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The development of the tetrapod pectoral and pelvic girdles is intimately linked to the proximal segments of the fore‐ and hindlimbs. Most studies on girdles are osteological and provide little information about soft elements such as muscles and tendons. Moreover, there are few comparative developmental studies. Comparative data gleaned from cleared‐and‐stained whole mounts and serial histological sections of 10 species of hylid frogs are presented here. Adult skeletal morphology, along with bones, muscles, and connective tissue of both girdles and their association with the proximal portions of the anuran fore‐ and hindlimbs are described. The data suggest that any similarity could be attributable to the constraints of their ball‐and‐socket joints, including incorporation of the girdle and stylopodium into a single developmental module. An ancestral state reconstruction of key structures and developmental episodes reveals that several development events occur at similar stages in different species, thereby preventing heterochronic changes. The medial contact of the halves of the pectoral girdle coincides with the emergence of the forelimbs from the branchial chamber and with the total differentiation of the linkage between the axial skeleton and the girdles. The data suggest that morphogenic activity in the anterior dorsal body region is greater than in the posterior one, reflecting the evolutionary sequence of the development of the two girdles in ancient tetrapods. The data also document the profound differences in the anatomy and development of the pectoral and pelvic girdles, supporting the proposal that the pectoral and pelvic girdles are not serially homologous, as was long presumed.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):403-417
Anurans exhibit a particularly wide range of locomotor modes that result in wide variations in their skeletal structure. This article investigates the possible correlation between morphological aspects of the hylid postcranial skeleton and their different locomotor modes and habitat use. To do so, we analyzed 18 morphometric postcranial variables in 19 different anuran species representative of a variety of locomotor modes (jumper, hopper, walker, and swimmer) and habitat uses (arboreal, bush, terrestrial, and aquatic). Our results show that the evolution of the postcranial hylid skeleton cannot be explained by one single model, as for example, the girdles suggest modular evolution while the vertebral column suggests other evolutionary modules. In conjunction with data from several other studies, we were able to show a relationship between hylid morphology and habitat use; offering further evidence that the jumper/swimmer and walker/hopper locomotor modes exhibit quite similar morphological architecture. This allowed us to infer that new locomotor modalities are, in fact, generated along a morphological continuum. J. Morphol. 278:403–417, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of local and landscape environmental variables on anurans density classified as habitat specialists and generalists in grassland landscapes, known as South Brazilian grasslands (SBG). In this region, we surveyed 187 ponds distributed over 40 landscape sampling units. For each pond, 31 local environmental variables were measured. Each landscape sampling unit was embedded within a larger regional sampling unit with different landscape properties. For each landscape and regional sampling units, 16 landscape metrics were extracted from a land cover and use map. We recorded 35 species, eleven of which are specialists in the SBG. The specialists were affected by 11 local and 2 landscape environmental variables, while generalists were affected by 14 local and one landscape environmental variable. Thus, specialists and generalists presented different relationships with local and landscape variables, but in general local variables had a greater influence on the density of anurans than the landscape variables. However, the landscape indirectly influenced local variables because higher quality ponds were in landscapes with higher percentages of natural habitat. In conclusion, reproductive sites with higher local quality and located within landscapes with higher percentages of natural grasslands are essential to conserve anurans in this habitat. Effective conservation of such sites would benefit from further studies that assess effects of land use and biotic integrity of ponds, which can help to determine (a) the relative effects of local habitat quality of ponds and (b) the effectiveness of protecting ponds and their local surroundings for anuran conservation in SBG. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the evolution of frog locomotion follows from the work of Emerson in which anurans are proposed to possess one of three different iliosacral configurations: 1) a lateral‐bending system found in walking and hopping frogs; 2) a fore‐aft sliding mechanism found in several locomotor modes; and 3) a sagittal‐hinge‐type pelvis posited to be related to long‐distance jumping performance. The most basal living (Ascaphus) and fossil (Prosalirus) frogs are described as sagittal‐hinge pelvic types, and it has been proposed that long‐distance jumping with a sagittal‐hinge pelvis arose early in frog evolution. We revisited osteological traits of the pelvic region to conduct a phylogenetic analysis of the relationships between pelvic systems and locomotor modes in frogs. Using two of Emerson's diagnostic traits from the sacrum and ilium and two new traits from the urostyle, we resampled the taxa originally studied by Emerson and key paleotaxa and conducted an analysis of ancestral‐character state evolution in relation to locomotor mode. We present a new pattern for the evolution of pelvic systems and locomotor modes in frogs. Character analysis shows that the lateral‐bender, walker/hopper condition is both basal and generally conserved across the Anura. Long‐distance jumping frogs do not appear until well within the Neobatrachia. The sagittal‐hinge morphology is correlated with long‐distance jumping in terrestrial frogs; however, it evolved convergently multiple times in crown group anurans with the same four pelvic traits described herein. Arboreal jumping has appeared in multiple crown lineages as well, but with divergent patterns of evolution involving each of the three pelvic types. The fore‐aft slider morph appears independently in three different locomotor modes and, thus, is a more complex system than previously thought. Finally, it appears that the advent of a bicondylar sacro‐urostylic articulation was originally related to providing axial rigidity to lateral‐bending behaviors rather than sagittal bending. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The axial and appendicular skeleton, the associated musculature and tendons form a functional system related to specific modes of locomotion in anurans. Many transformations in the structures linked with the locomotor function of the adult occur during larval stages and metamorphosis. In this study, we present the larval ontogeny and adult morphology of the axial and appendicular skeletons of 14 species of frogs in the family Hylidae with different locomotor modes and habitat uses. Among Hylidae, a diversity of shapes, locomotory types occurs (e.g., walker, swimmer, jumper, hopper) and different habitat types occupied (shrubby, terrestrial, aquatic, arboreal). Many elements complete differentiation at the end of metamorphosis; others, such as sesamoids, still show an incomplete development at that stage. Sixty seven characters were scored and optimized in an available phylogeny. Nine characters of developmental timing and adult osteology are optimized as synapomorphies of specific groups. Some characters appear to be related to the locomotor type (e.g., the sacro‐urostyle region configuration is highly linked with the jumping mode; nonexpanded diapophyses would related to aquatic habitat use). Nevertheless, the functional interpretations are quite particular to this family. Monophyletic clades are also groups with shared locomotory modes or habitat uses. Hence, the hypothesis of common ancestry or adaptation can be evaluated, taking into account the analysis level of the phylogenetic context, so that, when a character is inherited via common ancestry, it necessarily means that functional constraints could also be inherited. Here, we outline the basis for further work on: postmetamorphic development as a fundamental period for the complete differentiation of structures related to a full locomotor functionality; the biomechanical performance in relationship to the variation in ligaments and sesamoids; the importance of analyzing these topics within the frame of heterochrony. J. Morphol. 277:786–813, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

I developed 12 di‐ and tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Couch's spadefoot toad (Scaphiopus couchii). These loci have 3–37 alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.157 to 0.941 among 85 individuals from four populations. Global and within‐population exact tests do not reveal departure from Hardy–Weinberg expectations and all loci pairs are in linkage equilibrium. These independent markers will be useful for studies of population structure and kinship in this commonly studied amphibian. Additionally, several of these loci may be applicable for studies of other North American toads of the family Scaphiopodidae.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine kinases (PTK) and the protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are enzymes which play an integral role in tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent signaling cascades. By catalyzing the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of cellular proteins, these enzymes direct the steady-state levels of specific phosphoproteins and ultimately dictate the functional state of all cells. The importance of this type of signaling in the skeleton is accepted but poorly understood. The contribution of the PTKs to signaling events in bone has been well studied but, in contrast, the regulation by PTPs is poorly defined. The recent identification of 107 genes within the human genome which encode members of the PTP superfamily emphasizes the need to consider the importance of these proteins in skeletal tissue. In this prospective, we will summarize the present state of our knowledge regarding the function of this enzyme superfamily, illustrating its relevance to the development and maintenance of the skeleton and highlighting future directions that should improve our understanding of these critical signaling molecules.  相似文献   

本文对陶寺文化中晚期部分墓葬和灰坑中出土的人骨的牙齿病理和头骨创伤进行了观察。病理观察项目包括龋齿、牙周病、牙齿釉质发育不全三个指标, 还对稳定同位素15N数据进行了再分析。研究结果指出, 牙齿的龋齿率处于较低水平, 其原因可能有两个方面, 一是调查人群的平均年龄相当低; 二是与陶寺人群的饮食中有一定比例的肉食量有关。这一认识得到陶寺早期人群牙齿磨耗速率的研究和对稳定同位素δ15N数据的再分析的支持。另外, 牙周病的调查结果显示墓葬和灰坑人骨半数以上个体都有牙周病。牙齿釉质发育不全的调查显示, 约三分之一的陶寺人群在其儿童生长发育过程中受到机体代谢压力的影响, 如常患感染性疾病、发烧或营养失调等。灰坑再现的乱骨现象以及头骨片上多见的创缘和裂缝反映出人群之间的暴力色彩, 折射出陶寺社会矛盾的激化和动荡。  相似文献   

Development of the intercalary meristem in the terete laminarialean species Chorda filum (L.) Stackhouse was studied in culture using light and transmission electron microscopy as well as by tracing elongation and cell divisions in various parts of the sporophyte. Growth of C. filum sporophytes could be classified into three developmental stages: (i) diffuse growth; (ii) basal meristematic growth; and (iii) intercalary meristematic growth. In the diffuse growth stage, elongation and cell division frequency were almost the same in each cell. In the basal meristematic growth stage, elongation and division of cells became localized in the tissues derived from the meristematic initial cell. Cells of the basal meristematic region contained smaller chloroplasts and many small opaque vesicles. In the intercalary meristematic growth stage, there was further elongation and differentiation of cells originating from the meristematic region, and this became more active in adjacent regions below the meristem than in regions above the meristem, causing the relative position of the intercalary meristem to shift towards the tip of the sporophyte. Meristematic cells of C. filum contained well-developed Golgi vesicles around the nucleus (perinuclear Golgi), many secretion vesicles and many small disk-shaped chloroplasts whose thylakoids were not well developed. Sporophytes of three other terete members of Laminariales, Chorda tomentosa Lyngbye, Pseudochorda nagaii (Tokida) Kawai et Kurogi, and Pseudochorda gracilis Kawai et Nabata, show diffuse growth and basal meristematic growth, but no intercalary meristematic growth. This suggests that the common ancestor of the Pseudochordaceae and Chordaceae had basal meristematic growth, and intercalary meristematic growth evolved more recently in C. filum.  相似文献   

Glyptosaurinae, a fossil clade of anguid lizards, possess robust osteoderms, with granular ornamentation. In this study, the structural and histological features of these osteoderms were described in order to reconstruct their developmental pattern and further document the degree of homology that could exist between vertebrate integumentary skeletons. Glyptosaurine osteoderms have a diploe architecture and display an unusually complex structure that includes four tissue types: a core of woven‐fibered bone intensely remodeled; a peripheral formation of the same tissue containing dense bundles of long Sharpey fibers; a thick basal layer of lamellar bone; and a superficial layer of a non‐osseous material that belongs to the category of hypermineralized tissues such as ganoine, or enameloid and enamel tissues. The growth pattern of glyptosaurine osteoderms involved appositional processes due to osteoblast activity. In early growth stages, osseous metaplasia might have also been involved, but this possibility is not substantiated by histological observations. The superficial layer of the osteoderms must have resulted from epidermal contribution, a conclusion that would support previous hypotheses on the role of epidermal‐dermal interactions in the formation of squamate osteoderms. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract: Accurate hypotheses of primary homology are fundamental to many aspects of the systematics and palaeobiology of fossils. They are particularly critical for conodonts: virtually all areas of conodont research are underpinned by homology, yet the majority of conodont taxa are found only as disarticulated skeletal elements, and hypotheses of element homology are inferred from morphological comparisons with complete skeletons. This can cause problems in taxa where more than one location within the conodont skeleton is occupied by elements with similar morphology. In such cases, morphological comparisons can yield equivocal or erroneous hypotheses of homology of isolated elements. The Eramosa Lagerstätte of Ontario (Silurian, Wenlock) preserves both isolated skeletal elements and articulated conodont skeletons. The latter provide a topological context within which to test hypotheses of element homology and allow blind testing of qualitative discrimination of elements. When applied to P1 and P2 elements of Wurmiella excavata, this revealed inaccuracy and inconsistency in distinguishing these P element types. Standardised morphometric protocols were used to further test the efficacy of those characters used in traditional qualitative identification of P element homology, revealing that, individually, none of these characters provides an effective discriminator between P element types. Principal components and discriminant function analyses of ten ‘traditional’ morphological variables combined can distinguish P1 from P2 elements with a similar success rate to expert identification. Eigenshape and elliptic Fourier analyses of element outlines proved less effective at capturing shape differences that allowed for discrimination between P1 and P2 elements. Analysis of both traditional and outline data demonstrates that in some individuals P1 and P2 elements are morphologically distinct from one another, while in others they are almost indistinguishable. These results demonstrate that although qualitative assessments of homology can be prone to error, especially when undertaken by inexperienced researchers, the morphometric and analytical protocols used here provide effective additional tool for discriminating morphologically similar but non‐homologous elements. These methods thus hold promise of broad application to other conodont taxa where identification of element homology in collections of isolated specimens is problematic.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The individual effects of boric acid (BA) and hyperthermia on the development of the axial skeleton have been reported previously. Both cause an increased incidence of axial skeletal defects including a decrease in the total number of ribs and vertebrae. Because of the similarity in the effects of the two agents, we examined their interaction when given in combination to pregnant rats on gestational day (GD) 10. METHODS: Dams were treated on GD 10 with BA (0, 250, or 500 mg/kg) and hyperthermia (37, 41, or 42 degrees C) and allowed to deliver their pups. Doses of BA were based on results from a dose-finding study. Litters were evaluated on postnatal days (PND) 1 and 3 for number, gender, and weight of pups. On PND3, pups were examined externally and viscerally, and double-stained for skeletal evaluation. RESULTS: A dose-dependent, statistically significant increase in fetal skeletal defects was seen on PND 3 with BA or hyperthermia alone with even greater effects when given in combination. Defects included rib and vertebral fusions, split vertebral centra in the thoracic and lumbar areas, and a decrease in the total number of ribs and vertebrae. CONCLUSIONS: The increased incidence of skeletal defects resulting from combined exposure to hyperthermia and BA was additive for segmentation defects and synergistic for the reduction in numbers of vertebrae.  相似文献   

Biochemical investigation of Ca2+ release channel proteins has been carried out mainly with rabbit skeletal muscles, while frog skeletal muscles have been preferentially used for physiological investigation of Ca2+ release. In this review, we compared the properties of ryanodine receptors (RyR), Ca2+ release channel protein, in skeletal muscles between rabbit and frog. While the Ryr1 isoform is the main RyR of rabbit skeletal muscles, two isoforms, - and -RyR which are homologous to Ryr1 and Ryr3 isoforms in mammals, respectively, coexist as a homotetramer in a similar amount in frog skeletal muscles. The two isoforms in an isotonic medium show very similar property in [3H]ryanodine binding activity which is parallel to Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) activity, and make independent contributions to the activities of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. CICR and [3H]ryanodine binding activities of rabbit and frog are qualitatively similar in stimulation by Ca2+, adenine nucleotide and caffeine, however, they showed the following quantitative differences. First, rabbit RyR showed higher Ca2+ affinity than the frog. Second, rabbit RyR showed higher activity in the presence of Ca2+ alone with less stimulation by adenine nucleotide than the frog. Third, rabbit RyR displayed less enhancement of [3H]ryanodine binding by caffeine in spite of having a similar magnitude of Ca2+ sensitization than the frog, which may explain the occasional difficulty by researchers to demonstrate caffeine contracture with mammalian skeletal muscles. Finally, but not least, rabbit RyR still showed marked inhibition of [3H]ryanodine binding in the presence of high Ca2+ concentrations in the 1 M NaCl medium, while frog RyR showed disinhibition. Other matters relevant to Ca2+ release were also discussed.  相似文献   

It has long been observed that tall people display longer life spans. The current data were employed to verify this association within the bioarchaeological context. To this end, stature and its association with age-at-death were analyzed in a pooled sample of 2,923 skeletons. Height was estimated from proxy indicators based on the maximum length of the humerus, radius, femur, and tibia. Stature estimation followed the procedure outlined by Pearson ([1899] Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. [A] 192:169-244), incorporating minor modifications by R?sing ([ 1988] Handbuch der vergleichenden Biologie des Menschen; Stuttgart: Gustave Fischer, p 586-600). Individual age estimates were classified into three mutually exclusive age groups: 20-39 years (591 males, 667 females), 40-59 years (876 males, 499 females), and 60+ years (171 males, 119 females). The results document that both sexes display a statistically significant inverse relationship between adult height and age-at-death (males, P < 0.01; females, P < 0.05). Taking an epidemiological approach, the risk model implies that the estimated odds of survival beyond age 40 improve by approximately 16% for 1 SD in bone length. However, not all bones may be equally adept at displaying the association. The radius failed to support the positive association between stature and longevity, which may be indicative of a relatively greater contribution of environmental factor to radius length. Overall, the relationship between body height and longevity is not causal but coincidental: mitigated by diverse environmental factors such as nutrition, socioeconomic stressors, and disease load.  相似文献   

A hip replacement with a cemented or cementless femoral stem produces an effect on the bone called adaptive remodelling, attributable to mechanical and biological factors. The objective of all of cementless prostheses designs has been to achieve a perfect transfer of loads in order to avoid stress-shielding, which produces an osteopenia. In order to quantify this, the long term and mass-produced study with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) is necessary. Finite element (FE) simulation makes possible the explanation of the biomechanical changes which are produced in the femur after stem implantation. The good correlation obtained between the results of the FE simulation and the densitometric study allow, on one hand, to explain from the point of view of biomechanical performance the changes observed in bone density in the long-term, where it is clear that these are due to a different transfer of load in the implanted model compared to the healthy femur; on the other hand, it validates the simulation model, in a way that it can be used in different conditions and at different time periods, to carry out a sufficiently precise prediction of the evolution of the bone density from the biomechanical behaviour in the interaction between the prosthesis and femur.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the methods of skeletal age estimation have rekindled interest in their applicability to paleodemography. The current study contributes to the discussion by applying several long established as well as recently developed or refined aging methods to a subsample of 121 adult skeletons from the early medieval cemetery of Lauchheim. The skeletal remains were analyzed by 13 independent observers using a variety of aging techniques (complex method and other multimethod approaches, Transition Analysis, cranial suture closure, auricular surface method, osteon density method, tooth root translucency measurement, and tooth cementum annulation counting). The age ranges and mean age estimations were compared and results indicate that all methods showed smaller age ranges for the younger individuals, but broader age ranges for the older age groups.  相似文献   

New methods were established for the rapid and simultaneous isolation of multiple sarcolemmal and sarcoplasmic reticular fractions from very small amounts (0.25-2.0 g) of skeletal muscle. Thebeta(2)-adrenergic receptor and calcium transport systems were used as indices of purity and functional integrity as well as being the focal points of the study. These methods were found to be suitable for the special needs of small tissue samples, allowed rapid preparation and were appropriate for skeletal muscle from various species, frogs to mammals. The sarcolemmalbeta(2)-adrenergic receptor was expressed in frogs and mammals at similar levels of expression (336-454 fmol. x mg(-1)). The calcium pump was also present in sarcolemmal and sarcoplasmic reticular fractions in all species but notable species differences were found. In sarcolemmal fractions, while calcium binding was uniformly low (<1 nmol. x mg(-1)), oxalate stimulation was variable: low in frogs ( approximately 1.05-fold) high in mammals (120-450-fold). In sarcoplasmic reticular fractions, calcium binding was low in frogs (4-9 nmol. x mg(-1)) and much higher in mammals (322-383 nmol. x mg(-1)); oxalate stimulated calcium transport to a much greater extent in frogs (<70-fold) than in mammals (1.6-2-fold). It is concluded that thebeta(2)-adrenergic receptor appears to be strongly conserved in skeletal muscle while the use of calcium pumps evolves from reliance in Amphibia on the sarcoplasmic reticular calcium pump to the use in Mammalia of calcium pumps from both the sarcoplasmic reticulum and the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Animal signals are inherently complex phenotypes with many interacting parts combining to elicit responses from receivers. The pattern of interrelationships between signal components reflects the extent to which each component is expressed, and responds to selection, either in concert with or independently of others. Furthermore, many species have complex repertoires consisting of multiple signal types used in different contexts, and common morphological and physiological constraints may result in interrelationships extending across the multiple signals in species’ repertoires. The evolutionary significance of interrelationships between signal traits can be explored within the framework of phenotypic integration, which offers a suite of quantitative techniques to characterize complex phenotypes. In particular, these techniques allow for the assessment of modularity and integration, which describe, respectively, the extent to which sets of traits covary either independently or jointly. Although signal and repertoire complexity are thought to be major drivers of diversification and social evolution, few studies have explicitly measured the phenotypic integration of signals to investigate the evolution of diverse communication systems. We applied methods from phenotypic integration studies to quantify integration in the two primary vocalization types (advertisement and aggressive calls) in the treefrogs Hyla versicolor, Hyla cinerea, and Dendropsophus ebraccatus. We recorded male calls and calculated standardized phenotypic variance–covariance ( P ) matrices for characteristics within and across call types. We found significant integration across call types, but the strength of integration varied by species and corresponded with the acoustic similarity of the call types within each species. H. versicolor had the most modular advertisement and aggressive calls and the least acoustically similar call types. Additionally, P was robust to changing social competition levels in H. versicolor. Our findings suggest new directions in animal communication research in which the complex relationships among the traits of multiple signals are a key consideration for understanding signal evolution.  相似文献   

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