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The dilution effect of air stream according to agent type on flame structure and NO emission behaviour is numerically analysed with detailed chemistry. The adopted fuel is hydrogen diluted with the argon of volume percentage 50 per cent and the volume percentage of diluents (H2O, CO2 and N2) in air stream is systematically changed from 10 to 50. The radiative heat loss term, based on an optically thin model, is included to clearly describe the flame structure and NO emission behaviour, especially at low strain rates. The effect of dilution of air stream on the decrease of maximum flame temperature varies as CO2>H2O>N2. The qualitative tendency of the numerically predicted mole fractions of H, O and OH is well described using a simplified formula, based on a partial equilibrium concept. It is seen that the H2O addition to air stream is the most effective for reducing NO emission. In the case of the addition of H2O and N2 the NO emission behaviour is governed by the thermal effect and in the case of CO2 addition it is governed by both the thermal effect and the chemical effect. But the chemical effect, which is mainly attributed by the Fenimore mechanism to the breakdown of CO2, is much more predominant in comparison with the thermal effect. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dilution effect of air stream according to agent type on flame structure and NO emission behaviour is numerically simulated with detailed chemistry in CH4/air counterflow diffusion flame. The volume percentage of diluents (H2O, CO2, and N2) in air stream is systematically changed from 0 to 10. The radiative heat loss term, based on an optically thin model, is included to clearly describe the flame structure and NO emission behaviour especially at low strain rates. The effect of dilution of air stream on the decrease of maximum flame temperature varies as CO2>H2O>N2, even if heat capacity of H2O is the highest. It is also found that the addition of CO2 shows the tendency towards the reduction of flame temperature in both the thermal and chemical sides, while the addition of H2O enhances the reaction chemically and restrains it thermally due to a super‐equilibrium effect of the chain carrier radicals caused by the breakdown of H2O in high‐temperature region. The comparison of the nitrogen chemical reaction pathway between the cases of the addition of CO2 and H2O clearly displays that the addition of CO2 is much more effective to reduce NO emission. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The radiation effect on flame temperature and NO emission of H2-lean (0.2H2 + 0.8CO) and H2-rich (0.8H2 + 0.2CO) syngas/air counterflow diffusion flames was numerically investigated using OPPDIF code incorporated with the optical thin model, statistical narrow band model and adiabatic condition. Firstly, the coupled effect of strain rate and radiation was studied. Disparate tendencies of NO emission with an increasing strain rate between H2-lean and H2-rich syngas flames were found at very small strain rate, and the effect of radiation reabsorption on NO formation can be neglected when the strain rate was greater than 100 s?1 for both H2-lean and H2-rich syngas flames. Because the radiation effect is vital to flames with small strain rate, its impact on flame temperature and NO emission was investigated in detail at a strain rate of 10 s?1. The results indicated that NO formation is more sensitive to radiation reabsorption than flame temperature, especially for the H2-rich syngas flame. The underlying mechanism was discovered by using reaction pathway analysis. Furthermore, the radiation effect under CO2 dilution of the syngas fuel was examined. It was demonstrated that the radiation effect on flame temperature became more prominent with the increase of CO2 concentration for both H2-lean and H2-rich syngas. The radiation effect on NO emission increased first and then decreased with an increasing CO2 content for H2-lean syngas, whereas for H2-rich syngas the radiation effect is monotonic.  相似文献   

Numerical study on flame structure and NO emission behaviour has been conducted to grasp chemical effects of added H2O on either fuel‐ or oxidizer‐side in CH4–O2–N2 counterflow diffusion flames. An artificial species, which has the same thermodynamic, transport, and radiation properties of added H2O, is introduced to feasibly isolate the chemical effects. Special concern is focused on the important role of remarkably produced OH radicals due to chemical effects of added H2O on flame structure and NO emission. The reason why the difference of behaviours between the principal chain branching reaction rate and flame temperature appear is attributed to the drastic change of reaction step (R120) from the production to the consumption of OH. It is also, however, seen that the most important contribution of produced OH due to chemical effects of added H2O is through reaction step (R127). The importantly contributing reaction steps to NO production are also examined. The production rates of thermal NO and prompt NO are suppressed by chemical effects of added H2O. The contribution of the reaction steps related to HNO intermediate species to the production of prompt NO is also stressed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis on flame structure in a counterflow diffusion flame has been conducted for understanding the effects of CO2 addition to fuel, systematically varying initial concentration of CO2 and axial velocity gradient. The effects of CO2 addition to fuel side in a counterflow diffusion flame are globally divided into two categories: diluent effects due to the relative reduction in the concentrations of the reactive species, and direct chemical effects caused by the breakdown of CO2 through the reactions of third‐body collision and thermal dissociation. The deflection of CO2 mole fraction profile with mixture fraction clarifies that the converted CO quantity from CO2 is not negligible at low axial velocity gradients. It is also known that the addition of CO2 does not alter the basic skeleton of the H2–O2 reaction mechanism, but contributes to the formation and destruction of hydrocarbon products such as HCO. At high axial velocity gradients the CO converted reaction is suppressed and then CO2 plays the role of a diluent at these conditions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation of CO2 addition effects to fuel and oxidizer streams on flame structure has been conducted with detailed chemistry in H2–O2 diffusion flames of a counterflow configuration. An artificial species, which displaces added CO2 in the fuel- and oxidizer-sides and has the same thermochemical, transport, and radiation properties to that of added CO2, is introduced to extract pure chemical effects in flame structure. Chemical effects due to thermal dissociation of added CO2 causes the reduction flame temperature in addition to some thermal effects. The reason why flame temperature due to chemical effects is larger in cases of CO2 addition to oxidizer stream is well explained though a defined characteristic strain rate. The produced CO is responsible for the reaction, CO2+H=CO+OH and takes its origin from chemical effects due to thermal dissociation. It is also found that the behavior of produced CO mole fraction is closely related to added CO2 mole fraction, maximum H mole fraction and its position, and maximum flame temperature and its position. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A numerical study with momentum‐balanced boundary conditions has been conducted to grasp the chemical effects of added CO2 to fuel‐ and oxidizer‐sides on flame structure and NO emission behaviour in H2–O2 diffusion flames with varying flame location. A reaction mechanism is proposed to show better agreements with experimental results in CO2‐added hydrogen flames. Oxidizer‐side dilution results in significantly higher flame temperatures and NO emission. Flame location is dramatically changed due to high diffusivity of hydrogen according to variation of the composition of fuel‐ and oxidizer‐sides. This affects flame structure and NO emission considerably especially the chemical effects of added CO2. The present work also displays separately thermal contribution and prompt NO emission due to the chemical effects caused by thermal dissociation of added CO2 in NO emission behaviour. It is found that flame temperature and the flame location affect the contribution of thermal and prompt NO due to chemical effects considerably in NO emission behaviour. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation with detailed chemistry has been carried out to clearly discriminate the thermal and chemical contributions of added diluents (H2O and CO2) to major flame structures and NO emission characteristics in H2/N2 counterflow diffusion flame. The pertinence of GRI, Miller–Bowman, and their recent modified mechanisms are estimated for the combined fuel of H2, CO2, and N2. A virtual species X, which displaces the individual CO2 and H2O in the fuel sides, is introduced to separate chemical effects from thermal effects. In the case of H2O addition the chain branching reaction, H + O2 → O + OH is considerably augmented in comparison with that in the case of CO2 addition. It is also seen that there exists a chemically super‐adiabatic effect in flame temperature due to the breakdown of H2O. The reaction path of CH2O→CH2OH→CH3 and the C1‐branch reactions become predominant due to the breakdown of CO2. In NO emission behaviour super‐equilibrium effects caused by the surplus chain carrier radicals due to the breakdown of added H2O are more superior to the enhanced effects of prompt NO with the breakdown of added CO2. Especially, it is noted that thermal NO emission is directly influenced by the chemical super‐equilibrium effects of chain carrier radicals in the case of H2O addition. As a result the overall NO emission in the case of the addition of H2O is higher than that in the case of CO2 addition. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical analysis is conducted to clarify chemical effects of added steam to either fuel‐ or oxidizer‐side on flame structure and NO emission behaviour with detailed chemistry in hydrogen–oxygen–nitrogen diffusion flames. An artificial species, which has the same thermodynamic, transport, and radiation properties to added H2O, is introduced to feasibly isolate chemical effects of added H2O. It is found that the reaction step (‐R23) is the starting point to induce chemical effects of added steam. Special concern is, thus, focused on the impact of OH radical on flame structure and NO emission behaviour. A strong dependency of the amount of steam addition on OH radical behaviour is clearly displayed, and this modifies flame structure sufficiently to produce higher flame temperature at more than a certain mole fraction of added steam in comparison to that diluted with artificial species. It is also shown that the reaction step (‐R23) is closely related to flame temperature and thereby the location of maximum flame temperature. The behaviour of NO emission index is shown to be greatly influenced by the competition between the reaction steps of (R63) and (R65) in addition to Zeldovich NO. It is, consequently, seen that the intermediate active species, HNO, affects NO emission behaviour remarkably. These results may be helpful to understand the role of recirculated steam in the combustion systems with flue gas recirculation to either fuel‐ or oxidizer‐side. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical study with detailed chemistry has been conducted to investigate the effect of CO2 addition on flame structure and NOx formation in CH4–air counterflow diffusion flame. Radiation effect is found to be dominant especially at low strain rates. The addition of CO2 makes radiation effect more remarkable even at high‐strain rates. It is, as a result, seen that flame structure is determined by the competition between the radiation and strain rate effects. The important role of CO2 addition is addressed to thermal and chemical reaction effects, which can be precisely specified through the introduction of an imaginary species. Thermal effect contributes to the changes in flame structure and NO formation mainly, but the effect of chemical reaction cannot be neglected. It is noted that flame structure is changed considerably due to the addition of CO2, in such a manner, that the path of methane oxidation prefers to take CH4→CH3→C2H6→C2H5 instead of CH4→CH3→CH2→CH. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-blending effects in flame structure and NO emission behaviour are numerically studied with detailed chemistry in methane–air counterflow diffusion flames. The composition of fuel is systematically changed from pure methane to the blending fuel of methane–hydrogen through H2 molar addition up to 30%. Flame structure, which can be described representatively as a fuel consumption layer and a H2–CO consumption layer, is shown to be changed considerably in hydrogen-blending methane flames, compared to pure methane flames. The differences are displayed through maximum flame temperature, the overlap of fuel and oxygen, and the behaviours of the production rates of major species. Hydrogen-blending into hydrocarbon fuel can be a promising technology to reduce both the CO and CO2 emissions supposing that NOx emission should be reduced through some technologies in industrial burners. These drastic changes of flame structure affect NO emission behaviour considerably. The changes of thermal NO and prompt NO are also provided according to hydrogen-blending. Importantly contributing reaction steps to prompt NO are addressed in pure methane and hydrogen-blending methane flames. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical study with momentum‐balanced boundary conditions has been conducted to grasp chemical effects of added CO2, to either fuel‐ or oxidizer‐side on flame structure and NO emission behaviour in CH4–O2–N2 diffusion flames. Cautious investigation is made for the comparison among the behaviours of principal chain branching and important H‐removal key reactions. This describes successfully the reason why flame temperatures for fuel‐side dilution are higher than those for oxidizer‐side dilution. The role of the principal chain branching reaction is also recognized to be important even in the change of major flame structure caused by chemical effects. The importantly contributing reaction steps to NO production are examined. The reduced production rates of thermal NO and prompt NO due to chemical effects are much more remarkable for fuel‐side dilution. It is also found that the reaction step, H+NO+M=HNO+M plays a decisive role of the formation and destruction of prompt NO. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a clean alternative to conventional hydrocarbon fuels, but it is very important to reduce the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions generated by hydrogen combustion. The rich-lean combustion or staged combustion is known to reduce NOx emissions from continuous combustion burners such as gas turbines and boilers, and NOx reduction effects have been demonstrated for hydrocarbon fuels. The authors applied rich-lean combustion to a hydrogen gas turbine and showed its NOx reduction effect in previous research. The present study focused on experimental measurements of NO and NO2 emissions from a coaxial rich-lean burner fueled with hydrogen. The results were compared with diffusion combustion and methane rich-lean combustion. Significant reductions in NO and NO2 were achieved with rich-lean combustion. The NO and NO2 reduction effects by rich-lean combustion relative to conventional diffusion combustion were higher with hydrogen than with methane.  相似文献   

Numerical study is conducted to clarify preferential diffusion effects of H2 and H on flame characteristics in synthetic diffusion flames of the compositions of 80% H2/20% CO and 20% H2/80% CO as representatively H2-enriched and CO-enriched H2/CO flames. Impacts of CO2 addition to the flames are also examined through the variation of added CO2 mole fraction from 0 to 0.5. A comparison was made by employing a mixture-averaged diffusivity and the suppression of the diffusivities of H and H2. It is found that preferential diffusion effects on maximum flame temperature cannot be explained by the well-known behavior between maximum flame temperature and scalar dissipation rate but by chemical processes. The concrete evidence is also presented through the examination of the behavior of maximum H mole fraction and the behavior of importantly-contributing reaction steps to overall heat release rate.  相似文献   

Numerical study is conducted to grasp flame characteristics in H2/CO syngas counterflow diffusion flames diluted with He and Ar. An effective fuel Lewis number, applicable to premixed burning regime and even to moderately stretched diffusion flames, is suggested through the comparison among fuel Lewis number, effective Lewis number, and effective fuel Lewis number. Flame characteristics with and without the suppression of the diffusivities of H, H2, and He are compared in order to clarify the important role of preferential diffusion effects through them. It is found that the scarcity of H and He in reaction zone increases flame temperature whereas that of H2 deteriorates flame temperature. Impact of preferential diffusion of H, H2, and He in flame characteristics is also addressed to reaction pathways for the purpose of displaying chemical effects.  相似文献   

In this paper NO emission from MILD combustion of the mixture biogas-syngas is deeply elucidated, five NO routes were considered, specifically: thermal, prompt, NNH, N2O and reburning. Several operating conditions are studied namely: fuel mixture composition, oxygen concentration in the oxidizer and injection velocity or strain rate. Biogas is modeled by a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide; while, syngas is considered to be composed by hydrogen and carbon monoxide, this gives a fuel mixture of CH4/CO2/H2/CO. Volume of methane and hydrogen are varied alternatively from 0 to 50% in fuel mixture. Oxidizer is composed by O2/N2 mixture where oxygen volume is increased from 4 to 21%. Finally, injection strain rate is varied from apparition to vanishment of combustion. Atmospheric pressure is considered with constant fuel and oxidizer injection temperatures of 300 K and 1200 K respectively. Chemical kinetics of such complicated system is handled by a composed mechanism from the USC C1–C4 and the Gri 2.11 N-sub mechanism. It is found that under MILD regime, temperature intervals and levels are enhanced by hydrogen compared to methane. Furthermore, temperature levels keep relatively low which guarantees MILD regime. Contrariwise, when oxygen increases in oxidizer, temperature grows up rapidly and the MILD regime disappears. However, if strain rate augments, temperature shows a steep increase then reduces monotonically. It is observed that for low methane volume in the fuel mixture, NNH route dominates NO production. Whereas, when CH4 increases, the prompt route is enhanced and exceeds NNH one at a methane volume of 12%. When hydrogen increases, prompt and NNH routes are enhanced with a domination of the prompt route until 44% of hydrogen volume. Oxygen increasing in the oxidizer improves thermal mechanism which surpasses prompt one at 17% of oxygen volume and governs NO production. Globally, the third most important route in NO production is the reburning one which is enhanced by all parameters except strain rate.  相似文献   

The emission and capture characteristics of HCl during PVC and food waste combustion in CO2/O2 atmospheres were studied. Replacement of N2 by CO2 decreased the dechlorination rate of limestone at 600–700 °C but increased dechlorination rate at 800–900 °C. The chlorine species and temperature highly influenced the HCl emission and capture efficiency of limestone for HCl in CO2/O2 atmospheres. Compared with inorganic chloride in food waste, organic chlorine in PVC had much greater Cl–HCl conversion percent (75.0–93.9%), and higher dechlorination rate (20.4–44.9%) with 10% limestone in 80CO2/20O2 atmosphere. The increment of O2 partial pressure in CO2/O2 atmospheres promoted Cl–HCl conversion. Sulphur in the fuel suppressed the formation of HCl but decreased the dechlorination rate at 700–1000 °C in CO2/O2 atmospheres. The dechlorination efficiency of limestone was better than magnesium based additive and could be improved by modification with NaOH. This research helps control HCl and manages MSW oxy-fuel incineration.  相似文献   

Numerical study, aimed at the understanding of the flame structure in O2/CO2 recycling combustion system, has been conducted with detailed chemistry. Special concern is focused on addition effect of carbon dioxide on flame structure in H2–O2 counterflow diffusion flame as a simulating configuration. To clarify chemical and thermal effects on flame structure, the comparison between predicted results with a virtual species X to displace the real carbon dioxide and with added carbon dioxide in oxidizer stream is made according to strain rate and the concentration of added CO2. From the systematical comparison of a dominant radical producing reaction with a chain termination reaction the effects of strain rate and composition control of oxidizer stream on flame structure are estimated. It is found that the behaviours of C1‐ and C2‐branch species are a direct outcome of that of produced CO due to the breakdown of added CO2. There exists a temperature dependency in the behaviour of produced CO and this competes for the behaviour of the produced CO with chemical effects due to the backward reaction of CO+OH=CO2+H. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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