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl,DPPH)自由基能力及氧自由基吸收能力普遍增强,其中,Scope麦芽游离酚清除DPPH自由基能力最强,Baudin麦芽结合酚的氧自由基吸收能力最好。  相似文献   

The rym1 is completely resistant to the Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV)‐I, ‐II, the Barley mild mosaic virus (BaMMV)‐Ka1 and ‐Na1, and is acceptably resistant to BaYMV‐III. However, in breeding programs for BaYMV resistance, rym1 was not commonly introgressed into the established cultivars. This present study introduces a novel resistant gene, rym1, to a malting barley variety, ‘Mokkei 01530’, which was bred from a cross between a donor for rym1, ‘Y4’ line and a high malting quality variety, ‘Haruna Nijo’. This paper describes the malting quality and the agronomic performance of the line. The results indicate that ‘Mokkei 01530’, carrying rym1, is completely resistant to BaYMV‐I and has an acceptable level of resistance to BaYMV‐III. In comparison with its high quality parent, ‘Haruna Nijo’, the malt produced by ‘Mokkei 01530’ had similar levels of all malting quality characteristics. Furthermore, its agronomic performance was similar to ‘Haruna Nijo’.  相似文献   

New fumigants are needed to control grain insects because methyl bromide is being phased out as an ozone‐depleting substance under the Montreal Protocol and because resistance to phosphine is increasing. Alternative fumigants also provide one strategy to manage resistance. To assess the effect of candidate fumigants on barley quality, malting and brewing trials were conducted with malting barley (Schooner), 9.4% moisture content, fumigated with carbonyl sulphide (COS), ethyl formate (EF) and carbon disulphide (CS2) at concentrations of 20, 90 and 36 mg/L respectively for 7 days at 20°C in riveted steel silos containing 33 t of barley. The appropriate industry body, the Malting and Brewing Industry Barley Technical Committee (MBIBTC) set the quality parameters to be evaluated and allocated work to the appropriate quality laboratories. Germination of fumigated barley was not affected by the fumigants. Residues of COS, EF and CS2 in outloading barley samples were 0.085 ± 0.0052, 0.4 ± 0.1 and 2.22 ± 0.07 mg/kg respectively, which were below the experimental permits of maximum residue levels (MRL). Residues of COS, EF and CS2 in malt, wort and beer were indistinguishable from those in unfumigated (or non‐fumigated) barley. Ethyl formate and CS2 affected wort in increasing the apparent attenuation limit (AAL) and CS2 affected barley colour. Sulphur volatiles in the trial beer made from EF and CS2 (unlike COS) fumigated barley decreased significantly. Beer from COS, EF and CS2 fumigated barley had a somewhat higher 24‐hour chill haze level (0.62–0.84) than beer from the untreated barley (0.53). The total alcohols and isoamyl acetate increased in beer made from EF fumigated barley. Carbonyl sulphide, EF and CS2, however, had no effect on beer flavour or quality.  相似文献   

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